EAN 13 scanned incorrect in Mobile vision - mobile

When we scan EAN 13 barcode form mobile vision the barcode received is incorrect.
What can we do fix this.


How do I perform a search in SQL Server using ASP.Net Core 3.1 MVC (or above) that returns results in the order of most matches?

Given a table like this:
Unique identifier
A short name
Long description
A string of keywords separated by commas
How do I perform a search in SQL Server using ASP.Net Core 3.1 MVC or above that returns results in the order of most matches?
The user will enter one or more search keywords in the UI. The fields to be searched to test if any of the keywords match are Name, Description and Tags.
Searching will be case-insensitive. The Description field is a free form text string field, so some words may have pre or post punctuation marks.
And I need the results returned in order of “best match first”, which is defined as how many of the columns/fields in a given row contain the search keywords.
For example, if there were only 3 records in the Product table like this: -
A phone
iPhone 4
Mobile Phone
iPhone 5
iPhone mobile phone
Cell phone
If a user entered “iPhone” and that occurs in all three fields, this should be top of the list. So the results should look like this:
iPhone 5
iPhone mobile phone
A phone
iPhone 4
Mobile Phone
Cell phone
That is, with the best matches at the top.
How do I achieve this with SQL Server using ASP.Net Core 3.1 (or above) MVC and C#?

How to search for 18 digit salesforce Id using regex? example : you are invited REF<18 digit SFDC ID> for the interview

i cannot find answer to my question
Salesforce Ids are 15 or 18 characters of Base 62 data. They consist of the characters [A-Za-z0-9].
So long as your application preserves the case of the Id, the final three characters, which serve as a disambiguator for non-case-safe applications like Excel, can be ignored. Then, you can match REF<Salesforce Id> with the regex

Get shipment Carrier in Amazon MWS?

How to get a Carrier Name in Orders API of Amazon MWS for MFN Account which is already shipped? is it possible to do this using Order API?
I don't think there currently is any API to retrieve tracking information (or even just the carrier name) through MWS.
For the sake of completeness: To submit shipping information including carrier names and tracking numbers, you can use the SubmitFeed API with FeedType=_POST_ORDER_FULFILLMENT_DATA_. The corresponding XSD (OrderFulfillment.xsd) defines the following values as valid CarrierCodes: USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, Fastway, GLS, GO!, Hermes Logistik Gruppe, Royal Mail, Parcelforce, City Link, TNT, Target, SagawaExpress, NipponExpress, YamatoTransport . All other carriers must use the CarrierName field.
While I'm sure it's available in MWS, it would be much easier to use the carriers shipping number structure to determine the carrier.
Fedex can have 12 or 15 digit tracking numbers and the barcode can be 22 digits.
UPS has 1Z in front of their tracking.
USPS format is 20 digits (e.g. 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999), or a combination of 13 alphabetic and numeric characters, usually starting with 2 alphabets, following by 9 digits, and ending by "US" (e.g. EA 999 999 999 US
build regular expression to handle these easily.

SKProduct localizedDescription in different languages

I have in app purchase in my app. I am testing a thai language device with a test account that is in the thai store. I have both English and thai in app purchase titles and descriptions.
SKProductsResponse (product details[localizedDescription, localizedTitle] of SKProduct)always returning in English.
What am I doing wrong?
My Test Device setup in the Thailand store with Thai as the language, but product details returning in english, i want to show user in thai format .
how it is possible, i tried so many way but i didn't find any solution till now.
You should create a test user account on iTunes Connect, and set it's iTune Store to Thailand. Then sign out your apple id from your device, but don't sign in with your test user account here. When you start purchasing your product, iTune account dialog will prompt you to sign in your Apple ID. After you sign in with your test account here, you should see the product details in Thai.
You can get more information in detail from here.

How not to hash part of user data in Cakephp

In my cake app user needs to submit mobile number with the registration form, I see that mobile number is automatically encrypted to some other number, how do I not encrypt part of user data ? especially the 10 digit mobile number ?
Since the database field is of type int I'm guessing the issue arises when you try to save phone numbers that are not strictly integers, i.e. +123456, 123 456 789, 00123 456, 123-456-789 etc. You must use a varchar field to store phone numbers that include spaces, hyphens, pluses or start with a zero.
