What's this compression method? - package

I want to modify a file in this package, but I can't compress it with the same method that was used before (on another PC). Anyone can give me a piece of advice how to compress it and with which software? For example I want to edit the scripts\alienware_light_fx.xml file and then compress the whole package again.
P.S. Sorry for my bad english! :(

That is a zip file. Any zip utility can create or modify it. You don't need to recompress the whole thing. A zip utility will allow you to simply replace that one entry.


Move files into a jar with a .bat script

Just the title. I'm trying to make a .bat file that moves stuff into a .jar, but I have no idea what to do, or even if it's possible. If it's possible, could I be pointed towards the information that would allow me to create such a .bat file? Thanks.
"A .jar file is just a .zip file with a different extension. Use any zip tool that takes command line parameters like WinZip or 7-Zip, and call it from your batch file passing it the right information in the parameters to add the files. Once you pick your utility app, you can read its documentation to find out what parameters it takes and what order they should be in. (Or more easily, you could just open the file in WinZip or 7-Zip and drag and drop the files in using Windows Explorer and save the time and effort.)" - From Ken White, in a comment
Thank you Ken White, for your answer.
While I do agree not using commands is more convenient, I can't automate moving files without commands or code.
This is a valid answer. But for some reason an arbitrary restriction won't let me mark this post as the answer until two days.

How to rename any given file name in specific folder with file name of my choice?

I will have a situation soon where a file(s) will be automatically processed with a specific graphic (pre-press, .pdf files) software BUT a client(s) will be naming file(s) as they waht rather than sticking to the rules or suggestions. I will process the files, muti-page files will be separated (page splitting) into a single-page PDF files. After the whole process I'd like to rename those single-page PDF files to my needs when they end up in my final folder (my "OUT" hot-foldedr). I suppose it's good to mention that my software can handle .bat files. My hot-folder is on server so I believe that exact path have to be included. Or not? Server is Win 2008 SR2. Hmmm, what else could be important. Probably that's all at this moment.
Since I'm not a programmer can somebody please PLEASE help me with a .bat file solution? Please?
So, whatever the filename comes into my "IN" hot-folder will be processed and it will end up in some "OUT" hot-folder. When those processed files pops in that "OUT" folder I'd like them to be renamed according to my taste.
Example: "any_filename.pdf" --> "TEST-XX-DD-MM.pdf"
This "any_filename.pdf" should be renamed to "TEST-XX-DD-MM.pdf" and stay in that same folder.
I will automate my software further from there to send an e-mail to a client, send files further to a different process etc. This renaming is what gives me a headache now and I don't know did I mention, can this script be executed by itself? I have an option to put a module which is pointing (saying) my software to take a look at the script (if there's any) when files are in specific folder, execute (do your stuff) and leave files there. From there on I will handle this with no problem.
Thank you all for your time and patience and I'm really hoping I'm at the right place and someone will dig this, check out this post and help me out.
Big thanx to all once again!!!

Sync folders with xcopy/batch based on checksum?

I'm trying to make a simple batch for windows that will basically sync two folders, the catch is that the files in the folders can be named arbitrarily and the snyc should be based on the checksum. I've only found information about xcopy that compares the timestamp so I'm wondering if this is possible in a simple matter at all.
Here is the scenario I'm trying to manage, you've got the "Import Folder" containing the files named A_2.bmp and A_3.bmp and the "Target Folder" containing file A_1.bmp.
File A_2.bmp is infact the same file as A_1.bmp, just with a different name and thus should be skipped, A_3.bmp should then be copied over to target folder and icrementally renamed to A_2.bmp.
This probably sounds more like a work for patching software, but I'm looking for a solution that doesn't require building patches all the time and is open for the user (so he can just drop files into the import folder and run it whenever the need arises)
If there is software for such a thing that is free and can be distributed without installing I would also consider this a good option, but I haven't found anything.
I'm thankful for any advice and help on this matter so thank you very much for your time and help!
You have this command line utility :
You can then make a bat who simply test the checksum of the files

extract .bin files

So I have an old dictionary on my pc, pretty old that I cannot find
any track of it's developer or the website (I guess it hasnt even been released
as an official software). I have a personal project of mine and I might need some
of this words translated (about 200-300) and I see that inside the data folder that
contains the database/list of files but Im unable to extract or read this files.
Is there any way to extract or convert these .bin files to a text format or something
readable. I've used some tools like (alcohol 120%, isobuster, magiciso, Izarc) but with
no luck. I keep getting and error message saying it is not a valid cd image file.
So I'm thinking maybe this type of .bin files are not like .bin or .iso cd files that
you can mount and read and something else might be in this case.
If you have any information kindly reply with
your suggestions.
Thank you alot.
You can try using the strings utility to extract the strings out of the file. It comes with any Linux distribution and if you are on Windows, you can get it from Windows Sysinternals.
If you are lucky and the words are not encoded, you may be able to get at the data you are looking for.
.bin is one of those extensions that has been way overused, and could be anything... What did the file come from originally? Do you need to convert these words and store them back in the original file (in their transformed form), and then expect the original app to work correctly?

Edit a file from terminal by Openoffice

I'm trying to open a file in Openoffice from terminal and to automatically replace a string with another one given as parameter. Can I use a macro or something similar?
Please tell me it's possible.
Thank you very much
Assuming that you mean an ODF file, then ODF files are mostly zipped XML. You can use your favourite scripting language to unzip it, replace the string in the relevant file, and rezip it. Here is the ODF spec. Here is a Python example.
