Creating Access Database Copies with different uniqueID - database

I have multiple access databases with approximately 30 tables each. Each database corresponds to an airplane and its allied tables. Most of the data in these tables is same. Hence, I would just like to change the UniqueID of the first (perfect/tested) database in order to have the same structure for rest of the databases (along with Data) and have multiple databases ready.
I tried the following:
1. Importing data: This creates copies of the data-tables in the new database and then they have to be renamed plus the uniqueID problem persists.
Broke all relationships of the main table, changed the Primary Key and again proceeded to add relationships. This is somehow not a good solution as it complicates the work.
Copied data by modifying tables in Excel and then pasting data in Access. In this I kept a lookout for the IDs in each table and modified accordingly. This is also a tedious process.
I am looking for a good solution and suggestions. Thanks in advance!


SSIS Move Data Between Databases - Maintain Referential Integrity

I need to move data between two databases and wanted to see if SSIS would be a good tool. I've pieced together the following solution, but it is much more complex than I was hoping it would be - any insight on a better approach to tackling this problem would be greatly appreciated!
So what makes my situation unique; we have a large volume of data, so to keep the system performant we have split our customers into multiple database servers. These servers have databases with the same schema, but are each populated with unique data. Occasionally we have the need to move a customer's data from one server to another. Because of this, simple recreating the tables and moving the data in place won't work as in the database on server A there could be 20 records, but there could be 30 records in the same table for the database on server B. So when moving record 20 from A to B, it will need to be assigned ID 31. Getting past this wasn't difficult, but the trouble comes when needing to move the tables which have a foreign key reference to what is now record 31....
An example:
Here's a sample schema for a simple example:
There is a table to track manufacturers, and a table to track products which each reference a manufacturer.
Example of data in the source database:
To handle moving this data while maintaining relational integrity, I've taken the approach of gathering the manufacturer records, looping through them, and for each manufacturer moving the associated products. Here's a high level look at the Control Flow in SSDT:
The first Data Flow grabs the records from the source database and pulls them into a Recordset Destination:
The OLE DB Source pulls from the source databases manufacturer table while pulling all columns, and places it into a record set:
Back in the control flow, I then loop through the records in the Manufacturer recordset:
For each record in the manufacturer recordset I then execute a SQL task which determines what the next available auto-incrementing ID will be in the destination database, inserts the record, and then returns the results of a SELECT MAX(ManufacturerID) in the Execute SQL Task result set so that the newly created Manufacturer ID can be used when inserting the related products into the destination database:
The above works, however once you get more than a few layers deep of tables that reference one another, this is no longer very tenable. Is there a better way to do this?
You could always try this:
Populate you manufacturers table.
Get your products data (ensure you have a reference such as name etc. to manufacturer)
Use a lookup to get the ID where your name or whatever you choose matches.
Insert into database.
This will keep your FK constraints and not require you to do all that max key selection.

Linking table in same SQL Server database to find or match data easier

I will be having multiple tables depends on how many type of data I will be receive after reading a file.
So far I have done creating and insert all the data accordingly into multiple tables where they should belong to.
How to link those table together in a same database so that I can find the repeated data in different tables.
I need to match all the multiple tables together so that I can find or match all the data together to see how many times they have appear in different tables and allocate where are them. Is there anyway to do so? My previews coding is done in Python Pyodbc module, about this linking table, it can be done in a SQL Server query right?
When I want to know how many times the 4 has appear in the column No_Person_in_the_room in both tables or more tables, it will shows the number of 4 has appear how many times in all the tables
And also
1) Honestly there should be just one table (PersonRoleRelationship) which will hold all relationships between different Person roles (because same person can have different roles in different relationships). This structure would make it very simple to query the Parent - Child relationship to query. A sample database structure will look like this:
2) If the database redesign is not possible, then you can add a new column having calculated hash values for the columns you need which can then be used to compare among different tables.

Rails 3: Adding data from one database to another identical one with different data avoiding id conflicts

Suppose I've got two databases with the same schema, but with different data. What if I want to export one database data into the other? This could be done without much inconvenience if there were no id conflicts. However, not only there will be id conflicts between members of the same model (like there's a user with id 1 in the first database and a completely different user with the same id in the second database), but also trouble arises when you've got foreign key columns referring to ids which will have to change to avoid conflict.
I was wondering if there was any quick and clean way to do this. Thanks

database design - best practice- one table for web form drop down options or separate table for each drop down options

I'm looking at the best practice approach here. I have a web page that has several drop down options. The drop downs are not related, they are for misc. values (location, building codes, etc). The database right now has a table for each set of options (e.g. table for building codes, table for locations, etc). I'm wondering if I could just combine them all into on table (called listOptions) and then just query that one table.
Location Table
LocationID (int)
LocatValue (nvarchar(25))
LocatDescription (nvarchar(25))
BuildingCode Table
BCID (int)
BCValue (nvarchar(25))
BCDescription (nvarchar(25))
Instead of the above, is there any reason why I can't do this?
ListOptions Table
ID (int)
listValue (nvarchar(25))
listDescription (nvarchar(25))
groupID (int) //where groupid corresponds to Location, Building Code, etc
Now, when I query the table, I can pass to the query the groupID to pull back the other values I need.
Putting in one table is an antipattern. These are differnt lookups and you cannot enforce referential integrity in the datbase (which is the ciorrect place to enforce it as applications are often not the only way data gets changed) unless they are in separate tables. Data integrity is FAR more important than saving a few minutes of development time if you need an additonal lookup.
If you plan to use the values later in some referencing FKeys - better use separate tables.
But why do you need "all in one" table? Which problem it solves?
You could do this.
I believe that is your master data and it would not be having any huge amounts of rows that it might create and performance problems.
Secondly, why would you want to do it once your app is up and running. It should have thought about earlier. The tables might be used in a lot of places and it's might be a lot of coding and most importantly testing.
Can you throw further light into your requirements.
You can keep them in separate tables and have your stored procedure return one set of data with a "datatype" key that signifies which set of values go with what option.
However, I would urge you to consider a much different approach. This suggestion is based on years of building data driven websites. If these drop-down options don't change very often then why not build server-side include files instead of querying the database. We did this with most of our websites. Think about it, each time the page is presented you query the database for the same list of values... that data hardly ever changes.
In cases when that data did have the tendency to change, we simply added a routine to the back end admin that rebuilt the server-side include file whenever an add, change or delete was done to one of the lookup values. This reduced database I/O's and spead up the load time of all our websites.
We had approximately 600 websites on the same server all using the same instance of SQL Server (separate databases) our total server database I/O's were drastically reduced.
We simply built SSI that looked like this...
<option value="1'>Blue</option>
<option value="2'>Red</option>
<option value="3'>Green</option>
With single table it would be easy to add new groups in favour of creating new tables, but for best practices concerns you should also have a group table so you can name those groups in the db for future maintenance
The best practice depends on your requirements.
Do the values of location and building vary frequently? Where do the values come from? Are they imported from external data? Do other tables refer the unique table (so that I need a two-field key to preper join the tables)?
For example, I use unique table with hetorogeneus data for constants or configuration values.
But if the data vary often or are imported from external source, I prefer use separate tables.

How can simplify my database?

I am working on a project in which I have generated a unique id of a customer with the customer's Last name's first letter. And stored it in a database in different tables as if customer's name starting with a then the whole information of the customer will stored in Registration_A table. As such I have created tables of Registration up to Z. But retrieving if data with such structure is quiet difficult. can you suggest me another method to save data so that retrieving become more flexible?
Put all of your registration data into one table. There's absolutely no need for you to break it into alphabetical pieces like that unless you have some serious performance issues.
When querying for registration data, use SQL's WHERE clause to narrow down your results.
You have to merge this to one table ´Registration´, then let the database care about unique ids. This depends on your database, but searching for PRIMARY KEY or AUTO INCREMENT should give you lots of results.
If you have done the the splitting because of performance reasons, you can add a Index on the users last name.
