UINavigationItem 'searchController' Bug(?) - ios11

I’m using the new UINavigationItem 'searchController' property and it’s working great except for one issue.
Here's a screen shot of my view controller with the search bar in use:
The problem occurs when I select an item and then push a view controller that does not display the navigation bar onto the navigation stack. Here's the result:
All of a sudden I have all this space at the top of the screen.
'navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: true)' does not do anything because the nav bar is already hidden on the previous screen.

'searchController.hidesNavigationBarDuringPresentation = false'
will fix the weird space issue, but I don't want the nav bar displayed during a search:
What is the real solution for this? Is this in fact a bug? I think so, yes?


How to set ReactiveSearch loader position to top or bottom?

I'm using ReactiveSearch 3.30.0.
Here's how I use the ReactiveList component in my Next.js project.
The problem is during the loading that occurs,
When I click on a filter item
When Scroll more to the bottom
the MyCustomLoader is always at the bottom.
Expected outcome for the MyCustomLoader is,
When I click on a filter item => MyCustomLoader at top
When Scroll more to the bottom => MyCustomLoader at bottom
The reason is, since my results list is long and scrollable, the loader is not shown when I click a filter item. It is actually rendered on the DOM, because I could see it when zoomed out the browser window (but is outside visible area to the user).
Related GitHub issue https://github.com/appbaseio/reactivesearch/issues/749
Any workaround is highly appreciated. Thanks.

React-native-navigation goBack() irregular

I encountered a problem when using
"#react-navigation/bottom-tabs": "^5.11.1"and"#react-navigation/native": "^5.8.9"
the operation is as follows:
After entering the main interface, click the tabBar B PAGE bottom
Click jump to B Detail
Click the headerRight custom Back button
Why do I return to the A page? When I click the B page button at the bottom again, I will jump to the Detail page. I don’t know why. Can you help me?
I think it's because you are using navigate.goBack(); it pops the last item in the stack and navigate to that; so when you're trying to use bottom tabs for navigation, you push a new screen to the stack which gets rendered on goBack();
consider using the screen name instead;

Animate on $stateTransition (both exit and enter)

I have figured out how to make animations happen by using $stateChangeStart or $stateChangeSuccess in a controller or in my main apps $stateProvider but I can't get it to work as I intend to.
I would like to initiate a solid color bar that wipes over the screen and then wipes back the other direction showing the content. I imagine that when I click a menu link the animation begins(wiping over the current page), once at full-width -> the static page or data-binded page/controller is loaded and rendered and then once that is complete the animation swipes back the other way revealing the new page content.
I need help understanding how to make sure that every time a link is clicked: the first animation happens/ page is loaded/ and the next page revealed.

Hide slide-menu/nav bar

Still learning ionic. I have a slide menu integrated into the app. The problem that I have is that I want to completely hide ionic nav bar and menu on top for my login view. I tried using ng-show to hide the nav bar based on whether or not current user is authenticated, but all it does is hide the content in the bar, but leaves empty nav bar container on top of the page.
I also tried using ng-if instead of ng-show, which does make the bar disappear completely, but when I need it to become visible again, the code produces an error: Cannot read property 'outerHtml' of null. I guess because the DOM object for the menu is not there anymore.
What is the best way to address this? Am I on the right path or is there a better way to show/hide

Double Nav Bars when selecting "More..." items

I'm using a storyboard in my iOS 6 app. At the root I have a Tab bar, then I have a number of view controller tabs, enough to get a "More..." item in the bar. Each tab view is embedded in a navigation controller, a very standard setup like the below, except there are more tabs than two, enough to show a "More..." item in the bar:
Yikes, as a newbie I can't post images. Here's a link to an image http://maybelost.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/sb22.jpg
The problem is, if you tap "More..." and then you tap one of the items in the overflow list, the view slides in but you get double Nav Bars.
At the top is the bar from the "More..." screen, which is blank except for the back button saying "More...". Just under that is the Navigation controller from the item I picked from the overflow screen, with its title and so on.
The app works normally but obviously this is bad. How can I prevent this?
