Should I use #include <file.h> or "file.h"? - c

There are two ways to include a file in C :
#include <headerpath/header.h>
#include "headerpath/header.h"
The first one will look for the file by using a directory known by the compiler, so we can include standard files without knowing where they are.
The second way will look for the file by using only the path between quotes. (if the search fails, the compiler tries the first way instead).
We have the possibility to add one or more directories into the directories's list that the compiler know (first way). For example with gcc we have the -I option.
So at the end, these two following codes are equivalent (path_to_header is a directory) :
#include "path_to_header/header.h"
int main(void)
return (0);
} // Compiling with : gcc main.c
#include <header.h>
int main(void)
return (0);
} // Compiling with : gcc main.c -I path_to_header
So my questions are :
With my own header files for example, should I use the 1) or the 2) ? Why ? Maybe it's just a personal choice ? Are there different situations to know ?
Thank's for reading :)
Edit :
I'm not looking for the difference between the two ways (I think I understood them as I explained, thanks to this post), I wanted to know if there are some special situations to know about, maybe for group work or using different compilers for the same program ... Maybe I do not know how to formulate my thoughts (or it's a silly question without real answer), I have to try to know :).

For headers of the standard libraries (which probably are precompiled) use:
#include <stdio.h>
For headers of your project use:
#include "project/header.h"
Use the option -I on the command line for additional libraries.

According to the C standard the only standard difference between them is that #include <...> includes a header while #include "..." includes a source file (and falls back to the <...> behavior if no source file is found). All other differences are implementation-defined.
The distinction is important because, for example, a standard header like stdlib.h might not actually be a file, and is instead injected by the compiler at compile time.
For your own code, since you won't have such header magic, and should know exactly which source files you want included from your own work and which you want the compiler to handle (system libraries and such) you should only use <...> for includes that are not part of your project's file structure.

If your own header files are in a defined path, like the same folder with your files that use your headers you must use this way "header.h".
You must use < header.h > when the header is a system header that is not with your sources where you are including it.


c language including files without directory?

to include /usr/include/test/head1.h file I should write #include "test/head1.h" but how can I just write #include "head1.h" to include this file.
The compiler looks for the usual places like /usr/include for files.
One way to achieve this if you know your compiler already looks at /usr/include for include files anyway, is the following instead:
#include "test/head1.h"
This would be a good approach if you plan to include no more files from /usr/include/test and you know no other include directory has files with similar name to avoid conflict.
Other method would be to give compiler a hint for the directory while compiling:
gcc -I/usr/include/test <other-options> yourcode.c
Have fun writing C!
The answer above mine is correct, but I just wanted to add some advice pertaining to making the #include that you want work if you're using CMake.
If you're using CMake, you can add the path up till your header in CMakeLists.txt, like so:
target_include_directories(<projectname> PUBLIC path/to/headers), and you can add as many paths as you want, separated by spaces.

C Include custom header file in Geany on Windows 10 compiling with gcc

I'm having an incredibally hard time finding answers to this for Windows. As if the majority of people use Linux...
Anyways, I need a custom CSV parsing library for C. I found one and downloaded the header file. I tried adding #include <csvparser.h> at the top of my c program but of course, it says file not found. I placed the downloaded file in the same directory as the program.
I think i need to be able to specify an absolute path in the include or place the file csvparser.h in the include directory, but I know how to do neither of these things. What is the default include directory in Windows? I use gcc as my compiler. How can i specify an absolute path in the include statement, on windows? i can find no answer to this.
Thank you for the quick reply, I seem to have included the file correctly, but now I'mhaving problems using it.
I found the program at
I placed it in the source directory and tried using it, bbut when I try the usage example I'm getting an error. This is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "csvparser.h"
#define MAXCHAR 10000
int main() {
// int i = 0;
// file, delimiter, first_line_is_header?
CsvParser *csvparser = CsvParser_new("../MagicProg/Files/MagicProg_csv_ikoria.csv", "|", 1);
return 0;
When I try executing this, geany gives me the error:
C:/TDM-GCC-64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/9.2.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\Users\Geoff\AppData\Local\Temp\ccsiwJPq.o:hello.c:(.text+0x22): undefined reference to `CsvParser_new'
What am I doing wrong? thanks again
If you're including something that's in your source directory you need to use a different style:
#include "csvparser.h"
The angle-brackets form is exclusively for things found in your include path, not in your source directory. That's reserved for things like OS and compiler headers, as well as system-installed libraries.
I made the huge newb error of not including the src files along with the header file. I blame myself. thanks everyone for help

Can I make a custom header file named "stdio.h"?

Can I make a custom header file named stdio.h and can use it in my program along with <stdio.h>?
C11 7.1.2p3:
If a file with the same name as one of the above < and > delimited sequences, not provided as part of the implementation, is placed in any of the standard places that are searched for included source files, the behavior is undefined.
The standard places then refers to 6.10.2p2:
searches a sequence of implementation-defined places for a header identified uniquely by the specified sequence between the < and > delimiters, and causes the replacement of that directive by the entire contents of the header. How the places are specified or the header identified is implementation-defined.
So the only guarantee given here is that if your stdio.h is not in an implementation-defined place for a searching a header, then the behaviour wouldn't be undefined. You can then include it with
#include "stdio.h"
However if you really intended that the file would be included with
#include <stdio.h>
then for the compiler to find it you need to place it in any of the standard places, and all bets are off.
However, in a freestanding - i.e. not hosted - execution environment. stdio.h might not be a standard header name so it might as well be perfectly OK there. Not that there is anything portable about the freestanding execution environment.
Thus, unless you specify more specifically what you're up to, we can only refer to the C standard and shrug. Having a source file named stdio.h isn't strictly conforming but it very much might be conforming, so YMMV.
As noted by Antti Haapala, it is explicitly described as undefined behavior to name a file stdio.h and put it in any of the directories where the compiler looks for include files.
Yet, by default, the compiler does not search for standard headers in the directory of the source file, but a command line argument of -I. can easily change this behavior.
Without this option and assuming you do not put your source files in the compiler's system directories, you could use the name stdio.h for an include file and include that with #include "stdio.h" without interfering with the standard header referred to in #include <stdio.h> (which might not even be a file at all).
You could go one step further into confusion-land by naming the source file itself stdio.h...
I you truly want to confuse the reader, name the source file a.out and compile with gcc -o stdio.h -x c a.out.
If you specify where in your file directory your custom "stdio.h" comes from (i.e. doing
#include "C:/ProgrammingC/stdio.h"
is probably fine, but
#include "stdio.h" //This only selects the standard include
//if there's no other stdio.h in the build directory
is risky, and
#include <stdio.h>
is definitely not what you want.
I've created a file named as stdio.h and main.c afterwards added this content to main.c to test out if it works properly.
#include "stdio.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
testArea(); // this will use "stdio.h"
int test = 2;
printf("%d", test); // this will use <stdio.h>
return 0;
Program output:
1002 (100 from "stdio.h" and 2 from <stdio.h>)
Content of my stdio.h:
#include <stdio.h>
void testArea()
int abc = 100;
printf("%d", abc);
Surprise surprise, it does! Now, you should know that using "" means searching header file via file path. Meanwhile <> basically looks at the includes folder of the compiler.
So that, you can do that.
PS: If you're going to downvote, make an explanation so that I can learn what's wrong too. It just works fine for me.
Edit: Now, you can see that program knows what to call and what to do.
Bonus: If you try to add a same name function that exists in the file compiler will give you an error.
#include <stdio.h>
void testArea()
int abc = 100;
printf("%d", abc);
void printf()
Will return stdio.h:9:7: error: conflicting types for ‘printf’ as an example. You just should avoid using existing functions, but it's not restricted to same name header files. You just can't do it with any filename since the names are going to conflict.
Again, the usage of this is fine. There should be no problems at all.
Edit 2: I'm using Linux Mint 18.2.
Here is my gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
And, here is how I compile my code:
duman#duman-pc ~/Desktop/Nuclear Test Zone $ gcc main.c -o test
duman#duman-pc ~/Desktop/Nuclear Test Zone $ ./test
Nothing fancy, and I don't really know what can cause undefined behaviour since my compiler won't allow usage of same name functions.
Edit 3: Just to see if anything related to name usage throws a warning I compiled the same code with ALL of these flags: and there were none about the names.
That's the best I can do. Hopefully it helps you.

How to compile a C program in gcc which has header files?

I want to compile a C program in gcc which has my 2 header files.
I am using the command:
gcc UDP_Receive.c -o UDP_Receive -lm
to compile it but I get an error stating "UDP_Data.h: No such file or directory"
How can I tell the compiler to include these header files?
Header Files:
#include "UDP_Data.h"
#include "Crypt.h"
Use -Idirectory to add include paths, or make your #include statement use relative paths.
Also be aware that #include filenames are case sensitive on many platforms.
Use #include "UDP_Data.h" not #include <UDP_Data.h>
You have told the compiler to include that file, with a line like this:
#include "UDP_Data.h"
the problem is that the compiler can't find that file, and don't forget that some platforms are case sensitive when it comes to filenames so "UDP_data.h" is not the same file as "UDP_Data.h". The compiler will serach in a few places by default, but you will need to add extra directories to its search by using command line options. The exact option will depend on the compiler, for gcc it's:

Including C header files from other directory

My understanding was always that by doing #include <header.h> it looks in the system include directories, and that #include "header.h" it looks in the local directory. But I was just looking at the python source code and it uses the "header.h" method to define headers in a sibling directory.
So in py3k/Python/ast.c it does #include "Python.h". But Python.h is in py3k/Include/Python.h
Is this something common that I've just never seen, not having worked on any real large C project? How do I tell, at least my IDE, to look in py3k/Include?
I figured out how to tell my IDE to include them, it was just me being stupid and a spelling error. But I'm more interested in why "" works. Is that not the different between "" and <>?
Both #include <header> and #include "header" look in "implementation-defined places", i.e. it depends on the compiler you are using and its settings. For #include <h> it's usually some standard system include directories and whatever you configure the compiler to look in additionally.
The difference between the two versions is that if the search for #include "header" is not supported or fails, it will be reprocessed "as if it read #include <header>" (C99, §6.10.2).
You need to somehow tell your compiler what directories to search in -- for GCC this means using the -I flag. Look it up for your combination of IDE / compiler.
