AnyChart intersection labels for Venn diagram in React - reactjs

In the documentation, under Quick Start, there is a way to configure the labels of intersection
How to add the label in the intersection in the following React component?
Codesandbox link:

The anychart-react library is a great choice for quickly creating charts. However, its configuration is limited.
In your example, the label is visible by default.
If you want to achieve more advanced settings like intersection formatting, consider using vanilla JS modules that will be embedded in your React application.
Feel free to experiment with an example of connecting your react app to anychart standalone modules.


Suggestions for Rendering Custom Drawn Shapes for React Web App

I am at the beginning of creating my own personal React Web App, and I would like to first start by creating a custom trapezoidal (Nothing too complex) shape to use all over the front page.
I researched many methods and libraries that could help (Konva, draw-shape-reactjs, etc.); however, I would like to ask for other opinions about what to use. I did see somewhere that React does not work well with HTML Canvas. So I'll avoid that, unless told otherwise.
If I should consider a simpler way to create such shapes with CSS on a React Framework, please let me know.

Integrate React with Freemarker templates

I work on a large project built on Magnolia CMS and FreeMarker templates and I want to add React to it. Is it possible to integrate React components and grow gradually until the whole project is React based? I looked for this information but the resources are quite limited in this area.
Have you had a look at this one?
Basically, you can do the mapping between Reach and Magnolia components as described above.

How to create custom cards (like adaptive cards) in botframework webchat using React.js?

I would like to create custom cards (like adaptive cards,hero card carousel model) in Botframework Webchat using Reactjs. Is it possible to create custom cards in webchat. If yes how can i achieve that. Any help would be really appreciated.
To use AdaptiveCards inside your own application, using any JS framework, the team behind cards made 3 packages available:
You can fully implement Adaptive Cards functionality in your own apps outside of any Microsoft environment.
The official guide around that can be found here:
Some further guides and examples can be found here: which shows a lot of sample cards a vscode extension
made with cards
There also are quite a few tools for various JS Frameworks like Vue.JS or React or Flutter. Also Webcomponents. You can find most of the tools here:

Polymer's Paper Elements & Angular Material

Please help me understand the following quotes from the Angular Material github and home page:
This project is in early pre-release. Angular Material is both a reference implementation of Material Design and a complementary effort to the Polymer project's Paper Elements collection.
The Angular Material Design project is a reference implementation effort similar to that provided in the Polymer project's Paper elements collection. This project provides a set of AngularJS UI elements that implement the material design system.
I understand that Polymer is a framework for web components, and that one piece of the project is the collection of paper elements. I do not understand how the two are related, or why Google is developing two strikingly similar, yet different projects.
Is angular material simply a port of Paper Elements to angular?
Are web developers to use Angular Material right alongside Paper Elements in their web apps?
Are the two eventually going to effectively become equivalent? (Angular Material being used by AngularJS developers & Paper Elements used by others?)
I think you should consider the fact that web components, polymer, material design, paper elements and angular are 5 distinct 'things'.
Web components is a group of 4 standards.
Polymer is a sugar syntax api on top of web components + some nice additional features.
Material Design is the latest style and interaction guide Google has announced and they are
replicating more consistently across all their interfaces..web/mobile/etc.
Paper Elements are just an implementation of material design using Polymer. At the ChromeDev Summit Polymer team commented they plan to move paper elements into its own domain to avoid the confusion. Same things about the polyfills, these have been moved to
Angular is a library with a much wider scope than polymer.
Angular Material is just another implementation of material design using Angular.
My point being...material design will be reimplemented in as many flavors Google has to generate interfaces.
Google has a history of competing projects. But Angular's team has announced they will be using web components as well in their 2.0 version which is on the works right now. Will they use polymer to create directives? who knows? maybe..
From the recent ng-conf 2015 announcements it's clear that Angular 2.0 will have a new syntax and implementation to write Web Components spec based Custom Components (Directives).
Also, Angular-Material team has announced that post 1.0, they'll be porting it to Angular 2.0.
Hence, integration of Angular-Material and Polymer isn't in sight...Though, the good thing is that coz they're both based on Web Component Spec, they play well together, meaning that either can be used in an Angular App...

Amazing Slider and Angular JS

I am trying to find a solution for an image slider such as Amazing Slider and how to integrate it in my e-commerce web-app which I have developed using Angular JS. I want to have features such as lightbox and a slider with thumbnails underneath, and also video integration. I know its a lot to ask but its a shame that this very strong framework lacks (to my knowledge) a proper image viewer. Has anyone tried this integration before? Are there any other solutions. After doing a google search all I found is bootstrap UI and a gist for lightbox. But these are not anywhere near of what I am asking for. Please advise.
The reason AngularJS does not have such an inbuilt facility is that AngularJS was not meant to address such things. Its an application framework. It is not meant to be a UI framework.
Having said that, I am assuming you have the images you want to render in some sort of collection in AngularJS. So you can just write a very simple directive which will take your collection as a ng-model and render the slider for you. This allows you to reuse this component in multiple places in your app.
If you have only one place in your app that you need the slider, then just a simple ng-repeat will suffice.
