Why is my batch file showing all variables - batch-file

I am coding a text-based batch rpg, but the code reads all variables formatted as :VARIABLE
as if it was a sequence of code.
#echo off
set /p name=Welcome to the game, what is your name?:
if %name%==ChrisPBacon goto crispy
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto selectclass
set /p question1=Your class is Warrior, is this correct Y/N?:
if %question1%==Y cls goto skillselect1
if %question1%==N cls goto selectclass
set /p question1=Your class is Paladin, is this correct Y/N?:
if %question1%==Y cls goto skillselect1
if %question1%==N cls goto selectclass
set /p question1=Your class is Mage, is this correct Y/N?:
if %question1%==Y cls goto skillselect1
if %question1%==N cls goto selectclass
set /p question1=Your class is Cleric, is this correct Y/N?:
if %question1%==Y cls goto clerichealer
if %question1%==N cls goto selectclass
echo Welcome to the game, %name%!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
echo Warrior
echo Paladin
echo Mage
echo Cleric
set /p CLASS=What class would you like to be?:
if %CLASS%==Warrior goto WARRIORSELECT1
if %CLASS%==Paladin goto PALADINSELECT1
if %CLASS%==Mage goto MAGESELECT1
if %CLASS%==Cleric goto CLERICSELECT1
set /p surecleric=Are you sure you wish to be the Cleric? This class does 0
damage and can only heal Y/N!:
if %surecleric%==Y cls goto skillselect1
if %surecleric%==N cls goto selectclass
echo Welcome to the skill selection menu, %Name% the %CLASS% From here you
can select your initial skills, with 10 points to spend at first and more
can be gained by levelling up!
echo Weight (W)
echo Attack Damage (AD)
echo Magic Damage (MD)
echo Healing Effectiveness (HE)
set /p point1 What attribute do you wish to level up with your 1st point?
if point1==W echo Increased weight by +10!
if point1==AD echo Increased Attack Damage by +20!
if point1==MD echo Increased Magic Damage by +15!
if point1==HE echo Increased Healing Effectiveness by +10 Health!
echo Welcome Admin!
echo 1) Force Delete current save
echo 2) Implement Preset save
set /p bacon=What do you wish to do?
In particular, when any class but Cleric is selected, it loops through all classes asking if this is your selected class. When Cleric is selected, it loops back to Welcome to the game, %name% etc.

The thing that makes it loop when you select cleric is that it just goes on, even when you enter "n" (instead of "N"), as SteveFest said.
But there are many issues with your code:
It doesn't account for incorrect or empty input
The if comparison is case-sensitive
no quotes for the if comparison
It's obvious it's going to get much worse with time if you keep using too many goto statements

Take a look in this snippet.
set /p question1=Your class is Cleric, is this correct Y/N?:
if %question1%==Y cls goto clerichealer
if %question1%==N cls goto selectclass
If your selection is not Y or N, it will automatically go on, and reach :selectclass. This problem occurs throughout the entire script, so fix them first.
Another thing that most new batch scripts make is the multicommand in one if statement. You could use
if "a"=="b" cls && goto blah
if "a"=="b" (
goto blah
Notice the quotes " I've added, as quotes will help deal with variables with spaces.
Optionally, you can add the /i flag to if, which means case-insensitive search.
When we want to echo a blank line, we don't only use echo, instead, we use echo(, though there are some less safer methods.
Some variables are not wrapped in % signs.
Multi-line echo requires multi echos unless you want for loops
There was one missing equal sign in one of the set /p statement
Storing passwords directly in a batch file isn't safe, even after making it a .exe file, as most bat to exe converter does make a temporary bat file in the temp directory, which can be easily accessed by malicious users.


Making a batch DND assistant

I don't know if any of you guys know anything about batch (I am sure someone does), but in regards to this post, I am trying to create a dumbed down DND Assist (something that you would tell you stats to and that would assist you in completing an action irl faster than rolling dice and doing the math yourself.
Currently I have the random num generator somewhat working (although I would like to improve it)
This version is set to choose a random number between 1 and 20, I would like to figure out a way to have the program notice if you roll a 1 or a 20 (Crit hits / crit fail)
Also I need something later that will show me how to save certain values as variables,
#echo off
Set /a ans="%RANDOM% %% 20"+1
echo %ans%
goto Start
(In regards to saving variables, when the program is ran, it will tell me that I am missing an operation.)
The coloring portion was just for the hecks of it, if someone can show me a way to streamline that section please tell.
Please use lamens terms, Im still not very good at understanding any of this.
#echo off
Echo Lets begin by setting your prefered color!
set choice=
set /p choice= RED, WHITE, OR BLUE?!?
if not '%choice%'=='' set '%choice%'=='Red, White, Blue'
if '%choice%'=='RED' goto RED
if '%choice%'=='WHITE' goto WHITE
if '%choice%'=='BLUE' goto BLUE
if '%choice%'=='Red' goto RED
if '%choice%'=='White' goto WHITE
if '%choice%'=='Blue' goto BLUE
if '%choice%'=='red' goto RED
if '%choice%'=='white' goto WHITE
if '%choice%'=='blue' goto BLUE
if '%choice%'=='9' goto 1Bs
echo "%choice%" is not a good color bro, do a different one
goto A
color 4
color 7
color 1
Echo ---THE DND GAME---
echo Welcome to the DND game, we will first choose your Attributes
echo Strength (How hard you hit) (STR)
echo Constitution (Your health) (CNST)
echo Knowledge (Better Rolls against Vendors and Questions) (KNLG)
echo Dexterity (Your chances of dodging and Hitting) (DXT)
echo You have a total of 10 points to apply to each Attribute
echo Your points HAVE to equal 10 otherwise you will have to restart
set MXPNTS=10
set choice=
set /p STR= STR (1-10)
set choice=
set /p CNST= CNST (1-10)
set choice=
set /p KNLG= KNLG (1-10)
set choice=
set /p DXT= DXT (1-10)
if ATTRTTL=MXPNTS goto testyay
I would personally suggest:
#echo off
echo Lets begin by setting your preferred color!
set /p choice= RED, WHITE, OR BLUE?!?
if "%choice%" == "" (
echo Please enter something!
goto :A
for %%A IN (red white blue) do if /I "%choice%" == "%%A" (call :%%A & goto :start_screen)
if "%choice%" == "9" (goto 1Bs)
echo "%choice%" is not a good color bro, do a different one.
goto :a
color 4
exit /b
color 7
exit /b
color 1
exit /b
echo ---THE DND GAME---
echo Welcome to the DND game, we will first choose your Attributes
echo Strength (How hard you hit) (STR)
echo Constitution (Your health) (CNST)
echo Knowledge (Better Rolls against Vendors and Questions) (KNLG)
echo Dexterity (Your chances of dodging and Hitting) (DXT)
echo You have a total of 10 points to apply to each Attribute
echo Your points HAVE to equal 10 otherwise you will have to restart
set "mxpnts=10"
set /p "str=STR (1-10) "
set /p "cnst=CNST (1-10) "
set /p "knlg=KNLG (1-10) "
set /p "dxt=DXT (1-10) "
set /a "attrttl=str+cnst+knlg+dxt"
echo %ATTRTTL%
if not "%attrttl%" == "%mxpnts%" (goto :attrset) else (goto :testyay)
Capitalization detected! Successfully removed! As batch is a case insensitive language, uppercase letters would make noise and make reader close the tab with your question and move on - or at least me.
The whole thing about the choice variable you did was not needed. Just a for loop looping through the color words and checking (case insensitive) if the user input was red, white or blue.
I have decided to call subroutines, not goto to them to save some lines - I usually do it to my programs: you had put 3 separate commands goto START SCREEN which could be simplified calling the subroutine (which means goto to it, but then return) and then goto where you want.
Remember: it is not good for your files/folders to contain a space in their name. This can cause quite many misbehaviours. It is just the same in all languages: when you name variables, functions, subroutines or whatever, don't include spaces! I have renamed it to start_screen.
That's all, follow excellent suggestions by Squashman in comments and read the help of some commands in cmd, typing command /? and you should be fine.

My text based game script is not working

I am making a text based rpg and the script is not working. It has something to do with the stamina. I also have a quest that is dependent on you having a certain amount of gold and that script is not working as well. I will include pictures.
echo Press 1) to harvest
set /p input17=enter:
if %input17%==1 set /a wheat= %wheat% + 5
if %input17%==1 set /a carrots= %carrots% +4
if %input17%==1 set /a stamina= %stamina% - 25 (this line)
if %stamina% < 0 goto nostamina (this line)
echo You get some wheat and some carrots.
echo check your inventory for accurate numbers.
echo Press 1) to go back.
pause >nul
goto insidehouse
echo You are now inside of your house.
echo Press 1) to harvest.
echo Press 2) to sell all crops.
echo Press 3) to go into your inventory.
echo Press 4) to sleep eight hours.
echo Press 5) to check for quests.
set /p input16=enter:
if %input16% EQU 1 goto harvest
if %input16% EQU 2 goto market
if %input16% EQU 3 goto Inventory1
if %input16% EQU 4 goto sleep
if %input16% EQU 5 (and) if %gold% LSS 0 goto shopping (this line)
You haven't provided much code to work with so, I can only guess at a solution.
My best guess is that you are atempting to update a variable from inside a for loop. If this is the case you need to add this line to the top of your batch file: setlocal enabledelayedexpansion. You will also need to access the affected variables like this !var! instead of this %var%.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion causes expansion of variables to delayed in your batch file. What this will mean in the context of your program is that variables can be updated from within a for loop.

make a bat file that asks what game I want to play

My idea was to have it start when the computer boots and then ask me what game do I want to play. That's simple but I want to be able to answer different answers like: Is the input like CS:GO,cs,csgo,counter strike, and so forth and, here's how I tried to do it=
if %game%==1,CS:GO,cs:go,csgo,"Counter Strike","counter strike" goto cs
But as you probably know, it did not work. so the question is how to make it so that "%game%" can be a lot of different things and still goes to the same thing without having to do multiply if %GAME%==...?
and here's the whole code if you want to see it=
#echo off
color a
echo what game do you want to play?
echo 1/"CS:GO"? -"Counter Strike: Global Ofensive"
echo 2/"H&G"? -"Heros & Generals"
echo 3/"P2"? -"Portal 2"
echo 4/"UT"? -"Unturned"
echo 5/"LO"? -"Loadout"
echo 6/"DAB"? -"Double Action Boogaloo"
set /p game=vwhat game?:
if %game%==1,CS:GO,cs:go,csgo,"Counter Strike","counter strike" goto cs
goto start
echo what game do you want to play?
echo 1/"CS:GO"? -"Counter Strike: Global Ofensive"
echo 2/"H&G"? -"Heros & Generals"
echo 3/"P2"? -"Portal 2"
echo 4/"UT"? -"Unturned"
echo 5/"LO"? -"Loadout"
echo 6/"DAB"? -"Double Action Boogaloo"
set /p game=what game?:
echo /1/CS:GO/csgo/Counter Strike/ |find /i "/%game%/">nul && goto cs
rem other games here...
goto start
/i makes the findcase insensitive, so it will find CSGO, CsGo, cSgO,...
&& works as "if previous command (find) was successful, then..."

Using If Statements in Batch Files

I have a script of batch (modeled after Joshua in "War Games")
#echo off
color 0b
echo Greetings, Professor Falken
set /p interface =
echo Would You Like to Play a Game?
set /p ifGame =
if /i "%ifGame%" =="yes" goto yesgame
if /i "%ifGame%" =="no" goto nogame
echo List of Games
echo chess
echo Poker
echo Fighter Combat
echo Guerilla Warfare
echo Desert Warfare
echo Air-to-Ground Actions
echo Theaterwide Tactical Warfare
echo Theaterwide Biotoxic and Chemical Warfare
echo Global Thermonuclear War
echo Which game would you like to play?
set /p WhichGame =
set /p areYouSure=Are You Sure?
But, when I enter "No" it still shows the list of games...
You need to remove the spaces between the variable name and the = symbol when using set /p. From:
set /p ifGame =
set /p ifGame=
Otherwise the variable you set has a space at the end of the name. So %ifGame% expands to nothing, whereas %ifGame % will expand to the correct value.

How to find keywords of the users input in the command line?

What I'm looking for is a batch file line of code that will scan what the user inputs to find key words and direct them in the right place. That way when a trainee has a question he/she could just ask the batch file and it will direct them to the proper menu. Is this possible? if so, How would one go about doing this?
set /p c=Please type you question:
findstr /m "How to ringout a product on our system?" "%c%"
if %c%=="ringout" (
goto :Ringingout
) Else (
goto :Sorry
echo In order to right something out maksure you do the following:
echo - Log in
echo - click on scan in the bottom left had corner on the tender page
echo - scan items
echo - click continue
goto :Menu
echo Sorry I don't recognize your question, please re-word it.
goto :Menu
SET "keywords=word anotherword someword"
FOR %%k IN (%keywords%) DO set "#%%k="
SET /p query="Please enter your query ? "
FOR %%k IN (%keywords%) DO CALL :analyse %%k
CALL SET "found=%%query:%1=%%"
IF "%found%"=="%query%" GOTO :EOF
GOTO :eof
Here's a general way to do it.
If one of the keywords is entered, the variable #keyword will be set to FOUND! so you can use if defined #keyword to process from there.
It's not protected against destructive user-inputs - that's not what this question is about...
You'd be better off collecting all the questions in a document (like .html) and letting the user search that document for what they need. But if this is just an exercise, you can re-write your logic like so to make your program work:
set "c="
set /p "c=Please type your question: "
echo %c% | findstr /i /b "ringout" >nul
if errorlevel 1 goto Sorry else goto Ringingout
and so on.
