SSMS keeps using NTLM rather than Kerberos on one computer - sql-server

On my computer SQL Server Management Studio is using NTLM rather than Kerberos as expected. Which is causing issues accessing linked servers.
I wouldn't think this would be a very hard issue to fix but there are a few weird points that prompted me to post here
If I log into another computer and launch SSMS I have kerberos
If someone else logs into my computer the auth_type is NTLM
I do get a Kerb ticket
My AD admin is assuring me that my user settings are correct and I match identically someone else that I know is not having this issue
My data architect suggested having me computer re-imaged to see if some software that I installed is making that happen but that did not help the issue if I only install SSMS on top of the fresh image.
I am currently using SSMS 2016
Any advice would be appreciated


SSIS Deployment Wizard - Select Destination Page - User name and Password controls disabled

I'm new to SSIS and am working my way through some tutorials and examples from a book I've purchased, so bear with me if this is a basic question. My test environment - VMWare VM with 24 GB RAM with SQL Server 2017 Developer on Windows 10 Pro. SSMS 17.8.1 and Visual Studio 15 Update 3, SSDT 14.0.61712.050 - all running on the same VM.
I've tried running the Deployment Wizard from SSMS and from VS - both give the same result. On the Select Source page, the deployment model is Project Deployment & the .ispac Project deployment file is selected. So far, so good. When I get to the Select Destination page, my local SQL server is selected, Windows Authentication is selected (as it must be, as I understand it), but the User name and Password controls are disabled. Nothing I've tried has affected the enabled setting for these controls.
I've read all the SSIS related questions on this site and have scoured the internet for days, trying to find a solution for this. Based on my lack of success, I'm wondering if this configuration is even supported.
Any thoughts or suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.
BTW - I don't know if this is related, but I'm also seeing very slow performance connecting to this instance of SQL Server using Windows Authentication from SSMS. Connection is instantaneous using SQL authentication. I spent a couple days chasing that around, too. This is a stand-alone box - not connected to a domain. I work remotely, so I do connect to the corporate network via VPN. It seems to be related to DNS (or reverse DNS), as adding an entry in my HOSTS file (computer-name significantly reduced connection time (still slow, but faster than before) and connection time is slower when VPN is connected (connecting to VPN adds two DNS server addresses).
Image of SSIS Deployment Wizard
"Windows Authentication" means "Windows Integrated Authentication", so you connect to the server "as yourself" without supplying additional credentials. The "User name" and "Password" fields will only get enabled when not using Windows Authentication. I guess that you are wondering how to specify the target location on the server. Well, although "Windows Authentcation" is pre-selected, it isn't "done" yet. You will have to click on "connect" to make it happen.
As for the slow performance while beeing connected via VPN: Yes, it is for sure a DNS problem. While connected to the corporate network, you will use a DNS server from the company network first, and those DNS servers do not know the name of your private computer. An entry in the "hosts" file will help, but I suggest to use just a single dot (.) instead of your hostname when connecting to your local SQL Server.

How to fix rsLogonFailed error message when executing report

I just installed SQL 2012 Enterprise on a laptop running windows 10 Pro x64.
When I try to execute my SSRS reports from the report manager, I always get the same error:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Cannot impersonate user for data source 'DataSource1'. (rsErrorImpersonatingUser)
Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct. (rsLogonFailed)
The user name or password is incorrect
I am using integrated windows authentication with a domain account.
The domain account can log on through SSMS and can access the databases with no issue and run queries.
I have also tried using a local SQL account and password but with the same result - The username or password is incorrect, yet this account works through SSMS and is able to execute queries and such.
When i click the Test Connection button in SSRS datasource configuration, it states the connection was created successfully. (I have included a shot of what I am talking about in the uploaded image)
After googling, people stated that the account that is being used to connect to the database using windows impersonation had to have log on locally permissions, so I added the account through local security Policy, but it made no difference.
Another blog stated the SSRS Service account had to also be granted log on locally permissions - so I granted it the log on locally permission as well. Still to no avail.
I have also tried disabling the windows firewall and connecting to both the machine name and localhost just in case there was some screwy rules regarding localhost - still with the same result.
Other people suggested the execution account in SSRS manager needed be disabled. I didn't set this up initially - but set the account up just in case it had something to do with it - still with the same error then removed it again still with the same error.
Can anyone offer any other suggestions as to what might be the cause and how I might fix this?
Many thanks and Cheers
OK - managed to work out the problem and a workaround. But it doesn't actually solve the problem.
Problem is Chrome and IE11 wont update the Reports web site when managing datasources. Even when launched as administrator, the SSRS management interface site does not appear to save the changes. Edge is just a joke so don't even bother with that one.
Now - I figured Microsoft has broken something which SSRS interface needs in windows 10, so I logged onto a Windows 7 machine and using IE11, was able to navigate to report manager site, update the credentials (windows and SQL Server credentials) and the reports run.
Confirmed this by trying to change the credentials back on windows 10 and it immediately broke the reports again. Set the credentials back in Win 7 and it corrected the reports.
So if you are using windows 10 and are having issues configuring credentials for SSRS reports, try logging in from a windows 7 machine and set through IE on that machine.
EDIT: IE11 works on older windows 10 build (enterprise) , latest build (Pro) seems to be broken.
If you have specified an unattended execution account, SSRS flip-flops between impersonating it and the identity specified in your data source during the rendering process. If you use an unattended execution account, you’ve got to keep the password up-to-date.
You could also choose not to use the unattended execution account at all, which may also solve your problem. For more detail see
Go to Report Configuration Manager
Go to Excution Account
Enter Domain\UserAccount [User Account is your windows User]
Enter Password [Windows Password]
Save and you are good to go

SSIS/Integration Server Access Issue - No Local Admin rights

I am trying to find a solution to three issues I have encountered recently relating to SQL Server 2014. I am not an expert with this stuff by any means, but I've sort of fallen into needing to learn it in my current role. I went from never using SSMS a few months ago to (Trying) to teach myself how to use SSIS and SSRS. I've made a ton of progress, but now I'm stuck actually getting everything automated the way I want it.
The biggest challenge, and root of all my problems, stems from the fact that I am not a local admin on my machine. It was great to finally get IT to install the programs, but they do not want to give me, or anyone not in IT in my company, local admin access. Apart from asking my director to try to convince them to do so, I'm hoping for some solutions that would mean I don't have to call them every day to run these programs.
My integration server is running, I've got my SSIS packages built, but I can't connect to the Integration Server through SSMS, as I am not a local admin on my machine. I've read about going through dcomcnfg settings for REMOTE access issues, but I'm worried that won't help here since I'm trying to do this from the local machine and it still doesn't work. Any ideas as to how I can change the settings so that it runs for non-admin accounts or just make it work?
SSRS: I've built a report, and want to deploy it, but I don't have access to the reporting services configuration manager either. For whatever reason my reporting server is stopped in the server configuration manager. When I click on it, it says to use reporting services config mgr to tweak settings, so a bit stuck. Appears to be the same issue - not a local admin. Again, are there any settings I can change (getting IT to log in as an admin and walking them through what to change is my only choice, essentially).
SQL Server agent appears to be the same issue...
I could probably run my reports now, but it would be so much nicer to use these programs to the full extent. Any help would be appreciated here. I tried to research as much as possible, but most solutions seem to relate to logging on myself as an admin, running things as admin, etc, and I just can't do that.
You do not need to be local admin on your machine, SSIS and SSAS require Windows Authentication to log on remotely to the server via SSMS and publishing anything to the server from BIDS / SSDT Visual Studio Shell also requires WinAuth, though you can work locally and then swap the package to the server via Ctrl-C, and also instead of deploying SSRS you can login directly to the report manager and upload an RDL file (report). To start and stop SQL Agent services you need Windows Authentication via SSMS (in your setup), but to view the SQL Agent you must be in the SQL Server SysAdmin role (or at a grain level SQL Agent Reader via the MSDB rights.
I recommend you attempt to not get local administrator rights and instead ask 'merely' for rights to read and write to the server drives, and to manage only the aspects of SQL Server and it's services with a domain login on the server. You will require this anyway to check ingress and egress file locations and debug production issues (unless you have FTP to the box).
You do not have access to stop or start SQL Agent from your client SSMS also because I believe you are accessing it via SQL Authentication, which is not ideal or secure. But if you do not see the agent on the bottom left of SSMS it is because you do not have rights. If you see the Agent and it is red then the service is disabled and must be started.
You will need to get direct access to the SQL box (and you do not need local admin to manage SQL Server, just a domain account with some service rights and drive rights). If your system administrators are running SQL Server under Local Admin, then they should not be managing SQL Server in the first place (see my write up hyperlinked below).
The SSRS Team at Microsoft has merged into the SharePoint team, and SharePoint 2013 wraps up all of the BI tools right into it, so that is something you should also consider if you plan on building out a BI shop at your firm, i.e. you may not have to if you already have SharePoint installed.
Good luck, don't get discouraged.
What user account would you recommend running the SQL Server Express 2008 services in a development environment?

Accessing SSRS on a local network - No Domain

I'm having a small issue and starting to tear my hair out unfortunately.
Please excuse me if this has been answered before but I've been searching for two days and nothing is working.
I have 2 computers, one is windows 7 which is the "Server" ( 3 administrator accounts, A,B,C)
The other windows 8.1 we'll call this "Client" (1 admin account same name as C)
The Server is running MSSQL express - 2014 with SSRS on Acc:A. I'm using the BIDS (on the server Acc:B) to create reports and deploy them onto the report server happily.
What I am needing to do is to be able to access the reports from my client pc but I cant seem to be able to find what is restricting me from accessing the reports or accessing it as a service reference in VS2013.
When I Log onto accounts (useing RDP) B,C I can access the reports server happily but I try to access the reports server from the client using "Server\C" as windows login credentials it says I don't have the privileges for the home page but I can access the Site Settings.
I have a nasty feeling this is all because I'm not running on a windows server environment with domains and such which I would rather not need to use till I deploy this (when I buy a proper server) as at the moment this is all trial and proof of concept stage.
Any help anyone can give would be absolutely amazing! Thanks
Finally managed to get it working after ages, it'll be different when I deploy it but, I simply disabled the ntlm authentication and went for windows basic authentication by doing step 4 in this documentation!
Thanks for all the help!

Stuck on Initial SQL Server Configuration

I'm working with a fresh installation of Server 2008 R2. I'm new to all things administration, so this could be a simple issue.
I'm installing SQL Server 2008 R2, and I've reached a point where it's asking me to create Service Accounts. I'm really just trying to do bare minimum here to get started with SharePoint.
I'm getting an error "The credentials you provided for the SQL Server Agent service are invalid. To continue, provide a valid account and password."
I get this error for the Analysis Services service as well.
Can someone explain to me what this means and how I can proceed with the installation?
After some searching I saw that the issue might lie in the fact that I was signed in as a local Administrator, so I created another user in Users via Computer Management and the same issue is occurring.
The SQL installation is not asking to create service accounts. It is asking which service accounts it should use to execute SQL Server. If you need to create accounts for this, you will need to do that through the usual user management tools, whether Active Directory or Local Users.
Depending on the purposes of this machine, you may be fine using one of the built in accounts, such as Network Service. Not a best practice, but maybe adequate for a short lived demo/dev machine.
More details on MSDN.
