Navigate to settings screen when location is off in Codenameone - codenameone

I want to navigate to Settings screen from my app when the location of the device is off.I did this in android,but i want to do it using CodenameOne. How can i able to achieve this in CodenameOne without using native interfaces.

That's something that only exists in Android and is not as commonly used now-days. Location is always on for modern Android devices since even if you turn off the GPS network location still works.


Codename One, Possible to access photos without using Display.getInstance().openGallery()?

Is there are way for codenameone apps to access the images stored on the device programmatically and not using Display.getInstance().openGallery().
I want to construct my own gui for selecting images.
No. You can access these files as read only in a device specific way using native interfaces. Historically this wasn't possible technically in iOS and it was only possible to launch a picker UI to view the content of the camera roll.
For iOS the Photo's native API can be used
It would require wrapping that with a native interface which is non-trivial

Get gps provider setting mode

How can I get the gps location method?
The image shows gps only is selected in the location setting. Is there any way I can get this setting in cn1?
Code in cn1:
Location locationn = LocationManager.getLocationManager().getCurrentLocation();
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but isGPSEnabled() is available in LocationManager. Notice it might throw a runtime exception on unsupported platforms.
You can use native interfaces if it's exposed to Android native but since it's Android specific it's not really a part of the API.
Notice the Location class provides getAccuracy() if that helps.

Codename one:UI gets change for android and IOS

I have developed my app using codename one.User Interface of my application looks different in Android and IOS.Some textboxes size gets change .Images looks different in android and IOS .Every thing should display same and properly for all OS.What should I do for that?
Thanks in advance
That is intentional:
You need to override the elements that look different, you can install an Android simulator and preview in both Android and iOS to get the desired result. You can also switch the mode of the designer tool to display the UI as it would appear on an Android device.

Handle rtl/ltr in react native apps

I have a react-native app that I tested on a virtual device on my pc.
When I tried it on my phone I noticed that the direction is not set and that it is inheriting it from the device.
I couldn't find anything online regarding how to set the direction of the app.
How can I do it?

Ionic Offline MAP

I am working on a hybrid mobile app using ionic. I have developed all feature of app but One of the features I need is offline google map. I want to get lattitude and longitude of user when there was no internet and after reaching in interent zone it threw data using web API.
Is there a way how to do it? I want it for Android and Ios both.
If your issue is only getting the user location, that can be done with no need for internet. Instead, you can use GPS to get the location, and that can be specified by some options when you are getting the location, depending on what library you are using.
