React Native packager isn't including a 3rd party library in the bundle - reactjs

What's the best way to debug the react-native packager not including a dependency in the output bundle? What I have:
Module is included in package.json and appears in my node_modules
I'm using typescript, and the compiled js file has the require('countdown') line.
If I inspect the output bundle, or log the var countdown = require('countdown'), I can see that the source for countdown.js isn't included in the bundle.
If I use webpack to create a web bundle, it works as expected.
Here's the compiled js code which is having issues:
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var RX = require("reactxp");
var countdown = require("countdown");
var styles = {
outerContainer: RX.Styles.createViewStyle({
flexDirection: "row"
innerContainer: RX.Styles.createViewStyle({
flexDirection: "column",
alignItems: "center",
paddingHorizontal: 5
var CountdownTimer = (function (_super) {
__extends(CountdownTimer, _super);
function CountdownTimer() {
var _this = || this;
_this._setStateToNow = function () {
_this.setState({ currentDate: new Date( });
_this.state = { currentDate: new Date() };
return _this;
CountdownTimer.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
this.timerId = setInterval(this._setStateToNow, 1000);
CountdownTimer.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {
CountdownTimer.prototype.render = function () {
// THIS LINE FAILS SINCE 'countdown' is {}
var diff = countdown(this.state.currentDate, this.props.untilDate, CountdownTimer.DIFF_ARGS);
CountdownTimer.DIFF_ARGS = countdown.DAYS |
countdown.HOURS |
countdown.MINUTES |
return CountdownTimer;
exports.CountdownTimer = CountdownTimer;
The error I'm getting is Object is not a function, and logging the var countdown shows it is {}, and inspecting the shows that the source code for countdown.js isn't included.
I am running the packager with node ./node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start


Class to stateless function React

I kind of rolled into React when stateless functions where popular so I never experienced the Class approach of it, which is bothering me now..
I'm not sure what this function does:
var keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({
"constant.false": 'false',
"constant.true": 'true',
}, "identifier", true);
Which is called as:
this.$rules = {
"start": [{
token: "constant.numeric", // float
regex: "[+-]?\\d+(?:(?:\\.\\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)?\\b"
}, {
token: keywordMapper,
regex: "[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*\\b"
}, {
token: "keyword.operator",
regex: "\\+|\\-|\\/|\\/\\/|%|<#>|#>|<#|&|\\^|~|<|>|<=|=>|==|!=|<>|="
I think it maps the input (what input :s) and returns either 'false', 'true' or 'identifier' as default.
But what if I want to use it within a stateless functional component? Since I can't use this in there.
Any help or explanation on how the 'this' function works is much appreciated.
The whole useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
const newCompleter = {
getCompletions(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) {
callback(null, completions);
const keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({
"constant.false": 'false',
"constant.true": 'true',
}, "identifier", true);
const completionString = => x.value).join('|');
const session = editor.current.editor.getSession();
session.setMode(`ace/mode/text`, () => {
const rules = session.$mode.$highlightRules.getRules();
if (, 'start')) {
rules.start = [
token: 'constant.numeric', // float
regex: '[+-]?\\d+(?:(?:\\.\\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)?\\b',
token: keywordMapper(),
regex: '[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*\\b',
token: 'keyword.operator',
// }
// force recreation of tokenizer
session.$mode.$tokenizer = null;
// force re-highlight whole document
// to extend existing
// addCompleter(myCompleter);
// to override all
}, [completions]);
Original class component
ace.define("ace/mode/brms_highlight_rules", ["require", "exports",
"module", "ace/lib/oop", "ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var oop = require("../lib/oop");
var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules;
var BrmsHighlightRules = function() {
var FalseBool = (
var TrueBool = (
var keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({
"constant.false": 'false',
"constant.true": 'true',
}, "identifier", true);
this.$rules = {
"start": [{
token: "constant.numeric", // float
regex: "[+-]?\\d+(?:(?:\\.\\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)?\\b"
}, {
token: keywordMapper,
regex: "[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*\\b"
}, {
token: "keyword.operator",
regex: "\\+|\\-|\\/|\\/\\/|%|<#>|#>|<#|&|\\^|~|<|>|<=|=>|==|!=|<>|="
oop.inherits(BrmsHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules);
exports.BrmsHighlightRules = BrmsHighlightRules;
ace.define("ace/mode/brms", ["require", "exports", "module", "ace/lib/oop", "ace/mode/text", "ace/mode/brms_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var oop = require("../lib/oop");
var TextMode = require("./text").Mode;
var BrmsHighlightRules = require("./brms_highlight_rules").BrmsHighlightRules;
var Mode = function() {
this.HighlightRules = BrmsHighlightRules;
this.$behaviour = this.$defaultBehaviour;
oop.inherits(Mode, TextMode);
(function() {
this.$id = "ace/mode/brms";
exports.Mode = Mode;
(function() {
ace.require(["ace/mode/brms"], function(m) {
if (typeof module == "object" && typeof exports == "object" && module) {
module.exports = m;

Drift chat opening in every page

I have drift's async script code in the index.html file of the react app.
"use strict";
!function () {
var t = window.driftt = window.drift = window.driftt || [];
if (!t.init) {
if (t.invoked) return void (window.console && console.error && console.error("Drift snippet included twice."));
t.invoked = !0, t.methods = ["identify", "config", "track", "reset", "debug", "show", "ping", "page", "hide", "off", "on"],
t.factory = function (e) {
return function () {
var n =;
return n.unshift(e), t.push(n), t;
}, t.methods.forEach(function (e) {
t[e] = t.factory(e);
}), t.load = function (t) {
var e = 3e5, n = Math.ceil(new Date() / e) * e, o = document.createElement("script");
o.type = "text/javascript", o.async = !0, o.crossorigin = "anonymous", o.src = "" + n + "/" + t + ".js";
var i = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
i.parentNode.insertBefore(o, i);
drift.SNIPPET_VERSION = '0.3.1';
drift.on('ready', api => {
The issue is, it is getting popped up in every page of the app whereas I want it only when I click a button(onClick)
The function to trigger onClick :
openDriftChat = () =>{
const { setDriftState } = this.props;
if (window.drift.api) {
//this needs to happen only once but currently happening on every page load
if (!this.props.driftInit) {
if (localStorage.token) {
var tokenBase64 = localStorage.token.split(".")[1];
var tokenBase64_1 = tokenBase64.replace("-", "+").replace("_", "/");
var token = JSON.parse(window.atob(tokenBase64_1));
window.drift.identify(, {
I basically want it pop up only when I call the function.
Hello I had the same issue:
To hide the welcome message use the following css code
iframe#drift-widget.drift-widget-welcome-expanded-online {
display: none !important;
iframe#drift-widget.drift-widget-welcome-expanded-away {
display: none !important;
The welcome message will only be shown when your drift button. Some extra info:
To hide the drift button icon use the following js code
drift.on('ready', function (api) {
drift.on('message', function (e) {
if (! {
drift.on('sidebarClose', function (e) {
if ( {
To call for the sidebar from a specific button use the following
(function () {
var DRIFT_CHAT_SELECTOR = '.drift-open-chat'
function ready(fn) {
if (document.readyState != 'loading') {
} else if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn);
} else {
document.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', function () {
if (document.readyState != 'loading')
function forEachElement(selector, fn) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
fn(elements[i], i);
function openSidebar(driftApi, event) {
return false;
ready(function () {
drift.on('ready', function (api) {
var handleClick = openSidebar.bind(this, api)
forEachElement(DRIFT_CHAT_SELECTOR, function (el) {
el.addEventListener('click', handleClick);
<a class="drift-open-chat">Open Chat</a>
I hope this helps someone out there.
PS: The above javascript code must be included after you have initialized your drift widget.
You need to disable that through the application: turn off the Playbooks.
Here is the link to do so:
Hope it helps.

Angular-jsdoc - how to document complex method

I started to use angular-jsdoc for document my AngularJS code.
I have a service with some methods.
Some of the methods, return an object with another methods:
Here is an example of my service (with simple method and complex method)
angular.module('map').service('pointUtils', function ($http) {
var self = this;
// simple function
self.removeAllPoints = function () {
// remove all points
// complex function
self.createPoint = function (params) {
var pointData = {
isVisible :params.isVisible || true,
color : params.color || 'blue'
var pointObj = {};
pointObj.setColor = function (color) {
pointData.color = color;
pointObj.getColor = function () {
return pointData.color;
pointObj.setVisible = function (visible) {
pointData.isVisible = visible;
return pointObj
what is the way to document this complex method?

accessing items in firebase

I'm trying to learn firebase/angularjs by extending an app to use firebase as the backend.
My forge looks like this
In my program I have binded to $scope.projects.
How do I access the children?
Why doesn't $scope.projects.getIndex() return the keys to the children?
I know the items are in $scope.projects because I can see them if I do console.log($scope.projects)
angular.module('todo', ['ionic', 'firebase'])
* The Projects factory handles saving and loading projects
* from localStorage, and also lets us save and load the
* last active project index.
.factory('Projects', function() {
return {
all: function () {
var projectString = window.localStorage['projects'];
if(projectString) {
return angular.fromJson(projectString);
return [];
// just saves all the projects everytime
save: function(projects) {
window.localStorage['projects'] = angular.toJson(projects);
newProject: function(projectTitle) {
// Add a new project
return {
title: projectTitle,
tasks: []
getLastActiveIndex: function () {
return parseInt(window.localStorage['lastActiveProject']) || 0;
setLastActiveIndex: function (index) {
window.localStorage['lastActiveProject'] = index;
.controller('TodoCtrl', function($scope, $timeout, $ionicModal, Projects, $firebase) {
// Load or initialize projects
//$scope.projects = Projects.all();
var projectsUrl = "";
var projectRef = new Firebase(projectsUrl);
$scope.projects = $firebase(projectRef);
$scope.projects.$on("loaded", function() {
var keys = $scope.projects.$getIndex();
// Grab the last active, or the first project
$scope.activeProject = $scope.projects.$child("" + keys[0]);
// A utility function for creating a new project
// with the given projectTitle
var createProject = function(projectTitle) {
var newProject = Projects.newProject(projectTitle);
$scope.selectProject(newProject, $scope.projects.length-1);
// Called to create a new project
$scope.newProject = function() {
var projectTitle = prompt('Project name');
if(projectTitle) {
// Called to select the given project
$scope.selectProject = function(project, index) {
$scope.activeProject = project;
// Create our modal
$ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('new-task.html', function(modal) {
$scope.taskModal = modal;
}, {
scope: $scope
$scope.createTask = function(task) {
if(!$scope.activeProject || !task) {
title: task.title
// Inefficient, but save all the projects$scope.projects);
task.title = "";
$scope.newTask = function() {
$scope.closeNewTask = function() {
$scope.toggleProjects = function() {
// Try to create the first project, make sure to defer
// this by using $timeout so everything is initialized
// properly
$timeout(function() {
if($scope.projects.length == 0) {
while(true) {
var projectTitle = prompt('Your first project title:');
if(projectTitle) {
I'm interested in the objects at the bottom
After digging around it seems I may be accessing the data incorrectly.
Here's my new approach
// Load or initialize projects
//$scope.projects = Projects.all();
var projectsUrl = "";
var projectRef = new Firebase(projectsUrl);
projectRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {
if(snapshot.val() === null) {
console.log('location does not exist');
} else {
$scope.projects = $firebase(projectRef);
$scope.projects.$on("loaded", function() {
// Grab the last active, or the first project
$scope.activeProject = $scope.projects.$child("a");
I'm still not sure how to traverse the keys programmatically but I feel I'm getting close
It's an object containing more objects, loop it with for in:
for (var key in $scope.projects) {
if ($scope.projects.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
console.log("The key is: " + key);
console.log("The value is: " + $scope.projects[key]);
ok so val() returns an object. In order to traverse all the children of projects I do
// Load or initialize projects
//$scope.projects = Projects.all();
var projectsUrl = "";
var projectRef = new Firebase(projectsUrl);
projectRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {
if(snapshot.val() === null) {
console.log('location does not exist');
} else {
var keys = Object.keys(snapshot.val());
$scope.projects = $firebase(projectRef);
$scope.projects.$on("loaded", function() {
// Grab the last active, or the first project
$scope.activeProject = $scope.projects.$child("a");
Note the var keys = Object.keys() gets all the keys at then you can get the first child by doing snapshot.val()[keys[0])

Getting the response from an angular function

I have the following scope function in my controller
$scope.getStaff = function (request, response) {
var a = [];
if ($scope.staff !== null) {
// all terms must be contained
a = $scope.staff;
var terms = request.term.toLowerCase().split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) {
var t = terms[i];
if (t) {
a = $.grep(a, function (item, index) {
var v = item.label.toLowerCase();
return v.indexOf(t) !== -1;
response(a.length > 0 ? a : null);
I'm attempting to test it using jasmine like this:
describe('getStaff', function() {
it('...', function() {
$scope.staff = [
{ label: "test1" },
{ label: "test2" }
var req = { term: "a b c" };
expect(req.term.toLowerCase()).toBe('a b c');
var res = function(a) {
return a;
var result = $scope.getStaff(req, res).response;
I'm ultimately trying to see what "a" is in the getStaff function. How can I get that value in my jasmine test?
My answer is really an opinion. Unless you are willing to expose your 'a' in the scope of the controller, then my answer would be "you don't care" your jasmine test should only be testing the answer of response(a.length > 0 ? a : null); returned.
My gut tells me you may want to consider creating a helper function for this code
$.grep(a, function (item, index) {
var v = item.label.toLowerCase();
return v.indexOf(t) !== -1;
and unit testing that separate from your getStaff function.
