Convert working VueJS component to ReactJS - reactjs

I have a Vue component that works just fine. Now I'm trying to convert that code to ReactJS equivalent. My attempt on React
var ticksArray = Array.apply(null, {length: 27}).map(, Number);
export default class Timer extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
dragging: false
this.setState({dragging : true});
this.setState({dragging : false});
xDirection : this.state.oldX < e.pageX ? 'right' : 'left',
yDirection: this.state.xDirection === 'left' ? 'down' : 'up'
if(this.state.yDirection === 'up' && this.state.angle + 2 <=
this.setState({angle:this.state.angle += 2})
else if(this.state.yDirection === 'down' && this.state.angle - 2 >=
this.setState({angle:this.state.angle -= 2})
return {
return (Math.round(this.state.angle / 10) + 1);
return Math.round((this.state.angle/270)*100) + '%'
render() {
var tickDivs = {
return (
<div key={item} className="tick"></div>
return (
<div id="timer">
<div className="knob-surround">
<div className="knob"></div>
<span className="min">Min</span>
<span className="max">Max</span>
<div className="ticks" className="n <= activeTicks ?
'activetick' : ''">
It's not working. I'm missing something. I'm assuming the problem lies in this code bit.
<div className="ticks" className="n <= activeTicks ?
'activetick' : ''">
Please help fix this.

Add this here instead of comment:
React uses the following syntax:
className={n <= activeTicks ? 'activetick' : ''}
In componentDidMount you assign handlers in a wrong way, should be like:
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseup)
Note here that handler is not a part of your state. And the corresponding definition of the handler:
private onMouseup = () => {...}
The reason to store reference for the event handler instead of having class method - see in #3
Do not forget to unsubscribe your event handlers in componentWillUnmount like this:
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseup);
Here is an example working without using arrow functions:


ternary operator not working in map function react

I am mapping through an array of objects, some of the images are broken so I created a function to check the image which returns true or false and if false then use a placeholder image.
However I am getting an error and I think its because I am using a ternary operator inside the map function. Any ideas?
public renderProfile() {
// Grabs the array of objects
const profiles = this.state.profiles;
// Renders the selected profile
const renderProfiles = profiles.splice(0, this.props.postCount).map(profile => (
this.checkImageUrl(profile.imgUrl) ? profile.imgUrl : profile.imgUrl = '';
<div key={shortid.generate()} className={styles.linkedInContainer}>
> { profile.imgUrl &&
<img className={styles.linkedInHeroImage } src={ profile.imgUrl } />
activity={`Likes: ${profile.likeCount}`}
people={[{ name: 'Read more on linkedIn', profileImageSrc: profile.imgUrl ? profile.imgUrl : '' }]}
return renderProfiles;
This is braking it:
this.checkImageUrl(profile.imgUrl) ? profile.imgUrl : profile.imgUrl = '';
[15:43:22] Error - [tsc] src/webparts/linkedIn/components/LinkedIn.tsx(143,157): error TS1005: ')' expected.
[15:43:22] Error - [tsc] src/webparts/linkedIn/components/LinkedIn.tsx(163,5): error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
[15:43:22] Error - [tsc] src/webparts/linkedIn/components/LinkedIn.tsx(163,6): error TS1128: Declaration or statement expected.
Check image function:
// Checks linkedIn images for broken ones
private checkImageUrl(url) {
var lastPart = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('=') + 1);
if (lastPart === "image") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} - This proves the check url function is working
On this line,
const renderProfiles = profiles.splice(0, this.props.postCount).map(profile => (
You start the function passed to .map() with a (.
JavaScript will interpret anything that comes after it as the return value of the function.
Since your function has another statement inside of it, this will cause an error.
You should change it as follow:
const renderProfiles = profiles.splice(0, this.props.postCount).map(profile => {
this.checkImageUrl(profile.imgUrl) ? profile.imgUrl : selectedProfile.imgUrl = '';
return (
<div key={shortid.generate()} className={styles.linkedInContainer}>
> { profile.imgUrl &&
<img className={styles.linkedInHeroImage } src={ profile.imgUrl } />
activity={`Likes: ${profile.likeCount}`}
people={[{ name: 'Read more on linkedIn', profileImageSrc: profile.imgUrl ? profile.imgUrl : '' }]}

How to use conditional to generate element on the page

for (var k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
if (k % 2 === 0) {
weatherText = <div className="in_break">
weatherText += <div className="eachD" key={k}>
countIt === 0 ? (currDate.getHours() > 12 ? "Tonight" : "Today") : dayOfWeek[weekDay]
<ReturnIcon />
if (k % 2 === 0) {
weatherText += </div>
What I am looking to do is group all the eachD by two inside the `in_break' div
But I keep getting:
Parsing error: Unexpected token 'weatherText = </div>'
This is the layout:
Please help me resolve my issue
I hope this find it's way to your demand:
setWeatherTextItems = (countId, currDate, dayOfWeek, weekDay, getDate) => {
// you make sure all the variables such like countId and currDate are available inside this function.
const items = [];
for (var k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
<div className="eachD" key={k}>
{countIt === 0
? currDate.getHours() > 12
? "Tonight"
: "Today"
: dayOfWeek[weekDay]}
<div>{<ReturnIcon />}</div>
return items;
renderInBreak = () => {
const items = this.setWeatherTextItems();
const inBreakItems = [];
let breakBlock = [];
let newBreak = false;
items.forEach((textItem, index) => { //1
if(!newBreak) {
if(index + 1 === items.length){
} else {
breakBlock = [];
//without this condition check, the last element will be left out of an odd array length
if(index + 1 === items.length) {
if(index % 2) newBreak = true; //false
else newBreak = false; //false
return => (
<div className="in_break">
React is supposed to handle things differently, maybe this will work:
Define a method in your component that will set your items:
setWeatherTextItems = (countId, currDate, dayOfWeek, weekDay, getDate) => {
// you make sure all the variables such like countId and currDate are available inside this function.
const items = [];
for (var k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
<div className="eachD" key={k}>
{countIt === 0
? currDate.getHours() > 12
? "Tonight"
: "Today"
: dayOfWeek[weekDay]}
<div>{<ReturnIcon />}</div>
return items;
in your render method, or where you are willing to render these items:
<div className="in_break">{this.setWeatherTextItems()}</div>
Read more about how to render things in a loop.
You can add the conditions you want inside the for loop, or where it makes sense to you.
Not sure if the logic would work in a react environment but as far as I can see from your plain code when you are going to add the 'in_break' div aren't you just assigning the whole whetherText again instead of joining text to it?
Shouldn't this:
if (k % 2 === 0) {
weatherText = </div>
be written like this?
if (k % 2 === 0) {
weatherText += </div>
Edit following the typo correction:
I tried to run your code on codepen to have a quicker and easier understanding on how to find a solution.
I created an helper function with your code then I returned
<div className="Container" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: weatherText}}></div>
This enables you to have the result you are looking for. Only the even elements have the 'in_break' class.
Hope this helped and let me know if this is not correct.

ReactJS: create DOM on the fly

How to transform this:
{dataFormat: 'hello my [friend=]'}
to this:
hello my <a onClick={...} href="">friend</a>
I need to somehow be able to scan a string and create links on the fly. Any idea?
The dataFormat can contain more than one link with unknown order between "regular" text and links.
Ended up using regex which did the job.
renderSpan(content) {
return <span>
renderLink(content) {
const parts = content
.replace(/\[|\]/g, '')
return <a style={ } onClick={ alert }>
renderFormat() {
let { dataFormat } = this.state;
const regex = /(\[[^\]]+])*([^\[]+)(\[[^\]]+])*(\[[^\]]+])*([^\[]+)(\[[^\]]+])*(\[[^\]]+])*([^\[]+)(\[[^\]]+])*/;
const matches = regex.exec(dataFormat);
return matches.reduce((output, match, index) => {
if (match && index >= 2) {
output.push(match.indexOf('[') >= 0 ?
this.renderLink(match) :
return output;
}, []);
I probably can improve the Regex expression though.

React onClick fires multiple times on load and doesn't contain callback function in component props

I believe I have two basic problems, which are probably connected. I'm trying to place an event handler with a callback function on a nested component. It didn't seem to be doing anything, so I replaced the callback function with an alert of JSON.stringify(this.props) to see if that would shed any light. It illuminated two problems: 1) my callback function was not in the props. 2) the alert popped up 2 times on page load, but did not pop up on click, like it was supposed to. I'm working through this React tutorial. Here are the relevant components:
var App = React.createClass({
mixins: [Catalyst.LinkedStateMixin],
getInitialState: function(){
return {
fishes: {},
order: {}
componentDidMount: function(){
base.syncState(this.props.params.storeId + '/fishes', {
context: this,
state: 'fishes'
var localStorageRef = localStorage.getItem('order-' + this.props.params.storeId);
order: JSON.parse(localStorageRef)
componentWillUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState){
localStorage.setItem('order-' + this.props.params.storeId, JSON.stringify(nextState.order));
loadSamples: function(){
fishes: require('./sample-fishes.js')
addFish: function(fish){
var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
this.state.fishes['fish-' + timestamp] = fish;
this.setState({ fishes: this.state.fishes });
removeFish: function(key){
if(confirm("Are you sure you want to remove this fish?")){
this.state.fishes[key] = null;
this.setState({ fishes: this.state.fishes });
addToOrder: function(key){
this.state.order[key] = this.state.order[key] + 1 || 1;
this.setState({ order: this.state.order });
// <<<<<<<< the function I'm having trouble with >>>>>>>>
removeFromOrder: function(key){
delete this.state.order[key];
this.setState({ order: this.state.order });
return <Fish key={key} index={key} details={this.state.fishes[key]} addToOrder={this.addToOrder}/>
render: function(){
return (
<div className="catch-of-the-day">
<div className="menu">
<Header tagline="Fresh Seafood Market"/>
<ul className="list-of-fish">
{/*{ Object.keys(this.state.fishes).map(this.renderFish) }*/}
{ Object.keys(this.state.fishes).length > 0 ? Object.keys(this.state.fishes).map(this.renderFish) : <li>No Fishes!</li> }
// <<<<<<<< I pass the function through to the Order component >>>>>>>>
<Order fishes={this.state.fishes} order={this.state.order} removeFromOrder={this.removeFromOrder}/>
<Inventory fishes={this.state.fishes} addFish={this.addFish} removeFish={this.removeFish} loadSamples={this.loadSamples} linkState={this.linkState}/>
var Order = React.createClass({
renderOrder: function(key){
var fish = this.props.fishes[key];
var count = this.props.order[key];
// <<<<<<<< the onClick I'm having trouble with >>>>>>>>
var removeButton = <button onCLick={this.props.removeFromOrder.bind(null, key)}>×</button>
// var removeButton = <button onCLick={alert(JSON.stringify(this.props))}>×</button>
if(!fish) {
return <li key={key}>Sorry, that fish is no longer available! {removeButton}</li>
// return <li key={key}>Sorry, that fish is no longer available!</li>
return (
<li key={key}>
{" " +}
<span className="price">{helpers.formatPrice(count * fish.price)} {removeButton}</span>
{/*<span className="price">{helpers.formatPrice(count * fish.price)}</span>*/}
render: function(){
var orderIds = Object.keys(this.props.order);
var total = orderIds.reduce((prevTotal, key)=>{
var fish = this.props.fishes[key];
var count = this.props.order[key];
var isAvailable = fish && fish.status === 'available';
if(isAvailable) {
return prevTotal + (count * parseInt(fish.price) || 0);
return prevTotal;
}, 0);
return (
<div className="order-wrap">
<h2 className="order-title">Your Order</h2>
<ul className="order">
{ orderIds.length > 0 ? : ""}
<li className="total">
The props for Order should include: the available fishes with all of their details, the current order with a fish id and quantity, and the removeFromOrder callback. When I explore the component in React dev tools, it has all of these things.
When I replace the removeFromOrder callback with an alert of the props, what happens is:
- on click, nothing
- on page refresh, two alerts pop up: the props in the first include the current order and an empty fishes array, the props in the second include the current order and the populated fishes array. Neither show the removeFromOrder callback function, which appears to be undefined from the perspective of the event listener.
On a potentially related note, when I explore the component in React dev tools and hover over a list item in the Order, I get the following error: TypeError: node.getBoundingClientRect is not a function. I'm not sure if this is part of my problem; if it's not, I'm not too concerned about it, since it only seems to pop up when I hover over the element in dev tools.
Thank you for reading this long thing, and any help would be much appreciated!
As #azium pointed out, the problem was a simple typo: onCLick={alert()} should instead be onClick={() => alert()}. Facepalm.

React, adding components in component

I started to learn React and I hit first wall.
I have a list component which should display a list of rows + button for adding a new row.
All is in those 2 gists:
The addRow method is executed on click, because I can see the console.log, but no InputRows are added.
Can't really see why.
This is a little updated (dirty) code which doesn't work either.
Now it's only one file:
var InputList = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
rowCount: 1
getClassNames: function () {
if (this.props.type === 'incomes') {
return 'col-md-4 ' + this.props.type;
} else if (this.props.type === 'expenses') {
return 'col-md-4 col-md-offset-1 ' + this.props.type;
addRow: function () {
this.state.rowCount = this.state.rowCount + 1;
render: function () {
var inputs = [];
for (var i=0;i<this.state.rowCount; i++) {
return (
<div className={ this.getClassNames() }>
{ (result) {
return <InputRow key={result} />;
<div className="row">
<button onClick={this.addRow} className="btn btn-success">Add more</button>
this.render() doesn't do anything. If you look at the function, it simply does some calculations and returns some data (the virtual dom nodes).
You should be using setState instead of directly modifying it. This is cleaner, and allows react to know something's changed.
addRow: function () {
this.setState({rowCount: this.state.rowCount + 1});
Don't store list of components in state.
Instead store the income row count and expense row count in state.
Use click handler to increment these counts.
Use render method to generate required rows based on count.
