ng-tags-input not working correctly with autocomplete - angularjs

I'm adding tag by selecting from list (which is populated using $http request). The tag is added but the text which I have typed that remains there with ng-invalid-tag class.
1) Initially,
2) Typing 3 letters to get HTTP Call.
3) Now after selection of first Skill "Angular Js'.
4) It shows that .input.invalid-tag is enabled. And which doesn't clear the placeholder.
My Input Tag is as below.
<tags-input ng-model="employerMyCandidatesCtrl.skillList" placeholder="Skills..."
displayProperty="skillName" debounce-delay="500"
Controller Code is as below.
vm.skillList = [];
vm.loadSkillData = function(query) {
return EmployerServices.getAllSkillsPromise(query); // $http call.
vm.addTagToSkillData = function(tag) {
if (_.findIndex(vm.skillList, tag) < 0) {
vm.removeTagFromSkillData = function(tag) {
var ind = _.findIndex(vm.skillList, tag) > -1 ? vm.skillList.splice(ind, 1) : '';
Is any configuration mistake I'm doing?

There are 4 attributes for onTagAdding, onTagAdded, onTagRemoving, onTagRemoved so the basic difference between the attributes ending with adding compared to those ending with added is
Adding suffixed tags are expecting a boolean which when true will be added
or removed based on the tag used.
But onTagAdded/Removed already adds the tag, before the function is called hence we can do some additional logic or else strip the ng-model of the added value or add back the removed value(not very easy).
Check the below JSFiddle to see the four attributes in action here
I have made a custom service to supply the data, so the final answer to your question will be to use the appropriate attribute (onTagAdding, onTagAdded, onTagRemoving, onTagRemoved) based on your usecase. From the above code, I think we need not write onTagAdded, onTagRemoved since its done automatically.


Replace , with . in input field bound to property using Angular 1

I have an input field that is supposed to contain numbers.
It is bound to an object property.
I want input entered as 4,5 to automatically get converted to 4.5 in both model and view.
<input data-ng-model="productContent(product.Id).Org" value="{{productContent(product.Id).Org | replaceComma}}" />
$scope.productContent = function (prodId) {
var content = $.grep($scope.productsContent, function (el) { return el.ProdId === prodId });
return content[0];}
app.filter('replaceComma', function () {
return function (val) {
return (typeof val) == "string" ? val.toString().trim().replace(",", ".") : val
When I enter a number, at first the model (productContent) retrieves the correct object. Then the filter code is called and returns a correctly converted string. I would expect both the model and view to be updated to the filtered value, but both are updated with the unfiltered value. What am I doing wrong?
I have faced the same problem in the past but instead of creating my own filter, I took a different path and found something ready to use instead.
angular-input-masks by assisrafael one of my favourite angular extensions for this purpose:
Since the author has written the documentation, I don't want to get extensive on it and be outdated in the future. As a quick reference, look for ui-number-mask.
Maybe this is not a direct answer to your question, since it's not replacing commas with periods, but making you type the decimals instead.
On a side note, you can suppress the thousands separators with ui-hide-group-sep
I hope that's helpful, otherwise leave a comment and I'll be happy to continue to assist you!

Warnings in AngularJs

Angularjs has great infrastructure for form validation and showing error messages. But, I am in a situation that I have to show a warning message to a user in a specific scenario. Here is the diagram of my simple form
The form has required and pattern validation applied on both fields. In addition to this validation I want a warning message to be displayed to the user if VatAmount is not 20 percent of the InvoiceAmount. The warning will differ from validation in following aspects
It will not prevent the form submission
It will only appear if both fields (InvoiceAmount and VATAmount) are
The warning should have a button or link that would read "Change and
proceed". When user presses that button the warning message will
hide and focus will be set to VATAmount field.
I believe this is a prefect use case for creating a directive. Actually, I have given it a try and put my effort in the form of a plunker. But my directive does not handle following cases
It appears even if the fields involved in warning are invalid
The show and hide functionality is not implemented (have no idea how
to target it)
Here is the link to the plunker
Your plunkr demo was on the right track; really you just needed to check for the special cases of when one of the values was empty.
I'd suggest calculating the fraction and storing it in the scope, and then watching that to see whether you should display your tax rate warning. Here's how to calculate the fraction. If either invoice.Amount or invoice.VAT is empty, the fraction will be set to null.
if (amt == null || vat == null) {
$scope.warning.fraction = null;
$scope.warning.fraction = vat / amt;
This works because those properties will be set to undefined if the user doesn't enter a valid number due to your use of ng-pattern.
However, while it's nice to encapsulate this in a directive, you don't need to compile the template yourself. Just use the built-in ng-transclude directive. Then you can include a button that references the current scope like this:
Vat Amount is not 20%.
<button ng-click="invoice.VAT = invoice.Amount / 5">change</button>
Your directive would contain this declaration:
transclude: true,
template: '<span class="alert-warning" ng-show="" ng-transclude></span>'
Plus a controller to update the directive's local scope to manipulate the warning object. Here's an updated demo.
You need to calculate visibility of vat-warning tag in controller on basis of $error.required and $error.pattern of invoiceAmount and vatAmount and then use it as below:
$scope.isInvoiceAmountInvalid = function () {
var error = $scope.invoiceForm.invoiceAmount.$error;
var required = error.hasOwnProperty("required") && error.required;
var pattern = error.hasOwnProperty("pattern") && error.pattern;
console.log("Inside isInvoiceAmountInvalid", error, required, pattern);
return (required || pattern);
$scope.isVatAmountInvalid = function () {
var error = $scope.invoiceForm.vatAmount.$error;
var required = error.hasOwnProperty("required") && error.required;
var pattern = error.hasOwnProperty("pattern") && error.pattern;
console.log("Inside isVatAmountInvalid", error, required, pattern);
return (required || pattern);
Here is an updated plunker for the same

issues with select field's empty option

We are facing multiple issues with select field's empty option.
My rendering code is as follows:
<select ng-switch-when="select" id="{{}}" ng-model=data[] >
<option ng-repeat="option in field.options" value="{{option.value}}">{{option.description}}
Here our UI is dynamically generated and options also populates dynamically using REST APIs. The Select field is bound to a data object that also populated using REST calls that might have blank value initially.
It automatically adds a empty option where it is not required and disappear after selecting any non-empty option.
Also it is showing following error for few select fields
TypeError: Cannot call method 'prop' of undefined
at$render (lib/angular/angular.js:20165:47)
at Object.ngModelWatch (lib/angular/angular.js:16734:14)
at Scope.$get.Scope.$digest (lib/angular/angular.js:11800:40)
at Scope.$get.Scope.$apply (lib/angular/angular.js:12061:24)
at done (lib/angular/angular.js:7843:45)
at completeRequest (lib/angular/angular.js:8026:7)
at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onreadystatechange (lib/angular/angular.js:7982:11)
I have doubt that is use following code in angular
function setupAsSingle(scope, selectElement, ngModelCtrl, selectCtrl) {
ngModelCtrl.$render = function() {
var viewValue = ngModelCtrl.$viewValue;
if (selectCtrl.hasOption(viewValue)) {
if (unknownOption.parent()) unknownOption.remove();
if (viewValue === '') emptyOption.prop('selected', true); // to make IE9 happy
} else {
if (isUndefined(viewValue) && emptyOption) {
} else {
and it break at this line
if (viewValue === '') emptyOption.prop('selected', true); // to make IE9 happy
because the empty option is provided by REST API at later stage and not available till initial rendering.
Please provide some suggestion for implementation and some alternate approach.
P.S : I can not use ng-option with select as it emit indexed values and I need actual values for some DOM manipulation.
I would first read over how to do data-ng-options ( because your select will cause you a bit of issues. Here's how you could move your code around:
<span data-ng-switch-when="select">
<select id="{{ }}" data-ng-model="data[]" data-ng-options="option.value as option.description for option in field.options></select>
Secondly, the reason that the blank option is selected is because data[] is not set to a value that's present in option.value. You need to set it in your controller so the blank option goes away. You can see a similar question here: Why does AngularJS include an empty option in select?

How to use Backbone.Marionette.ItemView with Mustache

The following code works fine using Backbone.Marionette.ItemView but not Mustache.
Backbone.Marionette.ItemView - no Mustache
I would like to use the same code but loading the template varaible using Mustache.
Here is my code:
Backbone.Marionette.ItemView - with Mustache
Any idea why my code does not work and why?
I'd like to update the answer here a bit as I was just struggling with this, and I was using this answer as a reference.
Here are my findings:
The answer here is a bit out of date with the current version of Mustache (which is understandable as it's pretty old)
Mustache.to_html is now deprecated, but still exists as a simple wrapper around Mustache.render for backwards compat. Check out this link.
Additionally, I found overriding Marionette.Renderer.render, as in the accepted answer above, completely bypasses the Marionette.TemplateCache layer which may not be the desired behavior.
Here's the source for the Marionette.Renderer.render method:
render: function(template, data){
if (!template) {
var error = new Error("Cannot render the template since it's false, null or undefined."); = "TemplateNotFoundError";
throw error;
var templateFunc;
if (typeof template === "function"){
templateFunc = template;
} else {
templateFunc = Marionette.TemplateCache.get(template);
return templateFunc(data);
As you can see it accesses the Marionette.TemplateCache.get method and the above answer does nothing to maintain that functionality.
Now to get to my solve (note: the above answer is not wrong necessarily; this is just my approach to maintain the Marionette.TemplateCache layer):
As the comments suggest above, override compileTemplate instead:
Marionette.TemplateCache.prototype.compileTemplate = function(rawTemplate) {
// Mustache.parse will not return anything useful (returns an array)
// The render function from Marionette.Renderer.render expects a function
// so instead pass a partial of Mustache.render
// with rawTemplate as the initial parameter.
// Additionally Mustache.compile no longer exists so we must use parse.
return _.partial(Mustache.render, rawTemplate);
Here's a working JSFiddle as proof.
In the fiddle, I've also overridden Marionette.TemplateCache.loadTemplate to demonstrate that it's only called once. The body of the function only adds some debug output and then re-implements most of the original functionality (minus error handling).
Marionette assumes the use of UnderscoreJS templates by default. Simply replacing the template configuration for a view isn't enough. You also need to replace how the rendering process works.
In your simple example, you only need to override the Marionette.Renderer.render function to call Mustache, and then set the template of your views to the string template that you want:
Backbone.Marionette.Renderer.render = function(template, data){
return Mustache.to_html(template, data);
var rowTemplate = '{{ username }}{{ fullname }}';
// A Grid Row
var GridRow = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: rowTemplate,
tagName: "tr"
Note that your JSFiddle still won't work even when you put this code in place, because the GridView is still using a jQuery selector/string as the template attribute. You'll need to replace this with the same type of template function to return mustache.

How to stringify JSON to JavaScript array

My form in the html DOM is a checkbox to click (there can be more than one). The problem occurs in the description string when ever I use an apostrophe, since my list object is single-quote deliniated. This is one of the checkboxes in the form:
<input type="checkbox" id="cbx" name="cbx" value="{'getPic': 'url', 'picsrc': '', 'pos': None, 'description': 'Here's what it REALLY looks like at 5:30am! Bring your headlight!'}">
The javascript that reads the values of the checked checkboxes and pushes them into an array (list):
var pylist = [];
for (i=0; i<document.picList.cbx.length; i++) {
if (document.picList.cbx[i].checked) {
pylist.push( document.picList.cbx[i].value );
var getstr = JSON.stringify(pylist);
The problem is always that getstr at this point has chopped off everthing after the single quote in the description property.
I've tried different ways of escaping it to little avail.
The problem is that the value of the checkbox already is a JSON string. One solution would be to call JSON.parse() on the value:
var pylist = [];
for (i=0; i<document.picList.cbx.length; i++) {
if (document.picList.cbx[i].checked) {
pylist.push( JSON.parse( document.picList.cbx[i].value) );
var getstr = JSON.stringify(pylist);
I've run into the same issue - we stick json in a hidden field so we don't have to query the server on every page. We replace apostrophes with a "code" before putting into the html - we added a javascript function that replaces the code with an apostrophe.
Really hacky, but it works really well. Of course, we have one place in the code that gets json from the server and one place where javascript needs to parse it - if you find you're repeating the methods throughout your code, your mileage will vary.
