I am using the Admin SDK 1.8.2, I am able to get the user details except birthday,gender and custom attributes in Java.
Is there any way to get custom attributes,birthday etc details..?
At least I have to retrieve custom attributes and Birthday.
Currently we have an application in production that allows for Single sign-on in tabs, we followed https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/tabs/how-to/authentication/auth-aad-sso and this works well.
For this to work an Application ID URI is set, like so: api://www.domainusedintab.com/378271d1-b8e4-4f01-a9bb-e724dbec43c8, where 378271d1-b8e4-4f01-a9bb-e724dbec43c8 is some application ID.
We now want to add Single sign-on support for bots, like described in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/authentication/auth-aad-sso-bots. To make this work a change is needed to the Application ID URI, api://botid-5d417275-b104-462e-9998-2b2b0ec4244f, where 5d417275-b104-462e-9998-2b2b0ec4244f is the ID of the bot service.
The problem is that it's not clear on how to combines these two into a single Application ID URI, based on the previous documentation pages it seems it's one way or the other.
We tried to just tack on /botid-5d417275-b104-462e-9998-2b2b0ec4244f after our current Application ID URI, to make api://www.domainusedintab.com/378271d1-b8e4-4f01-a9bb-e724dbec43c8/botid-5d417275-b104-462e-9998-2b2b0ec4244f. This seems to work fine... But it also seems like a bit of a hack that might break at any time.
Are there any resources on how to properly solve this?
We can add the existing bots to the existing application to work on SSO. We need to add the web applcation info in the manifest to view the changes in the application. For more information please check Single sign-on (SSO) support for bots
As it turns out, it is possible to provide multiple Application ID URIs for an App registration. This is not available through the Expose an API interface, you need to change it directly in the manifest. The identifierUris field holds the Application ID URIs — the current one from the Expose an API interface should be the only item here.
I understand Wagtail is a CMS. Per my test so far, only the admin has permission to publish an article/content. I checked out "puput" and a few others as listed here. I wonder is there a way to allow normal user registration, login, publishing? Something similar to Medium, where the normal user, or say the community, can contribute to the content generation.
I thought there might be a toggle or switch to enable this. But I didn't find it. I'm looking for a way that is either a package or a plugin or similar. Not coding from scratch. Ideally within Wagtail CMS, but other frameworks based on Django should also be fine.
Wagtail provides two user groups:
Editors: user within this group can create page and submit it to moderation
Moderators: user within this group can publish pages that have been submitted to moderation.
To update groups for a given user, go the the django admin interface with admin credentails, usually the url is your-domain/admin
Then go to Users under Authentication and Authorization category
Then get into the user you want to allow posting pages,
Scroll down until Permissions category and moove groups Editors and Moderators from Available groups to Chosen groups as follow:
Then save new settings.
I've been looking at the latest version of identity server with .net core 2.2 and I have a general question about the registration model. At the moment, the default account controller provides pretty much everything I need out of the box. Unfortunately, I have a small requirement to augment the registration model to include a registration code that the user must know in order to register. This could be further augmented with a recaptcha code. Can you override the one individual registration endpoint or would I have to build my own account controller with all the standard endpoints i.e. forgot password, change password etc. endpoints. Also, is there a way to get swagger to output the details about the endpoints that are provided through the identity account controller?
How to add custom field in existing websphere portal signup page. And where to changes for storing custom field data in database.
It all depends on what you want to add, ones that are already known to the ldap config can be easily added , go to the edit profile portlet, and configure it to add the other properties via a check box. if you want custom ones follow this
As for storing the data, you can either store as part of the user object in a property extension database(so it presents as part of the user object on login)
Or you can extend your ldap schema and store it directly there
I am looking to setup a custom Marketing Tag in Magnolia CMS, for integrating an Analytics type solution (think MixPanel).
The tool I am looking to integrate collects analytics on a user level, so I need to set the embed code with the currently logged in user id.
I know how to create a custom Marketing Tag and get it to run some JS (log to the console, for example) but I don't know how to get the currently logged in user id so I could use it in my JS code.
is what you want to insert in your tag code.