Database transfer between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2008 - sql-server

I'm trying to help a client who's hosting company has decided to shutdown their hosting services and in that process I need to migrate an old ASP.Net site (DNN i think) to a new hosting company.
The old hosting company is running SQL Server 2000 and the new hosting company I'm attempting to copy it to has a 2008 version.
SQL Server Management Studio can connect to the old database ok but the Import/Export Data tool doesn't want to connect to this old system.
Is there anyway to easily transfer the database across?
Any tool you can recommend to backup a SQL 2000 db and restore it to a 2008 version or a migration tool that can converse between those two?

You should be able to just take a SQL Server database backup (using the built in backup features) from the SQL Server 2000 database, and restore it into SQL server 2008

My suggestion to you is
Get the host to shut down the SQL Server
Get the host to provide you with the files or the backups
Install your own SQL Server 2000 and then run the migration. Or just plain estore the backup in SQL2008

You can also try to script database (schema + data): and execute this script on new server. If database is large it can be huge script.
And remember to pay attention to the option Types of data to script – select option ‘Schema and data’.


Google Cloud Platform and MSSQL 2008

I have an MSSQL 2008 r2 Express database and was wondering if it would be compatible on Google Cloud Platform's Windows Server 2016?
Totally new to databases and servers, so my apologies if not asking in the correct place.
Also, where would be the best place for advice on restoring a database from a backup? Our external host got hacked and all our files are now encrypted. I have a .bak backup of the database but the remote server's version of MSSQL 2008 seems to be newer than the version on my computer. I get an error when trying to restore to a new blank database:
The database was backed up on a server running version 10.50.1600.
That server is incompatible with this server which is running version
I assume I would only be able to transfer whole databases and not just the backup of one.
All advice and pointers most welcome.
The database was backed up on a server running version 10.50.1600. That server > is incompatible with this server which is running version 10.00.5538
The backup was made with SQL-Server 2008 R2 (Version 10.50....)
The SQL-Server where you trying to Restore is SQL-Server 2008 (Version 10.00....)
You must restore your backup on a SQL-Server 2008 R2 at least

Syncing a SQL Server CE database with a regular SQL Server database

There's an Umbraco site that various people been contributing content to. It runs on a hosted domain using a SQL Server Compact edition database for the CMS. It's about to go live and I need to sync the dev database to the live SQL Server instance which is hosted by a third party.
I just ass(u)me(d) that I could attach the .sdf to my local SQL Server and use a commercial tool (Redgate/SQLDelta etc.) to copy it to the live db. This does not seem to be possible. While I have managed to attach the .sdf using Linqpad, I can't connect to it like a regular database.
The best option seems to be to script out the entire database, but this seems like an impossible task using just Linqpad (no flies on Linqpad, obviously - it isn't the tool for such a task). Any less onerous options would be gratefully accepted.
You can use my free "SQL Server Compact Toolbox" Visual Studio extension for this. It can generate a script of the entire SQL Server Compact database, that you can then run against an empty SQL Server database.
In the past I did this kind of scenario wherein I need to copy the data from the SQL Server CE to a SQL Server database. Have you tried adding the .sdf to an ODBC then linked that ODBC to SQL Server?

What will be missed if report server 2008R2 database gets restored in SQL server 2014

I'm planning to migrate all the SSRS reports from 2008R2 server to new sql server 2014 environment. As far as migration is concerned, I was asked to take the backup of 2008R2 report server database and restore it in 2014 server.
I was not convinced with this since there may be new tables available in 2014 Report server.
The new features of 2014 cant be utilized if the old report server database is restored.
Please let me know if this thought is correct.
Are there any new tables available in 2014 report server database?
What is the best option to migrate ssrs reports from 2008 r2 to 2014 server?.
Your question is a bit confusing, I will assume you want to move the database from a Server A with SQL Server 2008R2 + SSRS 2008R2 to a Server B with SQL Server 2014 + SSRS 2014.
Are there any new tables available in 2014 report server database?
There is no official communication on it.
If you really want to know it you could do a schema compare between the 2 versions.
But do not forget to compare everything, not only tables:
Stored Procedures, Functions
Database structure is not the only thing to take into account, what about:
All the configuration files
Encryption Keys
What is the best option to migrate ssrs reports from 2008 r2 to 2014
Short answer:
My recommended way of doing it would be to use RS Scripter and generate a script on Server A with all the objects (reports, datasources, subscriptions, ...) you want to move.
Then you can restore it on Server B.
Long answer:
If you really want to migrate the full database like you were asked to do, there is no officially supported way to move the database to another SQL instance and upgrade the version at the same time.
You could try to follow the steps to Backup and Restore Operations for Reporting Services, and apply it to a newer SQL Server instance with another SSRS version, but it will be at your own risk.
The supported ways to do would be to either:
Upgrade from SSRS 2008R2 to SSRS 2014 on Server A
Move from Server A to Server B
Move from Server A to Server B
Upgrade from SSRS 2008R2 to SSRS 2014 on Server B
Here are the related MSDN articles for these operations:
Migrate a Reporting Services Installation (Native Mode)
Upgrade to SQL Server 2014
Again, I would advise using a tool to migrate the reports and other items instead of trying to migrate the full database.
I do not think restore 2008R2 reportserver db on 2014 will work, because the report definition schema is totally different.
I did a migration task to move 2008R2 reports to 2012. Because there are hundreds of reports on the 2008R2 server, I found the easiest way is to write some codes to read report definition, and then create on 2012 server.
There are two general approaches to upgrading a Reporting Services
Upgrade: You upgrade the Reporting Services components on
the servers and instances where they are currently installed. This is
commonly called an “in place” upgrade. In-place upgrade is not
supported from one mode of Reporting Services server to another. For
example, you cannot upgrade a Native Mode report server to a
SharePoint mode report server. You can migrate your report items from
one mode to another. For more information, see the ‘Native to
SharePoint Migration’ section later in this document.
Migrate: You
install and configure a new SharePoint environment, copy your report
items and resources to the new environment, and configure the new
environment to use existing content. A lower level form of migration
is to copy the Reporting Services databases, configuration files, and
if you are using SharePoint mode, the SharePoint content databases.
If you do an in-place upgrade from SQL Server 2008R2 to SQL Server 2014, then everything should work as expected.

Move all sharepoint 2007 databases to a new Sql Server

In our organization we have a Microsoft Sharepoint 2007 installed and configured on a Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (32 bit).
The database had been installed and configured on a Sql Server 2000 (Windows 2000 Server 32 bit).
Now we are in the process to move all the databases from the Sql Server 2000 to a new Windows 2008 Server R2 Enterprise (64bit).
The new server has been already installed and doesn't have the same name of the Sql Server 2000.
We would like to upgrade all the Sharepoint 2007 database to the RDBMS so that we can dismiss the old, slow Sql server 2000.
Has anyone tried to do something similar?
You should do the following steps:
Backup all content and configuration databases. Backup your SSP databases.
Prepare content databases for moving.
Delete all the content databases.
Stop the SharePoint Farm by stopping a Timer, Tracing, Administration service
Copy mdf files of an old config database to a new SQL server
Attach SharePoint_Config database on a new server from copied mdf files.
Run stsadm -o renameserver -oldservername OLDSERVER -newservername NEWSERVER
Start all the SharePoint services stopped in 4.
Copy mdf files of content databases to a new server and attach these databases.
Attach content databases.
Add a content databases from a new SQL to SharePoint with stsadm or Central Administration
Restore an SSP databases
Create a new SSP using Restore command from an SSP database on a new SQL server.
Delete an old SSP.

Problem with importing an mdf created with SQL Server Express 2008 into SQL Server 2005

The question is probably extremely easy to resolve, but I need to resolve it because I need to carry on with my project. I am using SQL Server Express 2008 at home, and I've been working on an ASP.NET MVC app that stores my DB in an mdf file in the project's folder. The problem is that the SQL Server in the Uni labs is SQL Server 2005, and when I try to open the mdf file with the VS Server Explorer,It says that the version of the mdf file is more than the server can accept.
The only option that comes to my mind is exporting the DB as an sql file, just like I've done it thousand times with phpmyadmin. the thing is that the SQL Management Studio Express is not the most usable tool in the world, and for some strange reason all the articles I could find in Google were irrelevant. Please, help.
It is not possible to attach database created on SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2005. The other direction is possible.
Your only option is to script the database and data and run the scripts on SQL 2005. If you have used any of new features of the SQL Server 2008, you will have to rewrite the scripts.
I haven't used it much, but right click on database -> Tasks... -> Generate Scripts... / Export Data... / Import Data... should do the job right.
Google "Database Publishing Wizard", it's a tool from Microsoft to script an entire database, both schema and data.
you can script your db and its data. then run it on the target server to create a new db that is compatible with 2005 version.
Tools like Red-Gate SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare can compare a live database to e.g. a backup file, so you could compare your SQL Server 2005 database against the SQL Server 2008 Express backup file, and move data that way.
Or you could possibly generate INSERT statements for your tables that have changed data using a tool like this one here or this one here. These can generate INSERT scripts for your tables, which you can take along and run on your SQL Server 2005 target system.
