Is there analogue for numpy.take?
I want to form N+1-dimensional array from N-dimensional array, more precisely from array with shape (B, H, W, C) I want to make (B, H, W, X, C) array.
I suppose that for my case there is solution even without such general operation. But I'm really unsure that if I will write code with multiple intermediate operations and tensors (shifting, repeating and so on) TF will be able to optimize it and remove unnecessary operations. Moreover I suppose that such code will be unclean and just awful.
I want to add dimension with shifted values. I.e. for (H,W)->(H,W,3) dimensions case indices must be
[[0,0], #[0,-1], may be padding with zeros but for now pad with edge value
I thought about tf.scatter_nd ( but for now I don't understand how to use it. If I understand correctly, I can't use indices with shapes larger than shapes of update array (i.e. I can't use indices with shape (3,4,5,3) and update with shape (3,4,3) or even (3,4,1,3). If it's so then this operation seems useless until I make intermediate array with shape that I need to form in result.
UPD: may be I'm wrong and tensors operations (shifting, tiling and so on) is more appropriate and efficient solution.
But in any case I think that analogue for np.take will be useful.
The closest function in tensorflow to np.take are tf.gather and tf.gather_nd.
tf.gather_nd is more general than tf.gather (and np.take) as it can slices through several dimensions at once.
A noticeable restriction of tf.gather[_nd] compared to np.take is that they slice through the first dimensions of the tensor only -- you can't slice through inner dimensions. When you want to slice through an arbitrary dimension (as in your case), you need to transpose the array to put the slice dimensions first, gather, then transpose back.
Exemplary code for tf.gather replacing np.take:
import numpy as np
a = np.array([5, 7, 42])
b = np.random.randint(0, 3, (2, 3, 4))
c = a[b]
result_numpy = np.take(a, b)
print(a, b, c, result_numpy)
import tensorflow as tf
a = tf.convert_to_tensor(a)
b = tf.convert_to_tensor(b)
# c = a[b] # does not work
result_tf = tf.gather(a, b)
print(a, b, result_tf)
assert(np.array_equal(result_numpy, result_tf.numpy()))
I have a list of arrays that I would like to be reshaped. Each array is a trial, the columns within each array is a feature, and the rows in each array is the timestep. I would like the list reshaped to (trial, timestep, feature). As an example, D is what I am trying to convert to a 3D array - the timesteps are not uniform.
A = np.random.rand(3,10) #Trial 1 has 3 timesteps and ten features
B = np.random.rand(10,10) #Trial 2 has 10 timesteps and ten features
C = np.random.rand(7,10) #Trial 3 has 7 timesteps and ten features
D = [A,B,C,D] #Data as given in the form of a list
How am I able to get a 3d array with variable timesteps? I am trying to use this an input to a keras neural network
You can do the following:
D = tf.ragged.stack([tf.RaggedTensor.from_tensor(x) for x in [A, B, C]])
This yields an ragged tensor with shape: TensorShape([3, None, None])
values = np.vstack([A, B, C])
D = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_lengths(values, [x.shape[0] for x in [A, B, C]])
which yields a ragged tensor with shape: (3, None, 10)
Working with ragged tensors in keras can be tricky.
Typically, for most applications the best choice is to use a reasonable number for the maximum sequence dimension and mask the sequences that are empty. For some applications I'm working on that is not a very attractive option because I have lots of documents with very small sequences and then some with very large sequences. But if you don't feel really comfortable with keras/tensorflow mechanics you should probably avoid using ragged tensors.
I'm wondering if there's an indexable way of doing the following code on Octave, as it's iterative and thus really slow compared to working with indexation.
for i = [1:size(A, 1)]
for j = [1:size(A, 2)]
if (max(A(i, j, :)) == 0)
A(i, j, :) = B(i, j, :);
A and B are two RGB images that overlaps and I want A(i,j) to have B(i,j) value if A(i,j) is 0 on all of the three channels. It is very slow in this form but I'm not experimented enough with this language to vectorize it.
Your code can be vectorized as follows:
I = max(A,[],3) == 0;
I = repmat(I,1,1,3);
A(I) = B(I);
The first line is a direct copy of your max conditional statement within the loop, but vectorized across all of A. This returns a 2D array, which we cannot directly use to index into the 3D arrays A and B, so we apply repmat to replicate it along the 3rd dimension (the 3 here is the number of repetitions, we're assuming A and B are RGB images with 3 elements along the 3rd dimension). Finally, an indexed assignment copies the relevant values over from B to A.
To generalize this to any array size, replace the "3" in the repmat statement with size(A,3).
Not adding much here, but perhaps this will give you a better understanding so worth adding another solution.
% example data
A = randi( 255, [2,4,3] ); A(2,2,:) = [0,0,0];
B = randi( 255, [2,4,3] );
% Logical array with size [Dim1, Dim2], such that Dim3 is 'squashed' into a
% single logical value at each position, indicating whether the third dimension
% at that position does 'not' have 'any' true (i.e. nonzero) values.
I = ~any(A, 3);
% Use this to index A and B for assignment.
A([I,I,I]) = B([I,I,I])
This approach may be more efficient than the repmat one, which is a slightly more expensive operation, but may be slightly less obvious to understand why it works. But. Understanding how this works teaches you something about matlab/octave, so it's a nice learning point.
Matlab and Octave store arrays in column major order (as opposed to, say, Python). This is also the reason that doing A(:) will return A as a vector, constructed in a column-by-column basis. It is also the reason that you can index a 3-dimensional array using a single index (called a "linear index"), which will correspond to the element you reach when you count that number of elements going down columns.
When performing logical indexing, matlab/octave effectively takes a logical vector, matches each linear index of that vector to the equivalent linear index of A and decides whether to return it or not, based on whether the boolean value of the logical index at that linear index is true or false. If you provide a logical array I that is of a smaller size than A, the indexing will simply stop at the last linear index of I. Specifically, note that the shape of I is irrelevant, since it will be interpreted in a linear indexing manner anyway.
In other words, logical indexing with I is the same as logical indexing with I(:), and logical indexing with [I,I,I] is the same as logical indexing with [ I(:); I(:); I(:) ].
And if I is of size A(:,:,1) then [I,I,I] is of size A(:,:,:), such that in a linear indexing sense it can be used as a valid logical index matching each linear index of I to the equivalent linear index of A.
The max() function can take a single matrix and return the maximum value along a dimension
There's also the all() function that tells you if all values along a dimension are nonzero, and the any() function that tells you if any of the values along a dimension are nonzero
A = reshape(1:75, 5, 5, 3)
A(2, 3, :) = 0;
B = ones(size(A)) * 1000
use_pixel_from_A = any(A, 3)
use_pixel_from_B = ~use_pixel_from_A
Now for each element of the 3rd axis, you know which pixels to take from A and which to take from B. Since our use_pixel... matrices contain 0 and 1, we can element-wise multiply them to A and B to filter out elements of A and B as required.
C = zeros(size(A));
for kk = 1:size(A, 3)
C(:, :, kk) = A(:, :, kk) .* use_pixel_from_A + B(:, :, kk) .* use_pixel_from_B
I have two arrays of 2x2 matrices, and I'd like to apply a function over each pair of 2x2 matrices. Here's a minimal example, multiplying each matrix in A by its corresponding matrix in B:
A <- array(1:20, c(5,2,2))
B <- array(1:20, c(5,2,2))
n <- nrow(A)
# Desired output: array with dimension 5x2x2 that contains
# the product of each pair of 2x2 matrices in A and B.
C <- aperm(sapply(1:n, function(i) A[i,,]%*%B[i,,], simplify="array"), c(3,1,2))
This takes two arrays, each with 5 2x2 matrices, and multiplies each pair of 2x2 matrices together, with the desired result in C.
My current code is this ugly last line, using sapply to loop through the first array dimension and pull out each 2x2 matrix separately from A and B. And then I need to permute the array dimensions with aperm() in order to have the same ordering as the original arrays (sapply(...,simplify="array") indexes each 2x2 matrix using the third dimension rather than the first one).
Is there a nicer way to do this? I hate that ugly function(i) in there, which is really just a way of faking a for loop. And the aperm() call makes this much less readable. What I have now works fine; I'm just searching for something that feels more like idiomatic R.
mapply() will take multiple lists or vectors, but it doesn't seem to work with arrays. aaply() from plyr is also close, but it doesn't take multiple inputs. The closest I've come is to use abind() with aaply() to pack A and B into one array work with 2 matrices at once, but this doesn't quite work (it only gets the first two entries; somewhere my indexing is off):
aaply(.data=abind(A,B,along=0), 1, function(ab) ab[1,,]%*%ab[2,,])
And this isn't exactly cleaner or clearer anyway!
I've tried to make this a minimal example, but my real use case requires a more complicated function of the matrix pairs (and I'd also love to scale this up to more than two arrays), so I'm looking for something that will generalize and scale.
D <- aaply(abind(A, B, along = 4), 1, function(x) x[,,1] %*% x[,,2])
This is a working solution using abind and aaply.
Sometimes a for loop is the easiest to follow. It also generalizes and scales:
n <- nrow(A)
C <- A
for(i in 1:n) C[i,,] <- A[i,,] %*% B[i,,]
R's infrastructure for lists is much better (it seems) than for arrays, so I could also approach it by converting the arrays into lists of matrices like this:
A <- alply(A, 1, function(a) matrix(a, ncol=2, nrow=2))
B <- alply(A, 1, function(a) matrix(a, ncol=2, nrow=2))
mapply(function(a,b) a%*%b, A, B, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
I think this is more straightforward than what I have above, but I'd still love to hear better ideas.
I'm working on a fishery stock assessment model and want to speed it up by removing a loop (actually two loops of the same form).
I have an array, A, dim(A)=[L,L,Y], and a matrix, M, dim(M)=[L,Y].
These are used to make a matrix, mat, dim(mat)=[L,Y], by calculating matrix products. My loop looks like:
for(i in 1:Y){
Can anyone help me out? I really need a speed gain.
Also, (don't know if it'll make a difference but) each A[,,i] matrix is lower triangular.
I'm pretty sure this will give you the results you want. Since there is no reproducible example, I can't be absolutely sure. Had to trace some of the linear algebra logic to see what you are trying to accomplish.
library(plyr) # We need this to split the array into a list of 9 matrices
B = lapply(alply(A, 3), function(x) (x%*%M)) # Perform 9 linear algebra multiplications
sapply(1:9, function(i) (B[[i]])[,i]) # Extract the 9 columns you actually want.
I used the following test data:
A = array(rnorm(225), dim = c(5,5,9))
M = matrix(rnorm(45), nrow = 5, ncol = 9)
what's the best way to store vector coordinates in Matlab?
For example, h is the height of the image, w is the width, how can I do this (pseudocode):
vectors = [];
for i=1:h
for j=1:w
vectors += p(i,j);
To get the kth p object from vectors, I can use vector(k).
Thank you very much.
Array growth in MATLAB works by indexing past the last element:
vectors(end+1) = p(i,j);
Conventional wisdom is that it is better to pre-allocate your array and use indexing, but automatic array growth has become much more efficient, especially for cells and arrays of non-builtin objects.
However, you can just get what you want out of p directly via [ii,jj] = ind2sub(size(p),k); p(jj,ii). Note the order jj,ii to match your loop semantics, which would create a vector that indexes the elements of p in a row-major order vs. MATLAB's native column-major ordering. That is, p(2) refers to row 2, column 1 of p, but your vectors(2) would contain to row 1, column 2 of p using your loop order.
You can use p(k) directly. It is equivalent to p(i,j) where [i,j] = ind2sub([h w], k).
Documentation for ind2sub
Unless I didn't understand your question…