I have three postgresql databases in a server: db1,db2,db3. Now I want to save the tables in each db to a new db dbnew and distinguish it with schemas. Which means that there are three schemas in this database dbnew.db1,dbnew.db2,dbnew.db3. What is the easiest method to realize it?
(p.s.: I have dumped the database to local files.)
I test the answer from #a_horse_with_no_name, it seems to work but there is a new problem as follows:
If in db1 there is an extension like postgis, then I load db1 with psql and rename public to db1 and create a new schema named public. I could not create the extension postgis for public schema as it shows that extension postgis already exists. However if I use the command \dx, it shows that the extension is in schema db1 not in dbnew. Even if I use create EXTENSION postgis with schema public it doesn't work.
Based on backup/plain and restore using psql
I assume, that the schemas in dbnew are created and the rights to schema are set to the user doing all restoring using psql.
Somehow create sql files (backup plain in pgadmin3), the resulting files can be loaded into the dbnew database using psql, but they should piped through sed or grep, so that all tablenames get the schema prefix.
With somehow I meant, backup from original or first restore your backups into a temporary db, if they are no sql yet, and backup them as plain text.
Assuming all tables are stored in the public schema in the source databases
Import the first dump (by running psql ... -f dumpfile.sql), then rename the public schema to the new name:
alter schema schema public rename to db1;
Then re-create the public schema:
create schema public;
Now do the same thing for the other two database scripts.
I'm a beginner in PostgreSQL. I wonder why the \l command in psql shows databases template0 and template1.
I searched the web but unfortunately didn't find the right resources. But I did find that after removing both (template0 & template1) we can't create new databases any more.
As the names indicate, those are template databases for creating new databases.
template1 is the one used by default. You can alter / add / remove objects there to affect every newly created DB. CREATE DATABASE basically makes a copy of it on the file level (very fast) to create a new instance.
template0 starts out being the same and should never be changed - to provide a virgin template with original settings.
Their role is described in detail in the chapter "Template Databases" in the manual.
But you can use any database of the same cluster as template with the TEMPLATE keyword - as long as there are no open connections to it. This is useful to populate new databases quickly. See:
How to clone a test database from a production one in one single action?
Shell script to execute pgsql commands in files
Truncating all tables in a Postgres database
First forgive me for my English. It is a little bad. Second forgive my ignorance, i'm newiest in postgres
I'm having trouble when I try to up a backup database on another database. I need to dump the database just to get one table, but I only have the files that was in /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/
Here what I try:
I create a database named "test" with OID 227763 so I put the files of the old database to this new database with another OID. I fix the folder and files permissions, but when I log into "test" and run select * from pg_tables; the tables does not appears to me. And when I try to create the table on PhpPgAdmin, I got
ERROR: relation already exists
I'm trying to do this because I need to know which of this files is the table that i want. I will log into database and run SELECT oid,* from pg_class; to get the OID.
I found the old OID database in /var/lib/pgsql/data/global/pg_database
If anyone can help me, I thank you.
There are many ways to backup and restore an entire database or a single table. It sounds like you need to be using pgDump instead of working on individual files. A file level copy is likely to corrupt your database if not in backup mode and if not copying the entire thing + archive logs.
If you MUST copy it by files, make sure the database is shut down for maximum safety.
For me, if I had one table to backup, I'd use pg_dump
pg_dump -U {user-name} {source_db} -f {dumpfilename.sql}
you can use the -t flag to list a single table if you like.
How do I create a database generator to allows a user to create his own table in the database without access to PHPMyAdmin and without any emphasized text knowlege about PHP or MySQL?
You at-least need the sql file to run so that the database can be created....
create the sql file (the whole backup of the database along with subroutines)
just load the database via this command
mysql -u'root' -p'password' databaseName < /path/to/file.sql
In order to run mysql, it should be in your environment variable..
I'm struggling to find a suitable solution to this. I have a fairly large SQL Server 2008 Express database containing 60+ tables (many with key constraints) and a whole bunch of data.
I need to essentially copy all of these tables and the data and the constraints exactly from one database to another. I'm basically duplicating website A - to produce an exact copy (website B) on a different domain so we end up with two completely identical websites running in parallel, each with their own identical database to begin with.
Database A is up and running on website A. Database B is set up and has it's own user. I just need to get the tables and the data intact from A to B. I can them modify my web.config connection to use the log-in credentials for database B and it should work.
I've tried backing up database A and restoring to database B via Management Studio Express, but it tells me:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'database-B' database.
I've also tried right clicking database A in Management Studio Express and going to Tasks > Generate scripts. But when I do this and run the SQL scripts on database B I get a whole load of errors to do with foreign keys etc as it imports the content. It seems like it's doing the right thing, but can't handle the different keys/relationships.
So does anyone know of a simple, sure-fire way of getting my data 100% exact and intact from database A to database B?
I think I used SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard to do something like this about 5 years ago, but that product seems to be defunct now - I tried to install it and it wanted me to regress my version of SQL Server to 2005, so I'm not going there!
Don't use the UI for this. If you're not familiar with the various aspects of BACKUP/RESTORE the UI is just going to lead you down the wrong path for a lot of options. The simplest backup command would be:
BACKUP DATABASE dbname TO DISK = 'C:\some folder\dbname.bak' WITH INIT;
Now to restore this as a different database, you need to know the file names because it will try to put the same files in the same place. So if you run the following:
EXEC dbname.dbo.sp_helpfile;
You should see output that contains the names and paths of the data and log files. When you construct your restore, you'll need to use these, but replace the paths with the name of the new database, e.g.:
RESTORE DATABASE newname FROM DISK = 'C\some folder\dbname.bak'
WITH MOVE 'dbname' TO 'C:\path_from_sp_helpfile_output\newname_data.mdf',
MOVE 'dbname_log' TO 'C:\path_from_sp_helpfile_output\newname_log.ldf';
You'll have to replace dbname and newname with your actual database names, and also some folder and C:\path_from_sp_helpfile_output\ with your actual paths. I can't get more specific in my answer unless I know what those are.
** EDIT **
Here is a full repro, which works completely fine for me:
EXEC [DB-A].dbo.sp_helpfile;
Partial results:
name fileid filename
-------- ------ ---------------------------------
DB-A 1 C:\Program Files\...\DB-A.mdf
DB-A_log 2 C:\Program Files\...\DB-A_log.ldf
Now I run the backup:
Of course if the clone target (in this case DB-B) already exists, you'll want to drop it:
USE [master];
Now this restore will run successfully:
WITH MOVE 'DB-A' TO 'C:\Program Files\...\DB-B.mdf',
MOVE 'DB-A_log' TO 'C:\Program Files\...\DB-B_log.ldf';
If you are getting errors about the contents of the BAK file, then I suggest you validate that you really are generating a new file and that you are pointing to the right file in your RESTORE command. Please try the above and let me know if it works, and try to pinpoint any part of the process that you're doing differently.
I realize this is an old question, but I was facing the same problem and I found that the UI was easier and faster than creating scripts to do this.
I believe Dan's problem was that he created the new database first and then tried to restore another database into it. I tried this as well and got the same error. The trick is to not create the database first and name the database during the "Restore Database" process.
The following article is somewhat useful in guiding you through the process:
Apparently there is a database "postgres" that is created by default on each postgresql server installation. Can anyone tell me or point me to documentation what it is used for?
When a client application connects to a Postgres server, it must specify which database that it wants to connect to. If you don't know the name of a database (within the cluster serviced by the postmaster to which you connect), you can find a list of database names with the command:
psql -l
When you run that command, psql connects to the server and queries pg_database for a list of database names. However, since psql is a Postgres client application, it can't connect to the server without knowing the name of at least one database: Catch-22. So, psql is hard-coded to connect to a database named "postgres" when you run psql -l, but you can specify a template database in that case:
psql -l -d template1
It appears that it does not really have a well-defined purpose. According to the docs:
Creating a database cluster consists of creating the directories in which the database data will live, generating the shared catalog tables (tables that belong to the whole cluster rather than to any particular database), and creating the "template1" and "postgres" databases.
The postgres database is a default database meant for use by users, utilities and third party applications.
(Source: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/app-initdb.html )
There is also the database template0, your safety net when you screw up all others.
postgres is your default database to
connect with.
template1 is your default for
creating new databases, these are
created just like template1
template0 is usefull when template1
is corrupted (wrong settings etc.)
and you don't want to spend a lot of
time to fix this. Just drop
template1 and create a new template1
using the database template0.
The comment above asked: "Is it safe to delete the postgres database if you're not using it?" - CMCDragonkai Oct 22 '16 at 10:37
From the PostgreSQL documentation
After initialization, a database cluster will contain a database named postgres, which is meant as a default database for use by utilities, users and third party applications. The database server itself does not require the postgres database to exist, but many external utility programs assume it exists.
[Note: A database cluster is a collection of databases that is managed by a single instance of a running database server.]
If you are using multiple database connections when creating new databases, then all the connections cannot be done to template1 or template0.
Postgresql will throw an error if the source DB while creating new DB is accessed by other connections.
So for creating new DBs it is better to connect postgres.