ReactJS component vendors - reactjs

Are there big vendors like Telerik, Infragistics, Devexpress offering widgets (Grid, Chart, Combo-box, etc..) written in ReactJS (not wrapping their existing jQuery widgets) ?
Best Regards

You could use some open source projects like Material-UI, React-Toolbox, Essence, Belle, Grommet,Ant Design of React and Elemental-UI
and React-Bootstap


AnyChart intersection labels for Venn diagram in React

In the documentation, under Quick Start, there is a way to configure the labels of intersection
How to add the label in the intersection in the following React component?
Codesandbox link:
The anychart-react library is a great choice for quickly creating charts. However, its configuration is limited.
In your example, the label is visible by default.
If you want to achieve more advanced settings like intersection formatting, consider using vanilla JS modules that will be embedded in your React application.
Feel free to experiment with an example of connecting your react app to anychart standalone modules.

Integrate React with Freemarker templates

I work on a large project built on Magnolia CMS and FreeMarker templates and I want to add React to it. Is it possible to integrate React components and grow gradually until the whole project is React based? I looked for this information but the resources are quite limited in this area.
Have you had a look at this one?
Basically, you can do the mapping between Reach and Magnolia components as described above.

How to add parsys in custom react component programatically?

I am trying to create a custom component in AEM's SPA editor for react. The custom component will only hold a parsys or a responsive-grid, where i can drag and drop components.
I can do it very easily in htl :
<sly data-sly-resource="${'parsys' # resourceType='foundation/components/parsys'}"></sly>
How can I implement it in react?
Adobe's reference implementation doesn't provide any solution for this though it provides Layout Container. I've gone through adobe's example and many others on internet, also checked the adobe experience league, but nothing useful found so far.
Any idea or solution would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

projects using both angular material and kendo ui?

I am very curious to know whether anyone has tried to use both angular material (for angular 1.x) and kendo ui components in the same project, and if so, then:
what were the conflicts, if any, they experienced with respect to css and/or javascript, and
because both libraries have a certain amount of cross-over in terms of similar components, what was your thought process when determining which library to use for a component?
While kendo-ui does have a few "material" based themes, I don't see them following the google material design spec nearly as close as angular-material does.
I am also using both, Kendo und Material Design, in my desktop client project.
I use Material Design for the general website structure
navigation, etc.
and Kendo UI components
forms, etc.
for everything else. I imported CSS declarations from both.
The only component I use from Material Design is the Snackbar as I think it works better with the common workflow of desktop applications.
So far i have not experienced any conflicts.

Choosing library for UI widgets for mobile app

I've been developing a mobile app with AngularJS and zeptoJS but the combination of those two is not providing any UI widgets
I've seen this topic: Is there a UI library for angularjs for use in a phonegap app?
but I'm looking for more answers ( really, LungoJS is the only answer? and I'm not going to use jQueryMobile. ). Are there any other light libraries ?
IonicFramework is a framework designed for exactly this purpose. Its fairly modern though. As such it doesn't have much in the way of backwards compatibility.
Angular Material (currently for 1.x only)
Material Design components for Angular 2
OnsenUI - "The answer to PhoneGap UI Developement"
React Native
NativeScript Angular
Mobile Angular UI lets you use Bootstrap 3 css stripped out of desktop related media queries and Angular.js to develop mobile apps fast.
Its purpose is to achieve the same of Jquery Mobile but using Bootstrap 3 for the UI and AngularJs in place of Jquery.
It provides also other essential mobile components that are not included in Bootstrap 3 like sidebars, scrollable areas, absolute positioned top and bottom navbars that don't bounce on scroll and more.
I also like TopCoat which is a CSS mobile/desktop framework that works well with Angular. See it in action with angular here: and the library at
Check my answer here where I resumed other options for UI frameworks as well as Pros and Cons.
Including kendo UI, phone.js, chocolate chip, steroids.
Custom CSS for Mobile development using Phonegap/Cordova
Top coat and bootstrap also nice ones as already mentioned.
Maybe reconsider jQueryMobile.
Quite a few months ago we started a new project and considered all of the options listed above for a client side framework. We were looking for a large set of mobile-optimized UI widgets. A widget catalog was more important to us than whether the framework provided an MV* architecture, so tools like AngularJS, MeteorJS and EmberJS were secondary. We found jQueryMobile as the best option for us. Bootstrap, Ionic, Kendo, Sensa, etc. didn't seem to have as many and varied out-of-the-box widgets specifically for mobile. The space of mobile tools is in transition, but so far I think we made the best decision for our use case.
