Hello everyone i'am looking for method to change field types and convert its values during this.
I mean something like that:
def up do
alter table(:users) do
modify :role, :integer, default: fragment("convertion_function")
I know Ecto.Migration#modify/3 function gets &fragment/1 argument. But it gets only one argument.
Does anyone know if it possible to pass current value to &fragment/1 function?
Or maybe anyone know better way to do that?
In PostgreSQL, this can be done by specifying a USING clause to the ALTER TABLE <table> ALTER COLUMN <column> query. I couldn't find any support for this in Ecto's migration. You can use execute to execute a raw query to do this. Here's how you'd alter the posts table's title column from a string to integer and set the new value to be the length of the original titles:
def up do
execute """
alter table posts
alter column title
type integer
using length(title);
length(title) being the fragment expression which calculates the new value.
You'll want to write a similar query for the reverse migration as well.
You can read more about USING in ALTER TABLE here.
default would set the default value for new rows, it has nothing to do with the conversion of existing data.
AFAIK, there is no way to modify the column type without losing the data in PostgreSQL/MySQL. The only way would be to create a new column with migration #1, migrate existing data there with migration #2 and remove old column + rename the new column to the old name with migration #3.
I have a question regarding making a new table based on the result of a query in Cassandra, in SQL we have the INTO clause which can create a new table using the result of a query. Is there any way we can do it in Cassandra's shell? I'm sorry if my question is not very clear.
So in my case, I have to filter using a field in one of the UDT of the table. For example:
id | name
some_id | {first: "John", last: "Doe"}
I know that we can't filter using only the first or the last name because they're part of the name type so I want to get every first name and create a new table for them then I can find the name I want. Any help would be very appreciated.
Thank you.
Within CQL, it is not possible to perform this operation. It can be done as a spark job, selecting / filtering the data you wish to place into a second table you have created, and then inserting.
I was referencing this question How to export all data from table to an insertable sql format?
while looking for a way to create an insert statement for a single row from a table without having to manually write it since the table has many columns. In my case I simply followed the steps listed then performed a ctrl-f search in the resulting script for the record I wanted then copied and pasted that single line to another query window but this would be terrible if I had hundreds of millions of rows. Is there a way to get the same functionality but tell the script generator I only want rows where id = value? Is there a better way to do this using only the out of the box Microsoft tools?
There is no way to do this, but you can do it by using a temp table
Create a new table by inset into and select those records which you want to insert.
Create the script and change the table name by using find and replace.
finally drop that temporary table.
I am doing some homework. The users of my database uses some other attributes, not just the ones that ASP 2.0 automatically created for me when i implemented the login and registration mechanism. But when i try to save the modification displays me an error. Can someone give me a hand?
This is the error:
The error says:
'aspnet_Users' table
- Unable to modify table. ALTER TABLE only allows columns to be added
that can contain nulls, or have a
DEFAULT definition specified, or the
column being added is an identity or
timestamp column, or alternatively if
none of the previous conditions are
satisfied the table must be empty to
allow addition of this column. Column
'kjoptekvoten' cannot be added to
non-empty table 'aspnet_Users' because
it does not satisfy these conditions.
That database was automatically created when i implemented Forms based authentification and registration. The problem now is that that users needs some more attributes. How can i give to it more attributes? What is the easiest way to do it?Does not mind if it is not theorically correct(It is just for a homework).
I would appreciate a lot your help.
Apart form the technicalities on the database side, there is a deeper issue here.
You should not alter the aspnet_Users table because you are bypassing the way the membership 'system' in asp.net is working. Instead, have a look into the Profile mechanism: https://web.archive.org/web/20211020111657/https://www.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/101106-1.aspx
You need to make the new attributes nullable or provide a default value. But you also need to consider how to obtain the values from db. The sql membership provider utilizes an auto generated stored procedure to put data into the membership user instance returned,so just adding the attributes in the table will not be sufficient to get the attribute values to your application. I would use a user attribute table instead.
The error message says it all:
You are adding a new column that can't be Null (checkbox "Allow Nulls" not checked), but as you didn't provide a default value, it will be Null.
So SQL Server can't create the new column.
You can do two things:
a) Create the new column with Nulls allowed.
THEN put a default value in all existing rows:
update aspnet_Users set kjoptekvoten = 0)
...and THEN uncheck "Allow Nulls"
b) Create the new column directly with default values.
I don't know if you can do this in Management Studio, but it's easy in T-SQL:
alter table aspnet_Users
add kjoptekvoten int not null
constraint Name_For_Constraint default(0) with values
This will add the new not nullable column, AND create a constraint with a default value, AND fill the default value in all existing rows (SQL Server will not do this without the "with values" clause).
Normally I just set the column as allow nulls
then do an SQL UPDATE TABLE SET VALUE = whateva
then update the table definition to not allow nulls.
I've lost my data in Access base, and I've manage to bring them back but when I copy the values in the table with the AutoNumber Column it increments the numbers.
Is there Any way to change it to int and then bring it back to AutoNumber?
Here is how I managed to do this in Access 2010:
Make a backup of your database. (Just to be safe.)
Right-click on the table in the tables list, and select Export->Excel. Accept all defaults.
Open the table in Excel and make the desired change to the autonumber field.
Open the table and delete all rows
Right-click on table in the tables list, and select Import->Excel
In the options, choose "Append to table" and select the table. Accept defaults for all other options
This might not be a viable solution for a large table. I don't think Excel can handle more than around 65K rows.
Don't copy the data with the user interface, but append it with a query. Because an Autonumber field is just a long integer with a special default value, you can append to it values that already exist. That doesn't work in the UI, but only in SQL.
An Autonumber field has a few other properties that are different from a normal Long Integer field, but in terms of appending data, those are not relevant. One of those properties is that it is not editable once it's populated, and another is that you can have only one in each table.
I've manage to insert the AutoNumber fields by code from c#.
I take all the data I need and just inserted in an empty table.
How are you bringing the data back? It should be possible to append the data from your table and to keep the existing numbers.
It is necessary however, that you paste from an integer field to the autonumber field. You cannot change a field to autonumber from integer once there is data in the field, but you can change to integer from autonumber.
Make backup of your data table. Delete all data form original table and then do compact & repair your database. By doing this, auto number field will be reset at 1. You may now append your data from backup table.
SQL code like
insert into <tablename>
(<column 1>, <column2>, ...)
( <value 1>, <value 2>, ...);
will do the trick if you include the autonumber column in your query. It's pretty tedious, but works. You can switch to SQL mode for any old query to enter this text (usually after preparing it in a text editor), or as #Dominic P points out, you can bring up a VBA immediate window and run DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO ..." which will give you a better editor experience within Access.
I'm new to complex database design. I'm currently into a project where the user should be able to retrieve Instructions based on a combination of 18 columns. So my parameter Table has the following columns
(rest of the columns truncated).
InstructionID (FK of Instruction Table)
When adding / Modifying the instruction, he can choose multiple options in each of the above parameters. The Stored Procedure will store data in all combinations possible, in order facilitate easy retrieval, as during search (retrieval) only one option will be chosen in each of the columns.
There can be multiple instructions for same combination and the same instruction can apply to multiple combinations.
I have somehow created the SP for adding instruction, but am now struck with modification. When my Webpage passes the new combination to SP, what is the best way to update the Table?
I could delete all existing rows and create new rows for new combination, but I wanted to maintain the created date and created user columns. Further, there is a requirement to maintain history of these in a separate history table.
Sorry for the length of the question... And, Thank you for help.
If you're trying to retrieve data based on a combination of parameters then you can set the parameters to have the default value of NULL e.g.
#FieldName INT = NULL
The only other thing to do is set the WHERE section of the statement to look at the parameter values and compare them to see if they or null or not e.g.
WHERE ((FieldName = #FieldName) OR (#FieldName IS NULL))
Use this for querying the tables and use standard update queries in a similar fashion using the default parameter value of null but setting the value like this:
FieldName = ISNULL(#FieldName, FieldName)
Which lets you update only given parameters.
Hope this is something you are after, I can give a full example if needed.
What you have is many-to-many relationship, so I would suggest you use: