How to get the grid data with column title after selecting particular the column names dynamically in the grid ( UI grid) - angularjs

My question here, we are using UI grid to display the data in the grid . We have columns which are dynamically displayed according to our request , so the number of columns will change . Also we can enable or disable the column which needs to displayed in the grid UI manually. Here we want to get only grid data and column title (column names) of the enabled column names on the grid ( enabling the column names in the grid is done manually) . How can we capture that?
When we tried using the export as csv or pdf available in grid options it exports only selected column and their data , but manually when we try to capture the selected column and their data we couldnt get it . (We are getting all the data in the grid .) Please help on this .We need to get only data of selected columns on the grid.


react-table column width does not get adjusted after manipulating its show property

I am showing a list of columns using a react table. I have a drop down as a first column which shows list of columns that needs to be shown/hidden. But The problem is whenever a column is being hidden by making show as false ,the table width does not get adjusted.
This is after I have hidden all the columns using settings icon , there is a lot of space after status column. I want to avoid it . I am using width property to set width for each column. I want the width to get auto adjusted
Are you using react-table? If so I found this example. I think this is what you are looking for.
react-table simple table

How to display too many columns in angular ui grid

In the angular ui grid i have too many columns to display.
Want to display extra columns as expand collapse under each row.
Which means expand/collapse button will be provided for each row and while exanding a particular row the extra columns headertemplate will b displayed along wil b displayed along with column values.
Is it poasible with angular ui grid
As far as , there is no an option for that.
You can use the following to make things work as you wish:
remove default row headers by setting to false enableExpandableRowHeader
adding a custom row header by calling $scope.gridApi.core.addRowHeaderColumn
For reference :

Limit data based on UniqueCount

I have charts on a tab, that should only show if 1 value from a column filter is selected.
For example if a field named: BUSINESS_UNIT has values of "HR","FIN","IT" The charts should only show data if 1 value is filtered on. Such as "HR."
These charts do not contain the BUSINESS_UNIT field itself.
I tried using the Limit Data Using expression, but for some reason the limit expression UniqueCount(BUSINESS_UNIT)=1 doesn't work.
How would I hide the data in the charts, unless 1 BUSINESS_UNIT is selected?
What you could do is hide the filters panel and create radio buttons on a new text area for each property to mark data. If you need help setting this up let me know. Then in your visualisations limit data using markings and show an empty visualisation if no items are marked.
One downside to this is maintenance, if the values change you will have to update the UI.
Another possible solution (untested) is to change the filter panel properties from checkboxes to radio buttons.
Filter Panel Properties:
You want it to look something like this:

Data Values not visible in the DevExpress grid

I am using DevExpress Winforms for representing my Grid Structure.
What is happening is that i'm using DevExpress in an already developed application.
I am assigning the DataSet table to DataSource in the grid layout view.
I am using XtraGrid and Column Header is in camelcase.
What is happening is that Column Headings are being displayed, it is showing that 30 entries are loaded but nothing is being displayed. As in no data value is visible.We found the issue field name is case sensitive.
How do we handle this ?
Any helps/ leads will be appreciated.
If you have visible columns and you can see rows with empty cells I'll bet the field names (GridColumn.FieldName) do not match with column names of your DataTable.
The field names have nothing to do with the header captions (GridColumn.Caption) but the caption is automatically determined out of the fieldname if it is not set to another string.

How to dynamically update summary type for grid in extjs4.1

How to dynamically update summary feature for grid in extjs4.1?
In my application the grid summary will become filled at the time of loading the page, the grid by calculating a total using the summary feature. I have a combo box drop down in the screen. If a user selects from the combo box, I need to update the grid records from store and also need to update the calculated summary value using records coming from another store.
Can anybody tell me how to do that? Thanks
Assuming that yourGridItemId is the first/only grid with this itemId, the following code should work:
