Why i cant add new columns to my Users table? - sql-server

I am doing some homework. The users of my database uses some other attributes, not just the ones that ASP 2.0 automatically created for me when i implemented the login and registration mechanism. But when i try to save the modification displays me an error. Can someone give me a hand?
This is the error:
The error says:
'aspnet_Users' table
- Unable to modify table. ALTER TABLE only allows columns to be added
that can contain nulls, or have a
DEFAULT definition specified, or the
column being added is an identity or
timestamp column, or alternatively if
none of the previous conditions are
satisfied the table must be empty to
allow addition of this column. Column
'kjoptekvoten' cannot be added to
non-empty table 'aspnet_Users' because
it does not satisfy these conditions.
That database was automatically created when i implemented Forms based authentification and registration. The problem now is that that users needs some more attributes. How can i give to it more attributes? What is the easiest way to do it?Does not mind if it is not theorically correct(It is just for a homework).
I would appreciate a lot your help.

Apart form the technicalities on the database side, there is a deeper issue here.
You should not alter the aspnet_Users table because you are bypassing the way the membership 'system' in asp.net is working. Instead, have a look into the Profile mechanism: https://web.archive.org/web/20211020111657/https://www.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/101106-1.aspx

You need to make the new attributes nullable or provide a default value. But you also need to consider how to obtain the values from db. The sql membership provider utilizes an auto generated stored procedure to put data into the membership user instance returned,so just adding the attributes in the table will not be sufficient to get the attribute values to your application. I would use a user attribute table instead.

The error message says it all:
You are adding a new column that can't be Null (checkbox "Allow Nulls" not checked), but as you didn't provide a default value, it will be Null.
So SQL Server can't create the new column.
You can do two things:
a) Create the new column with Nulls allowed.
THEN put a default value in all existing rows:
update aspnet_Users set kjoptekvoten = 0)
...and THEN uncheck "Allow Nulls"
b) Create the new column directly with default values.
I don't know if you can do this in Management Studio, but it's easy in T-SQL:
alter table aspnet_Users
add kjoptekvoten int not null
constraint Name_For_Constraint default(0) with values
This will add the new not nullable column, AND create a constraint with a default value, AND fill the default value in all existing rows (SQL Server will not do this without the "with values" clause).

Normally I just set the column as allow nulls
then do an SQL UPDATE TABLE SET VALUE = whateva
then update the table definition to not allow nulls.


Access form not working after migrating backend from Access to SQL Server [duplicate]

Currently, I am trying to move from an Access backend to a SQL backend for my database while still keeping the Access form as the frontend. This is done via linked tables with ODBC connections to my backend. The form is designed to add new records to the table. The problem is with AutoNumber. The ID was set as an AutoNumber and the form would simply display (New) while waiting for the user to add the remaining columns. I have set up my SQL data with the IDENTITY property, so it will increment once a new record is created. However, I cannot get the form to behave the same way as it did because, even though the backend will automatically add the next sequential ID, I cannot automatically fill that data into the form prior to a user actually saving the form data. Is there a way maintain the form functionality that AutoNumber provides?
TL;DR: Form is not working correctly after AutoNumber is changed to Number.
Well, there are "rare" cases in which you actually need the autonumberr before you save the record. For example, if you have a sub-form, then Access ALWAYS does a automatic save of the main record, and thus the autonumber is and will have been created .So a main form, and sub form (child table) will work fine, and do so without code.
Now, there are some cases in which you need the autonumber. Say you have some "code" that needs to run and spit out some child records.
The general approach is to simply execute a record save at that point in time.
So, say there is a button, or some code you need to run in the form, and you NEED the PK autonumber?
You can use this code:
If isnull(me!ID) = true then
me.dirty = false ' force record save - autonumber now created
end if
the record for above to work will have to be "dirty", but in near all cases, this tends to be the case. The "rare" exceptions would suggest that you could check me.IsNewRecord, but in most cases the above bit of code will suffice.
I can't really imagine that the "display" of some autonumber is oh so important WHEN the user is starting to enter data.
However, if you want the autonumber to appear after ANY keypress (data entry on the form)?
Simply put this line of code in the after insert event:
me.dirty = false
So, now when looking at a form, the FIRST key press by the user in any text box will force the autonumber to be generated and appear. However, it is a VERY bad practice to assign any meaning of the autonumber ID to the end users. In fact that ID should in most cases be hidden.
the only issue or downside of above is of course that if you have any required columns, then the above may error out or case an issue.
For this problem, I needed to set my identity_insert to ON in the SQL backend. Here is the code to do so:
Also, if you get the error: Table <Table Name> does not have the identity property. recreate the table with the autoincrementing column having an identity.
CREATE TABLE new_employees (id_num int IDENTITY(1,1), fname varchar (20), minit char(1), lname varchar(30));
More on IDENTITY in Microsoft offical documentation: here

Tables Designs in SQL database

I am planning to move my access database to sql server using SSMA. I have a Column called Eligibility which have drop down list values as shown in Image. After Converting to sql I realized it doesn't have drop down list option. Can anybody suggest what will be the best solution of my situation? Either I can have any other option to design table in SQL which can hold List Values?
You can do one of the following:
Add CHECK constraint to Eligibility field allowing only a set of predifined values to be inserted into that field, as suggested in comment.
Better solution would be to create Eligiblity table (with id and value fields), and reference this table from main table by id field, possibly creating a PK-FK relationship. This way:
a) Only values from Eligibility table would be allowed. b) You could change and add entries in Elibility table without need to change constraint every time. c) A frontend application could use Elibility table to add drop-down functionality.
SQL Server does not work the same as access. It does not have dropdown option for you to choose from.
The proper way to implement dropdown option with SQL Server as database is to have another application as a front-end and let user access through the application. That way it is easier to manage security.

How do I tell Entity Framework to allow SQL Server to provide a defined default value for a field?

I used the following SQL script to enable setting current time in a field, when a new row is added to a table:
Now I am using Entity Framework to work with this table, and add new rows to it. What I want to do is allow that specific column to receive its value from SQL Server itself, and not have to provide the value myself.
Setting that specific column's value to Nothing in Visual Basic fills the field with DateTime.MinValue, which is not what I want (and SQL Server doesn't support, by the way).
What changes do I have to make to make this work?
You must set StoreGeneratedPattern in EDMX designer (or DatabaseGeneratedOption in code first) to Identity for that date property. EF always sends .NET default value for not filled property which is not store generated. Setting the pattern to Identity will tell EF that value is generated in DB during insert and it will requery its value. If you change the pattern from default value you will not be able to set the property in your application.

Unable to change Identity Specification to Yes in Sql Server table

This may be a dumb question, but why can't I change the Identity Specification or (Is Identity) from 'No' to 'Yes'?
Check your column data type.
If it is varchar then you can't change identity column.
To change identity column, it should have int data type.
You can disable the Option "prevent saving changes that require table re-creation"
but this is strongly unrecommended by msdn.
to do so go to:
Tools -> Options -> Designers
There uncheck: "prevent saving changes that require table re-creation"
You cannot change the IDENTITY property of a column on an existing table. What you can do is add a new column with the IDENTITY property, delete the old column, and rename the new column with the old columns name.
Of course, what happens then (for some people) is that they don't like the fact that the new column appears "at the end" of the list of columns (even though you shouldn't care about the positions of columns - you should always be using their names). In that case, you need to do the same trick, but at a higher level - create a new table (with the column definition altered), copy data from the old table to the new, drop the old table, and rename the new one.
I thought SSMS still tried to pretend that it was possible, by doing the second trick behind the scenes.
Also check to make sure that there isn't a default value or binding on the column.
Remove Default Value or Binding.
Following on from Damien_The_Unbeliever's comment above, you can edit the column order in Visual Studio's design interface.
I've managed to do this successfully. To confirm, the steps are:
Add a new column with the IDENTITY property
delete the old column,
Rename the new column with the old columns name.
(Optional) Re-order columns to have the IDENTITY column from Visual Studio.
The solution that worked for me was to change the Data Type to int from its default nchar. Additionally, I had to refresh my database server connection to get it working.
As you can see the yes value for the identity specification is disabled so the other answers above is not applicable for me but following Joy's answer, I saw that I really had a Default Value or Binding. I just omitted the default value and everything i neede was enabled.
Took me a while to find the solution to this, at first I was trying to find a way to change a value from here (it's yes cause I was able to change it using the next way)
But then by right-clicking -> properties -> Table designer -> Choose Identity column
Doing this made the "Identity Specifiacation" to "Yes"
I think Firstly you have to check the (isIdentity) checkbox after that you can able to check the Identity Specification Checkbox

How to change a column without dropping a table in SQL 2008

Why does SQL 2008 all of a sudden want to drop my tables when I go to change the column type from say int to real? This never happened in SQL 2005 to my knowledge. Any insight would be helpful please.
I can't believe the top answer has been sitting here for so long - it is very dangerous advice!
There are few operations that you can do inplace without dropping your table:
Expand a varchar column https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/5211/changing-column-width
Make a column nullable (but not vice-versa)
Renaming columns using sp_rename
If you find yourself in the situation where altering a column is not possible without dropping the table, you can usually use a SELECT INTO query to project your data into a new table, then drop the old table (temporarily disabling constraints) and then renaming the projected table. You will need to take your database offline for maintenance in this case though.
In SQL Server 2008, go to Tools >> Options. In the little window, click "Designer". Uncheck "Prevent saving changes that require ..."
Edited on Sept 4th, 2015.
I have added this answer here a long, long time ago describing the way I would solve the situation described on the question above. Since then, users on the threads below have exposed several concerns on doing things the way I recommended at the time. Basically, the solution I described could be problematic on some scenarios. I then suggest you to keep on reading to check other users' comments and pick the best solution for you.
Here is what I use:
-- Add new column
ADD Description2 VARCHAR(MAX)
-- Copy data to new column (probably with modifications)
Update MyTable
SET Description2 = Description
-- Drop old column
DROP COLUMN Description
-- Rename new column to the original column's name.
sp_RENAME 'MyTable.Description2' , 'Description', 'COLUMN'
Copy the data into a new column.
Drop the old column.
Rename the new column to the old column's name.
I have the same issue. Athough my account has sa rights if I try using another sa account it works. It seems that somehow my account does not have the ability to alter. still investigating, but it is a permission issue.
I cannot expain it. but this is what I did. there two domain groups my account belonged to. One was a new AD domain group and the other was an NT legay domain group. Once I removed the legacy domain group I was able to alter the table successfully. Mind you both groups had "sa" priviliges.
The behavior was that the alter commands would result in success, but nothing changed on the table. Then when I manually tried to change the fields through the designer it complained that I was not allowed to make change if it required to drop and recreate the table. I found the setting in tools and I was able to turn that off. But this table is huge and not a good idea to do this. I woud advise others against it.
so it was a permission issue. I can't explain how, but I hope it helps someone else
Another way to this without totally dropping the table is
Take a backup of the column values.
Make the column nullable if it does not already allow nulls. Set the column values to be null by
update tablename set columnname = null
Delete the column
Insert a new column with the same name as the deleted column and the type which you want
Insert the saved data into this column
