Joins not used for complex HABTM search CakePhp 2 - cakephp

I have Contents, which can have Tags belonging to different TagGroups. I have a quite complex search condition which is as follows:
A Content matches if it is tagged with at least one tag from the search as long as it belongs to the same tag group.
TagGroup 1 are colours, TagGroup2 are shapes.
So if a Content is tagged with "blue", "turquoise" and "rectangular" it will be found, when I search for "blue" and "rectangular"
However this example is only to show that the logic behind this is quite complex.
Content -> ContentsTag <- Tag -> TagGroup
I want to develop a search with paging of the results I had it working, but between refactoring and framework updates it is broken.
At some point I loose the information for the joins and so my SQL is crashing because it is missing tables.
'limit' => (int) 10,
'order' => array(
'Content.objnbr' => 'asc'
'joins' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'table' => 'sang_contents_tags',
'alias' => 'CT1', //join for the first TagGroup
'type' => 'INNER',
'conditions' => array(
(int) 0 => 'CT1.content_id = Content.Id'
(int) 1 => array(
'table' => 'sang_contents_tags',
'alias' => 'CT2', //join for the second TagGroup
'type' => 'INNER',
'conditions' => array(
(int) 0 => 'CT2.content_id = Content.Id'
'conditions' => array(
'AND' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'OR' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'CT1.tag_id' => '189' // chosen Tag 1 from the first TagGroup
(int) 1 => array(
'OR' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'CT2.tag_id' => '7' // chosen Tag 2 from the second TagGroup
'contain' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Description',
'ContentsTag' => array(
'Tag' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Taggroup'
results in the following SQL:
SELECT `Content`.`id`, `Content`.`objnbr`, `Content`.`name`, `Content`.`imagecounter`, `Content`.`videolength`, `Content`.`money_maker`, `Content`.`comment`
FROM `my_db`.`contents` AS `Content`
WHERE ((`CT1`.`tag_id` = '189') AND (`CT2`.`tag_id` = '7'))
ORDER BY `Content`.`id` DESC
So clearly the Tags CT1 and CT2 are not joined and my sql is crashing.
Could it be that the contain is blocking the joins? If I unset the contain I still get the same result / error.
Any ideas?
Edit: To clarify, what I want to achieve:
The result should be a SQL statement like this:
SELECT `Content`.`id`, `Content`.`objnbr`, `Content`.`name`, `Content`.`imagecounter`, `Content`.`videolength`, `Content`.`money_maker`, `Content`.`comment`
`my_db`.`contents` AS `Content`
contents_tags AS CT1 ON CT1.content_id = Content.Id
contents_tags AS CT2 ON CT2.content_id = Content.Id
((`CT1`.`tag_id` = '189')
AND (`CT2`.`tag_id` = '7'))
ORDER BY `Content`.`id` DESC
It looks like the trouble is caused by the pagination. If I do a "simple" find I get Contents based on the Tags:
$result = $this->Content->find('all', $this->paginate['Content']);
generated query by find:
`my_db`.`contents` AS `Content`
`my_db`.`contents_tags` AS `CT0` ON (`CT0`.`content_id` = `Content`.`Id`)
`my_db`.`contents_tags` AS `CT2` ON (`CT2`.`content_id` = `Content`.`Id`)
((`CT0`.`tag_id` = '56')
AND (`CT2`.`tag_id` = '7'))
ORDER BY `Content`.`objnbr` ASC

I did a research in the bowels of the pagination class and my conclusion is, that it simply is not able to work with the current Paginator, because I cannot pass on my special joins I need for this complex query.
A custom find type also will not help, because my query is too dynamic for that.
Should anybody prove me wrong I will be a happy coder.


cakephp - difficulty to access a specific information in my controller

I have these tables and the relationships between them:
1 project hasmany configurationcontext 1 issuetype hasmany
optionconfiguration hasmany configurationcontext hasmany
optionconfiguration (does not exist intermediate table)
My goal is to get information like this query.
SELECT, IT.pname
FROM configurationcontext CC
LEFT OUTER JOIN optionconfiguration OC ON OC.fieldconfig = CC.fieldconfigscheme
LEFT OUTER JOIN issuetype IT ON = OC.optionid
WHERE CC.project = 10000
my doubts:
- which the controller to use to create a function that return me this information?
- How do I get this information?
thanks :)
Assuming I have your model names correct, this should do the trick:
$this->ConfigurationContext->find('all', array(
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'optionconfiguration',
'alias' => 'OptionConfiguration',
'type' => 'LEFT OUTER JOIN',
'conditions' => array(
'OptionConfiguration.fieldconfig = ConfigurationContext.fieldconfigscheme'
'table' => 'issuetype',
'alias' => 'IssueType',
'type' => 'LEFT OUTER JOIN',
'conditions' => array(
' = OptionConfiguration.optionid'
'conditions' => array(
'ConfigurationContext.project' => 10000
'fields' => array(
I haven't tried type "LEFT OUTER JOIN" but I don't see why it wouldn't work, maybe look into using containable to avoid using joins if you can.

How to remove parent model data by filtering on child model data?

I'm trying to return a set of data based on a condition in the related model.
The problem
Currently the closest I can get is using Containable to return all matching model data, but only returning child data if it matches the contain condition. This isn't ideal as my data still contains the primary model data, rather than it being removed.
I am using a HABTM relationship, between, for example, Product and Category, and I want to find all products in a specific category.
Inital idea
The basic method would be using containable.
$this->Product->find('all', array(
'contain' => array(
'Category' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'' => $categoryId
Although this will return all products, and just remove the Category dimension if it doesn't match the contain condition.
Closest so far
$this->Product->find('all', array(
'contain' => false,
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'categories_products',
'alias' => 'CategoriesProduct',
'type' => 'LEFT',
'conditions' => array(
'CategoriesProduct.product_id' => ''
'table' => 'categories',
'alias' => 'Category',
'type' => 'LEFT',
'conditions' => array(
'' => 'CategoriesProduct.category_id'
'conditions' => array(
'Product.status_id' => 1,
'' => $categoryId
Which generates the following query,
SELECT `Product`.`id`, `Product`.`name`, `Product`.`intro`, `Product`.`content`, `Product`.`price`, `Product`.`image`, `Product`.`image_dir`, `Product`.`icon`, `Product`.`icon_dir`, `Product`.`created`, `Product`.`modified`, `Product`.`status_id`
FROM `skyapps`.`products` AS `Product`
LEFT JOIN `skyapps`.`categories_products` AS `CategoriesProduct` ON (`CategoriesProduct`.`product_id` = '')
LEFT JOIN `skyapps`.`categories` AS `Category` ON (`Category`.`id` = 'CategoriesProduct.category_id')
WHERE `Product`.`status_id` = 1
AND `Category`.`id` = 12
This query is correct, except that the join conditions are being quoted ' instead of `, which breaks the query.
Manual query
FROM products
JOIN categories_products ON categories_products.product_id =
JOIN categories ON = categories_products.category_id
WHERE = 12
The problem lay in the way I was defining my join conditions. It's not an associative array but rather a string.
'conditions' => array(
'CategoriesProduct.product_id' => ''
Changes to
'conditions' => array(
'CategoriesProduct.product_id ='

Add tables to custom query in cakephp

Im trying to replicate the following query in cakephp:
FROM uploads, proposals
WHERE = uploads.proposal_id AND proposals.tender_id = 10
Im using the find method in the Upload model with the following conditions:
$conditions = array(
'' => $id,
'AND' => array(
'Upload.proposal_id' => ''
return($this->find('list', array('conditions' => $conditions)));
but im getting this query instead
SELECT `Upload`.`id`, `Upload`.`title`
FROM `kumalabs_lic`.`uploads` AS `Upload`
WHERE `Proposal`.`id` = 10 AND `Upload`.`proposal_id` = ''
as you can see, the proposals table is missing, can somebody explain me how can i make this query?
Thanks :)
I would recommend you use the linkable behaviour for this. It is much easier than the default way of doing joins in CakePHP. It works with the latest version of CakePHP, as well as 1.3.
CakePHP Linkable Behavior
You would then modify your find to look like this:
return($this->find('list', array(
'link' => array('Proposal'),
'conditions' => array(
'' => $id,
'fields' => array(
CakePHP will automatically join on your primary / foreign key, so no need to have the
'Upload.proposal_id' => ''
Though you don't need that condition, I also want to point out that you are doing your AND wrong. This is how you do AND and OR in CakePHP
'conditions' => array(
'and' => array(
'field1' => 'value1', // Both of these conditions must be true
'field2' => 'value2'
'or' => array(
'field1' => 'value1', // One of these conditions must be true
'field2' => 'value2'
If the model have association, CakePHP automatically join the table by 'contain' keyword. Try code bellow:
public function getProposalsFromTender($id){
$data = $this->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $id),
'fields' => array('Upload.*', 'Proposal.*'),
'contain' => array('Proposal')
CakePHP use explicit join instead of implicit join like ...from proposals, uploads...
I'm not familiar with that JOIN syntax but I believe it equals this:
FROM uploads
INNER JOIN proposals ON = uploads.proposal_id
WHERE proposals.tender_id = 10
... so you need something similar to this:
// Untested
$conditions = array(
'' => $id,
'joins' => array(
'alias' => 'Proposal',
'table' => 'proposals',
'type' => 'INNER',
'conditions' => ' = Upload.proposal_id',
Of course, this is a direct translation of your JOIN. If your models are properly related, it should all happen automatically.

CakePHP - find conditions with associations

I have an issue with a cakePHP find conditions. I have a Club model, a User model and a Post model :
Club hasMany Post
Club HABTM User
Basically, my clubs_users table also contains additional fields such as let's say 'limit' and 'diff' that respectively indicate the maximum number of posts a user want to display and how old those posts are allowed to be. I'd like to select the appropriate posts for every club related to a given user. I'm doing someting like this
$clubs = $this->Club->User->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $id),
'contain' => array(
'Club' => array(
'fields' => array(
'Post' => array(
'fields' => array(
'order' => array('Post.created' => 'DESC'),
'conditions' => array(
'DATEDIFF(NOW(), `Post.created`) <= /* 1 */',
'limit' => '/* 2 */'
What should i put instead of 1 and 2 for this to work ? I tried ClubsUser.diff and ClubsUser.limit but i got an error stating that those fields were unknown in the where clause.
Any help would be welcome.
Thanks for reading.
After bancer's comment, i looked deeper into the MySQL doc and it appeared that LIMIT expects only numeric arguments. So I now just want to return the posts that are not too old. My new find is (with the actual fields name)
$overview = $this->Club->Follower->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $this->Auth->user('id')),
'contain' => array(
'Club' => array(
'fields' => array(
'Post' => array(
'fields' => array(
'order' => array('Post.created' => 'DESC'),
'conditions' => array(
'DATEDIFF(NOW(), `Post.created`) <= ClubsUser.max_time_posts',
'limit' => 10
It generates the three following SQL queries (i replaced the fields name by * for clarity reasons) :
SELECT * FROM `users` AS `Follower`
WHERE `Follower`.`id` = 1
SELECT * FROM `clubs` AS `Club`
JOIN `clubs_users` AS `ClubsUser`
ON (`ClubsUser`.`user_id` = 1 AND `ClubsUser`.`club_id` = `Club`.`id`)
ORDER BY `ClubsUser`.`role_id` DESC
SELECT * FROM `posts` AS `Post`
WHERE DATEDIFF(NOW(), `Post`.`created`) <= `ClubsUser`.`max_time_posts` AND `Post`.`club_id` = (1)
ORDER BY `Post`.`created` DESC
The last query returns the error : field 'ClubsUser.max_time_posts' unknown in where clause
Ideally, i would like to get a query close to the one below instead of the last two queries above :
SELECT * FROM `clubs` AS `Club`
JOIN `clubs_users` AS `ClubsUser`
ON (`ClubsUser`.`user_id` = 1 AND `ClubsUser`.`club_id` = `Club`.`id`)
LEFT JOIN `posts` AS `Post`
ON (`Post`.`club_id` = `Club`.`id` AND DATEDIFF(NOW(), `Post`.`created`) <= `ClubsUser`.`max_time_posts`)
ORDER BY `ClubsUser`.`role_id` DESC, `Post`.`created` DESC
Any ideas ?
You should not use HABTM if you have extra fields in the join table, because Cake actually deletes and recreates those joins. You should use a "hasMany through" association:
Club hasMany ClubUser
User hasMany ClubUser
ClubUser belongsTo Club
ClubUser belongsTo User
When you do your find on User, you just contain ClubUser then contain Club.
$this->User->find('all', array(
'contain' => array(
'ClubUser' => array(
'fields' => array(
More details here:
and here:

cakephp: using a join for search results

I've completely confused myself now.
I have three tables: applicants, applicants_qualifications, and qualifications.
In the index view for applicants, I have a form with a dropdown of qualifications. The results should be a list of applicants with that qualification.
So I need the table of applicants on the index view to be based on a join, right?
If I add this to my applicants_controller:
$options['joins'] = array(
'table' => 'applicants_qualifications',
'alias' => 'q',
'type' => 'left outer', // so that I get applicants with no qualifications too
'conditions' => array(' = q.applicant_id',)
$this->Applicant->find('all', $options);
I get an additional sql statement at the bottom of the page, with the left outer join but the sql without the join is there too.
I think this line:
$this->set('applicants', $this->paginate());
calls the sql statement without the join.
Looks like I need to combine the join $options with the paginate call. Is that right?
If I use the search form, I get: Unknown column 'Qualifications.qualification_id' in 'where clause'
So the page is obviously not yet 'using' my sql with the join.
Sorry - I'm still a noob. Any help appreciated...
In order to set conditions, joins, etc for your model's pagination, you must do it as follows:
function admin_index() {
$this->Applicant->recursive = 0;
$this->paginate = array(
'Applicant' => array(
// 'conditions' => array('Applicant.approved' => true),
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'applicants_qualifications',
'alias' => 'ApplicationsQualification',
'type' => 'left outer',
'conditions' => array(' = ApplicationsQualification.applicant_id')
// 'order' => array('Applicant.joined DESC')
$this->set('applicants', $this->paginate());
I've commented out some sample keys that you can include later on - just to give you an idea of how it works.
Hope that helps!
You can use inner join instead of left outer join.For eg.
in cource controller
$cond = array(
'table' => 'colleges',
'alias' => 'Colleges',
'type' => 'inner',
'conditions'=> array('Colleges.college_id = Courses.college_id')
) ;
$courses = $this->Courses->find('all',
array('joins' =>$cond,'conditions' => array("Courses.status ='1' AND Colleges.status='1' "),
'fields' => array('course_id','course_name'),'group'=>'Courses.course_id'
