Creating an asynchronous "ReadFileMany()" on top of ReadFile() - c

I'm trying to make a function, ReadFileMany, which imitates ReadFile's interface, which is given a list of (offset, length) pairs to read from, and which reads all portions of the file asynchronously.
I'm doing this inside ReadFileMany by using RegisterWaitForSingleObject to direct a thread pool thread to wait for I/O to complete, so that it can call ReadFile again to read the next portion of the file, etc.
The trouble I'm running into is that I can't seem to be able to mimic a certain behavior of ReadFile.
Specifically, file handles can themselves be used like events, without the need for an event handle:
OVERLAPPED ov = {0};
if (ReadFile(hFile, buf, buf_size, &nw, &ov))
if (WaitForSingleObject(hFile, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
but of course, if the user waits on a file handle, he might get a notification that an intermediate read has complete, rather than the final read.
So, inside ReadFileMany, I have no choice but to pass an hEvent parameter to ReadFile for all but the last portion.
The question is, is there any way to still allow the user to wait for the file handle to become signaled when all the portions have been read?
At first the answer seems obvious: just avoid passing an event handle when reading the last portion!
That works fine if the read will be successful, but not if there are errors. If ReadFile starts suddenly returning an error on the last read, I will need to set the file handle to a signaled state manually in order to allow the reader to wake up from his potential call to WaitForSingleObject(hFile).
But there seems to be no way to set a file handle to a signaled state without performing actual I/O... so this is where I get stuck: is there any way for me to write this function so that it behaves like ReadFile on the outside, or is it impossible to do it correctly?

Assuming you are trying to read multiple sections of a single file, I would simply allocate an array of OVERLAPPED structures, one for each requested section of the file, kick off all of the ReadFile() calls at one time, and then use WaitForMultipleObjects() to wait for all of the I/Os to finish, eg:
struct sReadInfo
LPVOID pBuffer;
DWORD dwNumBytes;
DWORD dwNumBytesRead;
bool bPending;
memset(&ov, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
pBuffer = NULL;
dwNumBytes = 0;
dwNumBytesRead = 0;
bPending = false;
ov.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (!ov.hEvent) throw std::exception();
bool error = false;
std::vector<sReadInfo> ri(numSections);
std::vector<HANDLE> h;
for(int i = 0; i < numSections; ++i)
ul.QuadPart = ...; // desired file offset to read from
sReadInfo *r = &ri[i];
r->ov.Offset = ul.LowPart;
r->ov.OffsetHigh = ul.HighPart;
r->pBuffer = ...; // desired buffer to read into
r->dwNumBytes = ...; // desired number of bytes to read
if (!ReadFile(hFile, r->pBuffer, r->dwNumBytes, &r->dwNumBytesRead, &r->ov))
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
throw std::exception();
r->bPending = true;
if (!h.empty())
if (WaitForMultipleObjects(h.size(), &h[0], TRUE, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
throw std::exception();
for (int i = 0; i < numSections; ++i)
sReadInfo *r = &ri[i];
if (r->bPending)
GetOverlappedResult(hFile, &r->ov, &r->dwNumBytesRead, FALSE);
// ...
catch (const std::exception &)
return false;
return true;


Xlib XSendEvent Custom ClientEvent

I'm having problem of sending my program specific event with XSendEvent().
I setup XEvent as follows and send it:
XEvent evt;
evt.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
evt.xclient.serial = 0;
evt.xclient.send_event = true;
evt.xclient.message_type = XInternAtom(xconn, "_APP_EVT", false);
evt.xclient.format = 32;
evt.xclient.window = xwin;[0] = XInternAtom(xconn, "_APP_EVT_PTR", false);
*reinterpet_cast<void**>( = <pointer_value>
XSendEvent(xconn, xwin, false, NoEventMask, &evt);
Later in event loop I try read the sent pointer from the
recived message, but the read pointer value is always bad.
So far I have no idea why Xlib even mangles the array,
since on XLib documentation says X won't interpet the data at all.
for(;;) {
XEvent evt;
XNextEvent(xconn, &evt);
if(evt.type == ClientMessage) {
if(evt.xclient.message_type == XInternAtom(xconn, "_APP_EVT", false)) {
if([0] == XInternAtom(xconn, "_APP_EVT_PTR", false)) {
// Prints pointers,
// that have only partially corrects bits in place:
printf("_APP_EVT_PTR:%p", *reinterpet_cast<void**>(;
Another detail here is that the message is sent from main thread,
and the message loop is in separate GUI thread.
I call XInitThreads() on the program before doing anything else with Xlib.

Why can't I redirect output from WriteConsole?

In the following program I print to the console using two different functions
#include <windows.h>
int main() {
DWORD byteswritten;
WriteConsole(h, "WriteConsole", 12, &byteswritten, NULL);
WriteFile(h, "WriteFile", 9, &byteswritten, NULL);
If when I execute this program and redirect it's output using a > out.txt or a 1> out.txt nothing gets printed to the console (as expected) but the contents of out.txt are only
What is different between the two that allows calls to WriteFile to be redirected to the file and calls to WriteConsole to go to ... nowhere
Tested with gcc and msvc on windows 10
WriteConsole only works with console screen handles, not files nor pipes.
If you are only writing ASCII content you can use WriteFile for everything.
If you need to write Unicode characters you can use GetConsoleMode to detect the handle type, it fails for everything that is not a console handle.
When doing raw output like this you also have to deal with the BOM if the handle is redirected to a file.
This blog post is a good starting point for dealing with Unicode in the Windows console...
Edit 2021:
Windows 10 now has the ConPTY API (aka pseudo-console), which basically allows any program to act like the console for another program, thus enables capturing output that is directly written to the console.
This renders my original answer obsolete for Windows versions that support ConPTY.
Original answer:
From the reference:
WriteConsole fails if it is used with a standard handle that is
redirected to a file. If an application processes multilingual output
that can be redirected, determine whether the output handle is a
console handle (one method is to call the GetConsoleMode function and
check whether it succeeds). If the handle is a console handle, call
WriteConsole. If the handle is not a console handle, the output is
redirected and you should call WriteFile to perform the I/O.
This is only applicable if you control the source code of the application that you want to redirect. I recently had to redirect output from a closed-source application that unconditionally called WriteConsole() so it could not be redirected normally.
Reading the console screen buffer (as suggested by this answer) prooved to be unreliable, so I used Microsoft Detours library to hook the WriteConsole() API in the target process and call WriteFile() if necessary. Otherwise call the original WriteConsole() function.
I created a hook DLL based on the example of Using Detours:
#include <windows.h>
#include <detours.h>
// Target pointer for the uninstrumented WriteConsoleW API.
auto WriteConsoleW_orig = &WriteConsoleW;
// Detour function that replaces the WriteConsoleW API.
BOOL WINAPI WriteConsoleW_hooked(
_In_ HANDLE hConsoleOutput,
_In_ const VOID *lpBuffer,
_In_ DWORD nNumberOfCharsToWrite,
_Out_ LPDWORD lpNumberOfCharsWritten,
_Reserved_ LPVOID lpReserved
// Check if this actually is a console screen buffer handle.
DWORD mode;
if( GetConsoleMode( hConsoleOutput, &mode ) )
// Forward to the original WriteConsoleW() function.
return WriteConsoleW_orig( hConsoleOutput, lpBuffer, nNumberOfCharsToWrite, lpNumberOfCharsWritten, lpReserved );
// This is a redirected handle (e. g. a file or a pipe). We multiply with sizeof(WCHAR), because WriteFile()
// expects the number of bytes, but WriteConsoleW() gets passed the number of characters.
BOOL result = WriteFile( hConsoleOutput, lpBuffer, nNumberOfCharsToWrite * sizeof(WCHAR), lpNumberOfCharsWritten, nullptr );
// WriteFile() returns number of bytes written, but WriteConsoleW() has to return the number of characters written.
if( lpNumberOfCharsWritten )
*lpNumberOfCharsWritten /= sizeof(WCHAR);
return result;
// DllMain function attaches and detaches the WriteConsoleW_hooked detour to the
// WriteConsoleW target function. The WriteConsoleW target function is referred to
// through the WriteConsoleW_orig target pointer.
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID reserved)
if (DetourIsHelperProcess()) {
return TRUE;
if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
DetourAttach(&(PVOID&)WriteConsoleW_orig, WriteConsoleW_hooked);
else if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) {
DetourDetach(&(PVOID&)WriteConsoleW_orig, WriteConsoleW_hooked);
return TRUE;
Note: In the WriteFile() branch I don't write a BOM (byte order mark), because it is not always wanted (e. g. when redirecting to a pipe instead of a file or when appending to an existing file). An application that is using the DLL to redirect process output to a file can simply write the UTF-16 LE BOM on its own before launching the redirected process.
The target process is created using DetourCreateProcessWithDllExW(), specifying the name of our hook DLL as argument for the lpDllName parameter. The other arguments are identical to how you create a redirected process via the CreateProcessW() API. I won't go into detail, because these are all well documented.
The code below can be used to redirect console output if the other party uses WriteConsole. The code reads the output via a hidden console screen buffer. I've written this code to intercept debug output some directshow drivers write to the console. Directshow drivers have the habit of doing things drivers should not do, like writing unwanted logfiles, writing to console and crashing.
// info to redirected console output
typedef struct tagRedConInfo
// hidden console
// old console handles
HANDLE hOldConOut;
HANDLE hOldConErr;
// buffer to read screen content
INT BufSize;
} TRedConInfo;
// initial handles
HANDLE gv_hOldConOut;
HANDLE gv_hOldConErr;
/* init redirecting the console output */
BOOL Shell_InitRedirectConsole(BOOL,TRedConInfo*);
/* done redirecting the console output */
BOOL Shell_DoneRedirectConsole(TRedConInfo*);
/* read string from hidden console, then clear */
BOOL Shell_ReadRedirectConsole(TRedConInfo*,TCHAR*,INT);
/* clear buffer of hidden console */
BOOL Shell_ClearRedirectConsole(TRedConInfo*);
/* init redirecting the console output */
BOOL Shell_InitRedirectConsole(BOOL in_SetStdHandles, TRedConInfo *out_RcInfo)
/* locals */
HANDLE lv_hCon;
// preclear structure
memset(out_RcInfo, 0, sizeof(TRedConInfo));
// prepare inheritable handle just in case an api spans an external process
memset(&lv_SecAttr, 0, sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES));
lv_SecAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
lv_SecAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
// create hidden console buffer
lv_hCon = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(
// failed to create console buffer?
return FALSE;
// store
out_RcInfo->hCon = lv_hCon;
// set as standard handles for own process?
if (in_SetStdHandles)
// mutex the globals
// remember the old handles
out_RcInfo->hOldConOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
out_RcInfo->hOldConErr = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
// set hidden console as std output
SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, lv_hCon);
SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, lv_hCon);
// is this the first instance?
if (!gv_hOldConOut)
// inform our own console output code about the old handles so our own
// console will be writing to the real console, only console output from
// other parties will write to the hidden console
gv_hOldConOut = out_RcInfo->hOldConOut;
gv_hOldConErr = out_RcInfo->hOldConErr;
// release mutex
// done
return TRUE;
/* done redirecting the console output */
BOOL Shell_DoneRedirectConsole(TRedConInfo *in_RcInfo)
// validate
if (!in_RcInfo->hCon)
return FALSE;
// restore original handles?
if (in_RcInfo->hOldConOut)
// mutex the globals
// restore original handles
SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, in_RcInfo->hOldConOut);
SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, in_RcInfo->hOldConErr);
// was this the first instance?
if (in_RcInfo->hOldConOut == gv_hOldConOut)
// clear
gv_hOldConOut = NULL;
gv_hOldConErr = NULL;
// release mutex
// close the console handle
// free read buffer
if (in_RcInfo->BufData)
// clear structure
memset(in_RcInfo, 0, sizeof(TRedConInfo));
// done
return TRUE;
/* read string from hidden console, then clear */
BOOL Shell_ReadRedirectConsole(TRedConInfo *in_RcInfo, TCHAR *out_Str, INT in_MaxLen)
/* locals */
INT lv_X;
INT lv_Y;
INT lv_W;
INT lv_H;
INT lv_N;
INT lv_Len;
INT lv_Size;
INT lv_PrvLen;
COORD lv_DstSze;
COORD lv_DstOfs;
DWORD lv_Written;
SMALL_RECT lv_SrcRect;
CHAR_INFO *lv_BufData;
// preclear output
out_Str[0] = 0;
// validate
if (!in_RcInfo->hCon)
return FALSE;
// reserve character for eos
// get current buffer info
if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(in_RcInfo->hCon, &lv_Info))
return FALSE;
// check whether there is something at all
if (!lv_Info.dwSize.X || !lv_Info.dwSize.Y)
return FALSE;
// limit the buffer passed onto read call otherwise it
// will fail with out-of-resources error
lv_DstSze.X = (INT16)(lv_Info.dwSize.X);
lv_DstSze.Y = (INT16)(lv_Info.dwSize.Y < 8 ? lv_Info.dwSize.Y : 8);
// size of buffer needed
lv_Size = lv_DstSze.X * lv_DstSze.Y * sizeof(CHAR_INFO);
// is previous buffer too small?
if (!in_RcInfo->BufData || in_RcInfo->BufSize < lv_Size)
// free old buffer
if (in_RcInfo->BufData)
// allocate read buffer
if ((in_RcInfo->BufData = (CHAR_INFO*)MemAlloc(lv_Size)) == NULL)
return FALSE;
// store new size
in_RcInfo->BufSize = lv_Size;
// always write to (0,0) in buffer
lv_DstOfs.X = 0;
lv_DstOfs.Y = 0;
// init src rectangle
lv_SrcRect.Left = 0;
lv_SrcRect.Top = 0;
lv_SrcRect.Right = lv_DstSze.X;
lv_SrcRect.Bottom = lv_DstSze.Y;
// buffer to local
lv_BufData = in_RcInfo->BufData;
// start at first string position in output
lv_Len = 0;
// loop until no more rows to read
// read buffer load
if (!ReadConsoleOutput(in_RcInfo->hCon, lv_BufData, lv_DstSze, lv_DstOfs, &lv_SrcRect))
return FALSE;
// w/h of actually read content
lv_W = lv_SrcRect.Right - lv_SrcRect.Left + 1;
lv_H = lv_SrcRect.Bottom - lv_SrcRect.Top + 1;
// remember previous position
lv_PrvLen = lv_Len;
// loop through rows of buffer
for (lv_Y = 0; lv_Y < lv_H; ++lv_Y)
// reset output position of current row
lv_N = 0;
// loop through columns
for (lv_X = 0; lv_X < lv_W; ++lv_X)
// is output full?
if (lv_Len + lv_N > in_MaxLen)
// get character from screen buffer, ignore attributes
lv_C = lv_BufData[lv_Y * lv_DstSze.X + lv_X].Char.UnicodeChar;
// append character
out_Str[lv_Len + lv_N++] = lv_C;
// remove spaces at the end of the line
while (lv_N > 0 && out_Str[lv_Len+lv_N-1] == ' ')
// if row was not blank
if (lv_N > 0)
// update output position
lv_Len += lv_N;
// is output not full?
if (lv_Len + 2 < in_MaxLen)
// append cr/lf
out_Str[lv_Len++] = '\r';
out_Str[lv_Len++] = '\n';
// update screen position
lv_SrcRect.Top = (INT16)(lv_SrcRect.Top + lv_H);
lv_SrcRect.Bottom = (INT16)(lv_SrcRect.Bottom + lv_H);
// until nothing is added or no more screen rows
} while (lv_PrvLen != lv_Len && lv_SrcRect.Bottom < lv_Info.dwSize.Y);
// remove last cr/lf
if (lv_Len > 2)
lv_Len -= 2;
// append eos
out_Str[lv_Len] = 0;
// total screen buffer size in characters
lv_Size = lv_Info.dwSize.X * lv_Info.dwSize.Y;
// clear the buffer with spaces
FillConsoleOutputCharacter(in_RcInfo->hCon, ' ', lv_Size, lv_DstOfs, &lv_Written);
// reset cursor position to (0,0)
SetConsoleCursorPosition(in_RcInfo->hCon, lv_DstOfs);
// done
return TRUE;
/* clear buffer of hidden console */
BOOL Shell_ClearRedirectConsole(TRedConInfo *in_RcInfo)
/* locals */
INT lv_Size;
COORD lv_ClrOfs;
DWORD lv_Written;
// validate
if (!in_RcInfo->hCon)
return FALSE;
// get current buffer info
if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(in_RcInfo->hCon, &lv_Info))
return FALSE;
// clear from (0,0) onward
lv_ClrOfs.X = 0;
lv_ClrOfs.Y = 0;
// total screen buffer size in characters
lv_Size = lv_Info.dwSize.X * lv_Info.dwSize.Y;
// clear the buffer with spaces
FillConsoleOutputCharacter(in_RcInfo->hCon, ' ', lv_Size, lv_ClrOfs, &lv_Written);
// reset cursor position to (0,0)
SetConsoleCursorPosition(in_RcInfo->hCon, lv_ClrOfs);
// done
return TRUE;

SetSecurityInfo returns access denied

Using C, I'm trying to establish a pipe connection between a process and it's child process, while the child process has a lower mandatory(integrity) level (low, while the parent process is high).
I wrote the following program (it's a simplified version if it), but it fails with: ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED (0x5)
INT wmain(IN SIZE_T nArgc, IN PWSTR *pArgv)
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityArrtibutes = { 0 };
HANDLE hPipeRead = NULL;
HANDLE hPipeWrite = NULL;
tSecurityArrtibutes.nLength = sizeof(tSecurityArrtibutes);
tSecurityArrtibutes.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
CreatePipe(&hPipeRead, &hPipeWrite, &securityArrtibutes, 0);
VOID ChangeMandatoryLabelHandle(HANDLE hObject)
BOOL bRetval = FALSE;
DWORD dwError = 0;
PACL ptSacl = NULL;
BOOL bSaclPresent = FALSE;
BOOL bSaclDefaulted = FALSE;
SDDL = L"S:(ML;;LW;;;NW)";
bRetval = ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW(pSDDL, SDDL_REVISION_1, &pSecurityDescriptor, NULL);
if (FALSE == bRetval)
... // Handle failure
bRetval = GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(pSecurityDescriptor, &bSaclPresent, &ptSacl, &bSaclDefaulted);
if (FALSE == bRetval)
... // Handle failure
// getting ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED (0x5)
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr)
... // Handle failure
... // Cleanup
I followed and the remark that
To set the SACL of an object, the caller must have the SE_SECURITY_NAME privilege enabled. :
BOOL SetSeSecurityNamePrivilege()
HANDLE hToken;
LUID luid;
if(!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, &hToken)
return FALSE
if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_SECURITY_NAME, &luid))
return FALSE;
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid;
if (bEnablePrivilege)
tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = 0;
if (!AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)NULL, (PDWORD)NULL))
return FALSE;
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
note: I get the same result when I try to execute it with files, with CreateFile instead of CreatePipe.
In addition if I try to do that with files, and I replace SetSecurityInfo with SetNamedSecurityInfoW, and give it the full path of the file, it works great.
Does anyone have an idea how to make it work? Thanks!
A few notes before addressing the cause of your immediate problem.
First and foremost, you do not need to change the security descriptor at all, and doing so is unlikely to help you achieve your ultimate goal. The security descriptor is only checked when you attempt to open a handle to an object; if you already have a handle, the security descriptor has no effect. Since you are creating an unnamed pipe, you must be passing the handle, not the pipe name, to the child, so you do not need the ChangeMandatoryLabelHandle function at all.
Secondly, the SE_SECURITY_NAME privilege is not needed when setting LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION. The mandatory label is logically distinct from the rest of the SACL, and is treated as a special case.
Thirdly, your "S:(ML;;LW;;;NW)" is invalid.
I tried to use it in ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW and got error 1336, The access control list (ACL) structure is invalid. Instead, use"D:NO_ACCESS_CONTROLS:(ML;;;;;LW)" or better still use the following code to create a security descriptor with a low label and no DACL:
PSID LowLabelSid = (PSID)alloca(MAX_SID_SIZE);
if (CreateWellKnownSid(WinLowLabelSid, 0, LowLabelSid, &cb))
PACL Sacl = (PACL)alloca(cb += sizeof(ACL) + sizeof(ACE_HEADER) + sizeof(ACCESS_MASK));
if (InitializeAcl(Sacl, cb, ACL_REVISION) &&
AddMandatoryAce(Sacl, ACL_REVISION, 0, 0, LowLabelSid))
InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
SetSecurityDescriptorSacl(&sd, TRUE, Sacl, FALSE);
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = { sizeof(sa), &sd, TRUE };
// todo something here
dwError = GetLastError();
dwError = GetLastError();
But again, you need to understand that there is (almost) never any sense in creating a security descriptor for an unnamed object. The security descriptor is only checked when opening an object, and (in user mode) you cannot open an object that does not have a name.
(From kernel mode we can open an object by pointer using ObOpenObjectByPointer.)
(In older versions of Windows, CreatePipe actually created a pipe with a random name, but starting from Windows 7 the pipe really is unnamed, so it cannot be opened with CreateFile or any similar method.)
In any case, it is my opinion that using CreatePipe in this context was a bad choice. This function is not well designed and has too few parameters. There is no option to create a bidirectional pipe or to open the pipe in asynchronous mode. I think it is better to use CreateNamedPipeW and CreateFileW.
(Alternatively, from Windows 7 onwards, you can use ZwCreateNamedPipeFile and ZwOpenFile to create and open an unnamed pipe.)
The proximate problem with the code as posted is that SetSecurityInfo and SetKernelObjectSecurity return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED when called with the handle returned by CreatePipe. This is because, as described in the documentation for LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION:
Right required to set: WRITE_OWNER
Since CreatePipe does not give you the option to select the access rights that the handles are opened with, you have no way of doing this. If you instead use CreateNamedPipe you can set WRITE_OWNER in dwOpenMode.
However, you should note that if you wish to create an object with a special security descriptor, it is preferable to provide that security descriptor when the object is created. There is no point in creating the object with a default security descriptor and then changing it; why do in two operations what you can do in one? In this case, the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure you pass to CreatePipe or CreateNamedPipe can be used to specify the security descriptor, providing another way of addressing your immediate problem, although as previously mentioned this will not in fact be useful.

Missing packets (Windows NDIS Driver Filter)

I'm a beginner to WDD. I need to make a network driver filter that drops certain packets based on the signature to protect system from program vulnerability.
Right now, I'm just trying to get the packets I need and find my signature. I use Metasploit Framework to exploit this vulnerability and Wireshark to track the traffic. In Wireshark I see 4 packets with destination port 8000 like this:
But when I'm trying to get them I only have 2 first of them - with SYN and ACK.
My code is based on NDIS driver filter sample. I'm writing inside the FilterReceiveNetBufferLists function. Here's the code:
NDIS_HANDLE FilterModuleContext,
ULONG NumberOfNetBufferLists,
ULONG ReceiveFlags
Routine Description:
FilerReceiveNetBufferLists is an optional function for filter drivers.
If provided, this function processes receive indications made by underlying
NIC or lower level filter drivers. This function can also be called as a
result of loopback. If this handler is NULL, NDIS will skip calling this
filter when processing a receive indication and will call the next higher
driver in the stack. A filter that doesn't provide a
FilterReceiveNetBufferLists handler cannot provide a
FilterReturnNetBufferLists handler and cannot a initiate an original receive
indication on its own.
FilterModuleContext - our filter context area.
NetBufferLists - a linked list of NetBufferLists
PortNumber - Port on which the receive is indicated
ReceiveFlags -
N.B.: It is important to check the ReceiveFlags in NDIS_TEST_RECEIVE_CANNOT_PEND.
This controls whether the receive indication is an synchronous or
asynchronous function call.
PMS_FILTER pFilter = (PMS_FILTER)FilterModuleContext;
BOOLEAN DispatchLevel;
#if DBG
ULONG ReturnFlags;
DEBUGP(DL_TRACE, "===>ReceiveNetBufferList: NetBufferLists = %p.\n", NetBufferLists);
#if DBG
FILTER_ACQUIRE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
if (pFilter->State != FilterRunning)
FILTER_RELEASE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
ReturnFlags = 0;
NdisFReturnNetBufferLists(pFilter->FilterHandle, NetBufferLists, ReturnFlags);
FILTER_RELEASE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
ASSERT(NumberOfNetBufferLists >= 1);
////////////////////////////// MY CODE //////////////////////////////////////
FILTER_ACQUIRE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
PNET_BUFFER_LIST pCurrentNetBufferList = NetBufferLists;
PNET_BUFFER pCurrentNetBuffer = NET_BUFFER_LIST_FIRST_NB(pCurrentNetBufferList);
while (pCurrentNetBufferList)
while (pCurrentNetBuffer)
ULONG netbuffer_size = NET_BUFFER_DATA_LENGTH(pCurrentNetBuffer);
BYTE* buffer = (BYTE*)NdisGetDataBuffer(
if (buffer) {
ParseBuffer(buffer, netbuffer_size);
void* alloc_mem = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, netbuffer_size, 'BteN');
buffer = (BYTE*)NdisGetDataBuffer(
if (buffer) {
ParseBuffer(buffer, netbuffer_size);
else {
ExFreePoolWithTag(alloc_mem, 'BteN');
pCurrentNetBuffer = NET_BUFFER_NEXT_NB(pCurrentNetBuffer);
pCurrentNetBufferList = NET_BUFFER_LIST_NEXT_NBL(pCurrentNetBufferList);
FILTER_RELEASE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
// If you would like to drop a received packet, then you must carefully
// modify the NBL chain as follows:
// For each NBL that is NOT dropped, temporarily unlink it from
// the linked list, and indicate it up alone with
// NdisFIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists and the
// NDIS_RECEIVE_FLAGS_RESOURCES flag set. Then immediately
// relink the NBL back into the chain. When all NBLs have been
// indicated up, you may return from this function.
// Divide the linked list of NBLs into two chains: one chain
// of packets to drop, and everything else in another chain.
// Return the first chain with NdisFReturnNetBufferLists, and
// indicate up the rest with NdisFIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists.
// Note: on the receive path for Ethernet packets, one NBL will have
// exactly one NB. So (assuming you are receiving on Ethernet, or are
// attached above Native WiFi) you do not need to worry about dropping
// one NB, but trying to indicate up the remaining NBs on the same NBL.
// In other words, if the first NB should be dropped, drop the whole NBL.
// If you would like to modify a packet, and can do so quickly, you may
// do it here. However, make sure you save enough information to undo
// your modification in the FilterReturnNetBufferLists handler.
// If necessary, queue the NetBufferLists in a local structure for later
// processing. However, do not queue them for "too long", or else the
// system's performance may be degraded. If you need to hold onto an
// NBL for an unbounded amount of time, then allocate memory, perform a
// deep copy, and return the original NBL.
if (pFilter->TrackReceives)
FILTER_ACQUIRE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
pFilter->OutstandingRcvs += NumberOfNetBufferLists;
Ref = pFilter->OutstandingRcvs;
FILTER_LOG_RCV_REF(1, pFilter, NetBufferLists, Ref);
FILTER_RELEASE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
FILTER_ACQUIRE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
pFilter->OutstandingRcvs -= NumberOfNetBufferLists;
Ref = pFilter->OutstandingRcvs;
FILTER_LOG_RCV_REF(2, pFilter, NetBufferLists, Ref);
FILTER_RELEASE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
} while (bFalse);
DEBUGP(DL_TRACE, "<===ReceiveNetBufferList: Flags = %8x.\n", ReceiveFlags);
ParseBuffer function:
VOID ParseBuffer(BYTE *buffer, ULONG netbuffer_size)
// parse ethernet
eth_header_t* pEthHeader = (eth_header_t*)buffer;
if (pEthHeader->type == RtlUshortByteSwap(EtherType_IPv4))
// parse ipv4
ipv4_header_t* pIpHeader = (ipv4_header_t*)(buffer + sizeof(eth_header_t));
ASSERT(pIpHeader->version == IPPROTO_IPV4);
if (pIpHeader->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP)
// parse tcp
tcp_header_t* pTcpHeader = (tcp_header_t*)(buffer + sizeof(eth_header_t) + sizeof(ipv4_header_t));
if (pTcpHeader->dst_port == RtlUshortByteSwap(8000))
if (netbuffer_size) {}
DbgPrint("PACKET DUMP:\n");
DbgPrintHexDump(buffer, netbuffer_size);
WORD ip_total_length = RtlUshortByteSwap(pIpHeader->total_length);
WORD tcp_size = ip_total_length - sizeof(ipv4_header_t);
WORD data_size = tcp_size - (pTcpHeader->data_offset << 2);
DbgPrint("DATA SIZE: %d \n", data_size);
// if there is any data in packet
BYTE* data = (buffer + sizeof(eth_header_t) + sizeof(ipv4_header_t) + (pTcpHeader->data_offset << 2));
DbgPrintHexDump(data, data_size);
const char* signature = "\xEB\x0C / HTTP/1.1 ";
const char* pch = strstr((const char*)data, signature);
if (pch != NULL)
DbgPrint("Got it!\n");
Maybe I have to clone NetBufferLists before processing them, I don't know. And if I have to, when should I do it?
P.S. The full code (if you need).
Well, It was a stupid mistake, I put PNET_BUFFER pCurrentNetBuffer = NET_BUFFER_LIST_FIRST_NB(pCurrentNetBufferList) in the wrong place. It has to be right after while (pCurrentNetBufferList).

asynchronous serial port communication in windows in c

I am getting an error when I try to run a c file which does some basic writes to a serial port. I am trying to run it asynchronously because the writes sometimes take a long time to transfer. My original version had it running synchronously with WriteFile() commands which worked fine. I am new to using OVERLAPPED and would appreciate and input concerning it.
The error I am getting is:
Debug Assertion Failed!
<path to dbgheap.c>
Line: 1317
Expression: _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData)
when the second write function is called.
In main:
//initialized port (with overlapped), DBC, and timeouts
result = write_port(outPortHandle, 128);
result = write_port(outPortHandle, 131);
static void CALLBACK write_compl(DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) {
//write completed. check for errors? if so throw an exception maybe?
printf("write completed--and made it to callback function\n");
int write_port(HANDLE hComm,BYTE* lpBuf) {
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0};
// Create this write operation's OVERLAPPED structure's hEvent.
osWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osWrite.hEvent == NULL)
// error creating overlapped event handle
return 0;
// Issue write.
if (!WriteFileEx(hComm, &lpBuf, 1, &osWrite, &write_compl )) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// WriteFile failed, but isn't delayed. Report error and abort.
printf("last error: %ld",GetLastError());
return 0; //failed, return false;
else {
// Write is pending.
WaitForSingleObjectEx(osWrite.hEvent, 50, TRUE); //50 ms timeout
return -1; //pending
else {
return 1; //finished
That was not the full code, sorry. I was using an array of BYTEs as well, not constants. But system("pause")'s were causing my debug assertion failed errors, and after carefully looking through my code, when the WriteFileEx() was successful, it was never setting an alert/timeout on the event in the overlapped structure, so the callback function would never get called. I fixed these problems though.
I just need help with the handling/accessing a single BYTE in a structure which is allocated when a ReadFileEx() function is called (for storing the BYTE that is read so it can be handled). I need to know how to access that BYTE storage using an offset and make the overlapped structure null. Would making the overlapped structure null be as simple as setting the handle in it to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE?
I think you have a couple of issues:
You are passing an integer as a pointer (your compiler should warn against this or preferably refuse to compile the code):
result = write_port(outPortHandle, 128);
Compare this to the definition of write_port:
int write_port(HANDLE hComm,BYTE* lpBuf) {
The above statements doesn't match. Later on you then pass a pointer to the lpBuf pointer to the WriteFileEx function by taking the address of the BYTE* -> "&lpBuf". This will not result in what you think it will do.
Even if you fix this, you will still have potential lifetime issues whenever the write is successfully queued but won't complete within the 50 ms timeout.
When using overlapped I/O, you need to make sure that the read/write buffer and the overlapped structure remain valid until the I/O is completed, cancelled or the associated device is closed. In your code above you use a pointer to an OVERLAPPED struct that lives on the stack in your call to WriteFileEx. If WriteFileEx does not complete within 50 ms, the pending I/O will have a reference to a non-existing OVERLAPPED struct and you will (hopefully) have an access violation (or worse, silently corrupted stack data somewhere in your app).
The canonical way of handling these lifetime issues (if performance is not a big issue), is to use a custom struct that includes an OVERLAPPED struct and some storage for the data to be read/written. Allocate the struct when posting the write and deallocate the struct from the I/O completion routine. Pass the address of the included OVERLAPPED struct to WriteFileEx, and use e.g. offsetof to get the address to the custom struct from the OVERLAPPED address in the completion routine.
Also note that WriteFileEx does not actually use the hEvent member, IIRC.
EDIT: Added code sample, please note:
I haven't actually tried to compile the code, there might be typos or other problems with the code.
It's not the most efficient way of sending data (allocating/deallocating a memory block for each byte that is sent). It should be easy to improve, though.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <windows.h>
// ...
typedef struct _MYOVERLAPPED
BYTE buffer;
// ...
static void CALLBACK write_compl(DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped)
if (NULL == lpOverlapped)
assert(!"Should never happen");
LPBYTE pOlAsBytes = (LPBYTE)lpOverlapped;
LPBYTE pMyOlAsBytes = pOlAsBytes - offsetof(MYOVERLAPPED, ol);
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErrorCode) &&
(sizeof(BYTE) == dwNumberOfBytesTransfered))
printf("written %uc\n", pMyOl->buffer);
// handle error
int write_port(HANDLE hComm, BYTE byte) {
ZeroMemory(pMyOl, sizeof(MYOVERLAPPED));
pMyOl->buffer = byte;
// Issue write.
if (!WriteFileEx(hComm, &pMyOl->buffer, sizeof(BYTE), pMyOl, &write_compl )) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// WriteFile failed, but isn't delayed. Report error and abort.
printf("last error: %ld",GetLastError());
return 0; //failed, return false;
else {
return -1; //pending
else {
return 1; //finished
result = write_port(outPortHandle, 128);
result = write_port(outPortHandle, 131);
The lpBuf argument have to be pointers to buffers, not constants.
char buffer;
buffer = 128;
result = write_port(outPortHandle, &buffer);
buffer = 131;
result = write_port(outPortHandle, &buffer);
What you really want to do is also pass a buffer length.
char buffer[] = { 128, 131 };
result = write_port(outPortHandle, &buffer, sizeof(buffer));
int write_port(HANDLE hComm,BYTE* lpBuf, size_t length) {
// Issue write.
if (!WriteFileEx(hComm, &lpBuf, length, &osWrite, &write_compl )) {
