How to setState of a particular index in an array React Native - reactjs

I have an array of objects that I am currently mapping over to generate as buttons. When clicked, I want the background color of the specific button the user clicks on to change color ( I want it to toggle on, like a switch, so I can eventually save to async storage). Right now when the user clicks, all buttons change color. I'm not quite sure how I should handle this.setState in the selectMetric function.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {View, Text, ScrollView} from 'react-native';
import {Button} from 'react-native-elements';
const RISK_DATA = [
{id: 1, text: 'cats', flag: false, buttonColor: null},
{id: 2, text: 'dogs', flag: false, buttonColor: null},
class IssueSelectionScreen extends Component {
state = {flag: false, buttonColor: null}
selectMetric = (index) => {
for (let i=0; i < RISK_DATA.length; i++) {
if (index === (RISK_DATA[i].id - 1)) {
console.log("RISK_DATA:", RISK_DATA[i]); // logs matching id
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Problem setting correct state here:
RISK_DATA[i].buttonColor = this.setState({flag: true, buttonColor: '#03A9F4'})
// this.setState({flag: true, buttonColor: '#03A9F4'})
// this.setState({update(this.state.buttonColor[i], {buttonColor: {$set: '#03A9F4'}}) })
// ----------------------------------------------------------
showMetric() {
return, index) => {
return (
<View key={}>
onPress={() => this.selectMetric(index)}
<Text>{/* intentionally blank*/} </Text>
render() {
<ScrollView style={styles.wrapper}>
<View style={styles.issues}>
const styles = {
issues: {
justifyContent: 'center',
flexDirection: 'row',
flexWrap: 'wrap',
alignItems: 'flex-start',
marginTop: 10,
justifyContent: 'space-between',
wrapper: {
backgroundColor: '#009688'
export default IssueSelectionScreen;

so the short answer to your question would look something like this:
class IssueSelectionScreen extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
data: cloneDeep(RISK_DATA),
selectMetric = (index) => {
const tempData = cloneDeep(;
tempData[index].flag = !tempData[index].flag;
this.setState({ data: tempData });
showMetric() {
return, index) => {
// same
render() {
// same
It involves putting the whole array of buttons into state since the state of those buttons is what can change. You could also maintain the flags as an array in state and keep the button info as a separate constant
This solution uses cloneDeep (from lodash) to prevent the code from mutating the state of the objects but you could probably also do it with and creating new objects (which works as long as your objects aren't deeply nested).
If you're using Redux, the list would probably come into the component as a prop, then selectMetric would be dispatching an action to update the flag in Redux.

For anyone else viewing this post, the answer above is very helpful. To add a few last remarks, if you're trying to get the buttons to light up I added a simple if else to selectMetric:
if (tempData[index].flag) {
tempData[index].buttonColor = '#03A9F4';
console.log('tempData true:', tempData);
} else {
tempData[index].buttonColor = null;
console.log('tempData false:', tempData);
and updated the backgroundColor property on Button in showMetric with:


Using Hooks API: does React respect setState order?

I have fairly nonexistent knowledge in react but I'm learning as I go. I learned the basics back in school, with class components (classic React), but now I'm delving into the Hooks API (mainly because I find it easier to learn and manage, although there seems to be more tricks involved regarding async behavior). So my question might seem silly.
I found this thread regarding setState behavior on the same topic, but this is regarding class components.
In my current application, I'm trying to set three different states using an event handler. It seems that the last state is set immediately, whereas the other two states remain undefined for a bit before changing to a real value. I'm using React-Native components for mobile development, so you'll see snippets in the code such as <SafeAreaView>.
export default App = () => {
const [ destLong, setDestLong ] = useState();
const [ destLat, setDestLat ] = useState();
const [ startNav, setStartNav ] = useState(false);
const [ locations, setLocations ] = useState([
name: 'IKEA',
long: '-74.00653395444186',
lat: '40.68324646680103',
name: 'JFK Intl. Airport',
long: '-73.78131423688552',
lat: '40.66710279890186',
name: 'Microcenter',
long: '-74.00516039699959',
lat: '40.67195933297655',
const startNavigation = (goinglong, goinglat) => {
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
{ startNav ?
destLong = {destLong}
destLat = {destLat}
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}>
{, i) => {
title={ }
description={ location.long + ", " + }
onPress={() => startNavigation(location.long,}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
buttonContainer: {
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center'
logo: {
width: '50%',
height: '50%',
resizeMode: 'contain'
card: {
marginBottom: 10,
This throws an error, because MapView is expecting destLong and destLat to render properly. When I console log inside my startNavigation function, it seems that it immediately updates the state for startNav to true onPress, but destLong and destLat remain undefined for a few cycles before being set.
I've tried a different approach like this:
useEffect(() => {
}, [destLong]);
const startNavigation = (goinglong, goinglat) => {
But it just crashes the app (my guess is infinite loop).
I've also tried removing the startNav state altogether and rendering <MapView> on destLong like this
{ destLong ?
destLong = {destLong}
destLat = {destLat}
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}>
But that did not work either.
Which brings me to this question: does the Hooks API respect the order of setState, or is each other carried out asynchronously? From my understanding it's the latter. But then, how do you handle this behavior?
I'm adding my comment here as well since I am unable to add proper formatting to my comment above.
Setting a state via useState is actually asynchronous, or rather the state change is enqueued and it will then return its new value after a re-render. This means that there is no guarantee in what order the states will be set. They will fire in order, but they may not be set in the same order.
You can read more here:, as well as here
In your case I would use useState and useEffect like this:
useEffect(() => {
if(destLong && destLat && !startNav) {
}, [destLong, destLat, startNav]);
const startNavigation = (goinglong, goinglat) => {
With that said, I think you could further simplify your code by omitting the startNav state altogether and update your conditional render:
{ (destLat && destLong) ?
destLong = {destLong}
destLat = {destLat}
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}>
The above should have the same effect since you have two states that are undefined to begin with, and when they are both defined you want to render something and use their values.
And if you want to display the options again you can set the states to undefined again by doing setDestLat(undefined) and setDestLong(undefined)

React Native scrollview infinitely rerendering

I'm new to react native and I'm creating a to do list app. the component I wrote keeps infinitely re-rendering when I initialize Todos state to something that isn't an empty array. This results to an error where react stops it. I have no idea what is causing the infinite loop as I haven't included any recursion or explicit loops. I added a few console.log()'s everywhere and found that deleteTodo and toggleTodo keep getting called automatically until the application crashes.
When Todos state is initialized to an empty array I get an error saying that is not a function.
The component is only expected to re-render whenever the state is updated to either modify , add or delete a task.
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, TouchableHighlight } from 'react-native'
import { State, ScrollView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'
/* All required imports are correctly added */
let id = 0
function TaskRow(props) {
return (
{/* empty button acting as checkbox */}
<Text />
{/* main text area, displays task and all details + tags*/}
<TouchableHighlight onPress={props.toggle(props.key)}>
{/* delete button */}
<TouchableHighlight onPress={props.delete(props.key)}>
export default function TodoList() {
const [
] = useState([
{ key: id, task: 'this is a task', checked: false },
const addTodo = (taskInput = 'sample') => {
setTodos(getTodos.push({ key: id, task: 'task', checked: false }))
const deleteTodo = (deleteID) => {
setTodos(getTodos.filter((match) => match.key !== deleteID))
const toggleTodo = (toggleID) => {
setTodos( => {
if (match.key == toggleID) return { key: match.key, task: match.task, checked: !match.checked }
return (
<TouchableHighlight onPress={addTodo}>
<Text>Add task</Text>
{ => (
You have a problem in your TaskRow component, on each render you are actually calling the functions instead of declaring an handler for events. Please chenge these two lines in this way:
// ...
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => props.toggle(props.key)}>
// ...
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => props.delete(props.key)}>
Another problem is this:
setTodos(getTodos.push({ key: id, task: 'task', checked: false }))
the .push() does not return the array so you should do something like:
setTodos([...getTodos, { key: id, task: 'task', checked: false }])

React native no re-render after updating state array

I have the following code (full example):
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { SafeAreaView, View, Button, StyleSheet, Animated } from 'react-native';
import { PanGestureHandler, State } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
const App = () => {
const [blocks, setBlocks] = useState([]);
const CreateBlockHandler = () => {
let array = blocks;
x: new Animated.Value(0),
y: new Animated.Value(0)
const MoveBlockHandler = (index, event) => {
Animated.spring(blocks[index].x, { toValue: event.nativeEvent.x }).start();
Animated.spring(blocks[index].y, { toValue: event.nativeEvent.y }).start();
const RenderBlocks = () => {
return, index) => {
return (
<PanGestureHandler key={index} onGestureEvent={event => MoveBlockHandler(index,event)}>
<Animated.View style={[styles.block, {
transform: [
{ translateX: item.x },
{ translateY: item.y }
}]} />
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.pancontainer}>
<RenderBlocks />
<Button title="Add block" onPress={CreateBlockHandler} />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center'
pancontainer: {
width: '95%',
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: 'black'
block: {
width: 50,
height: 50,
backgroundColor: 'black'
export default App;
What does this code do? It's a big square, and a button below it. When I click on the button, a new black square (50x50) is made in the big square. I do this by creating a new array element (the array = blocks). This is done in the function CreateBlockHandler. This does not work correctly!
The function MoveBlockHandler makes the little squares movable. This works!
What does not work? When I create a new black square, the black square is not rendered on the screen. Only when I refresh, the square is rendered. The square is created through CreateBlockHandler, because when I do a console.log(blocks) in that function, I can see that a new array element is added.
How can I force this code to do a full re-render with all the array elements? I tried to wrap the render of the square in a separate function (RenderBlocks) and I'm calling this function every time a new square is made (last line in CreateBlockHandler). The function is called (I can check this with a console.log()) but no squares are rendered.
When you assign blocks to array the reference gete copied which mutates the state, so it doesn't re-render on setState.
const CreateBlockHandler = () => {
let array = [...blocks];
x: new Animated.Value(0),
y: new Animated.Value(0)
There are multiple issues with your code.
As kooskoos pointed out, your state remains referentially equal (it's the same array, only the elements change). This will not trigger re-render.
Also, you are manipulating state of the App component. RenderBlocks component's props and state remain unchanged which implies that they don't need to be re-rendered. Since the component is an anonymous function and is recreated during every render of App, it probably gets re-rendered anyways.
In addition, you are directly calling RenderBlocks, which looks like a component. That is unnecessary and will do nothing here, but if it had any hooks, it would cause problems.
You should probably also conform to the convention that components are PascalCase capitalised and callbacks snakeCase capitalised.

React-Native: How to either a) clear a text input or b) disable the text that is typed from being displayed

I am trying to create a way for the user to type in a five digit numeric code. The problem is that I want whatever number they type in to be transformed into an astrice. My first attempt was to set the value to display text but that did absolutely nothing. So then, I decided to make a text component who's text is the transformed text and then to just make the text input text transparent. This is obviously far from ideal but it gets the job. Ideally I would like some way of either
a) having and input box that doesn't actually display input letting my text component handle the display
b) have a way to clear the text in the input (less ideal but at least this would prevent having long transparent strings in the background)
c) someone offer me new approach altogether and tell me im an idiot for even trying to do it this way.
generateDisplayText is responsible for transforming current input based on astrices. It just uses the length of the current input to determine how many astrices and underscores to show.
onPress updates the state of current input so far
onChange calls check match which checks if there is a match
import React from 'react';
import {Button} from 'react-native-elements';
import ScreenNames from './ScreenNames';
import {Common, Colors, Sizes} from '../themes/Styles';
import {View, TextInput, Text} from 'react-native';
import Base from './Base';
const CODE_LENGTH = 5;
const MATCH = false;
text: [],
displayText: generateDisplayText(0),
value: '',
function generateDisplayText(textLength) {
let ret = '* '.repeat(textLength) + '_ '.repeat(CODE_LENGTH - textLength);
return ret;
export default class Password extends Base {
constructor(props) {
this.state = INITIAL_STATE;
componentDidMount() {
pressHandler = event => {
let key = event.nativeEvent.key;
key === 'Backspace'
? this.setState(oldState => ({text: oldState.text.slice(0, -1)}))
: this.setState(oldState => ({text: oldState.text.concat(key)}));
this.setState(oldState => ({
displayText: generateDisplayText(oldState.text.length),
checkForMatch = () => {
if (this.state.text.length >= CODE_LENGTH) {
if (MATCH) {
//go to next screen
this.setState(() => INITIAL_STATE);
render() {
return (
flex: 1,
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
marginTop: 20,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
flex: 1,
marginTop: 10,
style={{fontSize: 20, color: 'green'}}
onChangeText={text => this.setState({value: text})}
<Text style={{fontSize: 60}}>
{' '}
{this.state.displayText}{' '}

React Native - setNativeProps() on parentElement.props.children = undefined

I'm developing a school management app for myself.
All students in my class are listed in a Flatlist with their parents' phone numbers beside to enable me to send them text messages when a student is absent.
I have a FlatList with Listitems, each of which contains a Touchopacity component with Text child inside.
On successful sending an sms to a student's parent (smsParent method) I want to setNativeProps on both TouchOpacity and its Text child (manipulate their style props). I use ref=(()=>...) to have reference to Touchopacity and then this.props.children (only 1 child) to get to its Text child.
Then however I cannot use setNativeProps (=undefined).
However, when I use ref=(()=>...) on Text as well and then refer to it, setNativeProps works /like in case of its parent/.
Why can't I use setNativeProps() on a child when refering to it by parentEl.props.children? (only 1 child, checked in debugger, it's properly identified)
Please read comments in smsParent method
/*sorry for inserting a snippet - code insertion was crazily formatted/
/**code simplified/
class SingleClassPage extends Component {
buttons = new Array();
constructor(props) {
this.state = { students: [] };
this.smsParent = this.smsParent.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
//fetch students from api and setState..
_getStudentsList() {
// ...
//flatlist item
ListEl(props) {
return (
<TouchableOpacity ref={el => { let a = props.item.attId + 'att'; props.buttons[a] = el; }}
style={[styles.buttonDef, (props.item.phone_parent ? styles.buttonBlue : styles.buttonGray)]}
onPress={() => { props.smsSendHandler(props.item, 'attendance', a) }}>
<Text style={props.item.phone_parent ? styles.buttonTextLight : styles.buttonTextDark}>
{props.item.smsAttSent ? 'sms sent' : 'sms send'}
render() {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, }}>
keyExtractor={item => item.attId}
renderItem={({ item }) => <this.ListEl buttons={this.buttons} item={item} smsSendHandler={this.smsParent} />}
<BusyIndicator />
smsParent(student, msgCategory, smsButton) {
//call myjava module and upon successful callback call below:
let parEl = this.buttons[smsButton];
//childEl is an object with props.children set to text 'sms sent/send' when I watch its value in debugger
//so it's correctly identified
let childEl = parEl.props.children;
parEl.setNativeProps({ style: { backgroundColor: 'green' } });
childEl.setNativeProps({ style: { color: 'black' } });
Posting a screenshot of the error (also as response to Dyo's suggestion below - the same error Dyo...)
I think you have to iterate throught children to pass them nativeProps (even if there's only one child) :
smsParent(student, msgCategory, smsButton) {
//call myjava module and upon successful callback call below:
let parEl = this.buttons[smsButton];
React.Children.forEach(parEl.props.children, child => { child.setNativeProps({ style: { color: 'black' } }) });
parEl.setNativeProps({ style: { backgroundColor: 'green' } });
