Amp is not optimized for mobile devices - mobile

Can the valid amp page be not optimized for mobile devices?
I have the next problem.
I have an amp page
Why do I have this label? Is it possible?

First of all, Yes, it is possible. That is why you got it.
Have a look, below is an amp url.
This is what it shows on mobile friendly test.
So, validating amp only validates its test amp tags' syntax, but does not automatically improves design. Design is at your end.
So, if a page is valid amp, does not imply it has good design, so, does not imply it is mobile friendly.
Also, for the sake of completeness, if a page is mobile friendly, does not imply is is valid amp page.
You can run mobile friendly test here and find the particular issues which is making it a non mobile friendly.
After you fix the issues listed in the test, you can re-run the test and if it show a green flag, you can submit it for the new design.


Adsense wouldn't approve my reactjs app, is there any work around?

I have a reactjs application on the web with good traffic, but anytime i submit an adsense application, my website gets rejected because its a single page application, meanwhile i have seen react-adsense and some other such libraries for reactjs apps, so i believe there could be a work around. I'll really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.
Adsense doesn't deny applications due to them being single-page. It should give you a reason behind your denial, likely not enough content or detail.
You should look at your app and think "could I fit ads here?" if yes, review your app and judge the amount of content you have. If no, reconsider your design to better fit placing ads in your app.

Google amp html validator doesn't see mobile page

I am working on a news website, trying to implement amp. We are using Mobile_Detect.php to serve desktop pages to desktop and tablets, and mobile version to mobile phones and that works OK, our pages are mobile friendly according to Google for some time now, no problem.
Now, I started to enter the code for amp pages and encountered a situation I can' resolve. URL for the amp version have .amp at the end. Depending on the user's device, we are generating the page from the database and serving different pages to different devices.
Now, PageSpeed Insights and Mobile-Friendly Test shows that the page is mobile friendly but amp validator is pulling the desktop page, I can see by the source code it prints out, instead of a mobile page. I'm on the desktop, Chrome, but I'd expect it to work with mobile pages.
You can see that here:
I installed Chrome amp extension and it says "AMP available" but when I click on it it also pulls the desktop version of the page and it's blank. I would expect the extension to load the mobile page but it doesn't.
We do have links canonical and amphtml, that's why the extension says there is an amp page.
So, how to tell validator to pull the mobile version of the page? The amp implementation is not done yet and I know there are some things missing, but without a validator is a bit hard to program.
Another interesting things is that when I open "Inspect" in Chrome and toggle to responsive design, it shows the mobile version of the webpage correctly. It also says "Powered by amp" and shows no errors although there are errors because we didn't even implemented all tags.
If anybody has any suggestion how to make amp validator to show the mobile page I'd appreciate that. Thank you.
I had a quick look at your pages but it appears that the amphtml reference but there appears to be a problem in the URL you are generating in the href= field. If you take a close look, the AMP URL is missing a '/'.

How can I tell if a website is using a Hybrid Web Design approach?

Based from what I've read, there are 2 common types of Website Design: responsive and separate desktop & mobile sites. Then, there's the hybrid that combines the two.
It's easy to distinguish a responsive website by resizing the browser. A website that uses "separate desktop/mobile approach" can be distinguished easily if the user is redirected to another site, similar to Facebook that redirects the user to "".
Now what confuses me is identifying a hybrid website. How can one tell that the website is Hybrid?
Interesting question.
I think there is an easy way to find it out.
First compare websites on mobile and on browser, but make browser window same size as phone (around 350px width). If websites look same - most likely it's responsive. If you see some difference - it could be separate or hybrid.
Next find and open css file of the website (or all of them) and see if you could find any #media rules here. If you see some - it means that website do have responsive technique also and you meet the hybrid. If you don't see any sign of #media - you're visiting the separate made website.
Maybe I could answer better with having the link or more details

Using responsive design within Google Sites

Is there a way to use responsive design principles with Google Sites. Has anyone tried that. Could you direct me to a sample site. I looked at this google help topic but then that is supposedly about exclusively mobile sites.
My main focus is a normal website which is optimized for web rather than primarily a mobile site.
Alternatively would Blogger be a better option in this case as that allows to change CSS.
I think your negative impression is right. It doesn't implement the features you'd expect in responsive design.
The key to your question is that Google Sites don't use a viewport declaration (meta viewport in the head element). If you don't have that, then device browsers treat you as a legacy desktop-only website. They assume you'll break completely below ~830px, and set a page min-width accordingly. That doesn't sound much like responsive design to me.
Google Sites don't let you write your own CSS or HTML HEAD, so you can't implement a more responsive design yourself.
To be fair, you can choose to not set a fixed page width. Also navigations buttons will reflow on relatively narrow windows, if you're using the "horizontal navigation" feature. The latter isn't great design but at least it's degrading gracefully.
There is an option "Automatically adjust site to mobile phones" under Manage site -> General. However many people suggest it's better not to use it :). I tried enabling it on an old site, previewing the page, and selecting "preview in mobile". At least on Firefox on my original netbook (800px width), it was not responsive. It didn't expand to use the 800px screen properly.
As an aside, the line-wrapping (or absence of it) is a pre-existing issue with my site. You could blame this on me for not testing it :). However it illustrates a limitation of the WYSIWYG editor in Google Sites. It doesn't show, check for, or filter out the formatting that causes this problem.
Mobile yes, responsive no.
I was messing with Google Sites today and you can make a site mobile friendly (I had to come here to get started!). I just used the "Blank Template" to mess around with.
You do need to activate (like others that have mentioned):
Options (gear icon) > Manage site > (scroll down to Mobile) Check.. Automatically adjust for mobile phones. Yeah, let's bury that option way down at the bottom!
Considering the whole mobile "push" Google implemented in the spring of 2015 this should be ON by default for any newly created Google Site.
Just selecting that option makes an OK (basic) mobile site. Not a responsive site. So on my iPhone it does scale photos correctly to fit the device and switches the main horizontal menu to the "hamburger" icon/menu. But collapsing the desktop browser window does not produce responsive results.
As a test, I uploaded a way too large photo (2.5mb) to see what would happen. Running the site through Google PageSpeed Insights it did not display any "optimize photos" warning, so seems to serves up an optimized photo for phones and desktops.
I guess the basic theme is actually called "Ski." I tried out the "Legal Pad" theme and it was totally borked on mobile. I think due to the header and content area background images.
To me Google Sites is ideal if you are already heavy into Google's other products... drive, docs, Google+, webmastertools, analytics, etc... As it has links to add those types of items when editing. Or need a quick site for collaborating as you can easily set the site access like YouTube,Drive items.
Also, you are very limited as to what html you can added. Trying to add a script tag gets stripped out when attempting to save. So again depending on the use there are definitely other options out there.
The answer applying to old "Classic" google sites is NO.
If you create your own custom HTML forms with apps script, you can add the #media viewports etc to the css for those pages/forms,so that helps...
but the google site frame around overrides custom css attempting
responsive design at the page level.
now a days its possible to make a responsive Google Site. since Google has enhanced this feature "Automatically adjust site to mobile phones" option in the Manage Site option button.
to find the option- go to> Manage Site> General> , in the general settings page's lower portion you can see a radio button named "Automatically adjust site to mobile phones". Just tick the radio button & u have enhanced the feature.
Refer an example site made with responsive Google site

Paypal mobile styling

I've a mobile version of my site which has a 'Donate via Paypal button' on it which is working fine. It's a button generated from within the paypal account that when clicked brings users to my account and asks them to enter an amount to donate and then either login or pay with CC.
Problem is the Paypal page it brings me to is not mobile optimised. From reading online It appears Paypal only offer the mobile enhanced version if you're using Paypal Mobile express checkout which is far more involved than simply adding a link onto your page.
The system I have now is 100% functional and does everything I want it to, I just want it to switch to the mobile version when you go to Paypal, to be honest it's very surprising Paypal doesn't do this automatically. They should detect a mobile browser and just change the stylesheet or redirect to the mobile-login page.
Is there any way of getting the mobile-styled paypal page without having to jump through the hoops of using the express payment system? I know it's not masively difficult but it is when compared to the really simple version I'm currently using.
After hours messing with Pain Pal I finally figured out the issue. If you use a link generated by PP for donating ON THEIR SITE - ie. You go to Paypal and once there you enter the amount you wish to donate - the it won't style as the mobile site.
However, if you take the amount in on your own site and pass it to Paypal then it will auto change to the mobile site.
Ignore anyone on line (and there are plenty of people who do) telling you that to get the mobile styled site you need to use their mobile express checkout. You do not. At least not in the above scenario.
As stated here the mobile optimisation is not working for "Donate" buttons.
Which command did you use ?
With cmd=_donations its not showing the mobile version. When you use cmd=_xclick its mobile optimised, but then its not a "Donation" Site.
