SQL Server - auto-populate field in one table with value from another table in another Database - sql-server

I have two Azure SQL Server databases with the following as example:
Database Name: DataProp
Table Name: DataImports
Columns: SearchID, SourceID, Text, Status, Country
Database Name: Sources
Table Name: SourceInformation
Columns: SourceID, SourceTitle, Country
Right now, the Country column in the DataProp database is all NULL. I need to auto-populate the Country field in DataProp with the values of the Country fields in the Sources database. The common field between the two tables is SourceID. I need to do this for all existing data, as well as have it occur for future records.
What is the best way to accomplish this? A stored procedure that's set to run on a schedule? If so, I would appreciate guidance on the T-SQL syntax.
As a side-note, I looked at the possibility of a computed column, but this will not work for us b/c we maintain an Azure Search Index on our tables, and Azure Search can't index computed columns.

I don't think you'll be able to directly write a join between tables in two different DBs. We had a similar problem and decided to move all tables into a single DB in separate schemas. I think in your case you can write a Webjob to pull in data from one table and update the second table. I also found one article related to this but haven't personally tried, so not sure if it works.


How to make database design for multiple information included table?

How to design one to one database table?
I have a report that gets data from users. But report includes multiple type of records.
Report includes following information:
Customer information (name, age, city, ...)
Company information (name, address, coutry, year, ...)
Device information (devname, code, serialnumber,...)
Approve information (who_approved, date, ..)
and more information.
So I have a report table. But should create only one report table and add all columns in this table?
Or should I create a Reports table and CustomerInformation, CompanyInformation, DeviceInformation, ApproveInformation and one to one relationships?
First of all, you should know if you are going with MYSQL or MongoDB.
In MYSQL, it is not a good approach to use clustered table. While, in MongoDB, using clustered table is always an option.
Anyways, normalizing the database is the best approach. Which means, you should make more tables if possible but avoid data redundancy

Is there a way to view the relationships of just one column in Oracle SQL Developer?

I´m quite new to the Oracle SQL Developer. I try to handle a big database and I need to define views. Therefore, I need the relationships of some tables. with the relational models of the Browser, I´m able to show ALL relationships of the table, which is quite confusing.
Is there a way to show the ralationships of just one column?
I want to pick the table and the column and I want to see to which other tables the column is connected.
Thank you.
My suggestion:
First find out in which tables the column name has been used :
select * from all_tab_columns where column_name='COLUMN_NAME';
And then you can see constraints defined for the respective columns in that tables

Create a default column filter at schema/database level in Oracle and SQL Server?

We have enabled versioning of database records in order to maintain multiple versions of product configurations for our customers. To achieve this, we have created 'Version' column in all our tables with default entry 'core_version'. Customers can create a new copy of the same records by changing one or two column values and say that as 'customer_version1'. So, the PK of all our tables are (ID column and Version).
Something like this:
Now, the version column will act as an identifier, when performing CRUD operations via application as well as when executing sql queries directly in DB, to ensure against which version of records the CRUD operation update should happen.
Is there any way to achieve this in Oracle & SQL server? A Default filter for the "Version" column at Schema level that should get added as a mandatory where clause on performing/executing any query operation.
Say, If want only "Core_version" records. Then, Select * from employee; should return me only 3 records respective to core_version without having the version column filter explicitly in query.

SSIS Move Data Between Databases - Maintain Referential Integrity

I need to move data between two databases and wanted to see if SSIS would be a good tool. I've pieced together the following solution, but it is much more complex than I was hoping it would be - any insight on a better approach to tackling this problem would be greatly appreciated!
So what makes my situation unique; we have a large volume of data, so to keep the system performant we have split our customers into multiple database servers. These servers have databases with the same schema, but are each populated with unique data. Occasionally we have the need to move a customer's data from one server to another. Because of this, simple recreating the tables and moving the data in place won't work as in the database on server A there could be 20 records, but there could be 30 records in the same table for the database on server B. So when moving record 20 from A to B, it will need to be assigned ID 31. Getting past this wasn't difficult, but the trouble comes when needing to move the tables which have a foreign key reference to what is now record 31....
An example:
Here's a sample schema for a simple example:
There is a table to track manufacturers, and a table to track products which each reference a manufacturer.
Example of data in the source database:
To handle moving this data while maintaining relational integrity, I've taken the approach of gathering the manufacturer records, looping through them, and for each manufacturer moving the associated products. Here's a high level look at the Control Flow in SSDT:
The first Data Flow grabs the records from the source database and pulls them into a Recordset Destination:
The OLE DB Source pulls from the source databases manufacturer table while pulling all columns, and places it into a record set:
Back in the control flow, I then loop through the records in the Manufacturer recordset:
For each record in the manufacturer recordset I then execute a SQL task which determines what the next available auto-incrementing ID will be in the destination database, inserts the record, and then returns the results of a SELECT MAX(ManufacturerID) in the Execute SQL Task result set so that the newly created Manufacturer ID can be used when inserting the related products into the destination database:
The above works, however once you get more than a few layers deep of tables that reference one another, this is no longer very tenable. Is there a better way to do this?
You could always try this:
Populate you manufacturers table.
Get your products data (ensure you have a reference such as name etc. to manufacturer)
Use a lookup to get the ID where your name or whatever you choose matches.
Insert into database.
This will keep your FK constraints and not require you to do all that max key selection.

Dynamically comparing two tables from two different databases and serves in SQL Server Management Studio

I am working on a project, where a user will select a a table choice on a website. Once the table is selected, the website will then connect to the database and select the table from a server (Server A) under a database (ABC). The website will also have to choose the same table from a different server (Server B) under database (DEF). Also these tables will have the same name, they will have some different data entered into them.
Our goal is to come up with a dynamic SQL Query/Stored Procedure. Multiple table choices can be visible in the website and once the user picks an option, it DYNAMICALLY passes that information to the database to find the two tables and yield a final table that portrays the differences.
I am having a lot of problem with the syntax and doing this process dynamically. I have searched everywhere for a solution and am struggling with this for more than two weeks.
Find primary keys and the column names of all the columns in a selected table. Pass this information to a temporary table
Create a SQL query with something like :
SET #SQL = select table1.col1, table2.col1... inner join..
Take care of conditions where :
A. Data is present in one table but not the other
B. Data is present in both tables
C. What if there is no data in one or both tables.
I would really appreciate any help. I am very new to SQL and have been trying my hardest in this project for a while. Please help me and I will do my best to repay you. Thank you very much for your time.
