SQL Server installation error SQLCLI component - sql-server

I am trying to install SQL Server 2016 but getting error on installing SQL Server Native Client, I have tried installing SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2017 RC well but all are failing on installing client comopnet. I get following error.
There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this installation to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
Can anybody help how can I fix this issue?
Only SQL Server 2008 R2 works fine.

I found this here
I had the exact same problem. The solution is to go into
c:\users\"username"\AppData\Local\ then right click on "temp" and choose
"properies". Choose "security" --> edit --> add, and add the username you
are using, and give yourself all rights. After that it'll work :)
Another suggestion is to re-install the installer. You can do that here.


SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Unable to Install SQL Server (setup.exe)

I had an old version of SQL Server on my laptop which I uninstalled. Now I am trying to install SQL Server 2019 Developer edition but I get an error:
Error Code(Decimal): 2068052293 Error Description: Please install the Visual C++2017 Redistributable from https://aka.ms/vs/15/releaset..exe before running this installer.
I also installed Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable from the suggested path but still same error is happening.
Environment: HP/Pavilion/Windows 10 Pro/4g/500HDD/Corei5
PS: attaching screenshot for kind reference
Screenshot is missing.
Check for the following,
Is, VC++ 2017 is successfully installed? If yes, its worth doing a restart. Sometimes certain dll's should be registered in Windows environment, which will happen after a restart. Start SQL Server 2019 again after restarting.
Ensure both SQL Server 2019 and VC++ 2017 are installed with same user login. Hopefully you should be local admin for the login.
More suggestion can be provided based on screenshot error. Good luck!
This is my suggestion. It worked for me. Partition your local disk and install MSSQL in the new drive. That's all. Problem solved. This problem often happens with windows 11.

New Windows 10 Laptop - Unable to install SQL Server 2012

I'm getting the exact same error message as see in this blog post:
I ran the SQL Server 2012 setup exe (renamed it to setup.exe it was the expresss edition) as Admin from the command prompt specifying to install the updates prior which exists in my 'C:\Updates' and got the exact same error message as the blogger "An error occurred during the installation of an assembly"
Someone commented it resolved their issue for SQL 2012 in Windows 10 (I'm using express, they didnt specify which version).
Anyone else had issues with SQL 2012 or other installing on Windows 10 complaining about Microsoft.VC80.MCF or similar?
For Windows 10, you need at least SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2 - RTM version isn't supported. For some reason, it is only mentioned in documentation regarding SQL Server 2014: Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server.
Hopefully, with Express edition you can download the correct version with SP already integrated into it. However, it might be wiser to install SP3 instead and save yourself some hassle in the future.

SQL Server 2005 Express successfully installed, but is nowhere to be found!

I've SQL Server 2008 Express installed. I've just download and installed SQL Server 2005 Express, but I changed the name of instance into SQLEXPRESS2005 (I added 2005 at the end to avoid conflicting names).
Unfortunately, when I try to access the 2005 instance either using the SQL Server Management Studio or the VWD 2008 Express (Database Explorer window), I don't see it.
I just disk-recovered my system, so I lost many of my files. But, before that, I had both versions, one having 2005 as instance name.
So here are the summary of the issues:
I was able to download and install successfully the Express 2005
When I try to connect to a server, I only see.\SQLEXPRESS as option (there's no SQLEXPRESS2005)
When I try to connect from the VWD, I get the Server not found ERROR!
I can see the SQL SERVER 2005 icon on the Control Panel window. But, when I try to
uninstall it, I get a error message telling that this program is not found
When do Start -> All Programs, I can see the The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 folder
It's really strange as I was successfully able to install both versions before I experienced problem with my system.
Thanks for helping.
Do you see the service for the SQLEXPRESS2005 instance? If it isn't there then the instance doesn't exist and you'll need to reinstall.

SQL Server 2005 SP2 or SP3 not updating Management Studio?

I applied SQL Server 2005 SP2 and marked all the components to be updated, including Client tools, but the version in the Help -> About box still has version 1399, while the server does indeed had 3042.
I then re-applied SP2 to only Client tools, and everything ran successfully (again, first time did too) but still, no version update for management studio.
Now, I just applied SP3 with everything successfully, but still management studio version did not get updated.
How can I update it? Or at least how can I uninstall just Management studio so I can install it from a newer DVD?
If you go to Control Panel > Add Remove programs and then choose the appropriate SQL Server installation, this will start the typical install wizard for SQL Server.
You can then select the specific components that you wish to uninstall.
If you are having difficulties with SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 may I suggest that you visit the SQL Server Central forums as there are a wealth of resources for SQL Server SP3. It was actually due to user demand from this forum that resulted in there even being an SP3 release.
Let me know how you get on.
Cheers, John
I got the Error in sql server sp3 installation log which caused this:
Error Number : 29538
Error Description : MSP Error: 29538 SQL Server Setup did not have the administrator permissions required to rename a file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\mssqlsystemresource1.ldf. To continue, verify that the file exists, and either grant administrator permissions to the account currently running Setup or log in with an administrator account. Then run SQL Server Setup again.
Hate to answer my own question, but I had to manually un-install Client Tools, re-install them using SQL Server 2005 setup, and THEN apply the updates.
It wasn't working by just trying to apply updates over the existing original installation.
And i mention un-installing using the SQL Server 2005 Setup because trying to do it from the Add/Remove Programs dialog won't let you or will give you trouble.

How do I fix a Cross language installation problem in SQL Server 2008?

I'm trying to do a SQL Server 2008 setup and I've been given a Cross Language Installation failure. More specifically:
Rule "cross language installation: failed.
the Setup language is different than the language of existing SQL Server features. To continue, use SQL Server Setup installation media of the same language as the installed SQL Server features.
I do not have SQL Server Express installed and I browsed through "Add or Remove Programs" and was unable to find anything that looked like it was a previous version of SQL.
Any tips?
I restarted the setup after facing the same problem, and I realized that man should not close the installation center till the setup process is completed. If you leave it open it will work.
Ensure that you have uninstalled all of your old SQL Server versions. Also you must restart the installer if you have not done that when you began installation.
All I had to do was exit the installer and start the process again. For some reason it worked the second time around.
I had the same problem today when installing SQL Server 2008 Express on a computer that has never had an instance of SQL Server installed.
I found that "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward compatibility" was installed. I removed this via Add/Remove Programs and was able to successfully install SQL Server 2008 Express afterwards.
Change the Current Windows Language interface for the needed language you want to install.
That will make it possible for the Installer to launch the Localized version.
If you've previously installed SQL on the machine (or apparently some RedGate tools) have you checked for any SQL detritus in the registry?
If not then the MS forums have details of some reg keys to look out for, and some of the links are worth following for advice on what to delete from the registry.
On my installation of Sql Server 2008 Express, this was caused by having Sql Server 2005 Express Tools installed while trying to install 2008. Uninstalling 2005 Tools fixed the problem. I was able to keep Sql Server 2005 Express, including Sql Server 2005 Backward compatability; only had to nuke tools.
