In Rails 5, is setup called each time test is run? - ruby-on-rails-5.1

Let's say I have the code below in my model test.
def setup
#object = "test")
test "test 1" do
#object.age = 25
assert #object.valid?
test "test 1" do
Is the setup method called for before each test is done or it is just called once and proceeds to run all the tests?

The setup method will be run before each test case. The minitest documentation says:
Runs before every test. Use this to set up before each test run.


How to clear/teardown db with pytest in Flask app

I know this might seem like duplication, I have found similar questions on SO on this topic, but none of them really worked for me. I simply need to clear out (or teardown) the database after each test, so every test works with a new empty one.
I am using fixture and my code looks like this:
#pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
def test_client_db():
# set up
app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///"
with app.app_context():
testing_client = app.test_client()
ctx = app.app_context()
# do the testing
yield testing_client
# tear down
with app.app_context():
I am new to pytest and from what I have learnt, whatever goes before yield works as sort of a "set up", whatever goes after works as "teardown". Yet, when I run several tests, the database is not clear for each test, it holds data between them.
Why is it so? What is wrong with this fixture? What am i missing?
You have set the scope to module - this means the fixture will only be reset after all tests in a module had run.
Either set the scope to function or leave it completely, as function is the default.

How to create test suite in JsUnit

How do I create a test suite in JsUnit like I would with JUnit? I have many tests that I would like to run together. For example, I have two tests in test1.html and test2.html that I would like to group together to run.
Write a suite function in your page that returns a JsUnitTestSuite.
function suite(){
var suite = new JsUnitTestSuite();
suite.addTestPage("/path/test1.html");//use the addTestPage() method to add a test page
return suite;

Persistant login during django selenium tests

Here the snippet I'm using for my end-to-end tests using selenium (i'm totally new in selenium django testing) ;
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.staticfiles.testing import StaticLiveServerTestCase
from import WebDriver
class MyTest(StaticLiveServerTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(DashboardTest, cls).setUpClass()
cls.selenium = WebDriver()
cls.user = User.objects.create_superuser(username=...,
def _login(cls):
'%s%s' % (cls.live_server_url, '/admin/login/?next=/'))
def test_login(self):
def test_go_to_dashboard(self):
query_json, saved_entry = self._create_entry()
'%s%s' % (
self.live_server_url, '/dashboard/%d/' %
# assert on displayed values
def self._create_entry():
# create an entry using form and returns it
def test_create(self):
self.maxDiff = None
query_json, saved_entry = self._create_entry()
... assert on displayed values
I'm noticed that between each test the login is not persistant. So i can use _login in the setUp but make my tests slower.
So how to keep persistant login between test ? What are the best practices for testing those tests (djnago selenium tests) ?
Through-the-browser tests with Selenium are slow, period. They are, however, very valuable as they're the best shot you have at automating the true user experience.
You shouldn't try to write true unit tests with Selenium. Instead, use it to write one or two large functional tests. Try to capture an entire user interaction from start to finish. Then structure your test suite so that you can run your fast, non-Selenium unit tests separately, and only have to run the slow functional tests on occasion.
Your code looks fine, but in this scenario you'd combine test_go_to_dashboard and test_create into one method.
kevinharvey pointed me to the solution! Finally found out a way to reduce time of testing and keeping track of all tests:
I have renamed all methods starting with test.. to _test_.. and added a main method that calls each _test_ method:
def test_main(self):
for attr in dir(self):
# call each test and avoid recursive call
if attr.startswith('_test_') and attr != self.test_main.__name__:
with self.subTest("subtest %s " % attr):
getattr(self, attr)()
This way, I can test (debug) individually each method :)

App Engine + NoseGAE bizarre broken test

I'm using the NoseGAE to write local unit tests for my App Engine application, however something is suddenly going wrong with one of my tests. I have standard setUp and tearDown functions, but one test seemingly broke for a reason I can't discern. Even stranger, setUp and tearDown are NOT getting called each time. I added global variables to count setUp/tearDown calls, and on my 4th test (the now seemingly broken one), setUp has been called twice and tearDown has been called once. Further, one of the objects from the third test exists when I query it by id, but not in a general query for its type. Here's some code that gives the bizarre picture:
class GameTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.testapp = webtest.TestApp(application)
self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
root_path="%s/../../../" % os.path.dirname(__file__)
def tearDown(self):
def test1(self):
def test2(self):
def test3(self):
# I create a Game object with the id 123 in this particular test
def test4(self):
print "id lookup: ", Game.get_by_id(123)
print "query: ", Game.query().get()
This is an abstraction of the tests, but illustrates the issue.
The 4th test fails because it asserts that an object with that id does not exist. When I print out the two statements:
id lookup: Game(key=Key('Game', 123))
query: None
The id lookup shows the object created in test3, but the query lookup is EMPTY. This makes absolutely no sense to me. Further, I am 100% sure the test was working earlier. Does anyone have any idea how this is even possible? Could I possibly have some local corrupted file causing an issue?
I somewhat "solved" this. This issue only reproduced when I had other test cases in other files that were failing. Once I solved those, all my tests passed. I still don't fully understand why other failing tests should cause these bizarre issues with the testbed, but to anyone else having this issue, try fixing your other test cases first and see if that doesn't cause it to go away.

TFS2010 - capture unittest execution time in team build

It is possible to 'capture' or persist the time it takes per unittest, when running a team build on TFS2010. Ideally saving it to database (like a loadtest can save it to a result store).
Thanks in advance!
If you run Visual Studio unit tests during build, you can choose to publish the test results to the server, then later you can query the test run and results to find out the duration of each test result.
The code to query the test results per build looks like this:
var tcmService = TeamProjectCollection.GetService<ITestManagementService>();
var tcmProject = tcmService.GetTeamProject(TeamProjectName);
ITestRun testRun = tcmProject.TestRuns.ByBuild(BuildUri).First();
ITestCaseResultCollection results = testRun.QueryResults();
foreach (ITestResult result in results) { Console.WriteLine(result.Duration); }
You will need to obtain the team project collection, know the team project name and the build uri. This code assumes that your build has only one published test run, though that sometimes is not true because you can publish other test runs to the same build after it is completed.
Hope this helps.
