c - Are defined values slower than hard-coded numbers - c

this question might appear dumb to you but I couldn't find an answer to it and I want to be sure that it works as I think.
Recently I came across this code:
Gfx.BlendColor.R = _SHIFTR(w1, 24, 8) * 0.0039215689f;
Gfx.BlendColor.G = _SHIFTR(w1, 16, 8) * 0.0039215689f;
Gfx.BlendColor.B = _SHIFTR(w1, 8, 8) * 0.0039215689f;
Gfx.BlendColor.A = _SHIFTR(w1, 0, 8) * 0.0039215689f;
if(OpenGL.Ext_FragmentProgram && (System.Options & BRDP_COMBINER)) {
glProgramEnvParameter4fARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 2, Gfx.BlendColor.R, Gfx.BlendColor.G, Gfx.BlendColor.B, Gfx.BlendColor.A);
I understand that the 0.0039215689f (which refers to 1/255) is hard-coded for optimization reasons.
Now imagine that I want to define it
for readability reasons (even if the name chosen here is not better, it's just for the example).
#define PIXEL_VALUE 0.0039215689f
Gfx.BlendColor.R = _SHIFTR(w1, 24, 8) * PIXEL_VALUE;
Gfx.BlendColor.G = _SHIFTR(w1, 16, 8) * PIXEL_VALUE;
Gfx.BlendColor.B = _SHIFTR(w1, 8, 8) * PIXEL_VALUE;
Gfx.BlendColor.A = _SHIFTR(w1, 0, 8) * PIXEL_VALUE;
if(OpenGL.Ext_FragmentProgram && (System.Options & BRDP_COMBINER)) {
glProgramEnvParameter4fARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 2, Gfx.BlendColor.R, Gfx.BlendColor.G, Gfx.BlendColor.B, Gfx.BlendColor.A);
Would this define make the code execution slower?

Would this define make the code execution slower?
No, since these two code snippets are identical, because MACROS are expanded before a translation unit is compiled.

Macros do text replacement. The code that gets compiled is exactly the same as if you copied and pasted the replacement text of the macro in your code.

I believe they make no difference at all.
A macro is a pattern of text replacement. So it gets replaced before your code is compiled.
You can try preprocessing both files and see the difference in a terminal:
gcc -E 1.c -o 1.i
gcc -E 2.c -o 2.i
diff -u 1.i 2.i


Is there a difference between how integers are interpreted between the Cortex M0 and M3 platforms?

I am moving my build system over to use the CMSIS files for the stm32F1 (from stm32F0) which is a cortex-m3 chip, and I am running into the following error when I try to compile core_cm3.h.
This is the function which is part of the core CMSIS:
static __INLINE uint32_t NVIC_EncodePriority (uint32_t PriorityGroup, uint32_t PreemptPriority, uint32_t SubPriority)
uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & 0x07); /* only values 0..7 are used */
uint32_t PreemptPriorityBits;
uint32_t SubPriorityBits;
PreemptPriorityBits = ((7 - PriorityGroupTmp) > __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) ? __NVIC_PRIO_BITS : 7 - PriorityGroupTmp;
SubPriorityBits = ((PriorityGroupTmp + __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) < 7) ? 0 : PriorityGroupTmp - 7 + __NVIC_PRIO_BITS;
return (
((PreemptPriority & ((1 << (PreemptPriorityBits)) - 1)) << SubPriorityBits) |
((SubPriority & ((1 << (SubPriorityBits )) - 1)))
Error: conversion to 'long unsigned int' from 'int' may change the sign of the result [-Werror=sign-conversion]
((PreemptPriority & ((1 << (PreemptPriorityBits)) - 1)) << SubPriorityBits)
I am surprised there are issues compiling, since this is a core file with no changes made, and up to date. In addition, from what I've read online the same compiler (arm-none-eabi) can be used for the whole 'M' family. Is there some quirk about how integers are interpreted here I'm missing?
The size and representation of integers and long integers is the same between ARMv6M (including CortexM0) and ARMv7M (including CortexM3).
The warning message you are getting is because the compiler thinks (1 << PreemptPriorityBits) could be negative (specifically if PreemptPriorityBits equals 31) but it then gets converted to unsigned type to be masked with PreemptPriority.
In reality PreemptPriorityBits will always be less than or equal to 8, so nothing can ever be negative here. This means that in the short term you can just ignore the warning.
If this warning were in your own code I would advise you to just change 1 << to 1u << which would produce the same binary output but tell the compiler there is nothing to worry about.
In fact I notice that this exact change has already been made in the oldest version of CMSIS I can easily find a copy of (5.0.0 from September 2016). It looks like you are running some very old code against a new version of the compiler that it was not written for.
I strongly suggest that you upgrade to a later version of CMSIS headers. Although this change is non-functional (an identical binary will be output) there have been a great many other changes made in the last 6 years which do matter and some which fix significant bugs.

Frama-C does not recognize valid memory access from bitwise-ANDed index

I am right-shifting an unsigned integer then &ing it with 0b111, so the resulting value must be in the range [0, 7].
When I use that value as an index into an array of length 8, Frama-C is not able to verify the associated rte: mem_access assertion.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
requires \valid_read(bitRuleBuf + (0 .. 7));
assigns \nothing;
ensures \forall uint8_t c; (0 <= c < 8) ==> (
((\result >> c) & 0b1) <==> bitRuleBuf[(state >> c) & 0b111]
uint8_t GetNewOctet(
const uint16_t state,
const bool bitRuleBuf[const static 8])
uint8_t result = 0;
loop invariant 0 <= b <= 8;
loop invariant \forall uint8_t c; (0 <= c < b) ==> (
((result >> c) & 0b1) <==> bitRuleBuf[(state >> c) & 0b111]
loop assigns b, result;
loop variant 8 - b;
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < 8; b += 1) {
result |= ((uint8_t)bitRuleBuf[(state >> b) & 0b111]) << b;
// Still seeing an issue if break apart the steps:
const uint16_t shifted = state >> b;
const uint16_t anded = shifted & 0b111;
// "assert rte: mem_access" is not successful here.
const uint8_t value = bitRuleBuf[anded];
const uint8_t shifted2 = value << b;
result |= shifted2;
return result;
assigns \nothing;
int main(void) {
// Empty cells with both neighbors empty become alive.
// All other cells become empty.
const bool bitRuleBuf[] = {
1, // 0b000
0, // 0b001
0, // 0b010
0, // 0b011
0, // 0b100
0, // 0b101
0, // 0b110
0 // 0b111
const uint8_t newOctet = GetNewOctet(0b0010000100, bitRuleBuf);
//assert(newOctet == 0b00011000); // Can be uncommented to verify.
//# assert newOctet == 0b00011000;
return 0;
The failed assertion happens for line 27: result |= ((uint8_t)bitRuleBuf[(state >> b) & 0b111]) << b;.
Changing the & 0b111 to % 8 does not resolve the issue.
I have tried many variations of the code and ACSL involved, but have not been successful.
I'm guessing integer promotion might be involved in the issue.
How can the code/ACSL be modified so that verification is successful?
$ frama-c --version
24.0 (Chromium)
I am running frama-c and frama-c-gui with arguments -wp and -wp-rte.
For background of the included block of code, the least significant 10 bits of the state argument are the state of 10 cells of 1-dimensional cellular automata. The function returns the next state of the middle 8 cells of those 10.
Edit: Alt-Ergo 2.4.1 is used:
$ why3 config detect
Found prover Alt-Ergo version 2.4.1, OK.
1 prover(s) added
Save config to /home/user/.why3.conf
First, a small note: if you're using WP, it is also important to state which solvers you have configured: each of them has strengths and weaknesses, so that it might be easier to complete a proof with the appropriate solver. In particular, my answer is based on the use of Z3 (4.8.14), known as z3-ce by
why3 config detect (note that you have to run this command each time you change the set of solvers you use).
EDIT As mentioned in comments below, the Mod-Mask tactic is not available in Frama-C 24.0, but only in the development version (https://git.frama-c.com/pub/frama-c). As far as I can tell, for a Frama-C 24.0 solution, you need to resort to a Coq script as mentioned at the end of this answer.
Z3 alone is not sufficient to complete the proof, but you can use a WP tactic (see section 2.2 of the WP manual about the interactive proof editor in Frama-C's GUI). Namely, if you select land(7, to_sint32(x)) in the proof editor, the tactics panel will show you a Mod-Mask tactic, which converts bitmasks to modulo operations and vice-versa (see image below). If you apply it, Z3 will complete the two resulting proof obligations, completing the proof of the assertion.
After that, you can save the script in order to be able to replay it later: use e.g. -wp-prover script,z3-ce,alt-ergo to let WP take advantage of existing scripts in addition to automated solvers. The scripts are searched for (and saved to) the script subdirectory of the WP session directory, which defaults to ./.frama-c/wp and can be set with -wp-session.
Another possibility is to use a Coq script to complete the proof. This supposes you have Coq, CoqIDE and the Why3 Coq libraries installed (they are available as opam packages coq, coqide and why3-coq respectively). Once this is done and you have configured Why3 to use Coq (why3 config detect should tell you that it has found Coq), you can use it through the GUI of Frama-C to complete proofs that the built-in interactive prover can't take care of.
For that, you may need to configure Frama-C to display a Coq column in the WP Goals panel: click on the Provers button in this panel, and make sure that Coq is ON, as shown below:
Once this is done, you can double-click in the cell of this column that corresponds to the proof obligation you want to discharge with Coq. This will open a CoqIDE session where you have to complete the proof script at then end of the opened file. Once this is done, save the file and quit CoqIDE. The Coq script will then be saved as part of the WP session, and can be played again if coq is among the arguments given to -wp-prover. For what it's worth, the following script seems to do the trick (Coq 8.13.2, Why3 1.4.1, and of course Frama-C 24.0):
intros alloc mem_int b buf state0 state1 x a1 hpos hval hbmax hbmax1 htyp hlink huint1 huint2 huint3 hvalid htyp1 htyp2 hdef.
assert (0<=land 7 (to_sint32 x) <= 7)%Z.
apply uint_land_range; auto with zarith.
unfold valid_rd.
unfold valid_rd in hvalid.
unfold a1.
unfold shift; simpl.
unfold shift in hvalid; simpl in hvalid.
assert (to_sint32 (land 7 (to_sint32 x)) = land 7 (to_sint32 x))%Z.
- apply id_sint32; unfold is_sint32; auto with zarith.
- intros _; repeat split; auto with zarith.

Can you perform fixed-length bit reversal in #defines / preprocessor directives?

I am writing C code (not c++) for a target with very limited ROM, but I want the code to be easy to customize for other similar targets with #defines. I have #defines used to specify the address and other values of the device, but as a code-saving technique, these values are necessary bitwise reversed. I can enter these by first manually reversing them, but this would be confusing for future use. Can I define some sort of macro that performs a bitwise reversal?
As seen here (Best Algorithm for Bit Reversal ( from MSB->LSB to LSB->MSB) in C), there is no single operation to switch the order in c. Because of this, if you were to create a #define macro to perform the operation, it would actually perform quite a bit of work on each use (as well as significantly increasing the size of your binary if used often). I would recommend manually creating the other ordered constant and just using clear documentation to ensure the information about them is not lost.
I think something like this ought to work:
#define REV2(x) ((((x)&1)<<1) | (((x)>>1)&1))
#define REV4(x) ((REV2(x)<<2) | (REV2((x)>>2)))
#define REV8(x) ((REV4(x)<<4) | (REV4((x)>>4)))
#define REV16(x) ((REV8(x)<<8) | (REV8((x)>>8)))
#define REV32(x) ((REV16(x)<<16) | (REV16((x)>>16)))
It uses only simple operations which are all safe for constant expressions, and it's very likely that the compiler will evaluate these at compile time.
You can ensure that they're evaluated at compile time by using them in a context which requires a constant expression. For example, you could initialize a static variable or declare an enum:
enum {
For the sake of readable code I'd not recommend it, but you could do something like
#define NUMBER 2
#define BIT_0(number_) ((number_ & (1<<0)) >> 0)
#define BIT_1(number_) ((number_ & (1<<1)) >> 1)
#define REVERSE_BITS(number_) ((BIT_1(number_) << 0) + (BIT_0(number_) << 1))
int main() {
printf("%d --> %d", NUMBER, REVERSE_BITS(NUMBER));
There are techniques for this kind of operation (see the Boost Preprocessor library, for example), but most of the time the easiest solution is to use an external preprocessor written in some language in which bit manipulation is easier.
For example, here is a little python script which will replace all instances of #REV(xxxx)# where xxxx is a hexadecimal string with the bit-reversed constant of the same length:
import re
import sys
reg = re.compile("""#REV\(([0-9a-fA-F]+)\)#""")
def revbits(s):
return "0X%x" % int(bin(int(s, base=16))[-1:1:-1].ljust(4*len(s), '0'), base=2)
for l in sys.stdin:
sys.stdout.write(reg.sub(lambda m: revbits(m.group(1)), l))
And here is a version in awk:
awk 'BEGIN{R["0"]="0";R["1"]="8";R["2"]="4";R["3"]="C";
function bitrev(x, i, r) {
r = ""
for (i = length(x); i; --i)
r = r R[substr(x,i,1)]
return r
{while (match($0, /#REV\([[:xdigit:]]+\)#/))
$0 = substr($0, 1, RSTART-1) "0X" bitrev(substr($0, RSTART+5, RLENGTH-7)) substr($0, RSTART+RLENGTH)
}1' \
<<<"foo #REV(23)# yy #REV(9)# #REV(DEADBEEF)#"
foo 0X32 yy 0X9 0Xfeebdaed

What is the best way to know if a value is defined in an enum?

I read that it is difficult to find out if an element is in an enumeration. So what would be the best way ?
For example, the following code comes from the Linux kernel 2.6.32:
enum v4l2_colorfx {
And this one from the 2.6.38 version:
enum v4l2_colorfx {
How would you check if V4L2_COLORFX_NEGATIVE is defined ? Would #ifndef V4L2_COLORFX_NEGATIVE be okay ?
You would have to look at a compiler macro in the wider context (for example the version of linux, I don't know what's available) or some other piece of information at compile time. ifndef is for checking if compiler macros are defined, not symbols in code.
Check the version of linux in /usr/include/linux/version.h ( you need to install kernel headers though )
it contains something like :
#define LINUX_VERSION_CODE 132640
#define KERNEL_VERSION(a,b,c) (((a) << 16) + ((b) << 8) + (c))
So you can use this :

What is wrong with my program?

I cannot figure out what is wrong. I spent a few hours trying to debug this. I am compiling with gcc -m32 source.c -o source
How else can I approach this when debugging? Right now, I am isolating the code in many different ways and everything is working the way I expect but its working the wrong way when I have it all together.
This program takes an input and then looks for the highest position with the 1 bit.
I removed my code for now.
in bitsearch, you are storing num in eax, you store a special value in edx in order to perform check. check is testing if the highest bit is set (indicating a negative number), and exits if its the case...
the andl instruction in check stores the result of the operation inside the second operand (eax), so the result overwrites num.
then in zero you are using edx to perform your computation... edx contains the special value of the start of the function, so your result will always be wrong.
now at the end of zero, you are going back to check, but the check is unnecessary here, you should loop back to zeroinstead...
Does the bit-search need to be implemented in assembly? A simple for loop can accomplish the same task, and is much more readable:
int num = 10;
int maxFound = -1;
for (int numShifts = 0; numShifts < 32 && num != 0; numShifts++) {
if ((num & 1) == 1) {
maxFound = numShifts;
num = num >> 1;
//the last position that had a 1 will be in maxFound
There's a neat bit-fiddling trick: x & -x isolates the last 1-bit. The following C program uses a lookup table based on de Bruijn sequences to compute the number of trailing (!) zeros of a number in constant (!) time:
unsigned int x; // find the number of trailing zeros in 32-bit x
int r; // result goes here
int table[32] =
0, 1, 28, 2, 29, 14, 24, 3, 30, 22, 20, 15, 25, 17, 4, 8,
31, 27, 13, 23, 21, 19, 16, 7, 26, 12, 18, 6, 11, 5, 10, 9
r = table[((uint32_t)((x & -x) * 0x077CB531U)) >> 27];
Doing this in assembly language (which I stopped learning by the age of 16) should be no problem. Now all you have to do is to reverse the bits in num and apply the technique described above.
I wrote a paper about the trick described above, but unfortunately it's not available on the web. If you're interested, I can send it to you (or anyone else who's interested) by email.
My assembly knowledge is a little rusty, but it seems to me like bitsearch is overly complicated. How about just rotating the number to the right and counting the times you need to do that until it's zero?
