ItemsControl Not Creating ContentPresenter - wpf

Why isn't my ItemsControl creating a ContentPresenter for each item? I'm guessing this is what's making my items not show up (they're set to visible and in the right spot when I inspect using the Live Visual Tree). I'm basically reusing code that works up above in a different ItemsControl and I haven't been able to find anything while searching Google/Stackoverflow with this issue. I can include view model code but I don't think it's related because I see the appropriate values in the Live Property Explorer and can see each WellContainer is in it's appropriate grid cell.
ItemsSource="{Binding Wells}">
wpf:GridHelpers.RowCount="{Binding RowCount}"
wpf:GridHelpers.ColumnCount="{Binding ColumnCount}">
Value="{Binding Path=WellRow}"/>
Value="{Binding Path=WellCol}"/>
Live Visual Tree Inspection:

The ItemsControl is designed to wrap the items in a container only when necessary, that is, when the item is not eligible to be its own container. From your comment we find that WellContainer derives from Control, thus is eligible to be its own container1 and is not wrapped in a ContentPresenter. Unfortunately there's no way to control this behavior directly, but you could subclass ItemsControl and override the ItemsControl.IsItemItsOwnContainerOverride method to modify the default behavior.
1 As we can see in the ItemsControl source code it is enough for the item to be of UIElement type to be eligible to be its own container.


How to uniquely position usercontrols from an ItemsControl (in MVVM)?

I am trying to present the usercontrol, CharacterEditorView, from within an ItemsControl. (The use of "Canvas" in the ItemsPanelTemplate can be changed, Grid?). The CharacterEditorView is to overlay on top of a character string, so position is crucial. The ItemsControl is:
<ItemsControl Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="1" ItemsSource="{Binding CharacterPads}" >
<Canvas />
<Setter Property="Control.Margin" Value="{Binding Margin}"/>
where the binding of CharacterPads is defined as:
private ObservableCollection<CharacterEditorViewModel> characterPads = new ObservableCollection<CharacterEditorViewModel>();
public ObservableCollection<CharacterEditorViewModel> CharacterPads
return characterPads;
I would like to present EACH CharacterEditorView within a specific rectangle known only at the time of its viewmodel creation. That is, each CharacterEditorView will have a different
rectangle to be presented in:
<UserControl x:Class="Nova5.UI.Views.CharacterEditorView"
<Grid Background="Red">
<TextBlock Text="TextBlock" Margin="{Binding ...?????}" />
What binding is needed to position EACH CharacterEditorView at its own position?
Thanks for any ideas.
If you want to bind the TextBlock's Margin, you need some bindable property of type Thickness within the CharacterEditorViewModel and specify this as the binding target (or, for cleaner code, provide numeric properties in the ViewModel and implement a ValueConverter that creates a Thickness instance out of them).
Alternatively, since the ItemsPanelTemplate is already defined as Canvas, bind those numeric properties directly to Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top, as HighCore suggested.

Scaling images in a WPF ListBox

I've started developing my code using the example from SO WPF: arranging collection items in a grid. Now, to gain cell selection capability, I renamed each ItemsControl to ListBox, because a ListBox is-a ItemsControl (XAMl somewhat simplified):
<ListBox HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" ItemsSource="{Binding YourItems}">
<Setter Property="Grid.Column" Value="{Binding X}"/>
<Setter Property="Grid.Row" Value="{Binding Y}"/>
<Image RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="LowQuality" Source="{Binding ...ImageSource, Mode=OneWay}">
The grid is filled with glyph run test imaged, based on the code here.
Surprisingly it worked - kind of. Selection works. However, in the case of the ItemsControl, there was no scroll bar. Everything scaled nicely. When I made the window smaller, the grid cells shrunk and so did the images. When I made the window larger, everything scaled up.
Now, with the ListBox that's not the case. The images size stays fixed. If the window isn't large enough, there's an horizontal scroll bar and when the window isn't large enough, some of the images are hidden and the user needs to scroll to the right.
So, my question is: If a ListBox is-an ItemControl, why don't my images scale the same? What should I do to correct it?
This is because ListBox and ItemsControl use different styles. You might easily apply the ItemControl's default style to your ListBox:
<ListBox Style="{StaticResource ResourceKey={x:Type ItemsControl}}">

ItemsControl and controls attached properties

I'm trying to implement a diagram with movable/resizeable parts in WPF.
I would like to use ItemsControl with ItemsPanel configured to be "DynamicCanvas".
All you need to know about DynamicCanvas right now is that it acts like a usual canvas - with one exception - it utilizes attached properties to store information about X,Y attributes on its children.
My code:
<ItemsControl IsTabStop="False" ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=comboBox1,Path=SelectedItem.Source.Table}">
<s:TableControl Table="{Binding}" />
<!--<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">-->
<c:DynamicCanvas SizeHeightToContent="True" SizeWidthToContent="True" ClipToBounds="True" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" PreviewMouseDown="Canvas_MouseDown" IsHitTestVisible="True" Background="Gray" >
The controls that are being displayed on DynamicCanvas are of my custom type (below only the most important part):
<ContentControl x:Class="SubiektCommerceSynchro.ViewModel.TableControl"
c:DynamicCanvas.Left="{Binding X,Mode=TwoWay}"
c:DynamicCanvas.Top="{Binding Y,Mode=TwoWay}"
Width="450" Height="300"
Now the problem and the question:
The part here that doesn't work is with attached properties c:DynamicCanvas.Left(Top).
Lets put it in steps:
1) DynamicCanvas expects its immediate children to have c:DynamicCanvas.Left and c:DynamicCanvas.Top defined
2) ItemsPanel when putting TableControls onto the DynamicCanvas wraps them in some kind of container
3) DynamicCanvas sees no attached properties on its immediate children => treats them as being positioned at (0,0) and renders them effectively unmoveable.
How can I resolve this issue?
Does this help?
<Setter Property="c:DynamicCanvas.Left"
Value="{Binding X,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
<Setter Property="c:DynamicCanvas.Top"
Value="{Binding Y,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
You have to modify the ControlTemplate of the item wrapper in the ItemContainerStyle. If you set it to simple ContentPresenter, the items will not be wrapped in anything (the contents of the DataTemplate will be pasted directly into the DynamicCanvas).
See this article.

When using ItemsControl ItemsControl.ItemsPanel is set to Canvas, ContenPresenter comes in and break my Canvas properties on the children [WPF]

I am using an ItemsControl where the ItemsPanel is set to Canvas (see this question for more background information).
The ItemsControl is performing as I want, and it works like a charm when adding a child element manually by putting it into ItemsControl.Items:
<Canvas IsItemsHost="True" />
<Button Canvas.Left="500" Content="Button Text" />
Note the Canvas.Left property on the Button. This works like a charm, and the Button is placed 500 pixels from the left of the ItemsControl left side. Great!
However, When I am defining a ItemsSource binding to a List, the Canvas.left doesn't have any effect:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Elements}">
<Canvas IsItemsHost="True" />
<Button Canvas.Left="500" Content="Button Text" />
By inspecting the application during run time, I see one difference. The container ContentPresenter has been added between the Canvas and the button..
How can I set the Canvas.Left property on the ContentPresenter itself? Or is there another way to solve this problem?
Thanks to all!
It is possible to set the Canvas.Left property using ItemContainerStyle:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Elements}">
<Canvas IsItemsHost="True" />
<Button Content="Button Text" />
<Setter Property="Canvas.Left" Value="500" />
there are several solutions coming to my mind:
use a layout/rendertransform instead of the attached property
use margin instead of the attached property
derive from ItemsControl, and override the behavior how the child containers are generated. (GetContainerForItemOverride, IsItemItsOwnContainerOverride). This article is explaining quite nicely how it works:
Button Doesn't have a "Canvas" Property, so what you are doing is is making a relative call to the hosting control, however because the item and canvas are in different Templates there is no direct link, because of this the Canvas.Left is meaningless before runtime.
hence your method can't find a left to set so loses the change.
However Setters are only implemented at runtime so
<Setter Property="Canvas.Left" Value="500" />
will only run after the objects have been generated and hence do have a relative relationship.
Otherwise you can use the margin which does belong to the button object but again is only interpreted at runtime

WPF UI persistence in TabControl

I am having issues with something that seems like it should be very simple but in fact has proven quite difficult.
Lets say you have a TabControl bound to an itemsource of ViewModels and the items displayed using a DataTemplate. Now lets say the DataTemplate consists of a Grid with two columns and a Grid splitter to resize the columns.
The problem is if you resize the columns on one tab, and switch to another tab, the columns are also resized. This is because the TabControl shares the DataTemplate among all tabs. This lack of UI persistence is applied to all elements of the template which can make for a frustrating experience when various UI components are adjusted. Another example is the scroll position in a DataGrid (on a tab). A DataGrid with few items will be scrolled out of view (only one row visible) if a DataGrid with more rows was scrolled to the bottom on another tab. On top of this, if the TabControl has various items defined in multiple DataTemplates the view is reset when you switch between items of differenet types. I can understand that this approach saves resources but the resultant functionality seems quite contradictory to expected UI behavior.
And so i'm wondering if there is a solution/workaround to this as i'm sure it's something that others have encountered before. I've noticed a few similar questions on other forums but there was no real solution. One about using the AdornerDecorator but that doesn't seem to work when used with a DataTemplate. I'm not keen on binding all the UI properties (like column width, scroll position) to my ViewModels and in fact I tried it for the simple GridSplitter example and I didn't manage to make it work. The width of the ColumnDefinitions were not necessarily affected by a grid splitter. Regardless, it would be nice if there were a general solution to this. Any thoughts?
If I ditch the TabControl and use an ItemsControl will I encounter a similar issue? Would it be possible to modify the TabControl Style so it doesn't share the ContentPresenter between tabs?
I've been messing with this on and off for a quite a while now. Finally, instead of trying to fix/modify the TabControl I simply recreated it's functionality. It's actually worked out really well. I made a Tab'like'Control out of a Listbox (Tab headers) and an ItemsControl. The key thing was to set the ItemsPanelTemplate of the ItemsControl to a Grid. A bit of Styling, and a DataTrigger to manage the Visibility of the Items and voila. It works perfect, each "Tab" is a unique object and preserves all it's UI states like scroll position, selections, column widths, etc. Any downsides or problems that might occur with this type of solution?
ItemsSource="{Binding Tabs}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedTab}"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource ImitateTabControlStyle}">
Orientation="Horizontal" >
Margin="4,0" FontWeight="Bold"
VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
Text="{Binding Name}" >
Command="{Binding CloseCommand}">
<Image Source="/TERM;component/Images/Symbol-Delete.png" MaxHeight="20"/>
ItemsSource="{Binding Tabs}">
<Grid />
Binding="{Binding IsSelected}" Value="False">
<Setter Property="ContentControl.Visibility" Value="Hidden" />
