SetSecurityInfo returns access denied - c

Using C, I'm trying to establish a pipe connection between a process and it's child process, while the child process has a lower mandatory(integrity) level (low, while the parent process is high).
I wrote the following program (it's a simplified version if it), but it fails with: ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED (0x5)
INT wmain(IN SIZE_T nArgc, IN PWSTR *pArgv)
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityArrtibutes = { 0 };
HANDLE hPipeRead = NULL;
HANDLE hPipeWrite = NULL;
tSecurityArrtibutes.nLength = sizeof(tSecurityArrtibutes);
tSecurityArrtibutes.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
CreatePipe(&hPipeRead, &hPipeWrite, &securityArrtibutes, 0);
VOID ChangeMandatoryLabelHandle(HANDLE hObject)
BOOL bRetval = FALSE;
DWORD dwError = 0;
PACL ptSacl = NULL;
BOOL bSaclPresent = FALSE;
BOOL bSaclDefaulted = FALSE;
SDDL = L"S:(ML;;LW;;;NW)";
bRetval = ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW(pSDDL, SDDL_REVISION_1, &pSecurityDescriptor, NULL);
if (FALSE == bRetval)
... // Handle failure
bRetval = GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(pSecurityDescriptor, &bSaclPresent, &ptSacl, &bSaclDefaulted);
if (FALSE == bRetval)
... // Handle failure
// getting ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED (0x5)
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr)
... // Handle failure
... // Cleanup
I followed and the remark that
To set the SACL of an object, the caller must have the SE_SECURITY_NAME privilege enabled. :
BOOL SetSeSecurityNamePrivilege()
HANDLE hToken;
LUID luid;
if(!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, &hToken)
return FALSE
if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_SECURITY_NAME, &luid))
return FALSE;
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid;
if (bEnablePrivilege)
tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = 0;
if (!AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)NULL, (PDWORD)NULL))
return FALSE;
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
note: I get the same result when I try to execute it with files, with CreateFile instead of CreatePipe.
In addition if I try to do that with files, and I replace SetSecurityInfo with SetNamedSecurityInfoW, and give it the full path of the file, it works great.
Does anyone have an idea how to make it work? Thanks!

A few notes before addressing the cause of your immediate problem.
First and foremost, you do not need to change the security descriptor at all, and doing so is unlikely to help you achieve your ultimate goal. The security descriptor is only checked when you attempt to open a handle to an object; if you already have a handle, the security descriptor has no effect. Since you are creating an unnamed pipe, you must be passing the handle, not the pipe name, to the child, so you do not need the ChangeMandatoryLabelHandle function at all.
Secondly, the SE_SECURITY_NAME privilege is not needed when setting LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION. The mandatory label is logically distinct from the rest of the SACL, and is treated as a special case.
Thirdly, your "S:(ML;;LW;;;NW)" is invalid.
I tried to use it in ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW and got error 1336, The access control list (ACL) structure is invalid. Instead, use"D:NO_ACCESS_CONTROLS:(ML;;;;;LW)" or better still use the following code to create a security descriptor with a low label and no DACL:
PSID LowLabelSid = (PSID)alloca(MAX_SID_SIZE);
if (CreateWellKnownSid(WinLowLabelSid, 0, LowLabelSid, &cb))
PACL Sacl = (PACL)alloca(cb += sizeof(ACL) + sizeof(ACE_HEADER) + sizeof(ACCESS_MASK));
if (InitializeAcl(Sacl, cb, ACL_REVISION) &&
AddMandatoryAce(Sacl, ACL_REVISION, 0, 0, LowLabelSid))
InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
SetSecurityDescriptorSacl(&sd, TRUE, Sacl, FALSE);
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = { sizeof(sa), &sd, TRUE };
// todo something here
dwError = GetLastError();
dwError = GetLastError();
But again, you need to understand that there is (almost) never any sense in creating a security descriptor for an unnamed object. The security descriptor is only checked when opening an object, and (in user mode) you cannot open an object that does not have a name.
(From kernel mode we can open an object by pointer using ObOpenObjectByPointer.)
(In older versions of Windows, CreatePipe actually created a pipe with a random name, but starting from Windows 7 the pipe really is unnamed, so it cannot be opened with CreateFile or any similar method.)
In any case, it is my opinion that using CreatePipe in this context was a bad choice. This function is not well designed and has too few parameters. There is no option to create a bidirectional pipe or to open the pipe in asynchronous mode. I think it is better to use CreateNamedPipeW and CreateFileW.
(Alternatively, from Windows 7 onwards, you can use ZwCreateNamedPipeFile and ZwOpenFile to create and open an unnamed pipe.)
The proximate problem with the code as posted is that SetSecurityInfo and SetKernelObjectSecurity return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED when called with the handle returned by CreatePipe. This is because, as described in the documentation for LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION:
Right required to set: WRITE_OWNER
Since CreatePipe does not give you the option to select the access rights that the handles are opened with, you have no way of doing this. If you instead use CreateNamedPipe you can set WRITE_OWNER in dwOpenMode.
However, you should note that if you wish to create an object with a special security descriptor, it is preferable to provide that security descriptor when the object is created. There is no point in creating the object with a default security descriptor and then changing it; why do in two operations what you can do in one? In this case, the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure you pass to CreatePipe or CreateNamedPipe can be used to specify the security descriptor, providing another way of addressing your immediate problem, although as previously mentioned this will not in fact be useful.


Is there an option to prohibit user from accessing basic file?

I'm currently working on developing some driver. For now connection between kernel and system is done via simple text file created like this:
handle=CreateFile(TEXT("\\\\.\\" FILE_NAME),
File is used for transfering data from kernel to system, kernel driver writes file and system app reads from it. My concern is safety of such solution, as for now anyone can simply go into this file, get all data in file, and what's even worse, modify it. Is it possible to make file not accesible for user, but still being accesible for system app?
After doing some research I found a pattern how to do it for specific users:
ea[1].grfAccessMode = DENY_ACCESS;
ea[1].grfInheritance = NO_INHERITANCE;
ea[1].Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_SID;
ea[1].Trustee.ptstrName = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&everyone_sid);
dwRes = SetEntriesInAclA(2, ea, NULL, &pNewDACL);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) {
printf("SetEntriesInAcl Error %u\n", dwRes);
//TODO: goto Cleanup;
// Initialize a security descriptor.
if (NULL == pSD)
if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(pSD,
// Add the ACL to the security descriptor.
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSD,
TRUE, // bDaclPresent flag
FALSE)) // not a default DACL
// Initialize a security attributes structure.
sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSD;
sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
By this code I managed to make file not accesible for any user so It's great progress. However, I have no idea how to make it accesible for another project, for example:
int main()
std::cout << "Hello World!\n";
std::fstream testfile;
//basically in another project"created_file.txt", ios::out);
I belive that maybe there is a way to get proccess SID and then give full access for it's SID, but question is how could I get process SID?

Sharedmemory between different sessions

I have two applications:
first one: running with SYSTEM Privileges started by a service and the
second one: running still as SYSTEM but with lower privileges (SE_GROUP_INTEGRITY = "S-1-16-4096")
I want both applications to communicate over sharedmemory. Both need to read and write.
In my first application i create the filemapping with specific SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES i learned from this post: How to share memory between services and user processes?
ZeroMemory(&attributes, sizeof(attributes));
attributes.nLength = sizeof(attributes);
HANDLE test = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 1024, "Global\\Test");
Everything works as expected, but if i then try to open the file mapping in my second application, it crashes with an access violation at OpenFileMapping.
HANDLE test = OpenFileMapping(FILE_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, 1024, "Global\\Test");
if you want allow access to object for Low Integrity code you need add Low mandatory level (SDDL_ML_LOW) Integrity label (SDDL_MANDATORY_LABEL) to security descriptor. for example
so in general code is next:
ULONG CreateSectionWithLowAccess(PHANDLE SectionHandle, ULONG dwMaximumSize, PCWSTR lpName)
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = { sizeof(sa) };
if (ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW(L"D:PNO_ACCESS_CONTROLS:(ML;;NW;;;LW)",
SDDL_REVISION_1, &sa.lpSecurityDescriptor, NULL))
*SectionHandle = CreateFileMappingW(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, &sa, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, dwMaximumSize, lpName);
return *SectionHandle ? NOERROR : GetLastError();
return GetLastError();

Creating an asynchronous "ReadFileMany()" on top of ReadFile()

I'm trying to make a function, ReadFileMany, which imitates ReadFile's interface, which is given a list of (offset, length) pairs to read from, and which reads all portions of the file asynchronously.
I'm doing this inside ReadFileMany by using RegisterWaitForSingleObject to direct a thread pool thread to wait for I/O to complete, so that it can call ReadFile again to read the next portion of the file, etc.
The trouble I'm running into is that I can't seem to be able to mimic a certain behavior of ReadFile.
Specifically, file handles can themselves be used like events, without the need for an event handle:
OVERLAPPED ov = {0};
if (ReadFile(hFile, buf, buf_size, &nw, &ov))
if (WaitForSingleObject(hFile, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
but of course, if the user waits on a file handle, he might get a notification that an intermediate read has complete, rather than the final read.
So, inside ReadFileMany, I have no choice but to pass an hEvent parameter to ReadFile for all but the last portion.
The question is, is there any way to still allow the user to wait for the file handle to become signaled when all the portions have been read?
At first the answer seems obvious: just avoid passing an event handle when reading the last portion!
That works fine if the read will be successful, but not if there are errors. If ReadFile starts suddenly returning an error on the last read, I will need to set the file handle to a signaled state manually in order to allow the reader to wake up from his potential call to WaitForSingleObject(hFile).
But there seems to be no way to set a file handle to a signaled state without performing actual I/O... so this is where I get stuck: is there any way for me to write this function so that it behaves like ReadFile on the outside, or is it impossible to do it correctly?
Assuming you are trying to read multiple sections of a single file, I would simply allocate an array of OVERLAPPED structures, one for each requested section of the file, kick off all of the ReadFile() calls at one time, and then use WaitForMultipleObjects() to wait for all of the I/Os to finish, eg:
struct sReadInfo
LPVOID pBuffer;
DWORD dwNumBytes;
DWORD dwNumBytesRead;
bool bPending;
memset(&ov, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
pBuffer = NULL;
dwNumBytes = 0;
dwNumBytesRead = 0;
bPending = false;
ov.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (!ov.hEvent) throw std::exception();
bool error = false;
std::vector<sReadInfo> ri(numSections);
std::vector<HANDLE> h;
for(int i = 0; i < numSections; ++i)
ul.QuadPart = ...; // desired file offset to read from
sReadInfo *r = &ri[i];
r->ov.Offset = ul.LowPart;
r->ov.OffsetHigh = ul.HighPart;
r->pBuffer = ...; // desired buffer to read into
r->dwNumBytes = ...; // desired number of bytes to read
if (!ReadFile(hFile, r->pBuffer, r->dwNumBytes, &r->dwNumBytesRead, &r->ov))
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
throw std::exception();
r->bPending = true;
if (!h.empty())
if (WaitForMultipleObjects(h.size(), &h[0], TRUE, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
throw std::exception();
for (int i = 0; i < numSections; ++i)
sReadInfo *r = &ri[i];
if (r->bPending)
GetOverlappedResult(hFile, &r->ov, &r->dwNumBytesRead, FALSE);
// ...
catch (const std::exception &)
return false;
return true;

How do I embed and use resource files in a C program using VS11?

This is my first attempt at using a resource file. I have seen a lot of answers that apply to C# but not C. Any suggestions?
Assuming you mean the method used by Sysinternals and others to carry the drivers or needed DLLs (or even the x64 version of the program itself) in the resource section of a program (e.g. Sysinternals' Process Explorer), using Microsoft Visual C you can use this code:
BOOL ExtractResTo(HINSTANCE Instance, LPCTSTR BinResName, LPCTSTR NewPath, LPCTSTR ResType)
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
HRSRC hRsrc;
if(hRsrc = FindResource(HMODULE(Instance), BinResName, ResType))
if(HGLOBAL hGlob = LoadResource(Instance, hRsrc))
DWORD dwResSize = SizeofResource(Instance, hRsrc);
DWORD dwSizeWritten = 0;
bResult = (WriteFile(hFileWrite, LockResource(hGlob), dwResSize, &dwSizeWritten, NULL) && (dwSizeWritten == dwResSize));
return bResult;
This saves the given resource (BinResName) of resource type (ResType) from the module (e.g. a DLL) Instance to file NewPath. Obviously if your C doesn't understand __try and __finally you'll have to adjust the code accordingly.
Taken from here (in SIDT.rar) and adjusted for C. The code is under the liberal BSD license according to the website.
Now if you wanted to get the pointer to the data (ppRes) and its size (pwdResSize):
BOOL GetResourcePointer(HINSTANCE Instance, LPCTSTR ResName, LPCTSTR ResType, LPVOID* ppRes, DWORD* pdwResSize)
// Check the pointers to which we want to write
if(ppRes && pdwResSize)
HRSRC hRsrc;
// Find the resource ResName of type ResType in the DLL/EXE described by Instance
if(hRsrc = FindResource((HMODULE)Instance, ResName, ResType))
// Make sure it's in memory ...
if(hGlob = LoadResource(Instance, hRsrc))
// Now lock it to get a pointer
*ppRes = LockResource(hGlob);
// Also retrieve the size of the resource
*pdwResSize = SizeofResource(Instance, hRsrc);
// Return TRUE only if both succeeded
return (*ppRes && *pdwResSize);
// Failure means don't use the values in *ppRes and *pdwResSize
return FALSE;
Call like this:
LPVOID pResource;
DWORD pResourceSize;
if(GetResourcePointer(hInstance, _T("somename"), _T("sometype"), &pResource, &pResourceSize))
// use pResource and pResourceSize
// e.g. store into a string buffer or whatever you want to do with it ...
Note, this also works for resources with integer IDs. You can detect these by using the macro IS_INTRESOURCE.
The resource script, e.g. myresources.rc, itself is trivial:
#include <winnt.rh>
"somename" "sometype" "path\to\file\to\embed"
RCDATA instead of sometype is a reasonable choice
#include <winnt.rh> // for RCDATA to be known to rc.exe
"somename" RCDATA "path\to\file\to\embed"
... in which case you would adjust the above call to be:
GetResourcePointer(hInstance, _T("somename"), RT_RCDATA, &pResource, &pResourceSize)
Complete example making use of GetResourcePointer above. Let's say you have a pointer variable char* buf and you know your resource is actual text, then you need to make sure that it is zero-terminated when used as a string, that's all.
Resource script:
#include <winnt.rh>
"test" RCDATA "Test.txt"
The code accessing it
char* buf = NULL;
LPVOID pResource;
DWORD pResourceSize;
if(GetResourcePointer(hInstance, _T("test"), RT_RCDATA, &pResource, &pResourceSize))
if(buf = calloc(pResourceSize+1, sizeof(char)))
memcpy(buf, pResource, pResourceSize);
// Now use buf
Unless, of course you meant to simply link a .res file which works by passing it to the linker command line.

Get the process handle of a process by image name

I need the simplest way from C using Win32 to get the process handle of another process by its executable file name.
The process I am looking for does not have any registered window classes. I also know that if it is running there will be only one instance of it running.
Use CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32First, and Process32Next to enumerate all of the processes.
Inside the PROCESSENTRY32 you can find a szExeFile member.
You can get the process handle by calling OpenProcess with the process ID th32ProcessID within the same struct.
Once you find a process matching your exe name, you can break out of your loop and obtain the handle.
Note: If you need to enumerate EVERY process no matter what the session is, you should acquire the SE_DEBUG privilege.
At the top of your main call this:
acquirePrivilegeByName(SE_DEBUG_NAME);// SeDebugPrivilege
And here is the definition of acquirePrivilegeByName:
BOOL acquirePrivilegeByName(
const TCHAR *szPrivilegeName)
HANDLE htoken;
DWORD dwerr;
if (szPrivilegeName == NULL)
return FALSE;
if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, szPrivilegeName, &(tkp.Privileges[0].Luid)))
return FALSE;
tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &htoken))
return FALSE;
if (!AdjustTokenPrivileges(htoken, FALSE, &tkp, 0, NULL, NULL) ||
GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) // may equal ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED
dwerr = GetLastError();
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
} //acquirePrivilegeByName()
In addition to what I said above, there is an example on how to use the above Win32 API here.
