sum divisor returning 0 - sql-server

I have this table that i will populate with random figures:
| 1 || 26734||6314916|
| 2 || 64565||9876768|
| 3 || 32243||9976757|
what I want to do is create a fourth column that is basically a variance of these numbers.
I created the script below which I know works as I had created it from for another table, there's no difference between these tables apart from the figures in them.
select CAST(ROUND(sum (([2017]) /(([2016]))-1)*100, 0) as NUMERIC(36,0)) as [variance%]
from table2
I get the below
|--week--||-2016-||-2017-| variance%
| 1 || 26734||6314916|0
| 2 || 64565||9876768|0
| 3 || 32243||9976757|0
why am i getting zeros when the other table i had delivers the actual results for variances?

All you need to do is mould your INT into float value. Something like this :
CAST(ROUND(sum (([2017]*1.0) /(([2016]))-1)*100, 0) as NUMERIC(36,0)) as [variance%]
read this stack exchange answer to know more about this.


How to validate two data sets coming from an algorithm to check its effectiveness

I have two data sets:
Ist (AKA "OLD") [smaller - just a sample]:
Origin | Alg.Result | Score
Star123 | Star123 | 100
Star234 | Star200 | 90
Star421 | Star420 | 98
Star578 | Star570 | 95
... | ... | ...
IInd (AKA "NEW") [bigger - used all real data]:
Origin | Alg.Result | Score
Star123 | Star120 | 90
Star234 | Star234 | 100
Star421 | Star423 | 98
Star578 | Star570 | 95
... | ... | ...
Those DFs are the results of two different algorithms. Let's call them "OLD" and "NEW".
The logic of those algorithms is following:
it takes value from some table (represented in the column: 'Origin'), and tries to match this value from some different table (outcome represented as a column: Alg. Result). Plus it calculates a score of the match based on some internal logic (column: Score).
Additionally important information:
I DF (old) is a smaller sample
II DF (new) is a bigger sample
Values in ORIGIN are the same for both datasets, excluding the fact that the old dataset has fewer of them compared to the NEW set.
Values in Alg. Result can:
be exactly the same as in Origin
can be similar
can be completely something else
In a solution where those algorithms are used, the threshold is used based on SCORE. For OLD it's a Score > 90. For the new, it's the same.
What I want to achieve is to:
How accurate is the new algorithm?
Validate how accurate is the new approach ("NEW") in matching values with Origin values.
What are the discrepancies between the OLD and NEW sets:
which cases the OLD has that the NEW doesn't have
which cases the NEW has, which the OLD doesn't have
What kind of comparison would you do to achieve those goals?
I thought about checking:
True positive => by taking NEW dataset with condition NEW.Origin == NEW.Alg.Result and NEW.Score == 100
False positive => by taking NEW dataset with condition NEW.Origin != NEW.Alg.Result and NEW.Score == 100
False-negative => by taking NEW dataset with condition NEW.Origin == NEW.Al.Result and NEW.Score != 100
I don't see a sense to count True negatives if the algorithm always generates some match. I'm not sure what this could look like.
What else you'd suggest? What to do to compare OLD and NEW values? Do you have some ideas?

Google Sheets SumIfs with left formula

I want to use the sumifs formula, but the sum interval range has text in it.
|Criteria|Sum Interval|
| A | 1 - Good |
| A | 2 - Regular|
| C | 3 - Bad |
So, I want to check the criteria field and, when met, sum the first character of the Sum Interval. I tried something like this:
= sumifs( arrayformula(left(suminterval, 1)) , criteria, 'A')
In this case, the formula should return 3 (1 + 2)
arrayformula(left(suminterval, 1)) = interval with only first character
This work when used alone, but when I use it as an argument, a receive a message saying that the argument must be a range.
Ps: The hole solution has to be in an only formula.
=INDEX(QUERY({A2:A, REGEXEXTRACT(B2:B, "\d+")*1}, "select sum(Col2) where Col1 = 'A'"), 2)

Count same values in 1 record

Googled a lot, but can't find good directions or code for my problem...
The issue:
In Salesforce Apex i want to count the same values in 1 record inside an object.
Example record
ID | Columname1 | Columname2 | Columname3 | Columnname4
01 | ValueWrong | ValueisGood | ValueWrong | ValueNormal
If the record has more then 1 'ValueWrong' values, then it must be marked as incomplete. That's why i need to count (same) values inside a record, to make that formula.
Hope you can help me with this issue.
For this solution, I am assuming the column names are not actually name ending on consecutive numbers and they are named arbitrarily.
Since you're using Apex, one option you have is using an auxiliary variable that counts the amount of occurences of ValueWrong.
Use a trigger on insert and update (before or after depending on your use case) that determines the amount of occurences of ValueWrong there.
Number count = record.Columnname1 == 'ValueWrong' ? 1 : 0;;
count += record.Columnname2 == 'ValueWrong' ? 1 : 0;
count += record.Columnname3 == 'ValueWrong' ? 1 : 0;
count += record.Columnname4 == 'ValueWrong' ? 1 : 0;
if (count > 1) {
// Mark as incomplete
Alternatively, if you want to check all fields and their names are unknown. Use something like this as seen in another answer:
SObjectType type = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('YourObject');
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> fieldsMap = type.getDescribe().fields.getMap();
Which you can use to iterate all fields dynamically.

SPSS: using IF function with REPEAT when each case has multiple linked instances

I have a dataset as such:
Case #|DateA |Drug.1|Drug.2|Drug.3|DateB.1 |DateB.2 |DateB.3 |IV.1|IV.2|IV.3
1 |DateA1| X | Y | X |DateB1.1|DateB1.2 |DateB1.3| 1 | 0 | 1
2 |DateA2| X | Y | X |DateB2.1|DateB2.2 |DateB2.3| 1 | 0 | 1
3 |DateA3| Y | Z | X |DateB3.1|DateB3.2 |DateB3.3| 0 | 0 | 1
4 |DateA4| Z | Z | Z |DateB4.1|DateB4.2 |DateB4.3| 0 | 0 | 0
For each case, there are linked variables i.e. Drug.1 is linked with DateB.1 and IV.1 (Indicator Variable.1); Drug.2 is linked with DateB.2 and IV.2, etc.
The variable IV.1 only = 1 if Drug.1 is the case that I want to analyze (in this example, I want to analyze each receipt of Drug "X"), and so on for the other IV variables. Otherwise, IV = 0 if the drug for that scenario is not "X".
I want to calculate the difference between DateA and DateB for each instance where Drug "X" is received.
e.g. In the example above I want to calculate a new variable:
DateDiffA1_B1.1 = DateA1 - DateB1.1
DateDiffA1_B2.1 = DateA1 - DateB2.1
DateDiffA1_B1.3 = DateA1 - DateB1.3
DateDiffA1_B2.3 = DateA1 - DateB2.3
DateDiffA1_B3.3 = DateA1 - DateB3.3
I'm not sure if this new variable would need to be linked to each instance of Drug "X" as for the other variables, or if it could be a single variable that COUNTS all the instances for each case.
The end goal is to COUNT how many times each case had a date difference of <= 2 weeks when they received Drug "X". If they did not receive Drug "X", I do not want to COUNT the date difference.
I will eventually want to compare those who did receive Drug "X" with a date difference <= 2 weeks to those who did not, so having another indicator variable to help separate out these specific patients would be beneficial.
I am unsure about the best way to go about this; I suspect it will require a combination of IF and REPEAT functions using the IV variable, but I am relatively new with SPSS and syntax and am not sure how this should be coded to avoid errors.
Thanks for your help!
EDIT: It seems like I may need to use IV as a vector variable to loop through the linked variables in each case. I've tried the syntax below to no avail:
vector IV = IV.1 to IV.3.
loop #i = .1 to .3.
do repeat DateB = DateB.1 to DateB.3
/ DrugDateDiff = DateDiff.1 to DateDiff.3.
if IV(#i) = 1
/ DrugDateDiff = datediff(DateA, DateB, "days").
end repeat.
end loop.
Actually there is no need to add the vector and the loop, all you need can be done within one DO REPEAT:
compute N2W=0.
do repeat DateB = DateB.1 to DateB.3 /IV=IV.1 to IV.3 .
if IV=1 and datediff(DateA, DateB, "days")<=14 N2W = N2W + 1.
end repeat.
This syntax will first put a zero in the count variable N2W. Then it will loop through all the dates, and only if the matching IV is 1, the syntax will compare them to dateA, and add 1 to the count if the difference is <=2 weeks.
if you prefer to keep the count variable as missing when none of the IV are 1, instead of compute N2W=0. start the syntax with:
If any(1, IV.1 to IV.3) N2W=0.

Can I set rules for string comparison in SQL? (or do I need to hardcode using CASE WHEN)

I need to make a comparison for ratings in two points in time and indicate if the change was upwards,downwards or stayed the same.
For example:
This would be a table with four columns:
ID T0 T0+1 Status
1 AAA AA Lower
2 BB A Higher
3 C C Same
However, this does not work when applying regular string comparison, because in SQL
I need
So my order(highest to lowest): AAA,AA,A,BBB,BB,B
SQL order(highest to lowest): BBB,BB,B,AAA,AA,A
Now I have 2 options in mind, but I wonder if someone know a better one:
1) Use CASE WHEN statements for all the possibilities of ratings going up and down ( I have more values than indictaed above)
CASE WHEN T0=T0+1 then 'Same'
WHEN T0='AAA' and To+1<>'AAA' then 'Lower'
....adress all other options for rating going down
ELSE 'Higher'
However, this generates a very large number of CASE WHEN statements.
2) My other option requires generating 2 tables. In table 1 I use case when statements to assign values/rank to the ratings.
For example:
CASE WHEN T0='AAA' then 6
CASE WHEN T0='AA' then 5
CASE WHEN T0='A' then 4
CASE WHEN T0='BBB' then 3
CASE WHEN T0='BB' then 2
CASE WHEN T0='B' then 1
The same for T0+1.
Then in table 2 I use a regular compariosn between column T0 and Column T0+1 on the numeric values.
However, I am looking for a solution where I can do it in one table (with as little lines as possible), and optimally never really show the ranking column.
I think a nested statement would be the best option, but it did now work for me.
Anybody has suggestions?
I use SQL Server 2008.
If you are using Credit Rating, this is very likely that this is not just about AAA > AA or BBB > BB.
Whether you are using one agency or another, it could also be AA+ or Aa1 for long term, F1+ for short term or something else in different contexts or with other agencies.
It is also often requiered to convert data from one agency to other agencies Rating.
Therefore it is better to use a mapping table such as:
Id | Rating
0 | AAA
1 | AA+
2 | AA
3 | AA-
4 | A+
5 | A
6 | A-
7 | BBB+
Using this table, you only have to join the rating in your data table with the rating in the mapping table:
SELECT d.Rating_T0, d.Rating_T1
CASE WHEN d.Rating_T0 = d.Rating_T1 THEN '='
FROM yourData d
INNER JOIN RatingMapping m0
ON m0.Rating= d.Rating_T0
INNER JOIN RatingMapping m1
ON m1.Rating= d.Rating_T1
If you only store the Rating id in you data table, you will not only save space (1 byte for tinyint versus up to 4 chars) but will also be able to compare without the JOIN to the mapping table.
SELECT d.Rating_Id0, d.Rating_Id1
CASE WHEN d.Rating_Id0 = d.Rating_Id1 THEN '='
WHEN d.Rating_Id0 < d.Rating_Id1 THEN '<'
WHEN d.Rating_Id0 > d.Rating_Id1 THEN '>'
FROM yourData d
The JOIN would only be requiered when you want to display the actual Rating value such as AAA for Rating_ID = 0.
You could also add an agency_Id to the Mapping table. This way, you can easily choose which Notation agency you want to display and easily convert between Agency 1 and Agency 2 or Agency 3 (ie. Id 1 => S&P and Id 2 => Fitch, Id 3 => ...)
