How to compile a C program in gcc which has header files? - c

I want to compile a C program in gcc which has my 2 header files.
I am using the command:
gcc UDP_Receive.c -o UDP_Receive -lm
to compile it but I get an error stating "UDP_Data.h: No such file or directory"
How can I tell the compiler to include these header files?
Header Files:
#include "UDP_Data.h"
#include "Crypt.h"

Use -Idirectory to add include paths, or make your #include statement use relative paths.
Also be aware that #include filenames are case sensitive on many platforms.
Use #include "UDP_Data.h" not #include <UDP_Data.h>

You have told the compiler to include that file, with a line like this:
#include "UDP_Data.h"
the problem is that the compiler can't find that file, and don't forget that some platforms are case sensitive when it comes to filenames so "UDP_data.h" is not the same file as "UDP_Data.h". The compiler will serach in a few places by default, but you will need to add extra directories to its search by using command line options. The exact option will depend on the compiler, for gcc it's:


c language including files without directory?

to include /usr/include/test/head1.h file I should write #include "test/head1.h" but how can I just write #include "head1.h" to include this file.
The compiler looks for the usual places like /usr/include for files.
One way to achieve this if you know your compiler already looks at /usr/include for include files anyway, is the following instead:
#include "test/head1.h"
This would be a good approach if you plan to include no more files from /usr/include/test and you know no other include directory has files with similar name to avoid conflict.
Other method would be to give compiler a hint for the directory while compiling:
gcc -I/usr/include/test <other-options> yourcode.c
Have fun writing C!
The answer above mine is correct, but I just wanted to add some advice pertaining to making the #include that you want work if you're using CMake.
If you're using CMake, you can add the path up till your header in CMakeLists.txt, like so:
target_include_directories(<projectname> PUBLIC path/to/headers), and you can add as many paths as you want, separated by spaces.

Should paths of #include in the C file and the -I directive given to GCC match?

I am looking at FreeRTOS demo project for an AVR port. The Makefile has paths to the directories where the source files of RTOS are located through an "-I" directive. However, in the main.c module of the project #include does not provide any path like this:
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
So I am not able to understand is that is the "-I" directive required only for linker to find the object files? Does it also mean that once the files are compiled to object code, for GCC they are essentially lying in the same folder if it knows where to look?
I have this confusion because I have seen #include statements like these previously:
#include <avr/io.h>
If GCC already knows the location of io.h why include the "avr" part in front of it?
When we say
#include <foo/bar.h>
the compiler usually looks for a file called bar.h in a directory called foo in one of the places it is configured to look for headers. For example, the standard header search path usually contains `/usr/include', so a file 'bar.h' will be found, if it exists, in '/usr/include/foo'.
If you use the -I switch like this:
-I /usr/include/foo
you could alternatively write
#include <bar.h>
because you've subsumed the directory foo into the compiler's header search path.
However, if foo is some kind of library or module, it's probably more expressive to use a variant of #include that includes the subdirectory foo, rather than manipulating the header search path so that you don't have to.
For the record, the -I switch has no direct effect on linking behaviour.
Incidentally, the variant
#include "foo/bar.h"
conventionally indicated a file in a directory foo in the same directory as the source file. However, modern compilers seem to apply search header paths to these directives as well. I'm not sure whether this is standards-based behaviour, or just compiler writers trying to guess our intentions.

Should I use #include <file.h> or "file.h"?

There are two ways to include a file in C :
#include <headerpath/header.h>
#include "headerpath/header.h"
The first one will look for the file by using a directory known by the compiler, so we can include standard files without knowing where they are.
The second way will look for the file by using only the path between quotes. (if the search fails, the compiler tries the first way instead).
We have the possibility to add one or more directories into the directories's list that the compiler know (first way). For example with gcc we have the -I option.
So at the end, these two following codes are equivalent (path_to_header is a directory) :
#include "path_to_header/header.h"
int main(void)
return (0);
} // Compiling with : gcc main.c
#include <header.h>
int main(void)
return (0);
} // Compiling with : gcc main.c -I path_to_header
So my questions are :
With my own header files for example, should I use the 1) or the 2) ? Why ? Maybe it's just a personal choice ? Are there different situations to know ?
Thank's for reading :)
Edit :
I'm not looking for the difference between the two ways (I think I understood them as I explained, thanks to this post), I wanted to know if there are some special situations to know about, maybe for group work or using different compilers for the same program ... Maybe I do not know how to formulate my thoughts (or it's a silly question without real answer), I have to try to know :).
For headers of the standard libraries (which probably are precompiled) use:
#include <stdio.h>
For headers of your project use:
#include "project/header.h"
Use the option -I on the command line for additional libraries.
According to the C standard the only standard difference between them is that #include <...> includes a header while #include "..." includes a source file (and falls back to the <...> behavior if no source file is found). All other differences are implementation-defined.
The distinction is important because, for example, a standard header like stdlib.h might not actually be a file, and is instead injected by the compiler at compile time.
For your own code, since you won't have such header magic, and should know exactly which source files you want included from your own work and which you want the compiler to handle (system libraries and such) you should only use <...> for includes that are not part of your project's file structure.
If your own header files are in a defined path, like the same folder with your files that use your headers you must use this way "header.h".
You must use < header.h > when the header is a system header that is not with your sources where you are including it.

GCC can't find header file with -I option specified

I have this source file
#include "include/headers/my_header.h"
And gcc fails with this error include/headers/my_header.h: No such file or directory
gcc my_src/src.c -Iinclude/headers
However, it works fine if I rewrite the source file like so:
#include "my_header.h"
Now, I'm actually compiling a project I've inherited so I'm not trying to rewrite all of the include statements. What gives?
The path after -I catenated to whatever is in the #include statement has to match a path in your file system. Try -I., that leads to ./include/headers/my_header.h, and presumably will let GCC find your header.

Compiling a C prog winth unix syle header files in windows

well i have a few Cpp source and header files, and the header files have include statements in the form,
the thing is im using gcc on windows and it says no such file or directory as the windows style paths has '/' and not '\' ,
so i changed the path to include\config.h but again, the problem is config.h has many header files included in it with the similar unix path style, and its not feasible to change the paths in all the header files cos its a library and there are 100s of such headers, is there any way to compile this using GCC (minGW) ??
Thanks :)
this may sound like a silly problem, sorry if it is!!..
I don't think the direction of the / is the problem here. Windows should convert between the two for you when calling its API precisely for the purposes of (some) unix compatibility.
I think the problem is the include path. Try compiling your program with
gcc -o output.exe -I"c:\path\to\directory\above\include" file.c
So that in the directory you specify with the include flag, there is a subdirectory "include" containing your headers. This assumes all your paths in your other headers are relative to this.
config.h and controls.h are not standard header files. Try this instead:
#include "include/config.h"
#include "include/controls.h"
Even better would be to use the command line to specify the include directory and use
#include "config.h"
#include "controls.h"
Probably mingw uses the same option as all other c compilers: (compiler name) -I(directory name)...
As others have stated, / vs. \ is a non-issue. Even Microsoft compilers and utilities accept / everywhere. The use of \ is a historical mistake, perpetrated needlessly.
A good discussion of your issue can be seen here:
How to generate a OS independent path in c++
Don't change forward slash / to back-slash \ - you are making the compiler to interpret the next character as a special character \c. GCC has no problem dealing with UNIX-style paths on Windows. The problem is probably the lack of -I directive to the compiler - something like -I. to search for files in current and sub-directories.
