React HTML point and click generator - reactjs

I want users to be able to design a simple web page to render their content on a page on my site. Are there any projects (ideally react) out there currently that allow a point and click layout design similar to wordpress and generate html?

I have since found the Ory Editor - Seems to fulfil all my requirements.


Microsoft Teams modify Save button in Connector setup page

I am currently working on the setup page for my custom MS Teams Connector.
For inspiration, I was looking into other companies and one particular thing caught my attention.
Teams usually has at the bottom 2 buttons, like here in my setup page:
I have no Problem communicating with them using the #microsoft/teams-js client SKD and could make my page work like it is now. But I got curious how to do it with custom buttons like other Companies.
For example Trello:
Like you can see they moved the buttons up and also have a login button.
I also need to add authentication form my Connector, so I was wondering if its possible to archive a similar layout for my Connector.
For the Setup page I am using web app created with create react app
So my questions are:
Is this possible using react?
If yes how is it done?
I could not find much documentation regarding this topic.
The behavior is by design. Quite a while back we started giving developers more control in the tab configuration flow and allow them to render their own button within the iframe. Everything within that task module is now controlled by the app.

How can I link custom community visualization to other pages in a report?

I built a community visualization with various fields. One field that I'm adding is a URL, composed as the documentation suggests, that links to a filter in another page.
While the URL is fine and working, I cannot use it in a normal link or a form because the iframe in which the community visualization is embedded is sandboxed to allow only scripts.
Is there another way to change the top frame navigation, or switch to another page from within the visualization? Maybe through a javascript call?
Community Visualizations do not allow links to external resources, so there's no way to make the visualization act as a link to a filter on another page.

How to include Javascript on every Salesforce Page(for tracking/analytics) Home page component vs. Custom Button vs. Controller vs

To run analytics javascript on every salesforce page I want to insert Javascript in every page.
So far I read about a couple of different methods:
home page component
a HTML Home page component (need to customize UI to show the components on every page)
limitations: does not work for Chatter, Reports and Setup
possible issue: these comments indicate problems with 'winter 13'
Custom Button with Javascript
(don't know much about this yet) sound like one has to create/assign the buttons to object-types)
Custom APEX controller?
How would this work?
Visualforce page ??
How would this work?
To my understanding it would be possible to replace everything with visualforce pages, but this is obviously not very elegant/maintainable.
I'm curious to see what other methods there are, in partciular by modifying the controller?
What other things to consider (downsides, risks) with the presented methods?
Sidebar component sounds best suited for that to be honest.
Any button/link you'll add to object detail pages will both require clicking on it(!) and won't work on "tab view", "new record" or "edit" pages. You could override most of them with VF pages but that's A LOT of work and there's no way you'll be able to customize UI of these special places: Chatter, Console tab, Reports,Dashboard.
I'm not sure what do you mean by "modifying the controller", there's no such global thing you'd have access to.
There's option of embedding a small VF page into page layout of every detail page but it's equally limited in terms of maintenance and not being present on the new/edit pages.
There are better analytics options for Sites (not the least of them being the <site:googleAnalyticsTracking/> tag). You should also receive a monthly newsletter (typically with 2-3 month's delay) summarizing usage of your Salesforce instance, user adoption, areas to explore etc. If you don't - check your User's "receive salesforce newsletter" etc settings.

CakePHP Mobile Website

Any idea, how can we create already running website to Mobile Website?
Are there, ready made plug-ins / components available ?
I've found some like however it is paid one, which is not feasible for client's budget.
I have found, XML creations is pretty easy in CakePHP, though your ideas would be appreciated.
Kindly share more details on the same !
i dont think that you'll find a plugin that will transform your website for mobile. because there are too many decisions to make when creating a mobile web, for me it's like creating a completly different website with only the necessary information that your website has..
But maybe there are components that might help you with the small taks (like detecting the user agent and stuff).. here you can read two good articles about creating a mobile website:
There's also a few JS frameworks that will help you with the interaction with the user, i've only used Sencha touch..
But my guess is that you'll have to adapt/create "manually" the css, html and js for mobile, and I don't think that there's a magical tool to do that, you'll have to do it yourself (or pay someone to do it =D)
Hope this helps, Good Luck!
You may be interested in my answer over here:
CakePHP v2.2.1 Solution (+ Cookies to persist mobile/desktop/other layout)
In a nutshell:
Lets you setup mobile layouts /Views/Layouts/mobile/default.ctp
Mobile views /Views/Pages/mobile/home.ctp
Sets a template variable $is_mobile
Lets you force a specific layout ?forcedLayout=desktop, and remembers this in a COOKIE
If no layout is forced it uses CakePHP's User-Agent detection to make the decision $this->request->is('mobile')
If no ../mobile/ layout or view file exists then it falls back to the default layout or view.
Typically with cakephp you want to create a separate view layout for mobile viewing. The app controller should change the default view layout to the mobile one when detecting a mobile browser.
Your mobile view layout should be made by you, only you know what data on your site is important and what is not (aka, what should be removed /kept for mobile viewing) Also your mobile layout can use alternate CSS and only load the elements you want.
To learn more about creating views in cakephp see the cookbook:

Salesforce: Adding items to 'Personal Setup' and 'Customize'

I am writing a simple salesforce app that requires app-level and user-level configuration. I have created custom objects for these settings, but cannot figure out how to add links to the Setup page (Personal Setup and Customize) so that the settings can be managed.
Quite a lot of research, and a question on a salesforce board, have left me none the wiser. I have seen a couple of scripts on the web that hack the setup sidebar with javascript (eg ... but this can't be the right way to do it surely?
You are unable to do this without hacking because Salesforce want it so that you don't require over-explicit setup of any app you create - they want you to make it data-independent and in fact it may fail a security review if it is data dependent. It will also likely cause you headaches in correctly unit testing the app.
My suggestion would be to have a set of custom pages which are linked to on the home page for a user which display if they have no current values (so the first thing they see on the home page when they login for the first time is a "Hey, before you use this app you need to do some configuration through this handy wizard" and then block access to other areas of the app (i.e. display warning messages on other pages) if the app has not had this data setup.
That way you are not hacking and are providing a nice user experience around the extra setup.
DO you just want to add a new TAB on the top menu that links to the Edit page for your new sObject?
If so:
Goto setup
Click on 'Create' > 'Tab'
Pick the sObject you want the tab edit, the click next until you save the new tab.
There is no supported way to augment the Setup menu.
You should probably be using Custom Settings for what you are describing - they were designed for app-level and user-level configuration, and are available from Setup.
Otherwise, if it really is custom setup that requires fancier logic / UI / etc, you may want to do what many SFDC ISV's do and ship your app with its own configuration tab that's hidden, and/or custom VF page that manages app settings.
