ExtJS -- create separate column header menus for each column - extjs

Is there a way to create separate menus for grid column headers? One instance of the menu is shared amongst all columns, so if I check a menu item in one column, that item is shown as checked in all columns.
I know I can show/hide menu items as needed on "beforeshow", but that doesnt help here.


How to hide specific columns in the grid column menu (ExtJS 6.5.3)?

I have a grid, which has some columns that are set hidden. However, if I click on the column head and open up the menubox it shows all columns in the column section. It also includes those columns that are set hidden in the grid itself. My question is how I can remove those columns from this list as well?
You can set hidden to true and hideable to false. That will hide the column and omit it from column menu.

How to display too many columns in angular ui grid

In the angular ui grid i have too many columns to display.
Want to display extra columns as expand collapse under each row.
Which means expand/collapse button will be provided for each row and while exanding a particular row the extra columns headertemplate will b displayed along wil b displayed along with column values.
Is it poasible with angular ui grid
As far as , there is no an option for that.
You can use the following to make things work as you wish:
remove default row headers by setting to false enableExpandableRowHeader
adding a custom row header by calling $scope.gridApi.core.addRowHeaderColumn
For reference :

How to get the grid data with column title after selecting particular the column names dynamically in the grid ( UI grid)

My question here, we are using UI grid to display the data in the grid . We have columns which are dynamically displayed according to our request , so the number of columns will change . Also we can enable or disable the column which needs to displayed in the grid UI manually. Here we want to get only grid data and column title (column names) of the enabled column names on the grid ( enabling the column names in the grid is done manually) . How can we capture that?
When we tried using the export as csv or pdf available in grid options it exports only selected column and their data , but manually when we try to capture the selected column and their data we couldnt get it . (We are getting all the data in the grid .) Please help on this .We need to get only data of selected columns on the grid.

Sorting and filtering ExtJS headerless grid

I have a grid that doesn't have header. The requirement is to sort the grid manually. I have a list of columns in a combobox and radio buttons to specify column name and sort direction respectively. How can I sort that grid on a button's click? Similarly how can I hide/show columns in the same grid using the same approach(selecting columns from a list and clicking a button)?
There are API methods you can call for both your tasks.
For sorting, mind that sorting is done by store, not by grid. You can find relevant methods in Ext.data.Store documentation - search for keyword 'sort'.
For columns manipulation, you would get the column from items collection of Ext.grid.header.Container.items and then you would call show or hide method on that column.

Extjs4: Customize dropdown menu in grid column header

I wanted to customize the dropdown of each column header in a grid panel. The idea is to have a filter for each column (example:
Grades (dropdown menu shows checkbox with K,1,2,4 as a filter)
I found this solution to manipulate the dropdown menu, but problem it's that this alter all dropdown and not each one.
Add a custom button in column header dropdown menus {EXTJS 4}
I will appreciate any suggestion.
I finally end up using the "Grid Filters feature ux", something it's better to stick to the road setup by ext.
