FosuserBundle - How get All users loggeds using FosUserbundle? - fosuserbundle

I'm using FosUserBundle in Symfony3... I would get (or check) all users loggeds.


Can I select type of authentication using react-native-biometrics?

I am using react-native-biometrics library for login authentication for a banking app I am working. The requirement is to provide both Face ID and Touch ID options to the user so that he can login as per his wish. But while using react-native-biometrics, "biometricType" flag gives only single result.
So, is there any way by which I can customise authentication type?
Also, how can we handle the same scenario in Android as only a common "Biometrics" type is used in the same?
Please help!

Enforce MSAL login with specific user in .NET

Is there a way to require user to login into Azure AD only with specific account in interactive mode, using MSAL?
I tried
but both allow me to select user.
You can use use WithPrompt(Prompt.NoPrompt) to exclude all other accounts that you not want to choose.
Just try code below:
NOT using WithPrompt(Prompt.NoPrompt):
Using WithPrompt(Prompt.NoPrompt):

Dynamic OpenIdConnectOptions for multi-tenancy in Core 2.1-*

I am working with aspnetcore v2.1 (latest dev branches) in order to create a multi-tenant app where each tenant authenticates against their own Azure B2C AD tenant. This aproach was chosen so that email/password selections and social login associations are unique per-tenant.
Instead of a static ClientId applied in Startup.ConfigureServices, I want to apply the correct ClientId and Authority based on the current tenant identity (which I determine based on the hostname). Based on previous inspection of the 2.0-* code, I had been using an IOptionsSnapshot to allow me to apply the correct options as shown below.
In Startup.ConfigureServices:
services.AddSingleton<IOptionsSnapshot<OpenIdConnectOptions>, OpenIdConnectOptionsSnapshot>();
In Startup.Configure:
With an implementation of :
public class OpenIdConnectOptionsSnapshot : IOptionsSnapshot<OpenIdConnectOptions>
However, now I find that my OpenIdConnectOptionsSnapshot is no longer being instantiated or referenced.
What is the correct way to apply a dynamic per-tenant ClientId, Authority, etc under AspNetCore Security 2.1.0-*?
(I am open to "you're doing it completely wrong" and suggestions of different ways to achieve multi-tenancy for tenants that have no pre-existing AzureAD footprint)
Try using IOptionsMonitor instead, we changed how IOptionsSnapshot worked fairly late in 2.0 and switched auth over to use the monitor instead.
OptionsSnapshot is now scoped

Simple key-based auth from webservice to Salesforce?

We have an existing app completely outside of Salesforce. Now we'd like to automatically generate leads for them from our separate app. In other words, we have an app that our customers purchase, and we want that app to tell Salesforce when we have a new Lead so that our sales team can follow up with them.
I was expecting this to be a simple rest call, but all of the documentation about authenticating refer to either oauth or using a salesforce user's username & password.
Is there a way to authorize our existing webserver to salesforce so that it can create new Leads without using a username & password?
Alternatively, is there a way to create a username and password that will only be used by our app and not an actual human? I'd like to avoid paying for an extra license.
Salesforce REST API calls need to be made in the context of a Salesforce user. So you will need an integration user that has its own username & password.
If all you want to do is create leads, then check out the web2lead feature, an un-authenticated HTTP Post can create a lead in the org.

How to get custom attributes of User using Admin Sdk?

I am using the Admin SDK 1.8.2, I am able to get the user details except birthday,gender and custom attributes in Java.
Is there any way to get custom attributes,birthday etc details..?
At least I have to retrieve custom attributes and Birthday.
