Trying to understand printf a pointer with a char specifier (%c) - c

void main()
int n = 2;
Output: L
On using %d it of course gives the address of variable n but why is it outputting L on using %c?

It is undefined behaviour because you have used wrong format specifier.
C11 Standard: : paragraph 9:
If a conversion specification is invalid, the behavior is
undefined. If any argument is not the correct type for the corresponding conversion specification, the behavior is undefined.
It means anything can happen if printf is called with a wrong format specifier.

As the other answer of rsp said the behaviour is undefined and anything could happen.
In your case the following happens:
It reads one byte of &n because a character is of one byte size which is mostly 8 bits long, see CHAR_BIT explanation on SO. Then it prints it as character.
This byte could be the first byte of &n if the types int* and int are the same at your machine. That would mean that your variable n lies at address 0x48... (big-endian) or 0x...48 (little-endian) as 0x48 is H in the Ascci code. I assume that your program is using Ascii for encoding which doesn't necessarily have to.
(You changed the character from H to L but I leave this answer as it is.)
Also this byte can lie somewhere in the middle of the &n if an int* exceeds the size of an int at your system.
You should compile with more warnings enabled for example -Wall in gcc and you will get:
warning: format ‘%c’ expects argument of type ‘int’, but argument 2 has type ‘int *’ [-Wformat=]
In the case you cast that value to a char the behaviour will be well defined but rely on the implementation as a cast of a pointer type to an integer is implementation defined.
Nevertheless what you're doing makes no sense also with a cast it will not do.

It's because you told printf() function to show the first 1-byte of int n's address as a char.


Do format specifiers perform implicit type conversion?

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int x = 5;
int y = &x;
printf("Signed Value of Y: %d \n", y);
printf("Unsigned Value of Y: %u", y);
return 0;
Since y is of int type, using %d gives a possibly-signed output, whereas %u gives an unsigned output. But y is of int type, so why does %u give unsigned output? Is there an implicit type conversion?
"Re: But y is of int type, So why does %u give unsigned output?"
From C11:
If a conversion specification is invalid, the behavior is
undefined. If any argument is not the correct type for the
corresponding conversion specification, the behavior is undefined.
undefined — The behavior for something incorrect, on which the
standard does not impose any requirements. Anything is allowed to
happen, from nothing, to a warning message to program termination, to
CPU meltdown, to launching nuclear missiles (assuming you have the
correct hardware option installed).
— Expert C Programming.
Effectively, a printf call is two separate things:
All the arguments are prepared to send to the function.
The function interprets the format string and its other arguments.
In any function call, the arguments are prepared according to rules involving the argument types and the function declaration. They do not depend on the values of the arguments, including the contents of any string passed as an argument, and this is true of printf too.
In a function call, the rules are largely (omitting some details):
If the argument corresponds to a declared parameter type, it is converted to that type.
Otherwise (if the argument corresponds to the ... part of a function declaration or the called function is declared without specifying parameter types), some default promotions are applied. For integers, these are the integer promotions, which largely (omitting some details) convert types narrower than int to int. For floating-point, float is promoted to double.
printf is declared as int printf(const char * restrict format, ...);, so all its arguments other than the format string correspond to ....
Inside printf, the function examines its format string and attempts to perform the directives given in the format string. For example, if a directive is %g, printf expects a double argument and takes bits from the place it expects a double argument to be passed. Then it interprets those bits as a double, constructs a string according to the directive, and writes the string to standard output.
For a %d or %u directive, printf expects an int or an unsigned int argument, respectively. In either case, it takes bits from the place it expects an int or an unsigned int argument to be passed. In all C implementations I am aware of, an int and an unsigned int argument are passed in the same place. So, if you pass an int argument but use %u, printf will get the bits of an int but will treat them as if they were the bits of an unsigned int. No actual conversion has been performed; printf is merely interpreting the bits differently.
The C standard does not define the behavior when you do this, and a C implementation would be conforming to the standard if it crashed when you did this or if it processed the bits differently. You should avoid it.
Is there an implicit type conversion?
Sort of. A function such as printf that accepts a variable number of arguments does not automatically know the number of variable arguments it actually receives on any call, or their types. Conversion specifications such as %d and %u collectively tell printf() how many variable arguments to expect, and individually they tell printf what type to expect for each argument. printf() will try to interpret the argument list according to these specifications.
The C language specification explicitly declines to say what happens when the types of printf arguments do not correspond properly to the conversion specifications in the accompanying format string. In practice, however, some pairs of data types have representations similar enough to each other that printf()'s attempt to interpret data of one type as if it were the other type is likely (but not guaranteed) to give the appearance of an implicit conversion from one type to the other. Corresponding signed and unsigned integer types are typically such pairs.
You should not rely on such apparent conversions actually happening. Instead, properly match argument types with conversion specifications. Correct mismatches by choosing a different conversion specification or performing an appropriate explicit type conversion (a typecast) on the argument.

Why does %d,and %p give different values? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What happens when I use the wrong format specifier?
(2 answers)
Correct format specifier to print pointer or address?
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
As you can see in the program, The first output is 6356744 and the second output is 0060FF08, why is it different? Is the %d typecasting it into an integer, if so, how?
int main()
int *a;
int b = 7;
a = &b;
printf(" The value of a = %d",a);
printf("\n The value of a= %p",a);
Printing a pointer with %d is formally undefined behavior, meaning anything can happen, including a program crash. Your program will for example likely break when you compile it as a 64 bit application, where int is 32 bits but a pointer is likely 64 bits. Therefore, always use %p and never anything else when printing a pointer.
There is no implicit conversion taking place - the printf family of functions doesn't have that kind of intelligence - it doesn't know the type passed. With the format specifier, you tell the function which type it is getting. And if you lie to printf and say "I'll give you an int" and then give it a pointer, you unleash bugs. This makes the printf family of functions very dangerous in general.
(The only implicit conversion that take place in printf is when you pass small integer types or float, in which case the "default argument promotions" take place and promote the parameter either to int or double. This is not the case here, however.)
In this specific case, you happened to get the decimal representation of 0x0060FF08, which is by no means guaranteed.
Pedantically, you should also cast the pointer to type (void*) since this is what %p expects.
%p prints a pointer and it's not necessarily hexadecimal, or even a number
If format specifiers do not match the datatype of the provided parameter, you yield undefined behaviour. %d expects an integral value, such that when you pass a pointer value, you get undefined behaviour (cf., for example,
...If any argument after default argument promotions is not the type
expected by the corresponding conversion specifier, or if there are
fewer arguments than required by format, the behavior is undefined.
The (only) correct format specifier for printing pointer values is %p, usually printing the address in hex format.
One of the undefined behaviours is that %d takes the pointer value as an 32/64 bit integral value and hence prints decimals, which - if you printed it using the correct %p-format - corresponds to the hex-value of the address (yet in decimal format).
%d prints an int, in decimal.
%p prints a pointer (strictly speaking, a void * pointer) in an implementation-defined way, typically in hexadecimal.
On a machine where ints and pointers have different sizes, trying to print a pointer using %d will typically give a meaningless result. For example, on a lot of machines these days, ints are 32 bits while pointers are 64 bits. So if you try to print a pointer using %d, what you might get is half the pointer value, in decimal.
(Strictly speaking, trying to print a pointer using %d is undefined, no matter what the relative sizes are.)
Bottom line, use the right printf specifier for the job. Use %d to print ints. Use %p to print pointers. Don't try to mix 'n' match.

why printf behaves differently when we try to print float as a hexadecimal? [duplicate]

I tried to print character as a float in printf and got output 0. What is the reason for this.
char c='z';
printf("%f %X",c,c);
is giving some weird output for hexadecimal while output is correct when I do this:
why is it so?
The printf() function is a variadic function, which means that you can pass a variable number of arguments of unspecified types to it. This also means that the compiler doesn't know what type of arguments the function expects, and so it cannot convert the arguments to the correct types. (Modern compilers can warn you if you get the arguments wrong to printf, if you invoke it with enough warning flags.)
For historical reasons, you can not pass an integer argument of smaller rank than int, or a floating type of smaller rank than double to a variadic function. A float will be converted to double and a char will be converted to int (or unsigned int on bizarre implementations) through a process called the default argument promotions.
When printf parses its parameters (arguments are passed to a function, parameters are what the function receives), it retrieves them using whatever method is appropriate for the type specified by the format string. The "%f" specifier expects a double. The "%X" specifier expects an unsigned int.
If you pass an int and printf tries to retrieve a double, you invoke undefined behaviour.
If you pass an int and printf tries to retrieve an unsigned int, you invoke undefined behaviour.
Undefined behaviour may include (but is not limited to) printing strange values, crashing your program or (the most insidious of them all) doing exactly what you expect.
Source: n1570 (The final public draft of the current C standard)
You need to use a cast operator like this:
char c = 'z';
printf("%f %X", (float)c, c);
printf("%f %X", (double)c, c);
In Xcode, if I do not do this, I get the warning:
Format specifies specifies 'double' but the argument has type 'char', and the output is 0.000000.
I tried to print character as a float in printf and got output 0. What is the reason for this.
The question is, what value did you expect to see? Why would you expect something other than 0?
The short answer to your question is that the behavior of printf is undefined if the type of the argument doesn't match the conversion specifier. The %f conversion specifier expects its corresponding argument to have type double; if it isn't, all bets are off, and the exact output will vary.
To understand the floating point issue, consider reading:
As for hexadecimal, let me guess.. the output was something like... 99?
This is because of encodings.. the machine has to represent information in some format, and usually that format entails either giving meanings to certain bits in a number, or having a table of symbols to numbers, or both
Floating points are sometimes represented as a (sign,mantissa,exponent) triplet all packed in a 32 or 64 bit number - characters are sometimes represented in a format named ASCII, which establishes which number corresponds to each character you type
Because printf, like any function that work with varargs, eg: int foobar(const char fmt, ...) {} tries to interpret its parameter to certain type.
If you say "%f", then pass c (as a char), then printf will try to read a float.
You can read more here: var_arg (even if this is C++, it still applies).

why printf behaves differently when we try to print character as a float and as a hexadecimal?

I tried to print character as a float in printf and got output 0. What is the reason for this.
char c='z';
printf("%f %X",c,c);
is giving some weird output for hexadecimal while output is correct when I do this:
why is it so?
The printf() function is a variadic function, which means that you can pass a variable number of arguments of unspecified types to it. This also means that the compiler doesn't know what type of arguments the function expects, and so it cannot convert the arguments to the correct types. (Modern compilers can warn you if you get the arguments wrong to printf, if you invoke it with enough warning flags.)
For historical reasons, you can not pass an integer argument of smaller rank than int, or a floating type of smaller rank than double to a variadic function. A float will be converted to double and a char will be converted to int (or unsigned int on bizarre implementations) through a process called the default argument promotions.
When printf parses its parameters (arguments are passed to a function, parameters are what the function receives), it retrieves them using whatever method is appropriate for the type specified by the format string. The "%f" specifier expects a double. The "%X" specifier expects an unsigned int.
If you pass an int and printf tries to retrieve a double, you invoke undefined behaviour.
If you pass an int and printf tries to retrieve an unsigned int, you invoke undefined behaviour.
Undefined behaviour may include (but is not limited to) printing strange values, crashing your program or (the most insidious of them all) doing exactly what you expect.
Source: n1570 (The final public draft of the current C standard)
You need to use a cast operator like this:
char c = 'z';
printf("%f %X", (float)c, c);
printf("%f %X", (double)c, c);
In Xcode, if I do not do this, I get the warning:
Format specifies specifies 'double' but the argument has type 'char', and the output is 0.000000.
I tried to print character as a float in printf and got output 0. What is the reason for this.
The question is, what value did you expect to see? Why would you expect something other than 0?
The short answer to your question is that the behavior of printf is undefined if the type of the argument doesn't match the conversion specifier. The %f conversion specifier expects its corresponding argument to have type double; if it isn't, all bets are off, and the exact output will vary.
To understand the floating point issue, consider reading:
As for hexadecimal, let me guess.. the output was something like... 99?
This is because of encodings.. the machine has to represent information in some format, and usually that format entails either giving meanings to certain bits in a number, or having a table of symbols to numbers, or both
Floating points are sometimes represented as a (sign,mantissa,exponent) triplet all packed in a 32 or 64 bit number - characters are sometimes represented in a format named ASCII, which establishes which number corresponds to each character you type
Because printf, like any function that work with varargs, eg: int foobar(const char fmt, ...) {} tries to interpret its parameter to certain type.
If you say "%f", then pass c (as a char), then printf will try to read a float.
You can read more here: var_arg (even if this is C++, it still applies).

why i am not getting the expected output?

int main()
int x;
float y;
char c;
x = -4443;
y = 24.25;
c = 'M';
printf("\nThe value of integer variable x is %f", (float)x);
printf("\nThe value of float variable y is %d", y);
printf("\nThe value of character variable c is %f\n",c);
return 0;
The value of integer variable x is -4443.000000
The value of float variable y is 0
The value of character variable c is 24.250000
Why am I not getting the expected output?
But when I am using external casting I am getting expected output which is:
The value of integer variable x is -4443.000000
The value of float variable y is 24
The value of character variable c is 77.000000
why i am not getting the expected output ?
Short answer: Because your expectations are wrong.
You're instructing the compiler to read an integer from where y is. Which is wrong. Format specifier don't tell the compiler to do casts, just what type to expect, and trust you to provide the right type.
The behaviour can be due to the fact that, for example, a float is stored in 8 bytes. The high-order bytes will be 0 in this case. But an int is stored in 4 bytes. So you tell the compiler read the int from where y is, it reads the first 4 bytes, which are 0, and prints 0...
EDIT: As John pointed out in the comments, this is UB, which means that anything can happen:
If a conversion specification is invalid, the behavior is undefined.282) If any argument is not the correct type for the corresponding conversion specification, the behavior is undefined.
Many computing platforms pass different types of arguments in different ways. On some platforms, floating-point arguments are passed in special floating-point registers. On most platforms, integer arguments are passed in general processor registers. Large arguments, such as structures, are stored somewhere in memory, and a pointer is passed instead (invisibly to the C source code). Once the few registers available for arguments are used, the remaining arguments are typically passed on the stack.
When you call printf, the compiler does not match the arguments you pass to the conversion specifiers in the format string. (Except that a good compiler will check and issue a warning if the types do not match.) In order to operate, the printf routine reads the format string and, when it finds a conversion specifier, it reads data from where the corresponding argument should be. If you specify “%d” but pass a float, the printf routine may read data from a general processor register, but the float value is in a floating-point register. Therefore, the value that is printed will be whatever data happened to be in the general processor register.
Similarly, when you specify “%f” but pass an integer, the printf routine may read from a floating-point register, but the integer value is in a general processor register.
The compiler will not convert printf arguments to the target type and might not warn you about the mismatches. You must match the conversion specifiers in the format string to the argument types.
Bonus: Here are documents describing how arguments are passed to subroutines on one platform (Mac OS X).
You cannot format a char as a float "%f", use "%c" or "%d" instead. I find that is a good reference.
The format specifiers and the types of the arguments don't match, which I believe causes undefined behavior. printf doesn't do casting for you, so you have to explicitly cast the arguments.
