SSIS Move Data Between Databases - Maintain Referential Integrity - sql-server

I need to move data between two databases and wanted to see if SSIS would be a good tool. I've pieced together the following solution, but it is much more complex than I was hoping it would be - any insight on a better approach to tackling this problem would be greatly appreciated!
So what makes my situation unique; we have a large volume of data, so to keep the system performant we have split our customers into multiple database servers. These servers have databases with the same schema, but are each populated with unique data. Occasionally we have the need to move a customer's data from one server to another. Because of this, simple recreating the tables and moving the data in place won't work as in the database on server A there could be 20 records, but there could be 30 records in the same table for the database on server B. So when moving record 20 from A to B, it will need to be assigned ID 31. Getting past this wasn't difficult, but the trouble comes when needing to move the tables which have a foreign key reference to what is now record 31....
An example:
Here's a sample schema for a simple example:
There is a table to track manufacturers, and a table to track products which each reference a manufacturer.
Example of data in the source database:
To handle moving this data while maintaining relational integrity, I've taken the approach of gathering the manufacturer records, looping through them, and for each manufacturer moving the associated products. Here's a high level look at the Control Flow in SSDT:
The first Data Flow grabs the records from the source database and pulls them into a Recordset Destination:
The OLE DB Source pulls from the source databases manufacturer table while pulling all columns, and places it into a record set:
Back in the control flow, I then loop through the records in the Manufacturer recordset:
For each record in the manufacturer recordset I then execute a SQL task which determines what the next available auto-incrementing ID will be in the destination database, inserts the record, and then returns the results of a SELECT MAX(ManufacturerID) in the Execute SQL Task result set so that the newly created Manufacturer ID can be used when inserting the related products into the destination database:
The above works, however once you get more than a few layers deep of tables that reference one another, this is no longer very tenable. Is there a better way to do this?

You could always try this:
Populate you manufacturers table.
Get your products data (ensure you have a reference such as name etc. to manufacturer)
Use a lookup to get the ID where your name or whatever you choose matches.
Insert into database.
This will keep your FK constraints and not require you to do all that max key selection.


CDC ODI - Why odi need two views JV$ and JV$D

During cdc process odi is creating two views JV$ AND JV$D even both have same structure why odi need two views if both are doing the same work.
In the next paragraphs you will see the diferences (extract from link).
The JV$ view is the view that is used in the mappings where you select the option Journalized data only. Records from the J$ table are filtered so that only the following records are returned:
Only Locked records :JRN_CONSUMED=’1’;
If the same PK appears multiple times, only the last entry for that PK (based on the JRN_DATE) is taken into account. Again the logic here is that we want to replicate values as they are currently in the source database. We are not interested in the history of intermediate values that could have existed.
An additional filter is added in the mappings at design time so that only the records for the selected subscriber are consumed from the J$ table, as we saw in figure 5.
Similarly to the JV$ view, the JV$D view joins the J$ table with the source table on the primary key. This view shows all changed records, locked or not, but applies the same filter on the JRN_DATE column so that only the last entry is taken into account when the same record has been modified multiple times since the last consumption cycle. It lists the changes for all subscribers.

More Than one Column under same column Heading like Colspan

is it possible to get this output from select Query
I tried the below query
select monthly + savings as monthly savings from table
but the resultant data is under one column
is there any solution to get more than one column under same heading
There is no way to retrieve the information from SQL Server with merged headers, at least not with the most widely used clients.
SQL Server is a relational database and it's fundation is based on sets of data arranged in tables with columns, rows and relationships between them. Suppresing a header would mean breaking the column-value link. If you want to manipulate them, you will have to do so after retrieving the data from the database, maybe on your display layer or in a helper process between the database and your presentation, as Tim suggested.

Creating Access Database Copies with different uniqueID

I have multiple access databases with approximately 30 tables each. Each database corresponds to an airplane and its allied tables. Most of the data in these tables is same. Hence, I would just like to change the UniqueID of the first (perfect/tested) database in order to have the same structure for rest of the databases (along with Data) and have multiple databases ready.
I tried the following:
1. Importing data: This creates copies of the data-tables in the new database and then they have to be renamed plus the uniqueID problem persists.
Broke all relationships of the main table, changed the Primary Key and again proceeded to add relationships. This is somehow not a good solution as it complicates the work.
Copied data by modifying tables in Excel and then pasting data in Access. In this I kept a lookout for the IDs in each table and modified accordingly. This is also a tedious process.
I am looking for a good solution and suggestions. Thanks in advance!

How can simplify my database?

I am working on a project in which I have generated a unique id of a customer with the customer's Last name's first letter. And stored it in a database in different tables as if customer's name starting with a then the whole information of the customer will stored in Registration_A table. As such I have created tables of Registration up to Z. But retrieving if data with such structure is quiet difficult. can you suggest me another method to save data so that retrieving become more flexible?
Put all of your registration data into one table. There's absolutely no need for you to break it into alphabetical pieces like that unless you have some serious performance issues.
When querying for registration data, use SQL's WHERE clause to narrow down your results.
You have to merge this to one table ´Registration´, then let the database care about unique ids. This depends on your database, but searching for PRIMARY KEY or AUTO INCREMENT should give you lots of results.
If you have done the the splitting because of performance reasons, you can add a Index on the users last name.

Maintaining audit log for entities split across multiple tables

We have an entity split across 5 different tables. Records in 3 of those tables are mandatory. Records in the other two tables are optional (based on sub-type of entity).
One of the tables is designated the entity master. Records in the other four tables are keyed by the unique id from master.
After update/delete trigger is present on each table and a change of a record saves off history (from deleted table inside trigger) into a related history table. Each history table contains related entity fields + a timestamp.
So, live records are always in the live tables and history/changes are in history tables. Historical records can be ordered based on the timestamp column. Obviously, timestamp columns are not related across history tables.
Now, for the more difficult part.
Records are initially inserted in a single transaction. Either 3 or 5 records will be written in a single transaction.
Individual updates can happen to any or all of the 5 tables.
All records are updated as part of a single transaction. Again, either 3 or 5 records will be updated in a single transaction.
Number 2 can be repeated multiple times.
Number 3 can be repeated multiple times.
The application is supposed to display a list of point in time history entries based on records written as single transactions only (points 1,3 and 5 only)
I'm currently having problems with an algorithm that will retrieve historical records based on timestamp data alone.
Adding a HISTORYMASTER table to hold the extra information about transactions seems to partially address the problem. A new record is added into HISTORYMASTER before every transaction. New HISTORYMASTER.ID is saved into each entity table during a transaction.
Point in time history can be retrieved by selecting the first record for a particular HISTORYMASTER.ID (ordered by timestamp)
Is there any more optimal way to manage audit tables based on AFTER (UPDATE, DELETE) TRIGGERs for entities spanning multiple tables?
Your HistoryMaster seems similar to how we have addressed history of multiple related items in one of our systems. By having a single point to hang all the related changes from in the history table, it is easy to then create a view that uses the history master as the hub and attached the related information. It also allows you to not create records in the history where an audit is not desired.
In our case the primary tables were called EntityAudit (where entity was the "primary" item being retained) and all data was stored EntityHistory tables related back to the Audit. In our case we were using a data layer for business rules, so it was easy to insert the audit rules into the data layer itself. I feel that the data layer is an optimal point for such tracking if and only if all modifications use that data layer. If you have multiple applications using distinct data layers (or none at all) then I suspect that a trigger than creates the master record is pretty much the only way to go.
If you don't have additional information to track in the Audit (we track the user who made the change, for example, something not on the main tables) then I would contemplate putting the extra Audit ID on the "primary" record itself. Your description does not seem to indicate you are interested in the minor changes to individual tables, but only changes that update the entire entity set (although I may be miss reading that). I would only do so if you don't care about the minor edits though. In our case, we needed to track all changes, even to the related records.
Note that the use of an Audit/Master table has an advantage in that you are making minimal changes to the History tables as compared to the source tables: a single AuditID (in our case, a Guid, although autonumbers would be fine in non distributed databases).
Can you add a TimeStamp / RowVersion datatype column to the entity master table, and associate all the audit records with that?
But an Update to any of the "child" tables will need to update the Master entity table to force the TimeStamp / RowVersion to change :(
Or stick a GUID in there that you freshen whenever one of the associated records changes.
Thinking that through, out loud, it may be better to have a table joined 1:1 to Master Entity that only contains the Master Entity ID and the "version number" fo the record - either TimeSTamp / RowVersion, GUID, incremented number, or something else.
I think it's a symptom of trying to capture "abstract" audit events at the lowest level of your application stack - the database.
If it's possible consider trapping the audit events in your business layer. This would allow you to capture the history per logical transaction rather than on a row-by-row basis. The date/time is unreliable for resolving things like this as it can be different for different rows, and the same for concurrent (or closely spaced) transactions.
I understand that you've asked how to do this in DB triggers though. I don't know about SQL Server, but in Oracle you can overcome this by using the DBMS_TRANSACTION.LOCAL_TRANSACTION_ID system package to return the ID for the current transaction. If you can retrieve an equivalent SQLServer value, then you can use this to tie the record updates for the current transaction together into a logical package.
