For example I want to create 5 threads and print them. How do I make the fourth one execute before the second one? I tried locking it with a mutex, but I don't know how to make only the second one locked, so it gives me segmentation fault.
Normally, you define the order of operations, not the threads that do those operations. It may sound like a trivial distinction, but when you start implementing it, you'll see it makes for a major difference. It is also more efficient approach, because you don't think of the number of threads you need, but the number of operations or tasks to be done, and how many of them can be done in parallel, and how they might need to be ordered or sequenced.
For learning purposes, however, it might make sense to look at ordering threads instead.
The OP passes a pointer to a string for each worker thread function. That works, but is slightly odd; typically you pass an integer identifier instead:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#define ID_TO_POINTER(id) ((void *)((intptr_t)(id)))
#define POINTER_TO_ID(ptr) ((intptr_t)(ptr))
The conversion of the ID type -- which I assume to be a signed integer above, typically either an int or a long -- to a pointer is done via two casts. The first cast is to intptr_t type defined in <stdint.h> (which gets automatically included when you include <inttypes.h>), which is a signed integer type that can hold the value of any void pointer; the second cast is to a void pointer. The intermediate cast avoids a warning in case your ID is of an integer type that cannot be converted to/from a void pointer without potential loss of information (usually described in the warning as "of different size").
The simplest method of ordering POSIX threads, that is not that dissimilar to ordering operations or tasks or jobs, is to use a single mutex as a lock to protect the ID of the thread that should run next, and a related condition variable for threads to wait on, until their ID appears.
The one problem left, is to how to define the order. Typically, you'd simply increment or decrement the ID value -- decrementing means the threads would run in descending order of ID value, but the ID value of -1 (assuming you number your threads from 0 onwards) would always mean "all done", regardless of the number of threads used:
static pthread_mutex_t worker_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t worker_wait = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static int worker_id = /* number of threads - 1 */;
void *worker(void *dataptr)
const int id = POINTER_TO_ID(dataptr);
while (worker_id >= 0) {
if (worker_id == id) {
/* Do the work! */
printf("Worker %d running.\n", id);
/* Choose next worker */
/* Wait for someone else to broadcast on the condition. */
pthread_cond_wait(&worker_wait, &worker_lock);
/* All done; worker_id became negative.
We still hold the mutex; release it. */
return NULL;
Note that I didn't let the worker exit immediately after its task is done; this is because I wanted to expand the example a bit: let's say you want to define the order of operations in an array:
static pthread_mutex_t worker_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t worker_wait = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static int worker_order[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 1, 4, -1 };
static int *worker_idptr = worker_order;
void *worker(void *dataptr)
const int id = POINTER_TO_ID(dataptr);
while (*worker_idptr >= 0) {
if (*worker_idptr == id) {
/* Do the work! */
printf("Worker %d running.\n", id);
/* Choose next worker */
/* Wait for someone else to broadcast on the condition. */
pthread_cond_wait(&worker_wait, &worker_lock);
/* All done; worker_id became negative.
We still hold the mutex; release it. */
return NULL;
See how little changed?
Let's consider a third case: a separate thread, say the main thread, decides which thread will run next. In this case, we need two condition variables: one for the workers to wait on, and the other for the main thread to wait on.
static pthread_mutex_t worker_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t worker_wait = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t worker_done = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static int worker_id = 0;
void *worker(void *dataptr)
const int id = POINTER_TO_ID(dataptr);
while (worker_id >= 0) {
if (worker_id == id) {
/* Do the work! */
printf("Worker %d running.\n", id);
/* Notify we are done. Since there is only
one thread waiting on the _done condition,
we can use _signal instead of _broadcast. */
/* Wait for a change in the worker_id. */
pthread_cond_wait(&worker_wait, &worker_lock);
/* All done; worker_id became negative.
We still hold the mutex; release it. */
return NULL;
The thread that decides which worker should run first should hold the worker_lock mutex when the worker threads are created, then wait on the worker_done condition variable. When the first worker completes its task, it will signal on the worker_cone condition variable, and wait on the worker_wait condition variable. The decider thread should then change the worker_id to the next ID that should run, and broadcast on the worker_wait condition variable. This continues, until the decider thread sets worker_id to a negative value. For example:
int threads; /* number of threads to create */
pthread_t *ptids; /* already allocated for that many */
pthread_attr_t attrs;
int i, result;
/* Simple POSIX threads will work with 65536 bytes of stack
on all architectures -- actually, even half that. */
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attrs, 65536);
/* Hold the worker_lock. */
/* Create 'threads' threads. */
for (i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
result = pthread_create(&(ptids[i]), &attrs, worker, ID_TO_POINTER(i));
if (result) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create worker threads: %s.\n", strerror(result));
/* Thread attributes are no longer needed. */
while (1) {
TODO: Set worker_id to a new value, or
break when done.
/* Wake that worker */
/* Wait for that worker to complete */
pthread_cond_wait(&worker_done, &worker_lock);
/* Tell workers to exit */
worker_id = -1;
/* and reap the workers */
for (i = 0; i < threads; i++)
pthread_join(ptids[i], NULL);
There is a very important detail in all of the above examples, that may be hard to understand without a lot of practice: the way how mutexes and condition variables interact (if paired via pthread_cond_wait()).
When a thread calls pthread_cond_wait(), it will atomically release the specified mutex, and wait for new signals/broadcasts on the condition variable. "Atomic" means that there is no time inbetween the two; nothing can occur in between. The call returns when a signal or broadcast is received -- the difference is that a signal goes to only one, a random waiter; whereas a broadcast reaches all threads waiting on the condition variable --, and the thread acquires the lock. You can think of this as if the signal/broadcast first wakes up the thread, but the pthread_cond_wait() will only return when it re-acquires the mutex.
This behaviour is implicitly used in all of the examples above. In particular, you'll notice that the pthread_cond_signal()/pthread_cond_broadcast() is always done while holding the worker_lock mutex; this ensures that the other thread or threads wake up and get to act only after the worker_lock mutex is unlocked -- either explicitly, or by the holding thread waiting on a condition variable.
I thought I might draw a directed graph (using Graphviz) about the order of events and actions, but this "answer" is already too long. I do suggest you do it yourself -- perhaps on paper? -- as that kind of visualization has been very useful for myself when I was learning about all this stuff.
I do feel quite uncomfortable about the above scheme, I must admit. At any one time, only one thread is running, and that is basically wrong: any job where tasks should be done in a specific order, should only require one thread.
However, I showed the above examples in order for you (not just OP, but any C programmer interested in POSIX threads) to get more comfortable about how to use mutexes and condition variables.
I'm studying on condition variables of Pthread. When I'm reading the explanation of pthread_cond_signal, I see the following.
The pthread_cond_signal() function shall unblock at least one of
threads that are blocked on the specified condition variable cond (if
any threads are blocked on cond).
Till now I knew pthread_cond_signal() would make only one thread to wake up at a time. But, the quoted explanation says at least one. What does it mean? Can it make more than one thread wake up? If yes, why is there pthread_cond_broadcast()?
En passant, I wish the following code taken from UNIX Systems Programming book of Robbins is also related to my question. Is there any reason the author's pthread_cond_broadcast() usage instead of pthread_cond_signal() in waitbarrier function? As a minor point, why is !berror checking needed too as a part of the predicate? When I try both of them by changing, I cannot see any difference.
The program implements a thread-safe barrier by using condition variables. The limit
variable specifies how many threads must arrive at the barrier (execute the
waitbarrier) before the threads are released from the barrier.
The count variable specifies how many threads are currently waiting at the barrier.
Both variables are declared with the static attribute to force access through
initbarrier and waitbarrier. If successful, the initbarrier and waitbarrier
functions return 0. If unsuccessful, these functions return a nonzero error code.
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static pthread_cond_t bcond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t bmutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static int count = 0;
static int limit = 0;
int initbarrier(int n) { /* initialize the barrier to be size n */
int error;
if (error = pthread_mutex_lock(&bmutex)) /* couldn't lock, give up */
return error;
if (limit != 0) { /* barrier can only be initialized once */
return EINVAL;
limit = n;
return pthread_mutex_unlock(&bmutex);
int waitbarrier(void) { /* wait at the barrier until all n threads arrive */
int berror = 0;
int error;
if (error = pthread_mutex_lock(&bmutex)) /* couldn't lock, give up */
return error;
if (limit <= 0) { /* make sure barrier initialized */
return EINVAL;
while ((count < limit) && !berror)
berror = pthread_cond_wait(&bcond, &bmutex);
if (!berror) {
fprintf(stderr,"soner %d\n",
berror = pthread_cond_broadcast(&bcond); /* wake up everyone */
error = pthread_mutex_unlock(&bmutex);
if (berror)
return berror;
return error;
static void *printthread(void *arg) {
fprintf(stderr,"This is the first print of thread %d\n",
fprintf(stderr,"This is the second print of thread %d\n",
return NULL;
int main(void) {
pthread_t t0,t1,t2;
if (initbarrier(3)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error initilizing barrier\n");
return 1;
if (pthread_create(&t0,NULL,printthread,NULL))
fprintf(stderr,"Error creating thread 0.\n");
if (pthread_create(&t1,NULL,printthread,NULL))
fprintf(stderr,"Error creating thread 1.\n");
if (pthread_create(&t2,NULL,printthread,NULL))
fprintf(stderr,"Error creating thread 2.\n");
if (pthread_join(t0,NULL))
fprintf(stderr,"Error joining thread 0.\n");
if (pthread_join(t1,NULL))
fprintf(stderr,"Error joining thread 1.\n");
if (pthread_join(t2,NULL))
fprintf(stderr,"Error joining thread 2.\n");
fprintf(stderr,"All threads complete.\n");
return 0;
Due to spurious wake-ups pthread_cond_signal could wake up more than one thread.
Look for word "spurious" in pthread_cond_wait.c from glibc.
In waitbarrier it must wake up all threads when they all have arrived to that point, hence it uses pthread_cond_broadcast.
Can [pthread_cond_signal()] make more than one thread wake up?
That's not guaranteed. On some operating system, on some hardware platform, under some circumstances it could wake more than one thread. It is allowed to wake more than one thread because that gives the implementer more freedom to make it work in the most efficient way possible for any given hardware and OS.
It must wake at least one waiting thread, because otherwise, what would be the point of calling it?
But, if your applicaton needs a signal that is guaranteed to wake all of the waiting threads, then that is what pthread_cond_broadcast() is for.
Making efficient use of a multi-processor system is hard.,Shavit-_The_art_of_multiprocessor_programming.pdf
Most programming language and library standards allow similar freedoms in the behavior of multi-threaded programs, for the same reason: To allow programs to achieve high performance on a variety of different platforms.
So I'm trying to understand exactly how pthread_mutex_lock works.
My current understanding is that it unlocks the mutex and puts whatever thread is going though it to sleep. Sleep meaning that the thread is inactive and consuming no resources.
It then waits for a signal to go from asleep to blocked, meaning that the thread can no longer change any variables.
thread 1:
while (!condition){
printf("Thread wating.\n");
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);
printf("Thread awakened.\n");
So basically in the sample above, the loop runs and runs and each iteration pthread_cond_wait checks if the condition of the loop is true. If it is then the cond_signal is sent and the thread is blocked so it can't manipulate any more data.
I'm really having trouble wrapping my head around this, I'd appreciate some input and feedback about how this works and whether or not I am beginning to understand this based on what I have above.
I've gone over this post but am still having trouble
First, a summary:
If mutex is free, then this thread grabs it immediately.
If mutex is grabbed, then this thread waits until the mutex becomes free, and then grabs it.
If mutex is free, then this thread grabs it.
If mutex is grabbed, then the call returns immediately with EBUSY.
Releases mutex.
Wake up one thread waiting on the condition variable cond.
Wake up all threads waiting on the condition variable cond.
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex):
This must be called with mutex grabbed.
The calling thread will temporarily release mutex and wait on cond.
When cond is broadcast on, or signaled on and this thread happens to be the one woken up, then the calling thread will first re-grab the mutex, and then return from the call.
It is important to note that at all times, the calling thread either has mutex grabbed, or is waiting on cond. There is no interval in between.
Let's look at a practical, running example code. We'll create it along the lines of OP's code.
First, we'll use a structure to hold the parameters for each worker function. Since we'll want the mutex and the condition variable to be shared between threads, we'll use pointers.
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
/* Worker function work. */
struct work {
pthread_t thread_id;
pthread_mutex_t *lock; /* Pointer to the mutex to use */
pthread_cond_t *wait; /* Pointer to the condition variable to use */
volatile int *done; /* Pointer to the flag to check */
FILE *out; /* Stream to output to */
long id; /* Identity of this thread */
unsigned long count; /* Number of times this thread iterated. */
The thread worker function receives a pointer to the above structure. Each thread iterates the loop once, then waits on the condition variable. When woken up, if the done flag is still zero, the thread iterates the loop. Otherwise, the thread exits.
/* Example worker function. */
void *worker(void *workptr)
struct work *const work = workptr;
/* Loop as long as *done == 0: */
while (!*(work->done)) {
/* *(work->lock) is ours at this point. */
/* This is a new iteration. */
/* Do the work. */
fprintf(work->out, "Thread %ld iteration %lu\n", work->id, work->count);
/* Wait for wakeup. */
pthread_cond_wait(work->wait, work->lock);
/* *(work->lock) is still ours, but we've been told that all work is done already. */
/* Release the mutex and be done. */
return NULL;
To run the above, we'll need a main() as well:
#ifndef THREADS
#define THREADS 4
int main(void)
pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t wait = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
volatile int done = 0;
struct work w[THREADS];
char *line = NULL, *p;
size_t size = 0;
ssize_t len = 0;
unsigned long total;
pthread_attr_t attrs;
int i, err;
/* The worker functions require very little stack, but the default stack
size is huge. Limit that, to reduce the (virtual) memory use. */
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attrs, 2 * PTHREAD_STACK_MIN);
/* Grab the mutex so the threads will have to wait to grab it. */
/* Create THREADS worker threads. */
for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) {
/* All threads use the same mutex, condition variable, and done flag. */
w[i].lock = &lock;
w[i].wait = &wait;
w[i].done = &done;
/* All threads output to standard output. */
w[i].out = stdout;
/* The rest of the fields are thread-specific. */
w[i].id = i + 1;
w[i].count = 0;
err = pthread_create(&(w[i].thread_id), &attrs, worker, (void *)&(w[i]));
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create thread %d of %d: %s.\n", i+1, THREADS, strerror(errno));
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Exits the entire process, killing any other threads as well. */
fprintf(stderr, "The first character on each line controls the type of event:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " e, q exit\n");
fprintf(stderr, " s signal\n");
fprintf(stderr, " b broadcast\n");
/* Let each thread grab the mutex now. */
while (1) {
len = getline(&line, &size, stdin);
if (len < 1)
/* Find the first character on the line, ignoring leading whitespace. */
p = line;
while ((p < line + len) && (*p == '\0' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n' ||
*p == '\v' || *p == '\f' || *p == '\r' || *p == ' '))
/* Do the operation mentioned */
if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E' || *p == 'q' || *p == 'Q')
if (*p == 's' || *p == 'S')
if (*p == 'b' || *p == 'B')
/* It is time for the worker threads to be done. */
done = 1;
/* To ensure all threads see the state of that flag,
we wake up all threads by broadcasting on the condition variable. */
/* Reap all threds. */
for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++)
pthread_join(w[i].thread_id, NULL);
/* Output the thread statistics. */
total = 0;
for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) {
total += w[i].count;
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %ld: %lu events.\n", w[i].id, w[i].count);
fprintf(stderr, "Total: %lu events.\n", total);
If you save the above as example.c, you can compile it to example using e.g. gcc -Wall -O2 example.c -lpthread -o example.
To get the correct intuitive grasp of the operations, run the example in a terminal, with the source code in a window next to it, and see how the execution progresses as you provide input.
You can even run commands like printf '%s\n' s s s b q | ./example to run a sequence of events in a quick succession, or printf 's\ns\ns\nb\nq\n' | ./example with even less time in between events.
After some experimentation, you'll hopefully find out that not all input events cause their respective action. This is because the exit event (q above) is not synchronous: it does not wait for all pending work to be done, but tells the threads to exit right then and there. That is why the number of events may vary even for the exact same input.
(Also, if you signal on the condition variable, and immediately broadcast on it, the threads tend to only get woken up once.)
You can mitigate that by delaying the exit, using e.g. (printf '%s\n' s s b s s s ; sleep 1 ; printf 'q\n' ) | ./example.
However, there are better ways. A condition variable is not suitable for countable events; it is really flag-like. A semaphore would work better, but then you should be careful to not overflow the semaphore; it can only be from 0 to SEM_VALUE_MAX, inclusive. (So, you could use a semaphore to represent the number of pending job, but probably not for the number of iterations done by each/all thread workers.) A queue for the work to do, in thread pool fashion, is the most common approach.
pthread_cond_wait() simply means that the current thread shall release the mutex and then waits on a condition. The trick here is that both happens atomically, so it cannot happen, that the thread has released the mutex and is not yet waiting on the condition or is already waiting on the condition and has not yet released the mutex. Either both has happened or none has happened.
pthread_cond_signal() simply wakes up any thread that is currently waiting on the signaled condition. The first thing the woken up thread will do is obtaining the mutex again, if it cannot obtain it (e.g. as the signaling thread is currently owning the mutex), it will block until it can. If multiple threads are waiting on the condition, pthread_cond_signal() just wakes up one of them, which one is not defined. If you want to wake up all the waiting threads, you must use pthread_cond_broadcast() instead; but of course they won't run at the same time as now each of them first requires to obtain the mutex and that will only be possible one after another.
pthread_cond_t has no state. If you signal a condition no thread is waiting for, then nothing will happen. It's not like this will set a flag internally and if later on some thread calls pthread_cond_wait(), it will be woken up immediately as there is a pending signal. pthread_cond_signal() only wakes up threads that are already waiting, that means these threads must have called pthread_cond_wait() prior to you calling pthread_cond_signal().
Here's some simple sample code. First a reader thread:
// === Thread 1 ===
// We want to process an item from a list.
// To make sure the list is not altered by one
// thread while another thread is accessing it,
// it is protected by a mutex.
// Now nobody but us is allowed to access the list.
// But what if the list is empty?
while (list->count == 0) {
// As long as we hold the mutex, no other thread
// thread can add anything to the list. So we
// must release it. But we want to know as soon
// as another thread has changed it.
pthread_cond_wait(&listCondition, &listLock);
// When we get here, somebody has signaled the
// condition and we have the mutex again and
// thus are allowed to access the list. The list
// may however still be empty, as another thread
// may have already consumed the new item in case
// there are multiple readers and all are woken
// up, thus the while-loop. If the list is still
// empty, we just go back to sleep and wait again.
// If we get here, the list is not empty.
// Finally we release the mutex again.
And then a writer thread:
// === Thread 2 ===
// We want to add a new item to the list.
// To make sure that nobody is accessing the
// list while we do, we need to obtain the mutex.
// Now nobody but us is allowed to access the list.
// Check if the list is empty.
bool listWasEmpty = (list->count == 0);
// We add our item.
addListItem(list, newItem);
// If the list was empty, one or even multiple
// threads may be waiting for us adding an item.
// So we should wake them up here.
if (listWasEmpty) {
// If any thread is waiting for that condition,
// wake it up as now there is an item to process.
// Finally we must release the mutex again.
The code is written so that there can be any number of reader/writer threads. Signaling only if the list was empty (listWasEmpty) is just a performance optimization, the code would also work correctly if you always signal the condition after adding an item.
I'm doing a C application that reads and parses data from a set of sensors and, according to the readings of the senors, it turns on or off actuators.
For my application I will be using two threads, one to read and parse the data from the sensors and another one to act on the actuators. Obviously we may face the problem of one thread reading data from a certain variable while another one is trying to write on it. This is a sample code.
#include <pthread.h>
int sensor_values;
void* reads_from_sensor(){
//writes on sensor_values, while(1) loop
void* turns_on_or_off(){
//reads from sensor_values, while(1) loop
int main(){
pthread_t threads[2];
//code continues after
My question is how I can solve this issue, of a certain thread writing on a certain global variable while other thread is trying to read from it, at the same time. Thanks in advance.
OP wrote in the comments
The project is still in an alpha stage. I'll make sure I optimize it once it is done. #Pablo, the shared variable is sensor_values. reads_from_sensors write on it and turns_on_or_off reads from it.
sensor_value would be a float as it stores a value measured by a certain sensor. That value can either be voltage, temperature or humidity
In that case I'd use conditional variables using pthread_cond_wait and
pthread_cond_signal. With these functions you can synchronize threads
with each other.
The idea is that both threads get a pointer to a mutx, the condition variable
and the shared resource, whether you declared them a global or you pass them as
thread arguments, doesn't change the idea. In the code below I'm passing all
of these as thread arguments, because I don't like global variables.
The reading thread would lock the mutex and when it reads a new value of the
sensor, it writes the new value in the shared resource. Then it call
pthread_cond_signal to send a signal to the turning thread that a new value
arrived and that it can read from it.
The turning thread would also lock the mutex and execute pthread_cond_wait to
wait on the signal. The locking must be done in that way, because
pthread_cond_wait will release the lock and make the thread block until the
signal is sent:
man pthread_cond_wait
The pthread_cond_timedwait() and pthread_cond_wait() functions shall block on a condition variable. The application shall ensure that
these functions are called with mutex locked by the calling thread; otherwise, an error (for PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK and robust
mutexes) or undefined behavior (for other mutexes) results.
These functions atomically release mutex and cause the calling thread to block on the condition variable cond; atomically here means
atomically with respect to access by another thread to the mutex and then the condition variable. That is, if another thread is
able to acquire the mutex after the about-to-block thread has released it, then a subsequent call to pthread_cond_broadcast() or
pthread_cond_signal() in that thread shall behave as if it were issued after the about-to-block thread has blocked.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
struct thdata {
pthread_mutex_t *mutex;
pthread_cond_t *cond;
int *run;
float *sensor_value; // the shared resource
void *reads_from_sensors(void *tdata)
struct thdata *data = tdata;
int i = 0;
// read from sensor
*data->sensor_value = (rand() % 2000 - 1000) / 10.0;
// just for testing, send a singnal only every
// 3 reads
if((++i % 3) == 0)
printf("read: value == %f, sending signal\n", *data->sensor_value);
// sending signal so that other thread can
// exit
puts("read: bye");
void *turns_on_or_off (void *tdata)
struct thdata *data = tdata;
pthread_cond_wait(data->cond, data->mutex);
printf("turns: value read: %f\n\n", *data->sensor_value);
puts("turns: bye");
int main(void)
struct thdata thd[2];
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
// controlling vars
int run_rfs = 1;
int run_tof = 1;
float sensor_value;
thd[0].run = &run_rfs;
thd[1].run = &run_tof;
thd[0].mutex = &mutex;
thd[1].mutex = &mutex;
thd[0].cond = &cond;
thd[1].cond = &cond;
thd[0].sensor_value = &sensor_value;
thd[1].sensor_value = &sensor_value;
pthread_t th[2];
printf("Press ENTER to exit...\n");
pthread_create(th, NULL, reads_from_sensors, thd);
pthread_create(th + 1, NULL, turns_on_or_off, thd + 1);
puts("Stopping threads...");
run_rfs = 0;
run_tof = 0;
pthread_join(th[0], NULL);
pthread_join(th[1], NULL);
return 0;
$ ./a
Press ENTER to exit...
read: value == -99.500000, sending signal
turns: value read: -99.500000
read: value == -25.200001, sending signal
turns: value read: -25.200001
read: value == 53.799999, sending signal
turns: value read: 53.799999
read: value == 20.400000, sending signal
turns: value read: 20.400000
Stopping threads...
read: bye
turns: value read: 20.400000
turns: bye
Note that in the example I only send the signal every 3 seconds (and do a long
sleep(1)) for testing purposes, otherwise the terminal would overflow immediately
and you would have a hard time reading the output.
See also: understanding of pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_signal()
Your question is too generic. There are different multithread synchronization methods mutex, reader-writer locks, conditional variables and so on.
The easiest and most simple are mutex (mutual excluasion). They are pthread_mutex_t type variables. You first need to initialize them; you can do it in two ways:
assigning to the mutex variable the constant value PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
calling the funtion pthread_mutex_init
Then before reading or writing a shared variable you call the function int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); and after exited the critical section you must release the critical section by calling int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);.
If the resource is busy the lock will block the execution of your code until it gets released. If you want to avoid that take a look at int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);.
If your program has much more reads than writes on the same shared variable, take a look at the Reader-Writer locks.
I'm creating a multi-thread program in C and I've some troubles.
There you have the function which create the threads :
void create_thread(t_game_data *game_data)
size_t i;
t_args *args = malloc(sizeof(t_args));
i = 0;
args->game = game_data;
while (i < 10)
args->initialized = 0;
args->id = i;
printf("%zu CREATION\n", i);//TODO: Debug
pthread_create(&game_data->object[i]->thread_id, NULL, &do_action, args);
while (args->initialized == 0)
Here you have my args struct :
typedef struct s_args
t_game_data *object;
size_t id;
int initialized;
And finally, the function which handle the created threads
void *do_action(void *v_args)
t_args *args;
t_game_data *game;
size_t id;
args = v_args;
game = args->game;
id = args->id;
args->initialized = 1;
return (NULL);
The problem is :
The main thread will create new thread faster than the new thread can init his variables :
args = v_args;
game = args->game;
id = args->id;
So, sometime, 2 different threads will get same id from args->id.
To solve that, I use an variable initialized as a bool so make "sleep" the main thread during the new thread's initialization.
But I think that is really sinful.
Maybe there is a way to do that with a mutex? But I heard it wasn't "legal" to unlock a mutex which does not belong his thread.
Thanks for your answers!
The easiest solution to this problem would be to pass a different t_args object to each new thread. To do that, move the allocation inside the loop, and make each thread responsible for freeing its own argument struct:
void create_thread(t_game_data *game_data) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
t_args *args = malloc(sizeof(t_args));
if (!args) {
/* ... handle allocation error ... */
} else {
args->game = game_data;
args->id = i;
printf("%zu CREATION\n", i);//TODO: Debug
if (pthread_create(&game_data->object[i]->thread_id, NULL,
&do_action, args) != 0) {
// thread creation failed
// ...
// ...
void *do_action(void *v_args) {
t_args *args = v_args;
t_game_data *game = args->game;
size_t id = args->id;
args = v_args = NULL;
// ...
return (NULL);
But you also write:
To solve that, I use an variable initialized as a bool so make "sleep"
the main thread during the new thread's initialization.
But I think that is really sinful. Maybe there is a way to do that
with a mutex? But I heard it wasn't "legal" to unlock a mutex which
does not belong his thread.
If you nevertheless wanted one thread to wait for another thread to modify some data, as your original strategy requires, then you must employ either atomic data or some kind of synchronization object. Your code otherwise contains a data race, and therefore has undefined behavior. In practice, you cannot assume in your original code that the main thread will ever see the new thread's write to args->initialized. "Sinful" is an unusual way to describe that, but maybe appropriate if you belong to the Church of the Holy C.
You could solve that problem with a mutex by protecting just the test of args->initialized in your loop -- not the whole loop -- with a mutex, and protecting the threads' write to that object with the same mutex, but that's nasty and ugly. It would be far better to wait for the new thread to increment a semaphore (not a busy wait, and the initialized variable is replaced by the semaphore), or to set up and wait on a condition variable (again not a busy wait, but the initialized variable or an equivalent is still needed).
The problem is that in create_thread you are passing the same t_args structure to each thread. In reality, you probably want to create your own t_args structure for each thread.
What's happening is your 1st thread is starting up with the args passed to it. Before that thread can run do_action the loop is modifying the args structure. Since thread2 and thread1 will both be pointing to the same args structure, when they run do_action they will have the same id.
Oh, and don't forget to not leak your memory
Your solution should work in theory except for a couple of major problems.
The main thread will sit spinning in the while loop that checks the flag using CPU cycles (this is the least bad problem and can be OK if you know it won't have to wait long)
Compiler optimisers can get trigger happy with respect to empty loops. They are also often unaware that a variable may get modified by other threads and can make bad decisions on that basis.
On multi core systems, the main thread may never see the change to args->initiialzed or at least not until much later if the change is in the cache of another core that hasn't been flushed back to main memory yet.
You can use John Bollinger's solution that mallocs a new set of args for each thread and it is fine. The only down side is a malloc/free pair for each thread creation. The alternative is to use "proper" synchronisation functions like Santosh suggests. I would probably consider this except I would use a semaphore as being a bit simpler than a condition variable.
A semaphore is an atomic counter with two operations: wait and signal. The wait operation decrements the semaphore if its value is greater than zero, otherwise it puts the thread into a wait state. The signal operation increments the semaphore, unless there are threads waiting on it. If there are, it wakes one of the threads up.
The solution is therefore to create a semaphore with an initial value of 0, start the thread and wait on the semaphore. The thread then signals the semaphore when it is finished with the initialisation.
#include <semaphore.h>
// other stuff
sem_t semaphore;
void create_thread(t_game_data *game_data)
size_t i;
t_args args;
i = 0;
if (sem_init(&semaphore, 0, 0) == -1) // third arg is initial value
// error
} = game_data;
while (i < 10)
{ = i;
printf("%zu CREATION\n", i);//TODO: Debug
pthread_create(&game_data->object[i]->thread_id, NULL, &do_action, args);
void *do_action(void *v_args) {
t_args *args = v_args;
t_game_data *game = args->game;
size_t id = args->id;
// Rest of the thread work
return NULL;
Because of the synchronisation, I can reuse the args struct safely, in fact, I don't even need to malloc it - it's small so I declare it local to the function.
Having said all that, I still think John Bollinger's solution is better for this use-case but it's useful to be aware of semaphores generally.
You should consider using condition variable for this. You can find an example here
Basically wait in the main thread and signal in your other threads.
I am trying to write a code that does not block main() when pthread_join() is called:
i.e. basically trying to implement my previous question mentioned below:
And the corresponding explanation at:
pthreads - Join on group of threads, wait for one to exit
As per suggested answer:
You'd need to create your own version of it - e.g. an array of flags (one flag per thread) protected by a mutex and a condition variable; where just before "pthread_exit()" each thread acquires the mutex, sets its flag, then does "pthread_cond_signal()". The main thread waits for the signal, then checks the array of flags to determine which thread/s to join (there may be more than one thread to join by then).
I have tried as below:
My status array which keeps a track of which threads have finished:
typedef struct {
int Finish_Status[THREAD_NUM];
int signalled;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t FINISHED;
The thread routine, it sets the corresponding array element when the thread finishes and also signals the condition variable:
void* THREAD_ROUTINE(void* arg)
printf("Thread created with id %d\n",temp->id);
printf("Signal that thread %d finished\n",temp->id);
I am not able to write the corresponding parts pthread_join() and pthread_cond_wait() functions. There are a few things which I am not able to implement.
1) How to write corresponding part pthread_cond_wait() in my main()?
2) I am trying to write it as:
while((ThreadFinishStatus.signalled != TRUE){
pthread_cond_wait(&(ThreadFinishStatus.FINISHED), &(ThreadFinishStatus.mutex));
printf("Main Thread signalled\n");
ThreadFinishStatus.signalled==FALSE; //Reset signalled
//check which thread to join
But it does not enter the while loop.
3) How to use pthread_join() so that I can get the return value stored in my arg[i].returnStatus
i.e. where to put below statement in my main:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
#define THREAD_NUM 5
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
void waitFor (unsigned int secs) {
time_t retTime;
retTime = time(0) + secs; // Get finishing time.
while (time(0) < retTime); // Loop until it arrives.
typedef struct {
int Finish_Status[THREAD_NUM];
int signalled;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t FINISHED;
typedef struct {
int id;
void* returnStatus;
void initializeState(THREAD_FINISH_STATE* state)
int i=0;
void destroyState(THREAD_FINISH_STATE* state)
int i=0;
void* THREAD_ROUTINE(void* arg)
printf("Thread created with id %d\n",temp->id);
printf("Signal that thread %d finished\n",temp->id);
int main()
pthread_t T[THREAD_NUM];
int i=0;
Join only if signal received
while((ThreadFinishStatus.signalled != TRUE){
pthread_cond_wait(&(ThreadFinishStatus.FINISHED), &(ThreadFinishStatus.mutex));
printf("Main Thread signalled\n");
ThreadFinishStatus.signalled==FALSE; //Reset signalled
//check which thread to join
return 0;
Here is an example of a program that uses a counting semaphore to watch as threads finish, find out which thread it was, and review some result data from that thread. This program is efficient with locks - waiters are not spuriously woken up (notice how the threads only post to the semaphore after they've released the mutex protecting shared state).
This design allows the main program to process the result from some thread's computation immediately after the thread completes, and does not require the main wait for all threads to complete. This would be especially helpful if the running time of each thread varied by a significant amount.
Most importantly, this program does not deadlock nor race.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <queue>
void* ThreadEntry(void* args );
typedef struct {
int threadId;
pthread_t thread;
int threadResult;
} ThreadState;
sem_t completionSema;
pthread_mutex_t resultMutex;
std::queue<int> threadCompletions;
ThreadState* threadInfos;
int main() {
int numThreads = 10;
int* threadResults;
void* threadResult;
int doneThreadId;
sem_init( &completionSema, 0, 0 );
pthread_mutex_init( &resultMutex, 0 );
threadInfos = new ThreadState[numThreads];
for ( int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++ ) {
threadInfos[i].threadId = i;
pthread_create( &threadInfos[i].thread, NULL, &ThreadEntry, &threadInfos[i].threadId );
for ( int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++ ) {
// Wait for any one thread to complete; ie, wait for someone
// to queue to the threadCompletions queue.
sem_wait( &completionSema );
// Find out what was queued; queue is accessed from multiple threads,
// so protect with a vanilla mutex.
doneThreadId = threadCompletions.front();
// Announce which thread ID we saw finish
"Main saw TID %d finish\n\tThe thread's result was %d\n",
// pthread_join to clean up the thread.
pthread_join( threadInfos[doneThreadId].thread, &threadResult );
delete threadInfos;
pthread_mutex_destroy( &resultMutex );
sem_destroy( &completionSema );
void* ThreadEntry(void* args ) {
int threadId = *((int*)args);
printf("hello from thread %d\n", threadId );
// This can safely be accessed since each thread has its own space
// and array derefs are thread safe.
threadInfos[threadId].threadResult = rand() % 1000;
pthread_mutex_lock( &resultMutex );
threadCompletions.push( threadId );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &resultMutex );
sem_post( &completionSema );
return 0;
Pthread conditions don't have "memory"; pthread_cond_wait doesn't return if pthread_cond_signal is called before pthread_cond_wait, which is why it's important to check the predicate before calling pthread_cond_wait, and not call it if it's true. But that means the action, in this case "check which thread to join" should only depend on the predicate, not on whether pthread_cond_wait is called.
Also, you might want to make the while loop actually wait for all the threads to terminate, which you aren't doing now.
(Also, I think the other answer about "signalled==FALSE" being harmless is wrong, it's not harmless, because there's a pthread_cond_wait, and when that returns, signalled would have changed to true.)
So if I wanted to write a program that waited for all threads to terminate this way, it would look more like
// AllThreadsFinished would check that all of Finish_Status[] is true
// or something, or simpler, count the number of joins completed
while (!AllThreadsFinished()) {
// Wait, keeping in mind that the condition might already have been
// signalled, in which case it's too late to call pthread_cond_wait,
// but also keeping in mind that pthread_cond_wait can return spuriously,
// thus using a while loop
while (!ThreadFinishStatus.signalled) {
pthread_cond_wait(&(ThreadFinishStatus.FINISHED), &(ThreadFinishStatus.mutex));
printf("Main Thread signalled\n");
ThreadFinishStatus.signalled=FALSE; //Reset signalled
//check which thread to join
Your code is racy.
Suppose you start a thread and it finishes before you grab the mutex in main(). Your while loop will never run because signalled was already set to TRUE by the exiting thread.
I will echo #antiduh's suggestion to use a semaphore that counts the number of dead-but-not-joined threads. You then loop up to the number of threads spawned waiting on the semaphore. I'd point out that the POSIX sem_t is not like a pthread_mutex in that sem_wait can return EINTR.
Your code appears fine. You have one minor buglet:
ThreadFinishStatus.signalled==FALSE; //Reset signalled
This does nothing. It tests whether signalled is FALSE and throws away the result. That's harmless though since there's nothing you need to do. (You never want to set signalled to FALSE because that loses the fact that it was signalled. There is never any reason to unsignal it -- if a thread finished, then it's finished forever.)
Not entering the while loop means signalled is TRUE. That means the thread already set it, in which case there is no need to enter the loop because there's nothing to wait for. So that's fine.
There's no need to test the thing you just set. It's not like the set can fail.
FWIW, I would suggest re-architecting. If the existing functions like pthread_join don't do exactly what you want, just don't use them. If you're going to have structures that track what work is done, then totally separate that from thread termination. Since you will already know what work is done, what different does it make when and how threads terminate? Don't think of this as "I need a special way to know when a thread terminates" and instead think of this "I need to know what work is done so I can do other things".