Google App Engine Firewall - block all access except from GCP (including cloud functions)? - google-app-engine

Google has recently added Firewall (beta) support for Google App Engine.
Is there a way to deny all external access but allow all internal GCP access, including GCP cloud functions running in the same project?
Whereas the Firewall allows you to allow or deny specific IP ranges, there doesn't seem to be a way to ascertain which IP ranges a function might be running from. And using the typical internal IP range and mask, e.g. does not seem to allow access from GCP cloud functions.

The default rule is Allow from *. You can edit that rule and change it to Deny from * to close down all external access via the firewall.
Next, you're going to have to look up all of GCP's IP address blocks and add those into your Allow rules. The instructions for looking them all up are here.
There is an open issue logged for accessing via internal APIs that you can subscribe to follow.


Google App Engine firewall and internal access and error 403

We have 2 app engine app (flex and standard) running on separate projects and we want project A to request project B with https to URL.
Our firewall on both projects Denies all IPs(*) and whitelisted App Engine internal addresss (,, and as explained in the doc.
Yet we receive a "403 error forbidden access" (which disappears when disabling the firewall).
This post is similar to mine but the responses didn't help me.
Is there anything else I can do ?
Did anyone got this to work ?
Thank you in advance.
As you may already know, GCP Projects represent a trust boundary within an organization. Hence, inter-project communication between App Engine services would require Public IP communication or using Shared VPC, which allows connecting between networks from different projects. There should be no internal communication between App Engine Services over different projects. Hence, whitelisting App Engine internal IP addresses might not be useful in this situation.
About using Public App Engine IP addresses, as illustrated in this document. App Engine hosts services on a dynamic public IP address of a Google load balancer. Due to that, the IP address can be changed any time and any Static IP can not be provided. For outbound services, a large pool of IP addresses are used which you can obtain as outlined in this document

How to restrict public access to google app engine flexible environment?

I have many microservices in app engine only for internal use. But, by default, app engine opens domain to public, and anyone can access them via http or https.
Is there a way to restrict access only for certain IP address?
The trivial way i can think of is checking source IP address in application code.
Or, I can create custom docker image with nginx configuration which checks source ip address. But, these are not quite clean solutions because access control is actually independent from application, and I don't want to hard code static IP address inside the container.
I assumed there is a way to setup firewall rule for app engine, but I could not find it. Identity-Aware Proxy seems like another option, but it is not available for app engine flex.
I know this is cold comfort, but we're working on re-enabling App Engine flex support for IAP. It's going to be more than just a few days, though. has some options that might be more palatable than hardcoding IPs. You won't be able to use GCE firewall rules because the traffic is coming through Cloud HTTP Load Balancer, so the GCE instance firewall only sees the IP of the load balancer. If you do want to verify IPs within your app, use X-Forwarded-For as described at .
Hope this helps! --Matthew, Cloud IAP engineer

What measures does google cloud take to protect the instances from IP spoofing?

I am running my server on google app engine and i have all of my services (e.g MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch) are deployed on compute engine. Now i wanted to connect my compute engine instances from App engine only that's why i deleted all of my firewall rules of my compute engines which were connecting them from external ip's, now only the instances that are within the internal network of my google cloud project can connect to themselves, now i am just wondering about IP spoofing that as nobody from outside my internal network can connect to my instances now can they fake their ip by telling my firewall that their ip is the ip which any of my instance is having because if that can happen then my whole security will be breached.
Now one question does google cloud project's firewall implement any measures to secure our instances from IP Spoofing or we have to setup something in order to avoid that.
If any of you have any idea about this please enlighten me.
It's not quite clear which spoofing scenario you are concerned about. These two come to mind:
External party spoofing packets for your internal network, ie. the range. This is not possible as packets inside your network can only come from VMs and VPNs in that private network.
Spoofing packets from other Google / GCE IP ranges; eg. the ones used for external addresses: This should be caught by Google's network ACLs.
I would however not recommend to authenticate based on IP address. For example, if you are communicating over external IP addresses between GCE/GAE entities, it's easy to be too broad, also allowing other GCE/GAE customers. Even if you only whitelist single IP addresses there is a risk that over time, your setup becomes more complex. Imagine for example, if an employee deletes a GCE instance without also removing the IP from the whitelist. In that case, the IP would be released and available to other GCE customers who could then access your service.
Therefore, it's usually safer to use an application level authentication mechanism such as SSL client certificates.

Is there a way to ban IP addresses from accessing my parse-server?

If a particular computer is making tons of accounts or flooding my server with other requests, could parse-server automatically check this behaviour and block the specified IP address?
Built-in rate limiting would also be a nice alternative, although it doesn't really solve the problem if the person continues to spam.
I am hosting on google app engine by the way.
I don't know about Parse itself, but from App Engine side you have DoS protection service controlled via dos.yaml file in your project that lets you blacklist IP blocks—sounds like that may help. It's not "automatic", though; you still need to manually update this file and issue update_dos <PROJECT_DIR> for changes to take effect.
I don't believe that this is a feature out of the box - see advanced options here:
You'd need to look at controlling access to the Google App Engine (or another host - such as Microsoft Azure Web App) using a firewall (you can easily do this with Azure. I'm not familiar with Google App Engine, but imagine similar functionality is available.
However, I don't believe that a firewall is necessary - just better app security. Disable anonymous users - Parse Server Security

Hosting an app from intranet via google apps

Is it possible to create a google app engine program that would route http requests to a server on a local network?
What would be the best way to build a program like this?
I am trying to get away from buying a server from a hosting provider and simply use a local network server instead, and use google apps as a sort of proxy. The firewall would be configured to allow access to the server from the google app engine servers only.
If this has been done before in an open source project that would be excellent, but I have not been able to find one.
If all you want is a domain name that points to your dynamic IP address, you could give Dynamic DNS a try. It's designed for your use case, and you won't need to write any code; you just need either a router that supports it or a server with cron. There are lots of providers, but I've had good experiences with Dyn DNS, specifically their Remote Access plan.
