How to print elements of one class using variable of another class? - arrays

I have created two classes a Person class and a food class. Now i am making list of all the food items consumed in a year by a particular person. I want to print all of them separated by commas
Here's my code
class Food {
let name: String
var EatenBy: Person?
init(name: String){ = name
And my Person class is as follows
class Person {
var name: String
var foods: [Food] = []
lazy var foodNames: () -> String = {
return ""
init(name: String){ = name
func adopt(food: Food){
food.EatenBy = self
Now i want to create different food items using the Food class and then assign it to a person who have consumed them and store it in an array foods.
var person = Person(name: "Test")
var pasta = Food(name: "pasta")
Can anyone help me out how can i use the objects created using Food class and assign it to a object created in the Person class and append them in the foods array ?
My final aim is to print all the elements in the foods array separating them using commas or spaces or such, which i guess can be easily done by looping each of the element through a for loop ?

Using a Person instance, you can access its properties (including the foods array by the dot syntax: person.foods.
For printing the food names, you should declare foodNames as a computed property. As its return value, just use map to get the names of each Food instance, then use [String].joined(separator: ",") to join the contents of the array of Strings into a single String.
class Person {
var name: String
var foods: [Food] = []
var foodNames:String {
return{$}.joined(separator: ",")
init(name: String){ = name
func adopt(food: Food){
food.EatenBy = self
class Food {
let name: String
var EatenBy: Person?
init(name: String){ = name
let john = Person(name: "John")
let pasta = Food(name: "pasta")
john.foods = [pasta, Food(name: "tuna")] //assign an array to the variable directly
john.foods.append(Food(name: "tomato")) //or append the existing array
john.adopt(food: Food(name: "bread")) //you can also use your _adopt_ function to add an element to the _foods_ array of a _Person_ instance
john.foodNames // "pasta, tuna, tomato,bread"
It looks like you are missing some basic concepts of how Swift works (like using the dot syntax to access class properties), so I would recommend reading The Swift Programming Language Guide as a start, it is a really useful starting point for a beginner Swift developer.


How to group Array of Dictionaries by a key in swift?

For example, I have this array of dictionaries
I want to group them by Country to become
{"Egypt": [{"Country":"Egypt","Name":"Mustafa","Age":"20"} {"Country":"Egypt","Name":"Ali","Age":"40"}],
"Palestine": [{"Country":"Palestine","Name":"Amani","Age":"30"},{"Country":"Palestine","Name":"Omar","Age":"15"}],
Please help.
Swift has a nice function that does this for you...
let people = [["Country":"Egypt","Name":"Mustafa","Age":"20"],["Country":"Palestine","Name":"Omar","Age":"15"],["Country":"Egypt","Name":"Ali","Age":"40"],["Country":"Jordan","Name":"Ahmad","Age":"25"],["Country":"Palestine","Name":"Amani","Age":"30"],["Country":"Jordan","Name":"Mustafa","Age":"20"]]
let peopleByCountry = Dictionary(grouping: people, by: { $0["Country"]! } )
peopleByCountry will now be the format that you want.
You can read more about this function in the documentation.
Just to add to Hamish's comment.
You really shouldn't be working with Dictionaries here. You should be working with Structs...
struct Person {
let countryName: String
let name: String
let age: Int
Even better would be to have a Country struct...
struct Country {
let name: String
and use that in the Person for their country property instead of String.
let arrCountry: [[String:String]] = [["Country":"Egypt","Name":"Mustafa","Age":"20"],
func sortCountry() {
var sortedCountries : [String : [[String:String]]] = [:]
for object in arrCountry {
let country = object["Country"] as! String
if var arrCountry = sortedCountries[country] {
sortedCountries[country] = arrCountry
else {
sortedCountries[country] = [object]
Well I would go like this:
Get all the countries by traversing the array once and store it in an array.
Loop for this array of countries.
Filter the array with predicate where country is current country.
Store this in the final dictionary of country.

deleting objects if string of object matches string in a separate array

I have an nsobject class with four strings
class Post: NSObject {
var author: String!
var postID: String!
var pathToImage: String!
var userID: String!
I also have a separate class viewcontroller which has a function grabbing posts from firebase. I have an array called posts = [Post](), which is filled by a seperate function going through firebase and grabbing data for each photo. I also have an array called removeArray which is array of strings, which the string is the postID of certain posts. Now this is my problem, I am trying to loop through removeArray, check if the each in removeArray = to the each in posts.postID and check if they are equal. Then either I delete that each in posts.postID post, or I create a new array that is posts - posts with postID's in removeArray. Here is my code now that does not work, it just keeps posts as is.
if posts != nil {
if var array = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "removeArray") as? [String] {
for each in posts {
for one in array {
if one == each.postID {
return self.posts.count
So if you have any idea how to take a string in an array, check if that string if eqaul to a string in an array of objects.postID, and remove that object from the array if it is equal. I have tried to research a way to filter it, but so far nothing. Please give me some feedback. Thanks
My problem =
var posts = [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5]
let array = ["aaa","bbb"]
var new:Array<Post> = []
for each in posts {
for one in array {
if one == each.postID {
print("This objects should be remvoed: \(new)")
posts = Array(Set(posts).subtracting(new))
print("After removing matching objects: \(posts)")
You could use reduce(_:_:)!
class Country {
var name: String!
init(name: String) { = name
let countries = [Country(name: "Norway"), Country(name: "Sweden"), Country(name: "Denmark"), Country(name: "Finland"), Country(name: "Iceland")]
let scandinavianCountries = ["Norway", "Sweden", "Denmark"]
// Store the objects you are removing here
var nonScandinavianCountries: [Country]?
let scandinavia = countries.reduce([Country](), {
result, country in
// Assign result to a temporary variable since result is immutable
var temp = result
// This if condition works as a filter between the countries array and the result of the reduce function.
if scandinavianCountries.contains( {
} else {
if nonScandinavianCountries == nil {
// We've reached a point where we need to allocate memory for the nonScandinavianContries array. Instantiate it before we append to it!
nonScandinavianCountries = []
return temp
scandinavia.count // 3
nonScandinavianCountries?.count // 2

Swift Realm [[String]] object

I'm new to Realm and have been through the documentation a few times. I need to persist a [[String]] and have not found a way to do it yet
var tableViewArray = [[String]]()
I see the documentation pointing to Lists but I've been unsuccessful at implementing them. I'm showing my whole process here but just need help persisting my var tableViewArray = [[String]]()in Realm
This is my class
class TableViewArrays {
var tableViewArray = [[String]]() // populates the Main Tableview
/// add picker selection to tableview array
func appendTableViewArray(title: String, detail: String, icon: String ) {
var newRow = [String]()
In the View Controller I instantiate the object
var tableViewArrays = TableViewArrays()
Then call the class function to populate the object
var tableViewArrays.appendTableViewArray(title: String, detail: String, icon: String )
Thank you for taking a look
I would make two Realm objects to be persisted, then nest them. Here's an example:
class RealmString: Object {
dynamic var value = ""
class RealmStringArray: Object {
let strings = List<RealmString>()
class TableViewArray{
let stringArrays = List<RealmStringArray>()
I can't say much about the efficiency of this method, but I suppose it should work for your purpose. Also, if you have a large amount of data, it may become a pain to persist each individual string, then string collection, the string collection collection.
create the classes
class TableViewRow: Object {
dynamic var icon = ""
dynamic var title = ""
dynamic var detail = ""
override var description: String {
return "TableViewRow {\(icon), \(title), \(detail)}" }
class EventTableView: Object {
let rows = List<TableViewRow>()
then instantiate the objects and append
let defaultTableview = EventTableView()
let rowOne = TableViewRow()
rowOne.icon = "man icon" ; rowOne.title = "War Hans D.O.P." ; rowOne.detail = "Camera Order Nike 2/11/17"
defaultTableview.rows.append(objectsIn: [rowOne])

Auto add a class instance to an array in Swift

How can I auto add a new class instance to an array?
class Product {
var name: String?
var products = [Product]()
How can I add a new instance of a Product class to the products Array? How can I append to the array?
I tried some code but I don't know how to reference the class in own class.
I tried something like this:
class Product {
var name: String?
init() {
var products = [Product]()
If you want your newly created object stored in products array then you need to declare it as static property so that it is shared by all instance otherwise it will just add first object for your every instance.
class Product {
var name: String?
static var products = [Product]()
init() {
init(name: String) { = name
Now use this products array using Product.products.
_ = Product(name: "One")
_ = Product(name: "two")
I dont't know why you need it, but you can use
class Product {
static var products: [Product] = []
var name: String?
init() {
Have you tried products.append(self) ?

Instance member cannot be used on type Array

I have the below class and I use a function math to search the string in both SongTitle and in ESongTitle.
class KeerthanaiArray: NSObject {
var SongTitle: String = String()
var SongLyrics: String = String()
var ESongTitle: String = String()
init(SongTitle: String, SongLyrics:String, ESongTitle: String) {
self.SongTitle = SongTitle
self.SongLyrics = SongLyrics
self.ESongTitle = ESongTitle
class func match(string:String) -> Bool {
return SongTitle.containsString(string) || ESongTitle.containsString(string)
I get the error message 'Instance member SongTitle cannot be used on type 'Keerthanaiarray'. Please help
I need to declare the math func as class as I need to use the math function outside of its class
There are several problems here.
This class KeerthanaiArray is not an array (as suggested by the name instead)
Why are you extending NSObject?
The class method match makes no sense, it is using 2 properties (SongTitle and ESongTitle) that does not exists in this context because they belongs to an instance of the class.
So let's cleanup your code
struct Song {
let title: String
let lyrics: String
let eTitle: String
func match(keyword: String) -> Bool {
return title.containsString(keyword) || eTitle.containsString(keyword)
I make you class a struct because makes more sense. You are free to turn back to class. If you stay on structs please keep in mind they are value types.
Now given a list of Song(s)
let songs: [Song] = ...
and a keyword
let keyword = "The Great Gig In the Sky"
this is how we search the array
let results = songs.filter { $0.match(keyword) }
Case insensitive version
struct Song {
let title: String
let lyrics: String
let eTitle: String
func match(keyword: String) -> Bool {
let lowerCaseKeyword = keyword.lowercaseString
return title.lowercaseString.containsString(lowerCaseKeyword) || eTitle.lowercaseString.containsString(lowerCaseKeyword)
