Iphone resolution on ipad howto using codename one? - codenameone

I've submitted a CN1 generated app to apple's app store and got an error:
Binary Rejected
Guideline 2.4.1 - Performance - Hardware Compatibility We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad.
I was wondering if there's a build hint I cant set to make the app show a narrow interface on an ipad? many thanks!

It's probably similar to this: iPhone only app rejected for not running on iPad
You can constrain the app to be iPhone only in the Codename One Settings UI under the iOS settings section.


Codename one:UI gets change for android and IOS

I have developed my app using codename one.User Interface of my application looks different in Android and IOS.Some textboxes size gets change .Images looks different in android and IOS .Every thing should display same and properly for all OS.What should I do for that?
Thanks in advance
That is intentional: https://www.codenameone.com/blog/tutorial-theming-basics.html
You need to override the elements that look different, you can install an Android simulator and preview in both Android and iOS to get the desired result. You can also switch the mode of the designer tool to display the UI as it would appear on an Android device.

Can you use the Ionic framework to build Mac apps?

The title pretty much says it all. I was asked this question today and really didn't know the answer.
Ionic is not intended to build desktop, or even desktop browser based applications.
From the official docs :
Ionic is focused on building native/hybrid mobile apps rather than
mobile websites.
As such, our browser support tends to be whatever Web View API is
available to native apps on a given platform. For Ionic 1.0.0
"uranium-unicorn", that means UIWebView for iOS 7+, and Android 4.1
and up. Windows Phone and FirefoxOS support is on our roadmap.
Even if you implement a browser website using ionic, the rendered output would rather weird.
Infact, Ionic has itself implemented it's website using bootstrap ;)

Ionic framework: Single code base for various mobile devices (iOS, Android, phones, tablets)?

I am planning to develop a mobile app that completely duplicates the features that my web app offers. The web app is running on AngularJS + Django + Django REST Framework. The backend is essentially an API server, so it is pretty much ready to support a mobile frontend.
Although I know my stuff in the web development space, mobile development is completely new to me. With no prior mobile development experience and the lack of resources (as always, fund and time), HTML5/SASS/AngularJS are my best friends, so Ionic Framework + AngularJS seems to be the most viable solution for my situation.
A major requirement of this Ionic app is that it needs to support various mobile devices, ranging from iOS to Android and from phones to tablets.
With different design guidelines for iOS and Android and the different screen sizes between phones and tablets, could this requirement be met with one single code base?
If yes, what are the cons or limitations? Is this a common approach?
If no, what's the common approach in the Ionic world in supporting various mobile devices?
I use the same codebase for my Ionic hybrid app deployed as a native Android and iOS via Cordova and additionally viewable as a mobile website.
Nearly every component/layout in Ionic scales nicely between mobile and tablet devices (in some cases, you may wish to make concessions for tablet - font scaling, content adjustments etc which can be achieved by using something like mobiledetect.js and CSS media query targeting), and between devices such as iOS and Android scales with no issues at all.
You even get some inherent coolness with Ionic components such as the modal popup whereby on iPad/desktop it displays as a modal popup in the center of the screen, but on phone it resizes to take up the scale of the entire screen, looking simply like a full screen page.
Hope that helps get you on your way.

Debugging VoiceOver application using Angular JS

I have this huge Web Application using Angular JS. This application run in almost every platform and browser configuration like WIn7/IE10, MAC, iPad iOS5,7 and many more.
But this application does not work well when VoiceOver is ON for accessibility and test on iPad iOS 7. The application turn blank on double tap. How to debug this application and anyone who face similar issue can guide, it will be helpful.

Mobile devices web browser simulator

I'm looking for iPhone, iPad, Android and other mobile and smartphones web browsers simulators on x86. I would like to check how my web application written for standard web browser will be displayed on these devices.
The dev kits for these platforms include platform emulators, in which you can run the browser for that platform and load your web site to see how it will look.
I'm programming a web application for mobile and I use JQueryMobile.
You can have more informations here :
if you just want to quickly view how a webpage would render at various mobile device resolutions then synthphone.com is a nice little webpage...
you can even link directly to a url via query strings. for example, here is one that should load the Sencha Touch 2 carousel. Use your mouse like a finger to slide around the images etc.
have fun!
