One block to subscribe to all content on site Subscription Module Drupal 7 - drupal-7

I want to put a subscription block on a single page on the site that will allow users to subscribe to all content on the site by default. I a using subscriptions module.How do I achieve this?

I haven't tested this yet, but I think you could use the Subscription rules module: and the module to meet some of your need. It would involve making a view/block with the "Rules Link" that then triggered the subscription rule action to subscribe people to all of the site content, etc.


When do Tealium vendor tags fire on React pages?

We've implemented Tealium throughout our site, including some newer, single page app (SPA) content. Our devs are new to Tealium, so we're all kind of building the car as we drive it.
I've read Tealium's docs on both single page apps and the standard order of operations. What I don't fully understand is when vendor tags fire on SPA sections. For example, when I first land on a SPA page, I see the HTTP requests indicating the tags have fired (We haven't disabled the initial page view event yet). But as I navigate around that app, triggering the manual link/view events that the devs implemented in the site code, I see those events being logged but the HTTP requests from vendor tags are inconsistent or not-existent. For example, we have a Google Ads tag that appears to fire with each of these events, but we also have Microsoft Ads tag that does not, despite both tags' Load Rules being configured to load on all pages.
Can anyone confirm whether utag.view() and fire vendor tags when called? If I'm misunderstanding a piece of the implementation, I'd be grateful for a clarification. Thank you :)
As a general rule, Tealium knows nothing about your app's events. Like most tag managers, it'll default to firing off a utag.view() indicating a new pageview once the page has loaded, but in an SPA app, that happens once and it's got no hook into your router to understand future navigations.
Rather, it's on you to instrument your SPA and augment the router so that when a new route is successfully rendered, you call a utag.view() and when other actions occur that you want to track, you make the appropriate calls as Tealium will not do this for you.

ExtJS6: Partial App load for special request that always opens in a new window

We have a ExtJS7 app, that for special requests like reset password, that always opens a new tab via email reset link, get loaded in full. We would like to load only few pages that are needed to load for these kind of request
Is there a way in ExtJS that would only load a particular page and its dependencies
I have not seen tutorials on this subject in official documentation. Myself did the following - just created another app (or bundle) for logging. The backend is responsible for the logic of what to display (loginapp or mainapp) - in the absence of a session, the user receives the app login
Absolutely. You can make another app - each app is a page, and will have its own packaged dependencies.
That's the easiest approach. A more complicated approach is to break your application into several ExtJS packages. You can then configure the app.json to exclude all of the packages from the micro loader. You then need to load these packages dynamically, presumably after logging in.
Doing this, though, is extremely complicated, and almost certainly not worth doing.

SPA - When to use Location Based or Internal State?

Hopefully this is not too opinionated but I am wondering if there are best practices regarding location-based SPAs and Internal based SPAs.
Internal based SPAs - track state internally
Location-based SPAs - URL location / Sessions , etc
In one part of my site if a user pastes in the url the search results will show.
However if I should be doing it for areas like admin section.
For instance I am allow users to add inventory to this point
admin -> add new Inventory -> choose center -> choose subcategory -> add inventory.
This is pretty much the flow, however if I would make it location based then on the "add inventory page" I would have to set the
Which would require ajax requests to get all the data and basically every page I would have to do setting up data. It just seems like alot of work that every page has to be fully setup if they are coming from a url.
I am already using stuff like react-router to do my routing but in the end of the day I would to make sure that everything is always setup to the page can basically run standalone.
So maybe in some situations it would be better to somehow just redirect users back to the root of everything instead?
I would recommend using React Context for resolving your problem.
Once authorized, you can set the Provider value to be the user or their permissions, then on each ComponentDidMount or render() or whatever lifecycle hook you choose, you can check the users permissions and then allow the functionalities based on that.
Context values persist throughout routing, so you won't have to worry about updating it all the time (although you probably should if your user has a timed session).
So it is fully possible and probably more effective to use a mix of both internal and location based state management.

gtag.js tracking on multiple domains but no linking

My company has an angular component library that we want to track usage of. This means that multiple developers will us it on multiple domains. I have included a single tracking id and am dynamically loading the gtag.js library when components are loaded. This works on the main domain but the tracking isn't logged in the dashboard. Does anyone know of the settings required to make this possible? Also I am not trying to link any pages or sessions, just have unique tracking per application.
It turns out that I had upgraded one gtag emit call but a second one was still in the ga syntax and wasn't registering in the dashboard.

Online Resources for Google Analytics Event Tracking for Backbone Application

I was trying to find some resources online for using Google Analytics' event tracking functionality in a Backbone application, and the only one that I was able to find was a blog post from airbnb, which uses CoffeeScript. Does anyone know of any resources for a regular javascript Backbone app? I have not used the event tracking functionality before, so basic resources are appreciated ...
Thank you!
You can just push events into the queue whenever is appropriate.
So, for example, we have a single paged app, for which we want to track page views, although we're never reloading the page.
To achieve this goal, we attach on all of our router events a listener which pushes each new page view into the _gaq stack. (This is greatly simplified.)
router.on("route", function(page) {
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', page]);
This will push the page argument into the Google Analytics tracking stack. Just make sure that you've set up Google Analytics prior to this call.
For events, for example, we sometimes want to track a button being pushed. Therefore, we just make a _trackEvent push into the queue with the object containing the details of what we're pushing.
Instead of putting a ton of _gaq.push code on your page, I would recommend you to make a function available throughout your app that abstracts this functionality, such as:
var track = function(event, payload){
_gaq.push[event, payload];
This will isolate you from changes to the Analytics API, as well as allow you to add other reporting locations to your tracking events easily.
