Missing packets (Windows NDIS Driver Filter) - c

I'm a beginner to WDD. I need to make a network driver filter that drops certain packets based on the signature to protect system from program vulnerability.
Right now, I'm just trying to get the packets I need and find my signature. I use Metasploit Framework to exploit this vulnerability and Wireshark to track the traffic. In Wireshark I see 4 packets with destination port 8000 like this:
But when I'm trying to get them I only have 2 first of them - with SYN and ACK.
My code is based on NDIS driver filter sample. I'm writing inside the FilterReceiveNetBufferLists function. Here's the code:
NDIS_HANDLE FilterModuleContext,
ULONG NumberOfNetBufferLists,
ULONG ReceiveFlags
Routine Description:
FilerReceiveNetBufferLists is an optional function for filter drivers.
If provided, this function processes receive indications made by underlying
NIC or lower level filter drivers. This function can also be called as a
result of loopback. If this handler is NULL, NDIS will skip calling this
filter when processing a receive indication and will call the next higher
driver in the stack. A filter that doesn't provide a
FilterReceiveNetBufferLists handler cannot provide a
FilterReturnNetBufferLists handler and cannot a initiate an original receive
indication on its own.
FilterModuleContext - our filter context area.
NetBufferLists - a linked list of NetBufferLists
PortNumber - Port on which the receive is indicated
ReceiveFlags -
N.B.: It is important to check the ReceiveFlags in NDIS_TEST_RECEIVE_CANNOT_PEND.
This controls whether the receive indication is an synchronous or
asynchronous function call.
PMS_FILTER pFilter = (PMS_FILTER)FilterModuleContext;
BOOLEAN DispatchLevel;
#if DBG
ULONG ReturnFlags;
DEBUGP(DL_TRACE, "===>ReceiveNetBufferList: NetBufferLists = %p.\n", NetBufferLists);
#if DBG
FILTER_ACQUIRE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
if (pFilter->State != FilterRunning)
FILTER_RELEASE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
ReturnFlags = 0;
NdisFReturnNetBufferLists(pFilter->FilterHandle, NetBufferLists, ReturnFlags);
FILTER_RELEASE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
ASSERT(NumberOfNetBufferLists >= 1);
////////////////////////////// MY CODE //////////////////////////////////////
FILTER_ACQUIRE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
PNET_BUFFER_LIST pCurrentNetBufferList = NetBufferLists;
PNET_BUFFER pCurrentNetBuffer = NET_BUFFER_LIST_FIRST_NB(pCurrentNetBufferList);
while (pCurrentNetBufferList)
while (pCurrentNetBuffer)
ULONG netbuffer_size = NET_BUFFER_DATA_LENGTH(pCurrentNetBuffer);
BYTE* buffer = (BYTE*)NdisGetDataBuffer(
if (buffer) {
ParseBuffer(buffer, netbuffer_size);
void* alloc_mem = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, netbuffer_size, 'BteN');
buffer = (BYTE*)NdisGetDataBuffer(
if (buffer) {
ParseBuffer(buffer, netbuffer_size);
else {
ExFreePoolWithTag(alloc_mem, 'BteN');
pCurrentNetBuffer = NET_BUFFER_NEXT_NB(pCurrentNetBuffer);
pCurrentNetBufferList = NET_BUFFER_LIST_NEXT_NBL(pCurrentNetBufferList);
FILTER_RELEASE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
// If you would like to drop a received packet, then you must carefully
// modify the NBL chain as follows:
// For each NBL that is NOT dropped, temporarily unlink it from
// the linked list, and indicate it up alone with
// NdisFIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists and the
// NDIS_RECEIVE_FLAGS_RESOURCES flag set. Then immediately
// relink the NBL back into the chain. When all NBLs have been
// indicated up, you may return from this function.
// Divide the linked list of NBLs into two chains: one chain
// of packets to drop, and everything else in another chain.
// Return the first chain with NdisFReturnNetBufferLists, and
// indicate up the rest with NdisFIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists.
// Note: on the receive path for Ethernet packets, one NBL will have
// exactly one NB. So (assuming you are receiving on Ethernet, or are
// attached above Native WiFi) you do not need to worry about dropping
// one NB, but trying to indicate up the remaining NBs on the same NBL.
// In other words, if the first NB should be dropped, drop the whole NBL.
// If you would like to modify a packet, and can do so quickly, you may
// do it here. However, make sure you save enough information to undo
// your modification in the FilterReturnNetBufferLists handler.
// If necessary, queue the NetBufferLists in a local structure for later
// processing. However, do not queue them for "too long", or else the
// system's performance may be degraded. If you need to hold onto an
// NBL for an unbounded amount of time, then allocate memory, perform a
// deep copy, and return the original NBL.
if (pFilter->TrackReceives)
FILTER_ACQUIRE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
pFilter->OutstandingRcvs += NumberOfNetBufferLists;
Ref = pFilter->OutstandingRcvs;
FILTER_LOG_RCV_REF(1, pFilter, NetBufferLists, Ref);
FILTER_RELEASE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
FILTER_ACQUIRE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
pFilter->OutstandingRcvs -= NumberOfNetBufferLists;
Ref = pFilter->OutstandingRcvs;
FILTER_LOG_RCV_REF(2, pFilter, NetBufferLists, Ref);
FILTER_RELEASE_LOCK(&pFilter->Lock, DispatchLevel);
} while (bFalse);
DEBUGP(DL_TRACE, "<===ReceiveNetBufferList: Flags = %8x.\n", ReceiveFlags);
ParseBuffer function:
VOID ParseBuffer(BYTE *buffer, ULONG netbuffer_size)
// parse ethernet
eth_header_t* pEthHeader = (eth_header_t*)buffer;
if (pEthHeader->type == RtlUshortByteSwap(EtherType_IPv4))
// parse ipv4
ipv4_header_t* pIpHeader = (ipv4_header_t*)(buffer + sizeof(eth_header_t));
ASSERT(pIpHeader->version == IPPROTO_IPV4);
if (pIpHeader->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP)
// parse tcp
tcp_header_t* pTcpHeader = (tcp_header_t*)(buffer + sizeof(eth_header_t) + sizeof(ipv4_header_t));
if (pTcpHeader->dst_port == RtlUshortByteSwap(8000))
if (netbuffer_size) {}
DbgPrint("PACKET DUMP:\n");
DbgPrintHexDump(buffer, netbuffer_size);
WORD ip_total_length = RtlUshortByteSwap(pIpHeader->total_length);
WORD tcp_size = ip_total_length - sizeof(ipv4_header_t);
WORD data_size = tcp_size - (pTcpHeader->data_offset << 2);
DbgPrint("DATA SIZE: %d \n", data_size);
// if there is any data in packet
BYTE* data = (buffer + sizeof(eth_header_t) + sizeof(ipv4_header_t) + (pTcpHeader->data_offset << 2));
DbgPrintHexDump(data, data_size);
const char* signature = "\xEB\x0C / HTTP/1.1 ";
const char* pch = strstr((const char*)data, signature);
if (pch != NULL)
DbgPrint("Got it!\n");
Maybe I have to clone NetBufferLists before processing them, I don't know. And if I have to, when should I do it?
P.S. The full code (if you need).

Well, It was a stupid mistake, I put PNET_BUFFER pCurrentNetBuffer = NET_BUFFER_LIST_FIRST_NB(pCurrentNetBufferList) in the wrong place. It has to be right after while (pCurrentNetBufferList).


Event-based task management using FreeRTOS

I'm trying to pick up C, using an esp32. While looking at exactly how FreeRTOS works, I found the following page regarding how to use the tasks, and best practices etc.
According to this page, to prevent starvation, tasks should be event based. Regarding what I am trying to achieve, I will try to provide a very simplified example.
I have a LCD screen, which should display data from a sensor. The data shown on the LCD will be done using a task, which according to the documentation, should never exit and should be event driven to prevent starvation.
I have a way of controlling the data shown on the LCD screen, which would be a rotary encoder. This encoder can be clicked, which should refresh the sensor's data.
How would I implement the event based tasks, which are described on the FreeRTOS page, in this specific context? I had a look at the documentation and the "simple" example projects on their github, but as a beginner within C and embedded, they were extremely overwhelming.
Simple demo code
void update_sensor_task(void *pvParameters)
// Ensure the task keeps on running
for( ; ; )
if(event_update_sensor) // How would I be able to notify the task that this should be run?
// update the data
// Tasks should not be returning, but if they happen to do so, ensure a clean exit
void screen_temperature_task(void *pvParameters)
for(; ;)
// Update the lcd screen with the new data
void on_rotary_clicked(void *pvParameters)
// Notify the sensor task that it should be updating?
By using what has been marked as the correct answer, I have managed to get it to work by implementing it the following way:
/* Queue used to send and receive the data */
QueueHandle_t xStructQueue = NULL;
/* Struct which shall be used to hold and pass around the data for the LCD screen*/
struct LcdData
int current_temp;
int current_humidity;
} xLcdData;
void initialize_queues(void)
xLcdData.current_humidity = 0;
xLcdData.current_temp = 0;
xStructQueue = xQueueCreate(
/* The maximum number of items the queue can hold*/
/* The size of each struct, which the queue should be able to hold */
sizeof( xLcdData )
if(xStructQueue == NULL)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Queue has not been initialized successfully");
void screen_temperature_task_simplified(void *pvParameters)
int counter = 0;
for(; ;)
struct LcdData xReceivedStructure;
BaseType_t result;
result = xQueueReceive(xStructQueue, &xReceivedStructure, ( TickType_t ) 10);
if(result == pdPASS)
counter = counter + 1;
char snum_current_counter[12];
sprintf(snum_current_counter, "%d", counter);
i2c_lcd1602_clear (lcd_info);
i2c_lcd1602_write_string (lcd_info, snum_current_counter);
void update_sensor_struct(void)
xLcdData.current_temp = DHT11_read().temperature;
xLcdData.current_humidity = DHT11_read().humidity;
// Log the results in the console
printf("Temperature is %d \n", xLcdData.current_temp);
printf("Humidity is %d\n", xLcdData.current_humidity);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Data has been updated");
void on_rotary_clicked_simplified()
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Rotary encoder has been clicked!");
// Update the struct which holds the data
/* Send the entire struct to the queue */
/* The handle of the queue */
/* The adress of the struct which should be sent */
(void *) &xLcdData,
/* Block time of 0 says don't block if the queue is already full.
Check the value returned by xQueueSend() to know if the message
was sent to the queue successfully. */
( TickType_t ) 0
I use FRTOS and event driven development.
The typical flow here would be:
BaseType_t result;
result = xQueueReceive(LCD_Event_Queue, &someLCDEvent, QUEUE_TIMEOUT);
if (result == pdPASS)
/* We have new event data in someLCDEvent; Use that data to update the LCD */
/* No new event, do some brief idle-time processing if necessary */
In brief, wait up to QUEUE_TIMEOUT time for a new event to arrive.
If a new event arrives within that timeframe successfully, then process the data in that event and update your screen.
If a new event does not arrive, you have an opportunity to do some other maintenance work.
Designing and defining the structure-type of someLCDEvent, and putting data into the queue is a big topic, and will depend a lot on your specific project.

How to enable 802.11 monitor mode (DOT11_OPERATION_MODE_NETWORK_MONITOR) in a NDIS 6 filter driver?

I have ported WinPcap to a NDIS 6 filter driver: https://github.com/nmap/npcap. But it still doesn't support capturing all 802.11 native packets (like control and management frames are not captured).
I noticed there is a way setting DOT11_OPERATION_MODE_NETWORK_MONITOR for the wireless adapter using WlanSetInterface function. But this call succeeds (the return value is OK, and my wi-fi network disconnects after this call). But the problem is I can't see any packets on the Wi-Fi interface using Wireshark, not even the 802.11 data in fake ethernet form. So there must be something wrong with it.
I know that from NDIS 6 and vista, enabing this feature is possible (at least Microsoft's own Network Monitor 3.4 supports this).
So I want to know how to enable monitor mode for the NDIS 6 version WinPcap? Thanks.
My code is shown as below:
// WlanTest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wlanapi.h>
void SetInterface(WLAN_INTF_OPCODE opcode, PVOID* pData, GUID* InterfaceGuid)
DWORD dwResult = 0;
HANDLE hClient = NULL;
DWORD dwCurVersion = 0;
DWORD outsize = 0;
// Open Handle for the set operation
dwResult = WlanOpenHandle(WLAN_CLIENT_VERSION_VISTA, NULL, &dwCurVersion, &hClient);
dwResult = WlanSetInterface(hClient, InterfaceGuid, opcode, sizeof(ULONG), pData, NULL);
WlanCloseHandle(hClient, NULL);
// enumerate wireless interfaces
UINT EnumInterface(HANDLE hClient, WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO sInfo[64])
UINT i = 0;
// enumerate wireless interfaces
if ((dwError = WlanEnumInterfaces(
NULL, // reserved
// print out interface information
for (i = 0; i < pIntfList->dwNumberOfItems; i++)
memcpy(&sInfo[i], &pIntfList->InterfaceInfo[i], sizeof(WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO));
return pIntfList->dwNumberOfItems;
// clean up
if (pIntfList != NULL)
return 0;
// open a WLAN client handle and check version
PHANDLE phClient
DWORD dwServiceVersion;
HANDLE hClient = NULL;
*phClient = NULL;
// open a handle to the service
if ((dwError = WlanOpenHandle(
NULL, // reserved
// check service version
// No-op, because the version check is for demonstration purpose only.
// You can add your own logic here.
*phClient = hClient;
// set hClient to NULL so it will not be closed
hClient = NULL;
if (hClient != NULL)
// clean up
NULL // reserved
return dwError;
// get interface state string
GetInterfaceStateString(__in WLAN_INTERFACE_STATE wlanInterfaceState)
LPWSTR strRetCode;
switch (wlanInterfaceState)
case wlan_interface_state_not_ready:
strRetCode = L"\"not ready\"";
case wlan_interface_state_connected:
strRetCode = L"\"connected\"";
case wlan_interface_state_ad_hoc_network_formed:
strRetCode = L"\"ad hoc network formed\"";
case wlan_interface_state_disconnecting:
strRetCode = L"\"disconnecting\"";
case wlan_interface_state_disconnected:
strRetCode = L"\"disconnected\"";
case wlan_interface_state_associating:
strRetCode = L"\"associating\"";
case wlan_interface_state_discovering:
strRetCode = L"\"discovering\"";
case wlan_interface_state_authenticating:
strRetCode = L"\"authenticating\"";
strRetCode = L"\"invalid interface state\"";
return strRetCode;
int main()
HANDLE hClient = NULL;
RPC_CSTR strGuid = NULL;
TCHAR szBuffer[256];
DWORD dwRead;
if (OpenHandleAndCheckVersion(&hClient) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return -1;
UINT nCount = EnumInterface(hClient, sInfo);
for (UINT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
if (UuidToStringA(&sInfo[i].InterfaceGuid, &strGuid) == RPC_S_OK)
printf(("%d. %s\n\tDescription: %S\n\tState: %S\n"),
UINT nChoice = 0;
// printf("for choice wireless card:");
// if (ReadConsole(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), szBuffer, _countof(szBuffer), &dwRead, NULL) == FALSE)
// {
// puts("error input");
// return -1;
// }
// szBuffer[dwRead] = 0;
// nChoice = _ttoi(szBuffer);
// if (nChoice > nCount)
// {
// puts("error input.");
// return -1;
// }
SetInterface(wlan_intf_opcode_current_operation_mode, (PVOID*)&targetOperationMode, &sInfo[nChoice].InterfaceGuid);
return 0;
Guy has made me clear about what should the high-level library side of WinPcap do about the monitor mode, in nature is setting/getting OID values. But what should the WinPcap driver do, do I need to change the driver? I think the WlanSetInterface call is actually doing the same thing as setting the DOT11_OPERATION_MODE_NETWORK_MONITOR using OID request? Does the fact that it doesn't work mean that the npf driver also needs some kind of changes?
(Answer updated for question update and followup comments.)
Use pcap_oid_set_request_win32(), which is in pcap-win32.c in the version of libpcap in the master branch, to do OID setting/getting operations. If p->opt.rfmon is set in pcap_activate_win32(), set the OID OID_DOT11_CURRENT_OPERATION_MODE with a DOT11_CURRENT_OPERATION_MODE structure with uCurrentOpMode set to DOT11_OPERATION_MODE_NETWORK_MONITOR.
For pcap_can_set_rfmon_win32(), try to get a handle for the device (note that this is done before the activate call) and, if that succeeds, use pcap_oid_get_request_win32() to attempt to get the value of that OID; if it succeeds, you can set it, otherwise, either you can't set it or you got an error.
The driver already supports a generic get/set OID operation - that's what PacketRequest() uses, and pcap_oid_get_request_win32()/pcap_oid_set_request_win32() are implemented atop PacketRequest(), so it's what they use.
As I indicated in messages in the thread you started on the wireshark-dev list, the code that handles receive indications from NDIS has to be able to handle "raw packet" receive indications, and you might have to add those to the NDIS packet filter as well. (And you'll have to hack dumpcap, if you're going to use Wireshark to test the changes; you won't be able to change NPcap so that people can just drop it in and existing versions of Wireshark will support monitor mode.)
I also indicated there how to query a device to find out whether it supports monitor mode.
As for turning monitor mode back off, that's going to require driver, packet.dll, and libpcap work. In the drivers:
in the NDIS 6 driver, for each interface, have a count of "monitor mode instances" and a saved operating mode and, for each opened NPF instance for an interface, have a "monitor mode" flag;
in the Windows 9x and NDIS 4/5 drivers, add a "turn on monitor mode" BIOC call, which always fails with ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
in the NDIS 6 driver, add the same BIOC call, which, if the instance's "monitor mode" flag isn't set, attempts to set the operating mode to monitor mode and, if it succeeds, saves the old operating mode if the interface's monitor mode count is zero, increments the interface's monitor mode count and sets the instance's "monitor mode" flag (it could also add the appropriate values to the packet filter);
have the routine that closes an opened NPF instance check the "monitor mode" flag for the instance and, if it's set, decrement the "monitor mode instances" count and, if the count reaches zero, restores the old operating mode.
In packet.dll, add a PacketSetMonitorMode() routine, which is a wrapper around the BIOC ioctl in question.
In pcap-win32.c, call PacketSetMonitorMode() if monitor mode was requested, rather than setting the operation mode directly.
For setting OIDs in drivers, see the code path for BIOCQUERYOID and BIOCSETOID in NPF_IoControl() - the new BIOC ioctl would be handled in NPF_IoControl().
(And, of course, do the appropriate MP locking.)
The monitor mode count might not be necessary, if you can enumerate all the NPF instances for an interface - the count is just the number of instances that have the monitor mode flag set.
Doing it in the driver means that if a program doing monitor-mode capturing terminates abruptly, so that no user-mode code gets to do any cleanup, the mode can still get reset.

Linked list in Linux kernel freezes machine

I wrote a kernel module that needs to push messages to user space. The idea is that the kernel module buffers the message and signals the user space program, then the user space program goes and gets the message by requesting it over a netlink socket. My problem is that after buffering 90 messages, the machine locks and I need to restart. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, and I'm using linked lists elsewhere in the kernel module successfully.
// A message from the kernel space to user space.
typedef struct CoreLinkMessage
unsigned int id;
char* data;
unsigned int length;
struct list_head list; // kernel's list structure
} CoreLinkMessage;
This function initializes the list and semaphore:
// Constructor
ctsRtNetlinkSystem_init( void )
sema_init(&cmd_sem_, 1);
This is the function that must be causing the problem. It simply pushes an item on to the tail of the linked list. If I comment out adding items to the linked list and only call a signal, the program runs indefinitely, so I don't think the problem is the signaling.
// Allows the kernel module to buffer messages until requested by
// the user space
ctsRtNetlinkSystem_addMessage(char* data, unsigned int length)
CoreLinkMessage* msg;
int sem_ret;
BOOL doSignal = FALSE;
// LOCK the semaphore
sem_ret = down_interruptible(&cmd_sem_);
if ( !sem_ret )
msg = (CoreLinkMessage*)kmalloc(sizeof(CoreLinkMessage), GFP_KERNEL );
if ( msg == NULL )
"ctsRtNetlinkSystem_addMessage failed to allocate memory! \n" );
goto unlock;
memset( msg, 0, sizeof(CoreLinkMessage) );
msg->data = (char*)kmalloc( length, GFP_KERNEL );
if ( msg->data == NULL )
kfree( msg );
"ctsRtNetlinkSystem_addMessage failed to allocate data memory!\n" );
goto unlock;
memcpy( msg->data, data, length );
msg->length = length;
lastMessageId_ += 1;
msg->id = lastMessageId_;
list_add_tail(&(msg->list), &cmd_list_.list);
doSignal = TRUE;
up( &cmd_sem_ );
if ( doSignal )
sendMessageSignal( msg->id );
"CtsRtNetlinkSystem_addMessage -- failed to get semaphore\n" );
// Signal the user space that a message is waiting. Pass along the message
// id
static BOOL
sendMessageSignal( unsigned int id )
int ret;
struct siginfo info;
struct task_struct *t;
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct siginfo));
info.si_signo = SIGNAL_MESSAGE;
info.si_code = SI_QUEUE; // this is bit of a trickery:
// SI_QUEUE is normally used by sigqueue
// from user space,
// and kernel space should use SI_KERNEL.
// But if SI_KERNEL is used the real_time data
// is not delivered to the user space signal
// handler function.
// tell the user space application the index of the message
// real time signals may have 32 bits of data.
info.si_int = id;
//find the task_struct associated with this pid
t = // find_task_by_pid_type( PIDTYPE_PID, registeredPid_ );
// find_task_by_pid_type_ns(PIDTYPE_PID, nr, &init_pid_ns);
pid_task(find_vpid(registeredPid_), PIDTYPE_PID);
if(t == NULL)
"CtsRtNetlinkSystem::sendMessageSignal -- no such pid\n");
registeredPid_ = 0;
return FALSE;
//send the signal
ret = send_sig_info(SIGNAL_MESSAGE, &info, t);
if (ret < 0)
"CtsRtNetlinkSystem::sendMessageSignal -- \n"
"\t error sending signal %d \n", ret );
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
I'm currently testing the program on a VM, so I created a timer that ticks every 7 seconds and adds a message to the buffer.
// Create a timer to call the process thread
// with nanosecond resolution.
static void
&processTimer_, // instance of process timer
CLOCK_MONOTONIC, // Pick a specific clock. CLOCK_MONOTONIC is
// guaranteed to move forward, no matter what.
// It's akin to jiffies tick count
// CLOCK_REALTIME matches the current real-world time
processTimer_.function = &cyclic_task;
processTimerNs_ = ktime_set(1, FREQUENCY_NSEC);
// Start the timer. It will callback the .function
// when the timer expires.
&processTimer_, // instance of process timer
processTimerNs_, // time, nanosecconds
HRTIMER_MODE_REL ); // HRTIMER_REL indicates that time should be
// interpreted relative
// HRTIMER_ABS indicates time is an
// absolute value
static enum hrtimer_restart
cyclic_task(struct hrtimer* timer)
char msg[255];
sprintf(msg, "%s", "Testing the buffer.");
ctsRtNetlink_send( &msg[0], strlen(msg) );
processTimerNs_ );
Thanks in advance for any help.
Though your code flow is not very clear from the question, I feel the list addition may not be the problem. You must have the list handling elsewhere, where you must be removing the messages from the list etc. I suspect some sort of a deadlock situation somewhere between your list addition and removal etc. Also, check the place where you are copying the messages to the userspace and removing from the list and freeing it up. I suppose, you are not trying to directly referring your mesg from userspace as one of the commentator suggested above.
memset( msg, 0, sizeof(CoreLinkMessage) );
if ( msg == NULL )
These two lines has to reverse its order else, if alloc has failed your system is doomed.
Using GFP_ATOMIC instead of GFP_KERNEL for kmalloc solved the problem. Three days of run-time so far, and no crashing. I suspect one cannot sleep in a thread triggered by an hrtimer.
msg = (CoreLinkMessage*)kmalloc(sizeof(CoreLinkMessage), GFP_ATOMIC );
Thanks everyone for your insights!
Insufficient memory allocated
Be sure to allocate enough memory for the string length + 1 to store it's terminator.
In sending, an length + 1 may be needed.
// ctsRtNetlink_send( &msg[0], strlen(msg) );
ctsRtNetlink_send( &msg[0], strlen(msg) + 1); // +1 for \0

Creating an asynchronous "ReadFileMany()" on top of ReadFile()

I'm trying to make a function, ReadFileMany, which imitates ReadFile's interface, which is given a list of (offset, length) pairs to read from, and which reads all portions of the file asynchronously.
I'm doing this inside ReadFileMany by using RegisterWaitForSingleObject to direct a thread pool thread to wait for I/O to complete, so that it can call ReadFile again to read the next portion of the file, etc.
The trouble I'm running into is that I can't seem to be able to mimic a certain behavior of ReadFile.
Specifically, file handles can themselves be used like events, without the need for an event handle:
OVERLAPPED ov = {0};
if (ReadFile(hFile, buf, buf_size, &nw, &ov))
if (WaitForSingleObject(hFile, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
but of course, if the user waits on a file handle, he might get a notification that an intermediate read has complete, rather than the final read.
So, inside ReadFileMany, I have no choice but to pass an hEvent parameter to ReadFile for all but the last portion.
The question is, is there any way to still allow the user to wait for the file handle to become signaled when all the portions have been read?
At first the answer seems obvious: just avoid passing an event handle when reading the last portion!
That works fine if the read will be successful, but not if there are errors. If ReadFile starts suddenly returning an error on the last read, I will need to set the file handle to a signaled state manually in order to allow the reader to wake up from his potential call to WaitForSingleObject(hFile).
But there seems to be no way to set a file handle to a signaled state without performing actual I/O... so this is where I get stuck: is there any way for me to write this function so that it behaves like ReadFile on the outside, or is it impossible to do it correctly?
Assuming you are trying to read multiple sections of a single file, I would simply allocate an array of OVERLAPPED structures, one for each requested section of the file, kick off all of the ReadFile() calls at one time, and then use WaitForMultipleObjects() to wait for all of the I/Os to finish, eg:
struct sReadInfo
LPVOID pBuffer;
DWORD dwNumBytes;
DWORD dwNumBytesRead;
bool bPending;
memset(&ov, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
pBuffer = NULL;
dwNumBytes = 0;
dwNumBytesRead = 0;
bPending = false;
ov.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (!ov.hEvent) throw std::exception();
bool error = false;
std::vector<sReadInfo> ri(numSections);
std::vector<HANDLE> h;
for(int i = 0; i < numSections; ++i)
ul.QuadPart = ...; // desired file offset to read from
sReadInfo *r = &ri[i];
r->ov.Offset = ul.LowPart;
r->ov.OffsetHigh = ul.HighPart;
r->pBuffer = ...; // desired buffer to read into
r->dwNumBytes = ...; // desired number of bytes to read
if (!ReadFile(hFile, r->pBuffer, r->dwNumBytes, &r->dwNumBytesRead, &r->ov))
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
throw std::exception();
r->bPending = true;
if (!h.empty())
if (WaitForMultipleObjects(h.size(), &h[0], TRUE, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
throw std::exception();
for (int i = 0; i < numSections; ++i)
sReadInfo *r = &ri[i];
if (r->bPending)
GetOverlappedResult(hFile, &r->ov, &r->dwNumBytesRead, FALSE);
// ...
catch (const std::exception &)
return false;
return true;

asynchronous serial port communication in windows in c

I am getting an error when I try to run a c file which does some basic writes to a serial port. I am trying to run it asynchronously because the writes sometimes take a long time to transfer. My original version had it running synchronously with WriteFile() commands which worked fine. I am new to using OVERLAPPED and would appreciate and input concerning it.
The error I am getting is:
Debug Assertion Failed!
<path to dbgheap.c>
Line: 1317
Expression: _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData)
when the second write function is called.
In main:
//initialized port (with overlapped), DBC, and timeouts
result = write_port(outPortHandle, 128);
result = write_port(outPortHandle, 131);
static void CALLBACK write_compl(DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) {
//write completed. check for errors? if so throw an exception maybe?
printf("write completed--and made it to callback function\n");
int write_port(HANDLE hComm,BYTE* lpBuf) {
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0};
// Create this write operation's OVERLAPPED structure's hEvent.
osWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osWrite.hEvent == NULL)
// error creating overlapped event handle
return 0;
// Issue write.
if (!WriteFileEx(hComm, &lpBuf, 1, &osWrite, &write_compl )) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// WriteFile failed, but isn't delayed. Report error and abort.
printf("last error: %ld",GetLastError());
return 0; //failed, return false;
else {
// Write is pending.
WaitForSingleObjectEx(osWrite.hEvent, 50, TRUE); //50 ms timeout
return -1; //pending
else {
return 1; //finished
That was not the full code, sorry. I was using an array of BYTEs as well, not constants. But system("pause")'s were causing my debug assertion failed errors, and after carefully looking through my code, when the WriteFileEx() was successful, it was never setting an alert/timeout on the event in the overlapped structure, so the callback function would never get called. I fixed these problems though.
I just need help with the handling/accessing a single BYTE in a structure which is allocated when a ReadFileEx() function is called (for storing the BYTE that is read so it can be handled). I need to know how to access that BYTE storage using an offset and make the overlapped structure null. Would making the overlapped structure null be as simple as setting the handle in it to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE?
I think you have a couple of issues:
You are passing an integer as a pointer (your compiler should warn against this or preferably refuse to compile the code):
result = write_port(outPortHandle, 128);
Compare this to the definition of write_port:
int write_port(HANDLE hComm,BYTE* lpBuf) {
The above statements doesn't match. Later on you then pass a pointer to the lpBuf pointer to the WriteFileEx function by taking the address of the BYTE* -> "&lpBuf". This will not result in what you think it will do.
Even if you fix this, you will still have potential lifetime issues whenever the write is successfully queued but won't complete within the 50 ms timeout.
When using overlapped I/O, you need to make sure that the read/write buffer and the overlapped structure remain valid until the I/O is completed, cancelled or the associated device is closed. In your code above you use a pointer to an OVERLAPPED struct that lives on the stack in your call to WriteFileEx. If WriteFileEx does not complete within 50 ms, the pending I/O will have a reference to a non-existing OVERLAPPED struct and you will (hopefully) have an access violation (or worse, silently corrupted stack data somewhere in your app).
The canonical way of handling these lifetime issues (if performance is not a big issue), is to use a custom struct that includes an OVERLAPPED struct and some storage for the data to be read/written. Allocate the struct when posting the write and deallocate the struct from the I/O completion routine. Pass the address of the included OVERLAPPED struct to WriteFileEx, and use e.g. offsetof to get the address to the custom struct from the OVERLAPPED address in the completion routine.
Also note that WriteFileEx does not actually use the hEvent member, IIRC.
EDIT: Added code sample, please note:
I haven't actually tried to compile the code, there might be typos or other problems with the code.
It's not the most efficient way of sending data (allocating/deallocating a memory block for each byte that is sent). It should be easy to improve, though.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <windows.h>
// ...
typedef struct _MYOVERLAPPED
BYTE buffer;
// ...
static void CALLBACK write_compl(DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped)
if (NULL == lpOverlapped)
assert(!"Should never happen");
LPBYTE pOlAsBytes = (LPBYTE)lpOverlapped;
LPBYTE pMyOlAsBytes = pOlAsBytes - offsetof(MYOVERLAPPED, ol);
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErrorCode) &&
(sizeof(BYTE) == dwNumberOfBytesTransfered))
printf("written %uc\n", pMyOl->buffer);
// handle error
int write_port(HANDLE hComm, BYTE byte) {
ZeroMemory(pMyOl, sizeof(MYOVERLAPPED));
pMyOl->buffer = byte;
// Issue write.
if (!WriteFileEx(hComm, &pMyOl->buffer, sizeof(BYTE), pMyOl, &write_compl )) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// WriteFile failed, but isn't delayed. Report error and abort.
printf("last error: %ld",GetLastError());
return 0; //failed, return false;
else {
return -1; //pending
else {
return 1; //finished
result = write_port(outPortHandle, 128);
result = write_port(outPortHandle, 131);
The lpBuf argument have to be pointers to buffers, not constants.
char buffer;
buffer = 128;
result = write_port(outPortHandle, &buffer);
buffer = 131;
result = write_port(outPortHandle, &buffer);
What you really want to do is also pass a buffer length.
char buffer[] = { 128, 131 };
result = write_port(outPortHandle, &buffer, sizeof(buffer));
int write_port(HANDLE hComm,BYTE* lpBuf, size_t length) {
// Issue write.
if (!WriteFileEx(hComm, &lpBuf, length, &osWrite, &write_compl )) {
