Google Cloud Platform and MSSQL 2008 - sql-server

I have an MSSQL 2008 r2 Express database and was wondering if it would be compatible on Google Cloud Platform's Windows Server 2016?
Totally new to databases and servers, so my apologies if not asking in the correct place.
Also, where would be the best place for advice on restoring a database from a backup? Our external host got hacked and all our files are now encrypted. I have a .bak backup of the database but the remote server's version of MSSQL 2008 seems to be newer than the version on my computer. I get an error when trying to restore to a new blank database:
The database was backed up on a server running version 10.50.1600.
That server is incompatible with this server which is running version
I assume I would only be able to transfer whole databases and not just the backup of one.
All advice and pointers most welcome.

The database was backed up on a server running version 10.50.1600. That server > is incompatible with this server which is running version 10.00.5538
The backup was made with SQL-Server 2008 R2 (Version 10.50....)
The SQL-Server where you trying to Restore is SQL-Server 2008 (Version 10.00....)
You must restore your backup on a SQL-Server 2008 R2 at least


Restore database in SQL Server from .bkp file [duplicate]

The database was backed up on a server running version 8.00.2039. That version is incompatible with this server, which is running version 11.00.2100. Either restore the database on a server that supports the backup, or use a backup that is compatible with this server. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended)
I am trying to restore and I get this message.. is there anyway to restore this backup without having to install SQL Server 2005?
SQL Server 2012 (v11.0) doesn't support direct upgrade from SQL Server 2000 (v8.0).
You'll have to use a "in-between" step restoring your SQL Server 2000 database to a SQL Server 2005 or 2008 instance, and then do a backup from there, in order to get your .bak file into the latest database server.
There's no trick or workaround for this - that's just the way it is, and you'll have to deal with it.
There are tons of blog posts on this topic, e.g.
Migration SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2012

Can we restore database to SQL Server 2017 taken from SQL Server 2012?

Can we restore a database which is created and have some data in SQL Server 2012. But, now i want to migrate from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2017. Is it possible to take backup in SQL Server 2012 and restore it to SQL Server 2017. I need some other solutions if not possible to restore it. Because, it's almost 30GB of data, i can't get it back if not possible to restore.
Yes, SQL Server is backward compatible. You can restore a database from any previous version of SQL Server that was supported at the time of the release. For SQL Server 2017, you can therefore restore databases from SQL Server 2008 to 2017.
SQL Server, however, is not forward compatible. Once a database is restored on a more recent version of SQL Server you cannot create a back up of that database and restore it to an older version; even if the database had the correct compatibility setting. The upgrade process is one way.
"Once a database is restored on a more recent version of SQL Server you cannot create a back up of that database and restore it to an older version", But as a work around you can script database and execute it in an older version.

SQL Server 2008 R2 Upgrade / Server Move to SQL Server 2014

I have a new server and want to install SQL Server 2014 Standard and migrate my database across from my old server which runs SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.1600.1).
I have upgraded locally, but having to move servers on my production environment complicates matters, so I thought I'd ask about the best way to progress giving my situation. I can think of different options to do the upgrade, but I am not sure which is the best choice:
Would it be best to upgrade my current SQL Server 2008 R2 box with service pack 2 before thinking about the upgrade, or will this not make a difference if I'm upgrading? If I do, which is the best option below?
1) Install SQL Server 2008 R2 service pack 2 on the current server, upgrade in-situ with SQL Server 2014, perform backup. Restore SQL Server 2014 backup on new server.
2) Install SQL Server 2008 R2 service pack 2 on the current server, perform backup. Restore SQL Server 2008 R2 backup on new server on SQL Server 2014.
I understand that SQL Server 2014 includes new full text search features that are not available in 2008 which you are prompted for as part of the installation process, so I'm thinking that if I just restore a 2008 backup on 2014 I will not be 'upgrading' in full. Would it therefore be better to take option 1 (above) over option 2?
I did not find answer given by Aashish promising because he said
Restoring backup will not upgrade your database
This looks confusing. If you restore backup taken on 2008 r2 database to 2014 it would be upgraded automatically to 2014. After restoration change compatibility level to 120 and you are good to go.
Regarding upgrade from 2008 r2 to 2014 there are two methods
Inplace upgrade
Side by side upgrade
In place upgrade can be use when your environment is less complex. You need to make sure you first upgrade SQl Server 2008 R2 to SP2/Sp3( I would recommend SP3) and then run Upgrade advisor. Only when upgrade advisor does not finds any issue you can go ahead and do inplace upgrade.
Side by side upgrade is much safer but is time consuming and has rollback plan. The old instance is not touched. In this method you have to install new instance of SQL Server 2014 then migrate database using backup and restore method.
Then migrate logins using this Support article
Then migrate job using script out method of you can us SSIS transfer job task to migrate jobs.
Migrate linked server and other server objects using script out method.
Migrate SSIS packages if any.
After this you are good to go. Make sure after migration you rebuild indexes and update statistics using Ola Hallengen Index rebuild and update Statistics solution
Do let me know if any further information is required
-> Restoring backup will not upgrade your database.
1)Microsoft SQL Server 2014 installation setup provide options to upgrade your database either from 2008 R2 or from 2012.
This will preform all the process and provide information if your database is upgrade able or you required to make some changes to your old database. After that you can proceed to upgrade database from 2008 R2 to 2014.
eg. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2014 , and then click SQL Server 2014 Upgrade Advisor.
For further details
My recommendation would be to install SQL Server 2014 instance and then backup and migrate database from SQL Server 2008 R2 to SQL Server 2014
2) There are other third party tools that will preform all the necessary processes and messaging before upgrade.

Database transfer between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2008

I'm trying to help a client who's hosting company has decided to shutdown their hosting services and in that process I need to migrate an old ASP.Net site (DNN i think) to a new hosting company.
The old hosting company is running SQL Server 2000 and the new hosting company I'm attempting to copy it to has a 2008 version.
SQL Server Management Studio can connect to the old database ok but the Import/Export Data tool doesn't want to connect to this old system.
Is there anyway to easily transfer the database across?
Any tool you can recommend to backup a SQL 2000 db and restore it to a 2008 version or a migration tool that can converse between those two?
You should be able to just take a SQL Server database backup (using the built in backup features) from the SQL Server 2000 database, and restore it into SQL server 2008
My suggestion to you is
Get the host to shut down the SQL Server
Get the host to provide you with the files or the backups
Install your own SQL Server 2000 and then run the migration. Or just plain estore the backup in SQL2008
You can also try to script database (schema + data): and execute this script on new server. If database is large it can be huge script.
And remember to pay attention to the option Types of data to script – select option ‘Schema and data’.

Backup in not getting restore

I have taken a backup from a database(Sql server 2008 R2).But in machine i have
Sql server 2008.When i am trying it to restore that backup in machine then it is
showing Error.Following is the error message==
The database was backed up was running on a server running version 10.50.1600.
That version is incompatible with the server which is running on version
10.00.1600. So,how can now i restore my file
You can not restore a later version backup to a previous version. SQLServer 2008 R2 is the later version. Your Alternative is to script out all data and database objects and run those scripts on SQL 2008.
How to Script out your database
