How to store vector coordinates in Matlab - arrays

what's the best way to store vector coordinates in Matlab?
For example, h is the height of the image, w is the width, how can I do this (pseudocode):
vectors = [];
for i=1:h
for j=1:w
vectors += p(i,j);
To get the kth p object from vectors, I can use vector(k).
Thank you very much.

Array growth in MATLAB works by indexing past the last element:
vectors(end+1) = p(i,j);
Conventional wisdom is that it is better to pre-allocate your array and use indexing, but automatic array growth has become much more efficient, especially for cells and arrays of non-builtin objects.
However, you can just get what you want out of p directly via [ii,jj] = ind2sub(size(p),k); p(jj,ii). Note the order jj,ii to match your loop semantics, which would create a vector that indexes the elements of p in a row-major order vs. MATLAB's native column-major ordering. That is, p(2) refers to row 2, column 1 of p, but your vectors(2) would contain to row 1, column 2 of p using your loop order.

You can use p(k) directly. It is equivalent to p(i,j) where [i,j] = ind2sub([h w], k).
Documentation for ind2sub
Unless I didn't understand your question…


How to optimize conditional statement in for loop over image?

I'm wondering if there's an indexable way of doing the following code on Octave, as it's iterative and thus really slow compared to working with indexation.
for i = [1:size(A, 1)]
for j = [1:size(A, 2)]
if (max(A(i, j, :)) == 0)
A(i, j, :) = B(i, j, :);
A and B are two RGB images that overlaps and I want A(i,j) to have B(i,j) value if A(i,j) is 0 on all of the three channels. It is very slow in this form but I'm not experimented enough with this language to vectorize it.
Your code can be vectorized as follows:
I = max(A,[],3) == 0;
I = repmat(I,1,1,3);
A(I) = B(I);
The first line is a direct copy of your max conditional statement within the loop, but vectorized across all of A. This returns a 2D array, which we cannot directly use to index into the 3D arrays A and B, so we apply repmat to replicate it along the 3rd dimension (the 3 here is the number of repetitions, we're assuming A and B are RGB images with 3 elements along the 3rd dimension). Finally, an indexed assignment copies the relevant values over from B to A.
To generalize this to any array size, replace the "3" in the repmat statement with size(A,3).
Not adding much here, but perhaps this will give you a better understanding so worth adding another solution.
% example data
A = randi( 255, [2,4,3] ); A(2,2,:) = [0,0,0];
B = randi( 255, [2,4,3] );
% Logical array with size [Dim1, Dim2], such that Dim3 is 'squashed' into a
% single logical value at each position, indicating whether the third dimension
% at that position does 'not' have 'any' true (i.e. nonzero) values.
I = ~any(A, 3);
% Use this to index A and B for assignment.
A([I,I,I]) = B([I,I,I])
This approach may be more efficient than the repmat one, which is a slightly more expensive operation, but may be slightly less obvious to understand why it works. But. Understanding how this works teaches you something about matlab/octave, so it's a nice learning point.
Matlab and Octave store arrays in column major order (as opposed to, say, Python). This is also the reason that doing A(:) will return A as a vector, constructed in a column-by-column basis. It is also the reason that you can index a 3-dimensional array using a single index (called a "linear index"), which will correspond to the element you reach when you count that number of elements going down columns.
When performing logical indexing, matlab/octave effectively takes a logical vector, matches each linear index of that vector to the equivalent linear index of A and decides whether to return it or not, based on whether the boolean value of the logical index at that linear index is true or false. If you provide a logical array I that is of a smaller size than A, the indexing will simply stop at the last linear index of I. Specifically, note that the shape of I is irrelevant, since it will be interpreted in a linear indexing manner anyway.
In other words, logical indexing with I is the same as logical indexing with I(:), and logical indexing with [I,I,I] is the same as logical indexing with [ I(:); I(:); I(:) ].
And if I is of size A(:,:,1) then [I,I,I] is of size A(:,:,:), such that in a linear indexing sense it can be used as a valid logical index matching each linear index of I to the equivalent linear index of A.
The max() function can take a single matrix and return the maximum value along a dimension
There's also the all() function that tells you if all values along a dimension are nonzero, and the any() function that tells you if any of the values along a dimension are nonzero
A = reshape(1:75, 5, 5, 3)
A(2, 3, :) = 0;
B = ones(size(A)) * 1000
use_pixel_from_A = any(A, 3)
use_pixel_from_B = ~use_pixel_from_A
Now for each element of the 3rd axis, you know which pixels to take from A and which to take from B. Since our use_pixel... matrices contain 0 and 1, we can element-wise multiply them to A and B to filter out elements of A and B as required.
C = zeros(size(A));
for kk = 1:size(A, 3)
C(:, :, kk) = A(:, :, kk) .* use_pixel_from_A + B(:, :, kk) .* use_pixel_from_B

Creating diagonal matrix from array of matrices in MATLAB

I am interested how to create a diagonal matrix from an array of matrices.
I created an array of matrices in MATLAB:
X<62x62x1000> it consists of 1000 matrices with dimensions 62x62
I want to create a matrix of dimensions 62000x62000 with 1000 sub matrices from array X along main diagonal.
Do you have any clue how to do this, except M=blkdiag(X(:,:,1), X(:,:,2), X(:,:,3)...) because that would be to much writing.
A possible solution
M = kron(speye(1000),ones(62));
M(logical(M)) = X(:);
With kron a 62000*62000 sparse matrix M is created that contains 1000 blocks of ones on its diagonal, then replace ones with elements of X.
You can flatten out your input matrix into a column vector using (:) indexing and then pass it to diag to place these elements along the diagonal of a new matrix.
result = diag(X(:))
This will order the elements along the diagonal in column-major order (the default for MATLAB). If you want a different ordering, you can use permute to re-order the dimensions prior to flattening.
It's important to note that your resulting matrix is going to be quite large. You could use spdiags instead to create a sparse diagonal matrix
spdiags(X(:), 0, numel(X), numel(X))
A very controversial eval call can solve this very lazily, although I suspect there is a much better way to do this:
evalstring = ['M=blkdiag('];
for i = 1:999
evalstring = [evalstring, 'X(:,:,', num2str(i),'),'];
evalstring = [evalstring, 'X(:,:,1000));'];

How to permute the arrays within a cell array without using loops

I have a two arrays within a <1x2 cell>. I want to permute those arrays. Of course, I could use a loop to permute each one, but is there any way to do that task at once, without using loops?
>> whos('M')
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
M 1x2 9624 cell
>> permute(M,p_matrix)
This does not permute the contents of the two arrays within M.
I could use something like:
>> for k=1:size(M,2), M{k} = permute(M{k},p_matrix); end
but I'd prefer not to use loops.
This seems to work -
num_cells = numel(M) %// Number of cells in input cell array
size_cell = size(M{1}) %// Get sizes
%// Get size of the numeric array that will hold all of the data from the
%// input cell array with the second dimension representing the index of
%// each cell from the input cell array
size_num_arr = [size_cell(1) num_cells size_cell(2:end)]
%// Dimensions array for permuting with the numeric array holding all data
perm_dim = [1 3:numel(size_cell)+1 2]
%// Store data from input M into a vertically concatenated numeric array
num_array = vertcat(M{:})
%// Reshape and permute the numeric array such that the index to be used
%// for indexing data from different cells ends up as the final dimension
num_array = permute(reshape(num_array,size_num_arr),perm_dim)
num_array = permute(num_array,[p_matrix numel(size_cell)+1])
%// Save the numeric array as a cell array with each block from
%// thus obtained numeric array from its first to the second last dimension
%// forming each cell
size_num_arr2 = size(num_array)
size_num_arr2c = num2cell(size_num_arr2(1:end-1))
M = squeeze(mat2cell(num_array,size_num_arr2c{:},ones(1,num_cells)))
Some quick tests show that mat2cell would prove to be the bottleneck, so if you don't mind indexing into the intermediate numeric array variable num_array and use it's last dimension for an equivalent indexing into M, then this approach could be useful.
Now, another approach if you would like to preserve the cell format would be with arrayfun, assuming each cell of M to be a 4D numeric array -
M = arrayfun(#(x) num_array(:,:,:,:,x),1:N,'Uniform',0)
This seems to perform much better than with mat2cell in terms of performance.
Please note that arrayfun isn't a vectorized solution as most certainly it uses loops behind-the-scenes and seems like mat2cell is using for loops inside its source code, so please do keep all these issues in mind.

Multiplying array columns by vector

I'm new to R and I am certain that this is simple yet I can't seem to find an answer. I have an array [36,21,12012], and I need to multiply all of the columns by a vector of the same length to create a new array of the same dimensions.
If v is your vector and a is your array, in your case it would be as simple as v * a, because arrays are built column-wise. But in general, you would use sweep. For example to multiply along the rows, sweep(a, MARGIN=2, STATS=v, FUN='*').

Does MATLAB offer a more elegant way to iterate through 3D array to get 3rd dimension vectors?

I'm trying to iterate trough a fixed size 3d array in order to plot the 3rd vector dimension like this:
%respo is a 3D array of fixed size defined above
for ii = 1:size(respo,1)
for jj = 1:size(respo,2)
Is there a better way to do this than by 2 level for loop with pointing exactly to the vector plotted at each iteration?
I get there is a linear indexing for each array in MATLAB, but I struggle to come up with a way that saves from the double-looping.
Well I guess you could reshape it to only need one loop:
respo_2D = reshape(respo, [], size(respo,3))
So now
for ii = 1:size(respo_2D, 1)
(or potentially even plot(respo_2D(:,1:8)') depending on what you're trying to do)
plot applied to a matrix plots the columns of that matrix. So: rearrange dimensions such that the third becomes the new first and the others get combined into the new second, and then just call plot
plot(reshape(permute(respo, [3 1 2]), size(respo,3), []))
