I am trying to send a Java project into Google App Engine from Eclipse using the Google Cloud Tools plugin, and only receive an error which is hardly understandable:
Process exited with error code 1
When opening the "Details" window, I have a "An Exception Stack Trace is unavailable"
Can anybody help regarding the underlying error or at least help me find where to get something more explicit.
I am bit lost, tx for any suggestion.
I see pop-up error saying failed to send the code. sockets closed unexpectedly. Please advise if anyone see this issue along with error message saying internal CLI error.
Make sure you only have one device connected to Apple in their 2 factor authentication. Assuming that's the case it should work. We are working on addressing some additional issues.
After using sometime App crash on User Device which I don't have access to it. I have read the blog about using the CN1Libs-NativeLogsReader to see the error occurred on remote devices. I would need some help on how to use it for this kind of issue for debug builds. Please advise.
That won't save you from a crash as that would be too late in the game.
You can use the API to get the native log but you can't use it to catch a physical crash.
While using Fruitstrap (or some other tools which uses MobileDevice.h) for installation of apps, we come across this error:
AMDeviceValidatePairing failed
How to solve this in MAC?
So if you are using fruitstrap, it actually uses MobileDevice.h for accessing the MobileDevice.framework. MobileDevice.framework is actually contacting iTunes and doing the required process. In between it opens up a process and fails to terminate:
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/Resources/usbmuxd -launchd
On terminating this process, it will solve the problem and AMDeviceValidatePairing will succeed.
I encountered the same error in fruitstrap.
My problem was that iTunes was not authorized to access data from my mobile(since I had just update to 7.1.1).
So I opened iTunes once, gave authorize in the dialog which opened. In the device a popup asked me if I wanted to "Trust this computer". Once I gave yes, I got this error no more.
I am doing an application with GUI using WPF/XAML with Ironpython and SharpDevelop, until now it works fine, when I'm in the development environment I can see the errors in console and know what is wrong.
But when I build and deploy the app for us on other system or I ran it outside of the development environment and there is no longer the console when there is some error or crashes, it fails silently, and I cannot know what went wrong.
How can I alert or log to see what fails?
You could put in some code to catch the error and log it to a file.
Something possibly simpler is to compile your application as a Console Application. This can be done via Project Options - Application - Output type. Then you will get a console window when you run your WPF application and any exception that happens at startup will be logged to this window.
I created an installer for it, installed .NET Framework 4 on target machine. However, my application didn't work. I've got a message, that is has stopped working and offered to send a report.
Windows log:
The name of the offending module: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.1.7600.16385
Exception Code: 0xe0434352
Offset error: 0x00009617
This could be many things. Ensure the correct .net runtimes are installed. Insure permissions are correct on all files. Did you forget to deploy some dependencies? Check the fusion log. Check the system log.
Do you have logging in your application? How far does the app get before crashing? We need LOTs of info before we can even start to help.
Insufficient information to give a meaningful answer.
Check your Windows event log log (administrative tools | event viewer | windows logs | application) and find the real error.