Determine whether the active check box is checked in Winforms - winforms

I am developing a Windows Forms Application using Visual Studio in Visual C++. My form has 96 check boxes on it. Rather than create 96 Click events, I believe that there's a way to create a single Click event that is called when any check box is clicked. Within the Click event, I need to determine whether the active checkbox is Checked or Not Checked. While this should be easy, I can't seem to figure it out!
I got it to work with the code below, but I'm sure there's a better way.
if (sender == checkBox_D1)
if (checkBox_D1->Checked)
isChecked = true;
else if (sender == checkBox_D2)
if (checkBox_D2->Checked)
isChecked = true;
return; // Invalid sender - should not get here!
if (isChecked)
// Do something
// Do something else
I also tried the code below but activeCheckBox is not a Checkbox object so it doesn't work.
Control^ activeCheckBox = ActiveControl;
activeCheckBox->Text returns the Text property of the Checkbox
activeCheckBox->Checked doesn't compile. The error is 'Checked' : is not a member of 'System::Windows::Forms::Control'
It seems like sender has the data that I need but I don't know how to access it.
Is there a way to declare a Checkbox as follows?
CheckBox activeBox;
and then assign activeBox to the Checkbox that has the focus
activeBox = ???
// Then just need to do this!
if (activeBox.Checked)
isChecked = true;
Thank you for the help.

Yes you can reuse the same function for all your Check boxes.
void App3::ItemPage::checkBox_Checked(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e)
CheckBox^ activeCheckBox = safe_cast<CheckBox^>(sender);
if (activeCheckBox->Checked)
if (activeCheckBox->Name == "checkBox_D1") {
//Do something when this check box is clicked.
if (activeCheckBox->Name == "checkBox_D2") {
//Do something when this check box is clicked.

For all checBoxes you will assign the same CheckedChanged event:
checkBox1.CheckedChanged += newCheckBoxCheckedOrUnchecked_CheckedChanged;
checkBox2.CheckedChanged += newCheckBoxCheckedOrUnchecked_CheckedChanged;
checkBox95.CheckedChanged += newCheckBoxCheckedOrUnchecked_CheckedChanged;
checkBox96.CheckedChanged += newCheckBoxCheckedOrUnchecked_CheckedChanged;
Checks the state of all checkBoxes:
private void newCheckBoxCheckedOrUnchecked_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (Control control in this.Controls)
if (control.GetType() == typeof(CheckBox))
var checkBox = (CheckBox) control;
var checkBoxName = checkBox.Name; // To know which checkbox we are talking about
var checkBoxIsChecked = checkBox.Checked;
// Do your stuff
MessageBox.Show(checkBoxName + #" is " + (checkBoxIsChecked ? "checked" : "not checked"));
Checks the state of only the checkBox where the value was changed:
private void newCheckBoxCheckedOrUnchecked_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var checkBox2 = (CheckBox)sender;
var checkBoxName2 = checkBox2.Name; // To know which checkbox we are talking about
var checkBoxIsChecked2 = checkBox2.Checked;
// Do your stuff
MessageBox.Show(checkBoxName2 + #" is " + (checkBoxIsChecked2 ? "checked" : "not checked"));


How to uncheck checkbox in datagridview using Entity framework

I have datagridview on winform. It is bound to result from below code:
PoolEntities db = new PoolEntities();
var Result = db.General_Pool_Detail.Where(g => g.Pool_Name == cbxGLType.SelectedValue && g.Mapped_Date == dt).Select(s=>
new { Selected = true, s.Gen_Pool_ID, s.GSL_Code, s.Amount }).ToList();
dgvGeneralPoolData.DataSource = Result;
The code works perfectly fine. But when I uncheck the checkbox on datagridview it does not work.
In datagirdview event i have written the following code:
private void dgvGeneralPoolData_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
if (dgvGeneralPoolData.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Selected)
Boolean IsChecked = (Boolean) dgvGeneralPoolData.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value;
if (IsChecked)
dgvGeneralPoolData.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value = false;
Also, I want to save the changes made in datagridview to the database.
Please help.
EditMode Property
check editmode property of your datagridview.
Does it even hit your click event? Where exactly does it break when you debug? Try to debug and provide some more info if you can.
1) Debug and make sure that the event handler does work. Sometimes when you copy paste the code the event handler doesn't get register by the designer so try deleting the CellClick and type the code again on the grid view, when you add the = sign it should give you an option to create the ClickCell method for you. It should be something like this inside your click event.
if (e.RowIndex != -1)
DataGridViewCheckBoxCell chk = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)dgvGeneralPoolData.CurrentRow.Cells["ColumnNumberHere"];
if (chk.Value == null || chk.Value = false)
chk.Value = true;
chk.Value = false
2) Make sure this is under your InitializeComponent()
this.dgvGeneralPoolData.CellContentClick += new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventHandler(this.dgvGeneralPoolData_CellContentClick);

How to Cancel Datagrid selection changed event in WPF?

I know this question is asked before, but I couldnt find what I am looking for.
private void dataGrid1_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (oOrdItem.ItemNo == 0)
e.Handled = true;
MessageBox.Show("Please save the order item", "Save");
Even if I call e.Handled = true;
it will select the datagrid row. I dont want to call dataGrid1.SelectedIndex =-1; because it will trigger selectionchanged event again. I also tried dataGrid1.UnSelectAll();
Any other way to cancel the selectionchanged event?
I used a variety of methods to try to cancel the selection changed event, including the method from the selected answer, but none of them worked. This, however, worked great for me:
Using the PreviewMouseDown event-handler for the datagrid:
private void dataGrid_PreviewMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
//get the item I am clicking on (replace MyDataClass with datatype in datagrid)
var myItem = (e.OriginalSource as FrameworkElement).DataContext as MyDataClass;
//check if item is different from currently selected item
if (myItem != dataGrid.SelectedItem)
//save message dialog
MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Changes will be lost. Are you sure?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question);
//if click no, then cancel the event
if (result == MessageBoxResult.No)
e.Handled = true;
//otherwise, reinvoke the click event
new Action(() =>
RoutedEventArgs args = new MouseButtonEventArgs(e.MouseDevice, 0, e.ChangedButton);
args.RoutedEvent = UIElement.MouseDownEvent;
(e.OriginalSource as UIElement).RaiseEvent(args);
This successfully keeps the current row selected if the user clicks "No", and if they click "Yes", then execution will continue as normal. Hopefully this helps someone in the future, because it took a long time to find something that would work for a seemingly simple problem.
Did you think about an alternative implementation? I'm thinking on Binding and a check method before changing the SelectedItem. An illustration:
<DataGrid ItemsSource="..." SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedEntry}" />
and the underlying VM could look like this:
public class SampleVm : ViewModelBase//assuming that you are using such a base class
private object _selectedEntry;
public object SelectedEntry
get { return _selectedEntry; }
if (!SavePrevItem())
_selectedEntry = value;
RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedItem"); // or something similar
private bool SavePrevItem()
// your logic here

Check only one ToolStripMenuItem

I have a ToolStrip with multiple ToolStripDropDownButtons, each has a set of DropDownItems.
When the user clicks on an DropDownItem, the check mark is shown.
By default, multiple items can be clicked and therefore multiple check marks appear.
What I'm trying to do is when the user clicks one DropDownItem, the other already checked items should be unchecked. In other words, there should always be only one checked item in the DropDown list.
I've been dabbling with it for some time but I can't really figure out how to keep the current checked item as it is while uncheck other items.
Below is the code I have as of now.
private void subietm1ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void UncheckOtherToolStripMenuItems(object selectedMenuItem)
List<ToolStripDropDownButton> dropdownButtons = new List<ToolStripDropDownButton>();
foreach (ToolStripItem item in toolStrip1.Items)
if (item is ToolStripDropDownButton)
foreach (ToolStripDropDownButton btn in dropdownButtons)
foreach (ToolStripMenuItem d in btn.DropDownItems)
if (d.Checked)
d.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
If someone could shed some light on this or tell me an easy way to go about it, I'd be grateful.
Thank you.
So easy...
Implement their method as described below:
private void subietm1ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void UncheckOtherToolStripMenuItems(ToolStripMenuItem selectedMenuItem)
selectedMenuItem.Checked = true;
// Select the other MenuItens from the ParentMenu(OwnerItens) and unchecked this,
// The current Linq Expression verify if the item is a real ToolStripMenuItem
// and if the item is a another ToolStripMenuItem to uncheck this.
foreach (var ltoolStripMenuItem in (from object
item in selectedMenuItem.Owner.Items
let ltoolStripMenuItem = item as ToolStripMenuItem
where ltoolStripMenuItem != null
where !item.Equals(selectedMenuItem)
select ltoolStripMenuItem))
(ltoolStripMenuItem).Checked = false;
// This line is optional, for show the mainMenu after click
One detail is that you can implement the same method for all click menuItens, for this add same call for method UncheckOtherToolStripMenuItems((ToolStripMenuItem)sender); into the Event click for each ToolstripMenuItem, see this example to the another two ToolstripMenuItens:
private void subietm2ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void subietm3ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
I just set all the items in my menu with the event of item_Click so if one is clicked then it will just run the code below. Dont need an event for each button that way.
private void item_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Set the current clicked item to item
ToolStripMenuItem item = sender as ToolStripMenuItem;
// Loop through all items in the subMenu and uncheck them but do check the clicked item
foreach (ToolStripMenuItem tempItemp in (ToolStripMenuItem)item.OwnerItem.DropDownItems)
if (tempItemp == item)
tempItemp.Checked = true;
tempItemp.Checked = false;
If you want to add several items to your list during runtime and have them connected in the way above you can run the below code.
private void subItemsMenus(ToolStripMenuItem parentItem, string[] listItems)
// Clear tool strip items first
// Add items that are in the list
foreach (string subMenuItem in listItems)
ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
//Name that will appear on the menu
item.Text = subMenuItem;
//Put in the Name property whatever necessary to retrieve your data on click event
item.Name = subMenuItem;
//On-Click event
item.Click += new EventHandler(item_Click);
//Add the submenu to the parent menu
I have another way which works:
Each item is going to ToolStripMenuItem_CheckStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
and every item has its own tag 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
One item is checked on start and has tag = 1.
int selecteditem = 1;
bool atwork = false;
private void dzienToolStripMenuItem_CheckStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (atwork) return;
else atwork = true;
selecteditem = Convert.ToInt32(((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Tag);
foreach (ToolStripMenuItem it in sometooltipdropdown.DropDownItems)
if (Convert.ToInt32(it.Tag) != selecteditem)
it.Checked = false;
atwork = false;
The easiest way is add DropDownItemClicked Event and create own method:
private void toolStripDropDownButton1_DropDownItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e)
if (e.ClickedItem != null)
CheckSelected((ToolStripDropDownButton)sender, e.ClickedItem);
private void CheckSelected(ToolStripDropDownButton button, ToolStripItem selectedItem)
foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in button.DropDownItems)
item.Checked = (item.Name == selectedItem.Name) ? true : false;
You could get the count by copying to an array and then use extensions.
ToolStripItem[] controls = new ToolStripItem[ToolStrip.DropDownItems.Count];
intcheckCount = controls.Count(c => (c as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked);
if (checkCount == 0) // must keep 1 selection
item.Checked = true;
else if (checkCount > 1) //uncheck all others
controls.Cast<ToolStripMenuItem>().Where(c => c.Checked && c.Name != item.Name)
.ToList().ForEach(s => s.Checked = false);

TextBox resets text when tabbing out ot other controls

I have a form with several controls. There a situtions where 'textBoxOtherRelationship' is disable and the text is set to string.empty. But when I then got to another control and tab out the data appears again,while the control remains disabled.
textBoxOtherRelationship.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", _binder, "RelationshipNotes"));
private void ComboBoxRelationShipSelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ((Constants.Relationship)comboBoxRelationShip.SelectedItem.DataValue == Constants.Relationship.Other)
textBoxOtherRelationship.Enabled = true;
if (_formMode != ActionMode.ReadOnly)
textBoxFirstName.BackColor = Color.White;
textBoxOtherRelationship.Enabled = false;
_model.RelationshipNotes = null;
textBoxOtherRelationship.Text = string.Empty;
if (_formMode != ActionMode.ReadOnly)
textBoxFirstName.BackColor = Color.LightYellow;
Hmm.. so I see this line here:
new Binding("Text", _binder, "RelationshipNotes"));
which tells me that you've got binding set up between the Text property on the textBoxOtherRelationship and a property called "RelationshipNotes" on the datasource _binder.
So, I'm assuming that the two-way binding works just fine and that when you type something into the textBoxOtherRelationship and that control loses focus the underlying RelationshipNotes property is getting updated as well, right?
Now, looking at your code there, I don't think the underlying datasource is being updated when you set the Text property to string.Empty because that usually doesn't happen until the textbox loses focus and you've disabled the control.
If you add:
after you set the value to string.Empty that string.Empty value will get stored back to the datasource because the databinding will know there is something to update. Programmatically, it doesn't.
I see you have this line:
textBoxOtherRelationship.Enabled = false;
_model.RelationshipNotes = null; <<<----------------------
textBoxOtherRelationship.Text = string.Empty;
Is _model.RelationshipNotes what is ultimately supposed to be bound to that textbox?
The SelectedIndexChanged event doesn't commit the databindings until after the control loses focus, so the quick fix is to write the value first in your event:
private void ComboBoxRelationShipSelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (comboBoxRelationShip.DataBindings.Count > 0) {
if ((Constants.Relationship)comboBoxRelationShip.SelectedItem.DataValue ==
Constants.Relationship.Other) {
textBoxOtherRelationship.Enabled = true;
if (_formMode != ActionMode.ReadOnly) {
textBoxFirstName.BackColor = Color.White;
} else {
textBoxOtherRelationship.Enabled = false;
_model.RelationshipNotes = null;
textBoxOtherRelationship.Text = string.Empty;
if (_formMode != ActionMode.ReadOnly) {
textBoxFirstName.BackColor = Color.LightYellow;

How to handle dialogs with multiple buttons in WPF?

I have a Window with seven buttons; I use it as a menu in a simple game I am working on, but I display it as a dialog. How can I know which button user has pressed, since DialogResult in WPF only offers true, false and null?
If you're making a custom Window in this way, you don't really need to worry about DialogResult.
You can keep track of this in a property within your Window, and just read the property after the dialog is closed.
MyDialog window = new MyDialog();
if (window.ShowDialog() == false)
// user closed the window...
var choice = window.CustomPropertyContainingChoice;
Define your own enum and offer a static method to display the window that return your enum.
The code below does the same thing it is part of a window that allows users to review their changes and accept or cancel. As I only need true and false I used a bool however it would be trivial to change to an enum.
public static bool DisplayChanges(List<INormalizedMessage> LstMessages)
var retlist = LstMessages.Where(( INormalizedMessage NM ) => { return NM.Status != NormalizedMessageStatus.NoChange; });
ReviewChanges RC = new ReviewChanges();
RC.Messages = retlist.ToList();
return RC.Result;
private void cmdCancle_Click( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
Result = false;
private void cmdOK_Click( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
Result = true;
