extract .bin files - file

So I have an old dictionary on my pc, pretty old that I cannot find
any track of it's developer or the website (I guess it hasnt even been released
as an official software). I have a personal project of mine and I might need some
of this words translated (about 200-300) and I see that inside the data folder that
contains the database/list of files but Im unable to extract or read this files.
Is there any way to extract or convert these .bin files to a text format or something
readable. I've used some tools like (alcohol 120%, isobuster, magiciso, Izarc) but with
no luck. I keep getting and error message saying it is not a valid cd image file.
So I'm thinking maybe this type of .bin files are not like .bin or .iso cd files that
you can mount and read and something else might be in this case.
If you have any information kindly reply with
your suggestions.
Thank you alot.

You can try using the strings utility to extract the strings out of the file. It comes with any Linux distribution and if you are on Windows, you can get it from Windows Sysinternals.
If you are lucky and the words are not encoded, you may be able to get at the data you are looking for.

.bin is one of those extensions that has been way overused, and could be anything... What did the file come from originally? Do you need to convert these words and store them back in the original file (in their transformed form), and then expect the original app to work correctly?


converting .trc 2 ascii

I have accidentally saved some data using the oracle TRACE file format. I have been trying to convert these data files into normal text (ASCII) file formats for a day now without much success. Can someone help me into the right direction? I would prefer to use linux but do also have access to a windows machine. I could upload an example file as well. The files come from a RIGOL scope and using "vim" to peer into them gives something along the lines of: "sc8^#DS1104Z^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#00.04.01.SP2^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^A^#^E^#^[s`¢^#^#^#^#<8c><9c>^#^#^L^#^B^#^#É^C^#ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ..."

.bin files used for upgrading embeded devices

I am confused a bit about .bin files. Basically in Linux we use elf, .ko type of files for upgrading the box or to copy in it . But, while upgrading a NAND flash in router or any Networking Gaint products why always .bin files is preferred. Is this is something like converged mix of all the OS related files. Does it possible to see the contents of a bin file. How to play with it. It is something like contents of BootROM. How is is prepared? How do we create and test on this. How Linux support for this. Any historical reasons behind this?
Speaking about routers, those files are usually just snapshots of a router's flash memory, probably compressed and with some headers added. Typical things are a compressed squashfs image or simply gzip'ed snapshot of memory.
There is no such thing as .bin format, it's just a custom array of bytes and every vendor interprets it in some vendor-specific way. Basically this extension means “it's not your business what's in the file, our device/software will handle it”. You can try to identify (thnk, reverse-engineer) what's actually in those files by using file utility or just looking at those files through a hex editor and trying to guess what's going on.

File extension .DB - What kind of database is it exactly?

I have a database file with .DB file extension. I have been googling and it looks like SQLite. I tried to connect to it using SQLite and SQLite3 drivers and I am getting an error "File is encrypted or not a database".
So I dont know if file is encrypted or it is not an SQLite database. Are there any other options what should the .DB extension should be? How do I find out that file is encrypted?
I tried to open it in the text editor and it is mostly a mess of charaters and some times there are words visible. I have uploaded the file here: http://cl.ly/3k0E01373r3v182a3p1o for the closer look.
Thank you for your hints and ideas what to do and how to work with this file.
Marco Pontello's TrID is a great way to determine the type of any file.
TrID is simple to use. Just run TrID and point it to the file to be analyzed. The file will be read and compared with the definitions in the database. Results are presented in order of highest probability.
Just download the executable and the latest definitions file into the same directory and then run TrID:
trid.exe "path/to/file.xyz"
It will output a list of possible file types for the file with a confidence rating. Here's a screenshot of using TrID to analyze a SQLite database file:
There's also a GUI version called TrIDNet:
If you're on a Unix-like platform (Mac OS X, Linux, etc), you could try running file myfile.db to see if that can figure out what type of file it is. The file utility will inspect the beginning of the file, looking for any clues like magic numbers, headers, and so on to determine the type of the file.
Look at the first 30 bytes of the file (open it in Notepad, Notepad++ or another simple text viewer). There's usually some kind of tag or extension name in there.
Both SQLite 2 and SQLite 3 have a very clear message: SQLite format 3 for SQLite 3 (obviously) and This file contains an SQLite 2.1 database for SQLite 2.
Note that encrypted SQLite databases don't have a header like that since the entire file is encrypted. See siyw's comment below.
On a Unix-like system (or Cygwin under Windows), the strings utility will search a file for strings, and print them to stdout. Might help you narrow the field.
There are a lot of programs besides database programs that use a "db" extension, including
ArcView Object Database File (ESRI)
and so on. Google "file extensions" for some sites that catalog file extensions and the programs that use them.
There's no conclusive way to know, because SQLite encrypts the entire database file, including the header.
Further, there's not a lot of difference to you, except for possible error text to a user if you're prompting them for a password.

What is tsr file

i have a requirement to export data to tsr file only. Previously we used to export to csv file.
Can anyone tell me what is tsr file and what is the content format? Is the contents in someway similar with csv?
Google does not come up with something convincing. I suggest you ask your client to explain the requirement in more detail. TSR does not seem to be a generally understood format.
Maybe TSV (tab-separated values, VERY similar to CSV)?
TSR are shared repository file. Basically you can see this type of file in HP UFT. Whenever you create object in UFT it goes into repository with extension .tsr.
See this: http://www.computerfileextensions.com/file-extensions.php/TSR
But the results are not so clear/convincing.
Can not you ask for a sample tsr file from your client?
Another result for related to TSR files, but it's probably another format the OP was looking for.
The TSR file extension is related to TSR Launcher, a fan-made program for The Sims 3 computer game series that allows users to quickly install Sims3Pack files without using the Launcher provided by EA. It looks like the program is no longer available for download.
A *.tsr file is used for download basket function. Most likely some sort of container.

Grabbing windows file information

In C following this article (http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2006/12/21/1340571.aspx), we have succesfully been able to grab the file version information out of windows files however there are some files that seem to have a different mechanism for storing the version information that is not addressed in the article and was wondering if anyone had any ideas here.
One example of a file would be system32/oledlg.dll. Going through the file byte by byte we come to a chunk where the version information SHOULD be stored:
F^#i^#l^#e^#V^#e^#r^#s^#i^#o^#n^#^#^#^#^1.0 (x^#p^#s^#p^#.^#0^#8^#0^#4^#1^#3
That we can see is 1.0. However, when you look at the file information in windows the version is actually 5.1.2600.5512. The method in the article works for most files but there are a few instances I have come across where I am running into the above problem. Anyone have any experience with this? I only have access to standard C.
Based on the follow up article posted in the comment, does that mean there is no way to grab the actual file version from a file with a corrupted file info block?
I should also add that I am grabbing the files from a windows box, and then examining them on linux with a C program to grab the file info.
IT turns out the wrong peice of info for that file was being used to get the version, didn't actually need the File Version block but the "VS_VERSION_INFO" block.
