MVC and AngularJS Boilerplate framework [closed] - angularjs

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Closed 3 years ago.
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We are looking to upgrade our current product. The current product is built using web forms (, c# and Sql server. The current product does not follow much of the best practices such as IOC, Unit of work, Repository pattern etc, however it does follow three layered architecture.
We would like to build the new product from scratch using best practices so that product can be scaled up when required. Our product needs to be a multi tennant web application which should be mobile friendly if viewed on a mobile device. We have found aspnet zero boiler plate which follows best practices but it seems a wee bit limited for us. The disappointment for us is the effort it requires to just add one new field as we would need to add it into multiple places and then recompile the product and publish it. Our product also rely on multiple forms and each form can contain hundereds of fields and on top of that each of our customers may not use all fields in the same form so we need a mechanism to hide and display fields based on customer's credentials. The dynamic creation of forms is a must requirement for us. I have listed below the requirements that we need:
Must follow Industry standard best practices (IOC, Unit of work, Repository, logging etc)
Ability to create forms dynamically and to report on these fields.
Should not rely on compiling and publishing the product for adding additonal field.
Custom business rules for each customer
Adhoc web based reporting
Full auditing to record changed and new value for certain or all fields.
Fully scalable
Role/User based permissions
Is there a suitable framework for achieving above or do we need to build it ourselves?

You used the tag "aspnetboilerplate" So why don't use them ?
I have been learning it since 2016 and it really helpful. A lot of things is well documented and its open source and free. Give it a try.

All the features you specified are included in AspNet Zero application framework. You can start a free demo to see the user interface. Check out the documentation. If you like it you can buy. There's 30 day money guarantee back.


GemFire alternatives and a license question [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've just started looking at gemfire. I'm really impressed actually. I'm a little confused by its licensing, there seems to be some indication that some of it is open source? Does anyone have any clear idea? I'm loathed to talk to their sales people.
If not, are there any open source alternatives? I can think of a few technologies which offer the same features but not as a whole.
Unfortunately there are no open-source in-memory data grid solutions. You can check alternative distributed caches like Coherence from Oracle, eXtream scale from IBM, XAP from GigaSpace.
Quick search can bring you to following solutions:
Hazelcast - In-Memory Data Grid
Cacheonix - In-Memory Data Grid
You can try it. Most probably it is young generation of IMDG and they have not full functionality. But it's free.
BTW: what functionality you want to use? some times IMDG it's just a fix for bad architecture.
This question was first posed way back in 2011, but it still seems pertinent, as Gemfire is still referenced in the latest suite of Spring demos on the Pivotal site:
"As of the 1.2.0 release, this project, formerly known as Spring GemFire, has been renamed to Spring Data GemFire to reflect that it is now a component of the Spring Data project."
So to use Spring Data, or to at least follow along with the latest "Yummy Noodle Bar" Spring Tutorial suite, it is sort of implied that you need to use the proprietary "Spring Data Gemfire" product for the Order Status solution component (the other two components of the demo being MongoDb for the Menu Item data, and a relational DB like Postgres or MySQL with JPA for the Orders data).
I did some more recent searches and in addition to Hazelcast, I was really only able to come up with one other open source solution which might also fit the bill as a Gemfire alternative :
As for me, I think I'll probably start with Hazelcast and see how that pans out.
In general, I should say that I'm a little disappointed at Pivotal for sneaking a commercial product into their otherwise open source tutorial. It's one thing to lead people to Gemfire with an open source entry level version of the product, but to force developers to sign up for a free trial version of a commercial product that they really have no business purchasing for their development platform in the first place kind of sucks IMHO. Please correct me if I am missing something here.
GemFire has been submitted for incubation within the Apache Software Foundation. Once it has been accepted as an incubation project the source code will be available under an Apache License. Currently you can download, build, and run the source for evaluation purposes at

Hosted CMS + MSSQL DB = best solution for sports website? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Goal: I want to create a website for my High School's Soccer team to show game info, player info, and historical stats/records for as little $ as possible.
I originally planned on writing an ASP.NET site, so I spent some time setting up and loading all the data into MS SQL. However, I've realized I'd rather find a simpler solution than me trying to come up with everything that goes with creating/maintaining the site.
The biggest factor here is tying the database to the site. I want to continue to update the data going forward without messing with the front end too much. I've developed in ASP.NET/C#/VB.NET and am comfortable with CSS/web dev/blogging, so I'm able to do a little dirty work if need be.
Question: Is there a good CMS option for my situation? Also, where to host it on the cheap?
I was a CMS developer for 5 years. Having been through all that, I wouldn't write my own for a single, relatively simple site.
There's SO many options out there. Obviously, the standard Joomla/Wordpress/Drupal solutions are there and are SO cost effective to build. Free software + $5 a month hosting (my personal fav is HostGator) and you've got yourself a very good site. Joomla offers some plugins such as calendars, groups and authorization, etc that makes it ideal for a club or sports team setting. Joomla even has free plugins that are specifically made for tracking sports stats and results. I did sports stats on websites professionally for the US Swimming and Cycling teams as well as two NCAA conferences.....and they aren't fun to deal with at all!
That being said, none of those are .net based!
DotNetNuke is where everyone on the .net side seems to turn. This is my personal feeling, but DotNetNuke and Wordpress both fail in that they are somewhat strict with layouts unless you really know what you're doing. For example, look at a bunch of sites and chances are you'll be able to tell which ones are Wordpress based. That was always my top measure of flexibility.
I'm intrigued right now by Concrete5 because of its ability to content manage any layout with minimal modification. Again, it's PHP based. My personal feeling is that you'd actually come out ahead "switching sides" because of the considerable amount of work product and community that the big free CMS packages offer. Setup is a breeze, so knowledge is less of an issue. But ultimately your comfort zone is what matters.

Salesforce integration all-or-nothing [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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We have a customer who makes use of Salesforce, but they want to develop their own site which will perform a multitude of functions some of which would require integration with Salesforce data and functionality.
In discussions with a Salesforce vendor and our customer, the Salesforce vendor pushed for the customer to do everything in Salesforce itself, as in a portal solution where their entire website is run through Salesforce, or you would switch from some basic HTML pages on your own server to Salesforce pages (Skinned to look like the customer's site).
Surely this recommendation is not in the best interests of the customer?
Doesn't this restrict and limit you to Salesforce technologies and costs?
Long term, if this company decided in the future to expand and build web based functionality that is totally separate from Salesforce what would happen?
Let me know what you think and possibly give me a link or two to motivate what you're saying.
I'm hoping that system/application architects will be the ones to answer, not Salesforce vendors.
They may well have been talking about Salesforce Sites. Which do allow you to build a lot of custom functionality, and leverage the power of the Salesforce platform. That said, it does lock you in somewhat. It will likely also limit just what you can do. It really depends just what functionality from Salesforce they want to expose to their customers through the site. It may be a case that a salesforce customer portal (skinned to fit the corporate look and feel) would suffice, and they can leave their existing site alone.
The other option is to build all the functionality on their own site using the SOAP or REST based APIs which Salesforce offer. This has it's pros and cons too. It offers you more flexibility with what you want to do with your site, and you can always switch hosting provider for the site too relatively easily. You could even switch from a PHP to ASP site and still have the same functionality. All of this takes time to develop. It can be used as a way around the expensive salesforce licenses though, and Salesforce just becomes a fancy database for your site in some regards.
Without knowing just how much of the data/functionality within Salesforce the customer wants on their site, And what ultimately they want to get from their website, it is difficult to give a clear answer though.
Also you can check out, they provide a very flexible and customizable portal for Salesforce.
It's also a cloud-based application, so you are always running the latest version and get tons of new features and tools in each release.
Also the service is offered with a tiered pricing model rather than per user license which makes it more affordable.

How-to limit feature functionality [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Are there any standard or "best practice" ways of limiting feature functionality for a particular application?
Example: We have a product with a variety of features, and our customers can pick and choose which features they would like to use, and the cost of the product varies based on which features they are actually using.
In the past, we have distributed along with our software installer an encrypted license file that contains information about the customer, as well as the collection of features that they have enabled. In code, we read from the license file and enable the functionality according to the license file.
This seems to work fine, except there a few disadvantages:
Upgrading users with new functionality can be sort of a pain
If a particular feature shows up in multiple places throughout the application, a developer might not realize that this feature should be licensed, and forget to check the license file before granting functionality to the user
If the license file becomes corrupted, deleted, moved, renamed, etc. the application will not run
We're getting ready to roll out a new set of features, and I was just curious what others in the community have done to tackle this problem?
Why not break down the product into modules like Matlab? Then charge for each module. The licensing can be kept online and the end user just needs to download the module to enable the feature.
There are usually 3 common approaches to this:
using fixed program versions (each version just adds features, you can't customize which features you want or not). You can use also "subversion", like basic and pro edition for Software x.0. Windows uses this approach.
Having modules of functionality, which are a product as themselves. Matlab uses this approach.
Having a software with basic functionality, and then having plugins, or extra apps for sale. Eclipse uses this approach (though it's free)
You can mix those approaches also for a better customizability.

DotNetNuke Pros and cons for community blogging site [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm evaluating DotNetNuke for a project in which an offshore team is going to be doing the development. In short, the application will be a community blogging platform with many similarities to stackoverflow except no questions, just posts. Posts may include an image or video, tags, use info, title, body, community vote (up or down) comments, hotness, and a few other details. They should be taggable, sortable, categorizeable (beyond what a single set of tags provide) In the future the site will carry forums, a calendar, and a couple of other features for which there are modules available for DotNetNuke. Additionally, this site will incorporate a user experience that will include a lot of custom skinning.
Using a web application framework (such as DotNetNuke) has a ton of benefits to help you get up and running faster and do less work when creating custom functionality.
However, you have to realize that you're basically incorporating tons of code into your project that you may not be familiar with. No matter how good the code is and how easy the framework is to learn, there's still going to be a significant learning curve for you and your team.
Your decision making process (if you're still deciding whether or not to use DotNetNuke), should include (in addition to reading, talking and other general investigation):
Downloading the application from Codeplex and checking out the source.
Investigating the third party modules that are out there.
Downloading a free module or two that comes with source, and try to reverse engineer the creator's development process. How did she integrate with the framework, what features did she take advantage of, what was written from scratch?
One place where DotNetNuke (or any other framework with tons of extensions) available can really shine is taking existing extensions that are available and customize them. If you need to implement a given feature, check out the solutions in the third party extension community first. You can probably find one that gets you a good percentage of the way there and use it as a foundation for your feature.
For example, if you want a photo gallery on your site, you probably don't want to write it from scratch. There are three major photo galleries out there that sell the source code. The core gallery module is free, simple gallery is cheap, and the source for ultra media gallery is available for a reasonable amount compared to writing it yourself. Any of these could give you a good head start in implementing your features.
