Unable to reinstall On premises data gateway for Azure, since I am trying to resolve the No instance issue - azure-logic-apps

It looks like you are trying to reinstall. Please uninstall the current version first.
No matter what I do:
deleted the On-premises data gateway folder from C:/ProgramFiles/On Premise Data Gateway.
Removed the registry entry to delete the service (though it still won't go even after restarting the system)
Checked the logs at
C:\Users\PBIEgwService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\On-premises data gateway
I am unable to be successful with the reinstall. Can someone please help me with uninstalling the On premise gateway?

I don't have any experience with this program, but installed programs on Windows are also saved in the Package Cache (C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{GUID}), and if there is a corresponding msi Windows thinks the program is installed.
Removing this folder (make sure you delete the correct one!) will enable windows to ask you if the entry should be removed from installed programs once you click uninstall again.
After this you should be able to install it again.


Unable to uninstall SQL Server 2017 from an inherited work PC

I've got an inherited work PC that has SQL Server 2017 installed locally. The company is no longer on that version so I want to remove it, however, when I go to add/remove programs and try to uninstall it I get a popup that says:
This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this action. Please install an app or, if one is already installed, create an association in the default app settings page.
Anyone have any thoughts as to what the default app for uninstalling SQL Server should be? Or what file type it's referring to? I've never seen add/remove programs pop this message up before. The machine is Windows 10.
EDIT: I should note I am the admin of this machine.

Error configuring the RAD WAS Portal runtime for a new server instance

I have installed IBM Rational Application Developer version 9.1 from the installation media. The media launches and installs the IBM Installation manager and I've selected the RAD 9.1 package for install. Among the options, I've requested that the "WebSphere Application Server v8.5" be installed, as well as the "WebSphere Portal Server v8.5" and all the options underneath.
Once I launch RAD, I go to the server tab (as instructed by the IBM Portal Developer course) and attempt to create a new WebSphere Portal server. The server wizard wants to know where the installation directory of the server runtimes are located for both WAS 8.5 and Portal 8.5.
For WAS this is simple, I point to the profile "AppSrv01" at the following location:
C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP\runtimes\base_v85_stub\profiles\AppSrv01
For the Portal Server, I assume there would be a default profile created, but there is not. There are several directories inside the stub directory, but no profiles. The best I can do is provide the following location:
C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP\runtimes\portal_v85_stub
Seems straightforward right? It complains of the following problem:
The Portal Server installation directory is not correct
Am I missing something here? Are there fix packs I need? Is the portal server runtime included with RAD 9.1 not enough to create and use a local portal server? DO I need to simply create a profile and if so where is the tool needed to do so? (I really really wish someone from IBM would explain this to me and how I am supposed to be indicated to the correct course of action)
IBM is, as usual, being very straightforward and easy to use/understand. Does anyone have any ideas about how I am supposed to proceed? The IBM Developer course that was bought and paid for assumes this step already and before you suggest it, yes I've already sent and am awaiting a response from the organization I am taking the course from.
Not sure I'm getting your description right. From what I can see, you installed RAD using IM from a media. Also, you selected WebSphere Application Server development tools and all underneath it as well as WebSphere Portal development tools.
These development tools options are stubs only, not the actual servers. With this I mean that they're useful for development and compiling purposes only, but not for deployment and testing because they are not the actual servers.
Here is the part that I don't understand. In the media that has IM and RAD, does it also have WebSphere Application Server and Portal Server available for installation? If not, then you need to get them and install them and then your can create the servers pointing to the install location of both servers in RAD. Once you do this, you can use RAD to create the profiles.
Hope this helps.
A few things, Install portal by itself and DO NOT install to a C:\Program Files make it something short like c:\IBM\WebSphere
it sounds like only portal stub got installed, did you have the portal media available as well.
If you install it using the same installation manager, RAD will be able to find it

SSMS keeps using NTLM rather than Kerberos on one computer

On my computer SQL Server Management Studio is using NTLM rather than Kerberos as expected. Which is causing issues accessing linked servers.
I wouldn't think this would be a very hard issue to fix but there are a few weird points that prompted me to post here
If I log into another computer and launch SSMS I have kerberos
If someone else logs into my computer the auth_type is NTLM
I do get a Kerb ticket
My AD admin is assuring me that my user settings are correct and I match identically someone else that I know is not having this issue
My data architect suggested having me computer re-imaged to see if some software that I installed is making that happen but that did not help the issue if I only install SSMS on top of the fresh image.
I am currently using SSMS 2016
Any advice would be appreciated

Rational Application Developer 9.1.1, unable to add runtime Websphere Portal runtime

I am unable to add Websphere Portal 8.5 CF07 installation as a runtime in Rational Application developer 9.1.1 client.
Selecting my 8.5 installation without any fixpacks works as expected.
For 8.5CF07 the runtime dialog gives no errors, but the finish button stays grayed out.
Both installations 8.5 and 8.5CF07 are installed on my local machine on the same drive.
Any idea how to solve or debug this issue? Do I need another server adapter? If so, where can I download newer adapters? I have checked the Eclipse Market place and several IBM Repositories.
I am using Windows 10 as OS.
Did you installed the Portal server adapters when installing RAD? did you installed RAD via Installation Manager? if so, launch IM and modify your installation to include the Portal adapters.
Can you please share the location of your Portal 8.5 CF07 directories (PortalServer and AppServer)?
Typically (you probably already know this) CF is installed on top of an existing Portal installation. Make sure that while defining a new server, you provide the correct path to the PortalServer directory in the WebSphere Portal location field and also the correct path to the underlying WAS server in the WebSphere Application Server location field.
See the image here http://i.stack.imgur.com/hoOHC.png
Also, you can try to restart RAD with a new workspace. RAD should automatically detect the Portal Servers.
A reinstall of the portal server, with the default was profile folder name: "wp_profile", solved the issue. In previous installs we used "WPProfile" as folder name.

Webmatrix download from remote DotNetNuke (DNN) site hangs without error

I am working on a site for a client that was created in DOTNETNUKE (DNN) and WebMatrix. I need to download a copy of the site to my local machine so I can open it in Visual Studio 2012 access the codebehind. The download gets to about 85% complete and then hangs without giving me an error.
This is my first experience with both WebMatrix and DNN. Does anyone know how I can find out what is causing the download to hang?
I would recommend you do a local installation of DNN, or if you want, pull down a backup of the Files and Database for the client's site, then restore that locally.
If you have FTP access to the server check out this video for how to backup items
Here is a link to the Installation instructions for DNN
You will also want to learn how to Upgrade DNN as the client's site is likely behind on the latest releases of DNN
I'm able to install and run DNN locally. I was also finally able to download a backup of the client's site. However, when I try to build the website in VS the build fails and gives this error;
'GetString' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
